18 research outputs found

    Interaction of Lamb Waves with Domain Walls in an Iron Borate Plate

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    This work presents the calculation results of the Lamb wave spectra in a plate of iron borate. Experimental data on how flexural vibrations in a borate plate influence its domain structure are provided

    Method for the Determination of Magnetoelastic and Elastic Constants of Weak Ferromagnets

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    Excitation of flexible vibrations in weak ferromagnets plaes in an external magnetic field is experimentally investigated. It is proposed to use dependence of resonant frequencies on a magnetic field for tunable source of flexural vibrations. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3367

    Electrodynamic characteristics of high order modes in biperiodic accelerating structure

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    The influence of coupling slot number and geometric sizes, and diaphragm thickness between cells on electrodynamic characteristics (EDC) of biperiodic accelerating structure (BAS) on main and dipole oscillation modes are investigated. The research is executed with the help of solution of a three-dimensional problem by computing methods. The adjustment possibilities of dipole mode frequency to keep out from the condition of multiplicity to frequency of working mode of oscillation were shown

    Characteristic calculation of directional coupler for accelerator high-power feeders

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    The calculation results of directional couplers with connection via the waveguide common narrow wall with a coupling factor of 3.0 decibels, directivity no less than 20 decibels, adjustment of coupling factor at 1 decibels are presented. The adjustment is carried out with the help of cylindrical plungers, moving inside of waveguides on the part of broad walls in the location of the connection slot, and prismatic plungers, moving in rectangular waveguides connected to narrow walls opposite to a slot of connection. The device as a magic tee with movable throttle pistons in Е- and Н-plane arms permitting to match any load is designed too. The calculations are executed for devices operating at frequencies of 2.797 and 1.3 GHz

    Microwave feeding system elements of superconducting linear collider cavities

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    The calculation and experimental results for a magic tee with movable choke plungers in Е- and Н -arms for tuning the coupling-factor and RF phase of high-power accelerating cavities are presented. The investigations were carried out at 1.3 GHz. The so-called E-H tuner shall provide the possibility of independent external Q-factor and RF phase adjustment for the TESLA cavity structures.Приведено результати розрахунку й експериментального дослідження ЕН-узгоджувача і регульованих спрямованих ответвителей, розраховані на роботу на частоті 1,3 ГГц при імпульсній потужності 1...5 М Вт. Ен-узгоджувач дозволяє незалежно змінювати зовнішню добротність надпровідних прискорюючих резонаторів лінійного надпровідних коллайдера TESLA і фазу хвилі, що підводять до резонаторів. У якості такого узгоджувача імпедансів використовується погоджений подвійний хвильовий трійник, у плечах Е и Н якого передбачені рухливі короткозамикачі.Приведены результаты расчета и экспериментального исследования ЕН согласователя и регулируемых направленных ответвителей, рассчитанные на работу на частоте 1,3 ГГц при импульсной мощности 1...5 МВт. ЕН-согласователь позволяет независимо изменять внешнюю добротность сверхпроводящих ускоряющих резонаторов линейного сверхпроводящего коллайдера TESLA и фазу волны, подводимой к резонаторам. В качестве такого согласователя импедансов используется согласованный двойной волноводный тройник, в плечах Е и Н которого предусмотрены подвижные короткозамыкатели

    JINR-IAP FEM oscillator with Bragg resonator

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    A FEM-oscillator with a reversed guide magnetic field and a Bragg resonator as a RF radiation source for collider applications was studied. The configuration with a step of the corrugation phase is proved to be advantageous. It possesses such features as a high efficiency, precise tunability of the operating frequency and a narrow spectral band. It is demonstrated experimentally that such an oscillator is capable of operating at frequencies of ~30 GHz in single-mode regime with the frequency tuning in interval up to 6%. Frequency and spectrum measurements have been performed with precision of ~0.1%

    JINR activity in microwave sources for TeV range linear colliders

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    Results of theoretical and experimental studies of the microwave radiation sources on the base of the induction linac LIU-3000 (JINR, Dubna) are presented. In particular, a FEM-oscillator with the reversed guide magnetic field and Bragg resonator as well as an electron beam buncher in the two-beam accelerator (TBA) driver was studied