33 research outputs found

    Characteristics of butt welding imperfections joint using co-occurrence matrix

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    1164-1169The goal of this paper is to study the characteristics of the butt joint imperfections with different types of joint shapes (curve, straight and tooth saw work piece) according to their class categories (good welds, excess welds, insufficient welds and no welds). The work piece is placed in a center position on the workbench. The distance between camera and workpiece is set as 300 mm during welding imperfections process and the entire work piece image is taken from the same distance to maintain the accuracy. The input feature vector is determined by feature co-occurrence matrix consisting of energy, correlation, homogeneity and contrast both no scaled and scaled by 0.5. Results show that no welds class categories exhibit higher homogeneity compared to the other class categories. This is because the homogeneity value depends on bright and dark parts of a certain size and also include some changes from dark to bright. Meanwhile, insufficient welds class categories produced larger contrast value, but good weld class categories recorded higher contrast value

    Retracted: Classification of the quality level imperfection for butt welding joint using mlp classifier

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    This article was withdrawn and retracted by the Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences and has been removed from AJOL at the request of the journal Editor in Chief and the organisers of the conference at which the articles were presented (www.iccmit.net). Please address any queries to [email protected]

    Kesan testosteron terhadap larva ascaris suum pada mencit

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    Kesan testosteron terhadap bebanan dan pertumbuhan larva Ascaris suum telah dikaji. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pengaruh testosteron terhadap infeksi A. suum adalah bergantung kepada takaran hormon yang diberikan. Didapati hanya takaran 0.5 mg testosteron propionat (TP) yang diberikan selama 18 hari meninggikan kerentanan mencit (66.2 ± 11.15 larva) (min ± S.E.) terhadap infeksi parasit jika dibandingkan dengan kawalan (38.0 ± 7.13 larva) (P>0.05). Takaran testosteron yang lebih tinggi (1.0, 2.5 atau 5.0 mg TP) tidak menunjukkan kesan yang jelas. Hasil percubaan juga menunjukkan bahawa pemberian hormon (0.5 mg TP) selama 7 hari boleh meningkatkan kerentanan perumah (86.1 ± 5.86 larva) terhadap infeksi A. Summ. Perbandingan dengan kawalan (14.6 ± 1.71 larva) dan menunjukkan perbezaan yang nyata pada P < 0.001. Begitujuga dengan pemberian hormon selama 14 dan 28 hari. Sebaliknya gonadektomi telah mengurangkan kerentanan mencit terhadap infeksi A. suum. Walau bagaimanapun, kesan sebaliknya didapati apabila mencit yang gonadektomi itu diberi suntikan 0.5 mg TP (P < 0.001). Hormon testosteron dipercayai mempengaruhi corak infeksi parasit secara tidak langsung dengan mempengaruhi perkembangan organ-organ limfoid

    Retracted: Power system stability enhancement using different facts devices: a review

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    This article was withdrawn and retracted by the Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences and has been removed from AJOL at the request of the journal Editor in Chief and the organisers of the conference at which the articles were presented (www.iccmit.net). Please address any queries to [email protected]

    Retracted: Integrated rfid technology and wireless mesh network platform for boarding school management

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    This article was withdrawn and retracted by the Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences and has been removed from AJOL at the request of the journal Editor in Chief and the organisers of the conference at which the articles were presented (www.iccmit.net). Please address any queries to [email protected]