63 research outputs found

    The Effects of Blast Exposure on Protein Deimination in the Brain

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    Oxidative stress and calcium excitotoxicity are hallmarks of traumatic brain injury (TBI). While these early disruptions may be corrected over a relatively short period of time, long-lasting consequences of TBI including impaired cognition and mood imbalances can persist for years, even in the absence of any evidence of overt injury based on neuroimaging. This investigation examined the possibility that disordered protein deimination occurs as a result of TBI and may thus contribute to the long-term pathologies of TBI. Protein deimination is a calcium-activated, posttranslational modification implicated in the autoimmune diseases rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, where aberrant deimination creates antigenic epitopes that elicit an autoimmune attack. The present study utilized proteomic analyses to show that blast TBI alters the deimination status of proteins in the porcine cerebral cortex. The affected proteins represent a small subset of the entire brain proteome and include glial fibrillary acidic protein and vimentin, proteins reported to be involved in autoimmune-based pathologies. The data also indicate that blast injury is associated with an increase in immunoglobulins in the brain, possibly representing autoantibodies directed against novel protein epitopes. These findings indicate that aberrant protein deimination is a biomarker for blast TBI and may therefore underlie chronic neuropathologies of head injury

    Molecular mechanisms of increased cerebral vulnerability after repeated mild blast-induced traumatic brain injury

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    AbstractThe consequences of a mild traumatic brain injury can be especially severe if it is repeated within the period of increased cerebral vulnerability (ICV) that follows the initial insult. To better understand the molecular mechanisms that contribute to ICV, we exposed rats to different levels of mild blast overpressure (5 exposures; total pressure range: 15.54–19.41psi or 107.14–133.83kPa) at a rate of 1 per 30min, monitored select physiological parameters, and assessed behavior. Two days post-injury or sham, we determined changes in protein biomarkers related to various pathologies in behaviorally relevant brain regions and in plasma. We found that oxygen saturation and heart rate were transiently depressed following mild blast exposure and that injured rats exhibited significantly increased anxiety- and depression-related behaviors. Proteomic analyses of the selected brain regions showed evidence of substantial oxidative stress and vascular changes, altered cell adhesion, and inflammation predominantly in the prefrontal cortex. Importantly, these pathological changes as well as indications of neuronal and glial cell loss/damage were also detected in the plasma of injured rats. Our findings illustrate some of the complex molecular changes that contribute to the period of ICV in repeated mild blast-induced traumatic brain injury. Further studies are needed to determine the functional and temporal relationship between the various pathomechanisms. The validation of these and other markers can help to diagnose individuals with ICV using a minimally invasive procedure and to develop evidence-based treatments for chronic neuropsychiatric conditions

    Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Behavioral, Proteomics, and Histological Study

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    Psychological stress and traumatic brain injury (TBI) can both result in lasting neurobehavioral abnormalities. Post-traumatic stress disorder and blast induced TBI (bTBI) have become the most significant health issues in current military conflicts. Importantly, military bTBI virtually never occurs without stress. In this experiment, we assessed anxiety and spatial memory of rats at different time points after repeated exposure to stress alone or in combination with a single mild blast. At 2 months after injury or sham we analyzed the serum, prefrontal cortex (PFC), and hippocampus (HC) of all animals by proteomics and immunohistochemistry. Stressed sham animals showed an early increase in anxiety but no memory impairment at any measured time point. They had elevated levels of serum corticosterone (CORT) and hippocampal IL-6 but no other cellular or protein changes. Stressed injured animals had increased anxiety that returned to normal at 2 months and significant spatial memory impairment that lasted up to 2 months. They had elevated serum levels of CORT, CK-BB, NF-H, NSE, GFAP, and VEGF. Moreover, all of the measured protein markers were elevated in the HC and the PFC; rats had an increased number of TUNEL-positive cells in the HC and elevated GFAP and Iba1 immunoreactivity in the HC and the PFC. Our findings suggest that exposure to repeated stress alone causes a transient increase in anxiety and no significant memory impairment or cellular and molecular changes. In contrast, repeated stress and blast results in lasting behavioral, molecular, and cellular abnormalities characterized by memory impairment, neuronal and glial cell loss, inflammation, and gliosis. These findings may have implications in the development of diagnostic and therapeutic measures for conditions caused by stress or a combination of stress and bTBI

    The Effect of Enriched Environment on the Outcome of Traumatic Brain Injury; A Behavioral, Proteomics, and Histological Study

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    De novo hippocampal neurogenesis contributes to functional recovery following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Enriched environment (EEN) can improve the outcome of TBI by positively affecting neurogenesis. Blast induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI) characterized by memory impairment and increased anxiety levels, is a leading cause of chronic disability among soldiers. Using a rodent model of bTBI we asked: (a) whether long-term exposure to EEN after injury can ameliorate behavioral abnormalities and (b) what the effects of EEN are at the molecular and cellular levels and on de novo neurogenesis. We found that housing injured animals in EEN resulted in significantly improved spatial memory while animals in normal housing (NH) showed persistent memory impairment. VEGF and Tau protein but not Interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels were normalized in the dorsal hippocampus (DHC) of EEN rats while all three markers remained elevated in NH rats. Interestingly, after peaking at 6 weeks post-injury, anxiety returned to normal levels at 2 months independent of housing conditions. Housing animals in EEN had no significant effect on VEGF and Tau protein levels in the ventral hippocampus (VHC) and the amygdala (AD). We also found that EEN reduced IL-6 and IFNγ levels in the VHC; these markers remained elevated following NH. We observed an increase in GFAP and DCX immunoreactivities in the VHC of NH animals at 2 months post-injury. Conversely, injured animals housed in EEN showed no increase in GFAP or DCX immunoreactivity in their VHC. In summary, long-term exposure of injured animals to EEN appears to play a positive role in the restoration of memory functions but not on anxiety, which returned to normal levels after a significant period of time. Cellular and molecular changes in response to EEN appear to be a part of neurogenesis-independent as well as dependent recovery processes triggered by bTBI

    A Comparative Study of Two Blast-Induced Traumatic Brain Injury Models: Changes in Monoamine and Galanin Systems Following Single and Repeated Exposure

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    Repeated mild blast-induced traumatic brain injury (rmbTBI), caused by recurrent exposure to low levels of explosive blast, is a significant concern for military health systems. However, the pathobiology of rmbTBI is currently poorly understood. Animal models are important tools to identify the molecular changes of rmbTBI, but comparisons across different models can present their own challenges. In this study, we compared two well-established rodent models of mbTBI, the “KI model” and the “USU/WRAIR model.” These two models create different pulse forms, in terms of peak pressure and duration. Following single and double exposures to mild levels of blast, we used in situ hybridization (ISH) to assess changes in mRNA levels of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH2), and galanin in the locus coeruleus (LC) and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN). These systems and their transmitters are known to mediate responses to stress and anxiety. We found increased mRNA levels of TH, TPH2 and galanin in the LC and DRN of single-exposed rats relative to sham rats in the KI but not the USU/WRAIR model. Sham mRNA values measured in the USU/WRAIR model were substantially higher than their KI counterparts. Double exposure caused similarly significant increases in mRNA values in the KI model but not the USU/WRAIR model, except TPH2 and galanin levels in the DRN. We detected no cumulative effect of injury in either model at the used inter-injury interval (30 min), and there were no detectable neuropathological changes in any experimental group at 1 day post-injury. The apparent lack of early response to injury as compared to sham in the USU/WRAIR model is likely caused by stressors (e.g., transportation and noise), associated with the experimental execution, that were absent in the KI model. This study is the first to directly compare two established rodent models of rmbTBI, and to highlight the challenges of comparing findings from different animal models. Additional studies are needed to understand the role of stress, dissect the effects of psychological and physical injuries and to identify the window of increased cerebral vulnerability, i.e., the inter-injury interval that results in a cumulative effect following repeated blast exposure

    Shear Forces during Blast, Not Abrupt Changes in Pressure Alone, Generate Calcium Activity in Human Brain Cells

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    Blast-Induced Traumatic Brain Injury (bTBI) describes a spectrum of injuries caused by an explosive force that results in changes in brain function. The mechanism responsible for primary bTBI following a blast shockwave remains unknown. We have developed a pneumatic device that delivers shockwaves, similar to those known to induce bTBI, within a chamber optimal for fluorescence microscopy. Abrupt changes in pressure can be created with and without the presence of shear forces at the surface of cells. In primary cultures of human central nervous system cells, the cellular calcium response to shockwaves alone was negligible. Even when the applied pressure reached 15 atm, there was no damage or excitation, unless concomitant shear forces, peaking between 0.3 to 0.7 Pa, were present at the cell surface. The probability of cellular injury in response to a shockwave was low and cell survival was unaffected 20 hours after shockwave exposure

    Assessment of Fluid Cavitation Threshold Using a Polymeric Split Hopkinson Bar-Confinement Chamber Apparatus

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    The authors would like to acknowledge the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for financial support, and Compute Canada and Sharcnet for providing the necessary computing resources.Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) has been associated with blast exposure resulting from the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in recent and past military conflicts. Experimental and numerical models of head blast exposure have demonstrated the potential for high negative pressures occurring within the head at the contre-coup location relative to the blast exposure, and it has been hypothesized that this negative pressure could result in cavitation of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) surrounding the brain, leading to brain tissue damage. The cavitation threshold of CSF, the effect of temperature, and the effect of impurities or dissolved gases are presently unknown. In this study, a novel Polymeric Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar and confinement chamber apparatus were used to generate loading in distilled water similar to the conditions in the vicinity of the CSF during blast exposure. Cavitation was identified using high-speed imaging of the event, and a validated numerical model of the apparatus was applied to determine the pressure in the fluid during the exposure. Increasing the water temperature resulted in a decrease in the 50% probability of cavitation from 21 °C (−3320 kPa ± 3%) to 37 °C (−3195 kPa ± 5%) in agreement with the theoretical values, but was not statistically significant. Importantly, the effect of water treatment had a significant effect on the cavitation pressure for water with wetting agent (−3320 kPa ± 3%), degassed water (−1369 kPa ± 16%) and untreated distilled water (−528 kPa ± 25%). Thus, reducing dissolved gases through degassing or the use of a wetting agent significantly increases the cavitation pressure and reduces the variability of the cavitation pressure threshold

    Repeated mild blast exposure in young adult rats results in dynamic and persistent microstructural changes in the brain

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    A history of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), particularly repeated mTBI (rmTBI), has been identified as a risk factor for late-onset neurodegenerative conditions. The mild and transient nature of early symptoms often impedes diagnosis in young adults who are disproportionately affected by mTBIs. A proportion of the affected population will incur long-term behavioral and cognitive consequences but the underlying pathomechanism is currently unknown. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides sensitive and quantitative assessment of TBI-induced structural changes, including white matter injury, and may be used to predict long-term outcome. We used DTI in an animal model of blast rmTBI (rmbTBI) to quantify blast-induced structural changes at 7 and 90 days post-injury, and their evolution between the two time points. Young adult male rats (~P65 at injury) were exposed to repeated mild blast overpressure, or anesthetized as shams, and their fixed brains were imaged using high-field (7 T) MRI. We found that whole brain volumes similarly increased in injured and sham rats from 7 to 90 days. However, we detected localized volume increases in blast-exposed animals 7 days post-injury, mainly ipsilateral to incident blast waves. Affected regions included gray matter of the frontal association, cingulate, and motor cortex, thalamus, substantia nigra, and raphe nuclei (median and dorsal), as well as white matter of the internal capsule and cerebral peduncle. Conversely, we measured volume reductions in these and other regions, including the hippocampus and cerebellum, at 90 days post-injury. DTI also detected both transient and persistent microstructural changes following injury, with some changes showing distinct ipsilateral versus contralateral side differences relative to blast impact. Early changes in fractional anisotropy (FA) were subtle, becoming more prominent at 90 days in the cerebral and inferior cerebellar peduncles, and cerebellar white matter. Widespread increases in radial diffusivity (RD) and axial diffusivity (primary eigenvalue or E1) at 7 days post-injury largely subsided by 90 days, although RD was more sensitive than E1 at detecting white matter changes. E1 effects in gray and white matter, which paralleled increases in apparent diffusion, were likely more indicative of dysregulated water homeostasis than pathologic structural changes. Importantly, we found evidence for a different developmental trajectory following rmbTBI, as indicated by significant injury x age interactions on volume. Our findings demonstrate that rmbTBI initiates dynamic pathobiological processes that may negatively alter the course of late-stage neurodevelopment and adversely affect long-term cognitive and behavioral outcomes. Keywords: White matter injury, Neurodegeneration, Traumatic brain injur