23 research outputs found


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    According to modern science, the formation of stone in urinary system is one of the main problems of urology. The cause and mechanism of their formation is still uncertain. On one hand surprisingly stone does not always form when such factors are present and on the other hand stones may develop when factors are apparently absent too. Treatment of calculi in modern science is only surgery and very less medicines are available for this purpose. After surgery, the probability of reoccurrence of calculi is same as previously, so it is negative aspect of this science. But in ancient medical, after treatment and removal of stone, the chances of recurrence are rarely occurs. In this research work, subjective symptoms like pain, burning micturiton, haematuria, dysurea, tenderness and fever are reduced very significantly and their recurrence does not occurs during trial of drug. Maximum patients belong to the category of renal and ureter culculi and efficacy of drug are also maximum observe on renal and as well as ureter. On the basis of size of calculi i.e. 6 mm to >10 mm, the efficacy of drug are also observed and result exhibited as 66 percent to 100 percent. So, the overall result in this research work is that, 72 % patients are cured, 20% patients are improved and only 8% patients are unchanged. Hence, the classical medicine Anand yoga churna for Mutrashmari is best the medicine because its efficacy is very significant on both subjective and objective parameters, cast effective, easy availability and also removed the negative aspect of modern medical science i.e. recurrence of calculi.


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    The present investigation of unripe fruit of A. marmelos was done to the study their antioxidant and free radical scavenger activity in experimental gastric ulcerated animals. The rats were given EtOH extract of herbal drug Aegle marmelos fruit extract (50 to 200 mg/kg) and control drug ranitidine (50 mg/kg) orally, twice daily for 5 days and on day 6 of experiment, 1 hour prior to subjecting the animal to stress or necrotizing concentration of respective irritants. Rats were then subjected to CRS in the absence and presence of cytoprotective irritant or herbal drugs. The fundic part of the stomach is homogenized (5%) in ice cold 0.9% saline with a Potter-Elvehjem glass homogenizer for 30 sec. the homogenate were centrifuged at 8,000 rpm for 10 min followed by centrifugation of the supernatant at 12000 rpm for 15 min in a sigma laboratory centrifuges 3K30 and the obtained mitochondrial fraction and further this fraction was used for the estimation of LPO product malondialdehyde. Further SOD and CAT was estimated.The study revealed that the 50% fruit extract dose dependently protected the oxidative stress and showed a tendency to decrease in volume acid-pepsin concentration and output. Reference drug rantidine a known cytoprotective agent has little effect on volume acid and pepsin concentration and acid output but showed a significant reduced in peptic output reduced LPO level and increase SOD and CAT level. The outcome indicate that the 50% ethanolic extract of A. marmelos fruit might have protected the rat tissues from ASP, PL, CRS and alcohol induced oxidative stress through anti-oxidant mechanism

    Color matching in facial prosthetics: A systematic review

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    Color matching to the surrounding skin is extremely important in patients wearing maxillofacial prostheses. It is of utmost importance to know the different techniques of color matching and coloring in maxillofacial prostheses. The purpose of this study is to review the literature data with regard to color matching in maxillofacial prosthetics. An electronic search of peer review restricted to English language dental literature was conducted to identify the relevant scientific article on color matching and coloring in maxillofacial prostheses. The publication year was up to December 2015 so that the search could include all the articles provided in that particular database. Two independent observers independently read the abstracts and later preselected full-text articles. A full-text review was carried out only for 15 articles. Out of the 15 articles, 7 were related to coloring using tinting, spraying, milling, and use of commercial cosmetics. Three studies were related to shade matching in maxillofacial prostheses. Two studies conducted the measurement of color in maxillofacial prostheses. Only one study had explained color and its relevance in maxillofacial prosthetics. Only one study was done for reproducing silicone shade guide matching Indian skin color. In addition, a single pilot study was done to measure facial skin and lip color in a human population sample stratified by race, gender, and age. Currently, there is no evidence discussing the best technique available for perfectly matching the color for the fabrication of maxillofacial prostheses. However, the latest instruments such as spectrophotometer and colorimeters are believed to have improved efficiency in matching the color

    A revised technique for fabrication of hollow mandibular denture: A solution to severely resorbed residual ridge

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    Purpose: Prosthodontic rehabilitation of elderly patients with severely resorbed ridges is difficult due to compromised ridge height, increased inter-arch distance and altered insertion of associated jaw muscles. Planning dentures in such cases often require dentures that are lightweight to reduce the risk of further ridge resorption, which could otherwise complicate the situation. The purpose of the present technique is to fabricate a light weight lower denture by a revision of previously described technique in the literature. Materials and Methods: This article elucidates a simple technique for the fabrication of lightweight denture (hollow denture) in elderly patients with severely resorbed mandibular ridge. The minimum thickness of denture base acrylic resin for structural durability is ensured by a wax shim of 2 mm. The adequate hollow space indenture for optimal weight reduction is created by condensation silicone impression material. Conclusion: Condensation silicone putty material can be successfully used as a spacer for hollow dentures to combat severe ridge resorption

    A retrospective study to compare improvement of implant maintenance by Medical Treatment Model

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    Background: Study comparing the improvement of implant maintenance is limited. Clinicians must be aware of implant maintenance to improve long-term success of implant. Aims: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate whether the Medical Treatment Model (MTM), which is a comprehensive treatment, includes initial risk assessment, lifestyle instructions, such as diet and habits, and a customized maintenance program to improve implant prognosis. Materials and Methods: Patients who were comprehensively treated were included and divided into two groups, test and control groups. The test group included patients who started treatment with MTM, whereas control group included patients who started treatment without MTM introduction. Moreover, subsequently, compliance with maintenance, occurrence of biological complications, and implant failure were evaluated. Results: About 199 patients with 515 implants were analyzed in the control group and 38 patients with 59 implants in the test group. In the control and test groups, the percentages of patients in the four compliance categories were, respectively, 73.9% and 89.5% for excellent compliance, 7.0% and 7.9% for good compliance, 14.6% and 0% for fair compliance, and 4.5% and 2.6% for poor compliance. There was a statistically significant difference in the compliance with periodontal and implant maintenance between the test and control groups (P = 0.029). Conclusions: Within the limitation of this study, MTM significantly enhanced the compliance of patients treated with implants