5 research outputs found

    Differential effects of spring reacclimation and deacclimation on cell membranes of Norway spruce seedlings

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    Two-year-old seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies) during spring deacclimation were subjected to controlled reacclimation by exposure to low temperatures of 4/−3°C (day/night) in a cold room. The highest increase in freezing tolerance (by 7°C) was observed after 12 d of low temperature exposure, when shoot water potential (ιw shoot) decreased to 0.64 MPa. The process of reacclimation was accompanied by an increase in the phospholipid content of needle cell membranes. This increase applied to total (PL) and individual phospholipids: phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidic acid (PA). After being exposed to the low temperature for 18 d, the seedlings were moved into the open air. This caused deacclimation, with an increase in ιw shoot to −0.36 MPa and a decrease in the total phospholipid content and freezing tolerance of the needles. Significant correlations were observed between freezing tolerance, the membrane permeability (MP) of the needles and the phospholipid content, ιw shoot and water content of the needles. The results show that during spring deacclimation, Norway spruce seedlings can be subjected to reacclimation, which is reflected in the phospholipid content, the biophysical changes of the membranes, and the freezing tolerance of the seedlings. During both spring deacclimation and reacclimation, water content in the needles plays a critical role in the cold tolerance of spruce seedlings

    Effect of freezing desiccation on cold hardiness, ROS, membrane lipid levels and antioxidant status in spruce seedlings

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    The symptoms of oxidative stress and antioxidative response were investigated on Norway spruce seedlings subjected to freezing desiccation conditions. Three-year-old seedlings were exposed to freezing desiccation at -3oC and -10oC for 45 days in two acclimation stages: autumn (October) and winter (January). The stress enhanced the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS): superoxide radical anion (O2.-), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Concentrations of low molecular antioxidants: glutathione (GSH), ascorbic acid (AsA) and a-tocopherol declined at both low temperatures and acclimation stages. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased with ROS production, while guaiacol peroxidase (POX) activity decreased. The freeze-induced desiccation of needles was significantly correlated with the cold hardiness (LT50), the level of low-molecular antioxidants, and POX activity, but not with SOD activity. Under extreme freezing desiccation conditions, these reactions continued, leading to the degradation of membrane phospholipids and a strong decrease in cold hardiness. The results show that membranes are the primary site of injury induced by ROS, produced under the influence of low temperature combined with dehydration. The acclimation response of Norway spruce needles to the oxidative stress generated by long-term cold and/or freezing desiccation is discussed

    Ecophysiological and phytochemical responses of Salvia sinaloensis Fern. to drought stress

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    Abstract Salvia sinaloensis Fern. (sage) is a medicinal plant containing plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) with antioxidant properties. The current study investigated the effects of drought stress on S. sinaloensis morphological and ecophysiological traits, and active constituent production. Sage plants were cultivated in controlled conditions for 34 days and exposed to full irrigation as control, half irrigation, or no irrigation. Changes in growth index (G.I.), dry biomass, leaf water potential (LWP), physiological parameters, active compounds, volatilome (BVOCs) and essential oils (EOs) were determined. Not irrigated plants showed a decrease in total chlorophyll content (~ − 14.7%) and growth (G.I., ~ − 59.4%) from day 18, and dry biomass at day 21 (− 56%), when the complete leaf withering occurred (LWP, − 1.10 MPa). Moderate drought stressed plants showed similar trends for chlorophyll content and growth but kept a constant LWP (− 0.35 MPa) and dry biomass throughout the experiment, as control plants. Carotenoids were not affected by water regimes. The photosynthetic apparatus tolerated mild to severe water deficits, without a complete stomatal closure. Plants under both stress conditions increased the percentage of phenols and flavonoids and showed altered BVOC and EO chemical profiles. Interestingly Camphor, the main EO oxygenated monoterpene, increased in moderate stressed plants while the sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Germacrene D decreased. The same trend was seen in the headspace under stress severity. The data evidenced a possible role of the active molecules in the response of S. sinaloensis plants to drought stress. Taking together, these findings point at S. sinaloensis as a potential drought adaptive species, which could be used in breeding strategies to obtain sages with high quality PSMs,saving irrigation water

    Machine Learning Identifies Stemness Features Associated with Oncogenic Dedifferentiation

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    none747siCancer progression involves the gradual loss of a differentiated phenotype and acquisition of progenitor and stem-cell-like features. Here, we provide novel stemness indices for assessing the degree of oncogenic dedifferentiation. We used an innovative one-class logistic regression (OCLR) machine-learning algorithm to extract transcriptomic and epigenetic feature sets derived from non-transformed pluripotent stem cells and their differentiated progeny. Using OCLR, we were able to identify previously undiscovered biological mechanisms associated with the dedifferentiated oncogenic state. Analyses of the tumor microenvironment revealed unanticipated correlation of cancer stemness with immune checkpoint expression and infiltrating immune cells. We found that the dedifferentiated oncogenic phenotype was generally most prominent in metastatic tumors. Application of our stemness indices to single-cell data revealed patterns of intra-tumor molecular heterogeneity. Finally, the indices allowed for the identification of novel targets and possible targeted therapies aimed at tumor differentiation. Stemness features extracted from transcriptomic and epigenetic data from TCGA tumors reveal novel biological and clinical insight, as well as potential drug targets for anti-cancer therapies.openMalta T.M.; Sokolov A.; Gentles A.J.; Burzykowski T.; Poisson L.; Weinstein J.N.; Kaminska B.; Huelsken J.; Omberg L.; Gevaert O.; Colaprico A.; Czerwinska P.; Mazurek S.; Mishra L.; Heyn H.; Krasnitz A.; Godwin A.K.; Lazar A.J.; Caesar-Johnson S.J.; Demchok J.A.; Felau I.; Kasapi M.; Ferguson M.L.; Hutter C.M.; Sofia H.J.; Tarnuzzer R.; Wang Z.; Yang L.; Zenklusen J.C.; Zhang J.J.; Chudamani S.; Liu J.; Lolla L.; Naresh R.; Pihl T.; Sun Q.; Wan Y.; Wu Y.; Cho J.; DeFreitas T.; Frazer S.; Gehlenborg N.; Getz G.; Heiman D.I.; Kim J.; Lawrence M.S.; Lin P.; Meier S.; Noble M.S.; Saksena G.; Voet D.; Zhang H.; Bernard B.; Chambwe N.; Dhankani V.; Knijnenburg T.; Kramer R.; Leinonen K.; Liu Y.; Miller M.; Reynolds S.; Shmulevich I.; Thorsson V.; Zhang W.; Akbani R.; Broom B.M.; Hegde A.M.; Ju Z.; Kanchi R.S.; Korkut A.; Li J.; Liang H.; Ling S.; Liu W.; Lu Y.; Mills G.B.; Ng K.-S.; Rao A.; Ryan M.; Wang J.; Weinstein J.N.; Zhang J.; Abeshouse A.; Armenia J.; Chakravarty D.; Chatila W.K.; de Bruijn I.; Gao J.; Gross B.E.; Heins Z.J.; Kundra R.; La K.; Ladanyi M.; Luna A.; Nissan M.G.; Ochoa A.; Phillips S.M.; Reznik E.; Sanchez-Vega F.; Sander C.; Schultz N.; Sheridan R.; Sumer S.O.; Sun Y.; Taylor B.S.; Wang J.; Zhang H.; Anur P.; Peto M.; Spellman P.; Benz C.; Stuart J.M.; Wong C.K.; Yau C.; Hayes D.N.; Parker J.S.; Wilkerson M.D.; Ally A.; Balasundaram M.; Bowlby R.; Brooks D.; Carlsen R.; Chuah E.; Dhalla N.; Holt R.; Jones S.J.M.; Kasaian K.; Lee D.; Ma Y.; Marra M.A.; Mayo M.; Moore R.A.; Mungall A.J.; Mungall K.; Robertson A.G.; Sadeghi S.; Schein J.E.; Sipahimalani P.; Tam A.; Thiessen N.; Tse K.; Wong T.; Berger A.C.; Beroukhim R.; Cherniack A.D.; Cibulskis C.; Gabriel S.B.; Gao G.F.; Ha G.; Meyerson M.; Schumacher S.E.; Shih J.; Kucherlapati M.H.; Kucherlapati R.S.; Baylin S.; Cope L.; Danilova L.; Bootwalla M.S.; Lai P.H.; Maglinte D.T.; Van Den Berg D.J.; Weisenberger D.J.; Auman J.T.; Balu S.; Bodenheimer T.; Fan C.; Hoadley K.A.; Hoyle A.P.; Jefferys S.R.; Jones C.D.; Meng S.; Mieczkowski P.A.; Mose L.E.; Perou A.H.; Perou C.M.; Roach J.; Shi Y.; Simons J.V.; Skelly T.; Soloway M.G.; Tan D.; Veluvolu U.; Fan H.; Hinoue T.; Laird P.W.; Shen H.; Zhou W.; Bellair M.; Chang K.; Covington K.; Creighton C.J.; Dinh H.; Doddapaneni H.; Donehower L.A.; Drummond J.; Gibbs R.A.; Glenn R.; Hale W.; Han Y.; Hu J.; Korchina V.; Lee S.; Lewis L.; Li W.; Liu X.; Morgan M.; Morton D.; Muzny D.; Santibanez J.; Sheth M.; Shinbrot E.; Wang L.; Wang M.; Wheeler D.A.; Xi L.; Zhao F.; Hess J.; Appelbaum E.L.; Bailey M.; Cordes M.G.; Ding L.; Fronick C.C.; Fulton L.A.; Fulton R.S.; Kandoth C.; Mardis E.R.; McLellan M.D.; Miller C.A.; Schmidt H.K.; Wilson R.K.; Crain D.; Curley E.; Gardner J.; Lau K.; Mallery D.; Morris S.; Paulauskis J.; Penny R.; Shelton C.; Shelton T.; Sherman M.; Thompson E.; Yena P.; Bowen J.; Gastier-Foster J.M.; Gerken M.; Leraas K.M.; Lichtenberg T.M.; Ramirez N.C.; Wise L.; Zmuda E.; Corcoran N.; Costello T.; Hovens C.; Carvalho A.L.; de Carvalho A.C.; Fregnani J.H.; Longatto-Filho A.; Reis R.M.; Scapulatempo-Neto C.; Silveira H.C.S.; Vidal D.O.; Burnette A.; Eschbacher J.; Hermes B.; Noss A.; Singh R.; Anderson M.L.; Castro P.D.; Ittmann M.; Huntsman D.; Kohl B.; Le X.; Thorp R.; Andry C.; Duffy E.R.; Lyadov V.; Paklina O.; Setdikova G.; Shabunin A.; Tavobilov M.; McPherson C.; Warnick R.; Berkowitz R.; Cramer D.; Feltmate C.; Horowitz N.; Kibel A.; Muto M.; Raut C.P.; Malykh A.; Barnholtz-Sloan J.S.; Barrett W.; Devine K.; Fulop J.; Ostrom Q.T.; Shimmel K.; Wolinsky Y.; Sloan A.E.; De Rose A.; Giuliante F.; Goodman M.; Karlan B.Y.; Hagedorn C.H.; Eckman J.; Harr J.; Myers J.; Tucker K.; Zach L.A.; Deyarmin B.; Hu H.; Kvecher L.; Larson C.; Mural R.J.; Somiari S.; Vicha A.; Zelinka T.; Bennett J.; Iacocca M.; Rabeno B.; Swanson P.; Latour M.; Lacombe L.; Tetu B.; Bergeron A.; McGraw M.; Staugaitis S.M.; Chabot J.; Hibshoosh H.; Sepulveda A.; Su T.; Wang T.; Potapova O.; Voronina O.; Desjardins L.; Mariani O.; Roman-Roman S.; Sastre X.; Stern M.-H.; Cheng F.; Signoretti S.; Berchuck A.; Bigner D.; Lipp E.; Marks J.; McCall S.; McLendon R.; Secord A.; Sharp A.; Behera M.; Brat D.J.; Chen A.; Delman K.; Force S.; Khuri F.; Magliocca K.; Maithel S.; Olson J.J.; Owonikoko T.; Pickens A.; Ramalingam S.; Shin D.M.; Sica G.; Van Meir E.G.; Zhang H.; Eijckenboom W.; Gillis A.; Korpershoek E.; Looijenga L.; Oosterhuis W.; Stoop H.; van Kessel K.E.; Zwarthoff E.C.; Calatozzolo C.; Cuppini L.; Cuzzubbo S.; DiMeco F.; Finocchiaro G.; Mattei L.; Perin A.; Pollo B.; Chen C.; Houck J.; Lohavanichbutr P.; Hartmann A.; Stoehr C.; Stoehr R.; Taubert H.; Wach S.; Wullich B.; Kycler W.; Murawa D.; Wiznerowicz M.; Chung K.; Edenfield W.J.; Martin J.; Baudin E.; Bubley G.; Bueno R.; De Rienzo A.; Richards W.G.; Kalkanis S.; Mikkelsen T.; Noushmehr H.; Scarpace L.; Girard N.; Aymerich M.; Campo E.; Gine E.; Guillermo A.L.; Van Bang N.; Hanh P.T.; Phu B.D.; Tang Y.; Colman H.; Evason K.; Dottino P.R.; Martignetti J.A.; Gabra H.; Juhl H.; Akeredolu T.; Stepa S.; Hoon D.; Ahn K.; Kang K.J.; Beuschlein F.; Breggia A.; Birrer M.; Bell D.; Borad M.; Bryce A.H.; Castle E.; Chandan V.; Cheville J.; Copland J.A.; Farnell M.; Flotte T.; Giama N.; Ho T.; Kendrick M.; Kocher J.-P.; Kopp K.; Moser C.; Nagorney D.; O'Brien D.; O'Neill B.P.; Patel T.; Petersen G.; Que F.; Rivera M.; Roberts L.; Smallridge R.; Smyrk T.; Stanton M.; Thompson R.H.; Torbenson M.; Yang J.D.; Zhang L.; Brimo F.; Ajani J.A.; Gonzalez A.M.A.; Behrens C.; Bondaruk J.; Broaddus R.; Czerniak B.; Esmaeli B.; Fujimoto J.; Gershenwald J.; Guo C.; Logothetis C.; Meric-Bernstam F.; Moran C.; Ramondetta L.; Rice D.; Sood A.; Tamboli P.; Thompson T.; Troncoso P.; Tsao A.; Wistuba I.; Carter C.; Haydu L.; Hersey P.; Jakrot V.; Kakavand H.; Kefford R.; Lee K.; Long G.; Mann G.; Quinn M.; Saw R.; Scolyer R.; Shannon K.; Spillane A.; Stretch J.; Synott M.; Thompson J.; Wilmott J.; Al-Ahmadie H.; Chan T.A.; Ghossein R.; Gopalan A.; Levine D.A.; Reuter V.; Singer S.; Singh B.; Tien N.V.; Broudy T.; Mirsaidi C.; Nair P.; Drwiega P.; Miller J.; Smith J.; Zaren H.; Park J.-W.; Hung N.P.; Kebebew E.; Linehan W.M.; Metwalli A.R.; Pacak K.; Pinto P.A.; Schiffman M.; Schmidt L.S.; Vocke C.D.; Wentzensen N.; Worrell R.; Yang H.; Moncrieff M.; Goparaju C.; Melamed J.; Pass H.; Botnariuc N.; Caraman I.; Cernat M.; Chemencedji I.; Clipca A.; Doruc S.; Gorincioi G.; Mura S.; Pirtac M.; Stancul I.; Tcaciuc D.; Albert M.; Alexopoulou I.; Arnaout A.; Bartlett J.; Engel J.; Gilbert S.; Parfitt J.; Sekhon H.; Thomas G.; Rassl D.M.; Rintoul R.C.; Bifulco C.; Tamakawa R.; Urba W.; Hayward N.; Timmers H.; Antenucci A.; Facciolo F.; Grazi G.; Marino M.; Merola R.; de Krijger R.; Gimenez-Roqueplo A.-P.; Piche A.; Chevalier S.; McKercher G.; Birsoy K.; Barnett G.; Brewer C.; Farver C.; Naska T.; Pennell N.A.; Raymond D.; Schilero C.; Smolenski K.; Williams F.; Morrison C.; Borgia J.A.; Liptay M.J.; Pool M.; Seder C.W.; Junker K.; Omberg L.; Dinkin M.; Manikhas G.; Alvaro D.; Bragazzi M.C.; Cardinale V.; Carpino G.; Gaudio E.; Chesla D.; Cottingham S.; Dubina M.; Moiseenko F.; Dhanasekaran R.; Becker K.-F.; Janssen K.-P.; Slotta-Huspenina J.; Abdel-Rahman M.H.; Aziz D.; Bell S.; Cebulla C.M.; Davis A.; Duell R.; Elder J.B.; Hilty J.; Kumar B.; Lang J.; Lehman N.L.; Mandt R.; Nguyen P.; Pilarski R.; Rai K.; Schoenfield L.; Senecal K.; Wakely P.; Hansen P.; Lechan R.; Powers J.; Tischler A.; Grizzle W.E.; Sexton K.C.; Kastl A.; Henderson J.; Porten S.; Waldmann J.; Fassnacht M.; Asa S.L.; Schadendorf D.; Couce M.; Graefen M.; Huland H.; Sauter G.; Schlomm T.; Simon R.; Tennstedt P.; Olabode O.; Nelson M.; Bathe O.; Carroll P.R.; Chan J.M.; Disaia P.; Glenn P.; Kelley R.K.; Landen C.N.; Phillips J.; Prados M.; Simko J.; Smith-McCune K.; VandenBerg S.; Roggin K.; Fehrenbach A.; Kendler A.; Sifri S.; Steele R.; Jimeno A.; Carey F.; Forgie I.; Mannelli M.; Carney M.; Hernandez B.; Campos B.; Herold-Mende C.; Jungk C.; Unterberg A.; von Deimling A.; Bossler A.; Galbraith J.; Jacobus L.; Knudson M.; Knutson T.; Ma D.; Milhem M.; Sigmund R.; Godwin A.K.; Madan R.; Rosenthal H.G.; Adebamowo C.; Adebamowo S.N.; Boussioutas A.; Beer D.; Giordano T.; Mes-Masson A.-M.; Saad F.; Bocklage T.; Landrum L.; Mannel R.; Moore K.; Moxley K.; Postier R.; Walker J.; Zuna R.; Feldman M.; Valdivieso F.; Dhir R.; Luketich J.; Pinero E.M.M.; Quintero-Aguilo M.; Carlotti C.G.; Dos Santos J.S.; Kemp R.; Sankarankuty A.; Tirapelli D.; Catto J.; Agnew K.; Swisher E.; Creaney J.; Robinson B.; Shelley C.S.; Godwin E.M.; Kendall S.; Shipman C.; Bradford C.; Carey T.; Haddad A.; Moyer J.; Peterson L.; Prince M.; Rozek L.; Wolf G.; Bowman R.; Fong K.M.; Yang I.; Korst R.; Rathmell W.K.; Fantacone-Campbell J.L.; Hooke J.A.; Kovatich A.J.; Shriver C.D.; DiPersio J.; Drake B.; Govindan R.; Heath S.; Ley T.; Van Tine B.; Westervelt P.; Rubin M.A.; Lee J.I.; Aredes N.D.; Mariamidze A.; Stuart J.M.; Hoadley K.A.; Laird P.W.; Noushmehr H.; Wiznerowicz M.Malta T.M.; Sokolov A.; Gentles A.J.; Burzykowski T.; Poisson L.; Weinstein J.N.; Kaminska B.; Huelsken J.; Omberg L.; Gevaert O.; Colaprico A.; Czerwinska P.; Mazurek S.; Mishra L.; Heyn H.; Krasnitz A.; Godwin A.K.; Lazar A.J.; Caesar-Johnson S.J.; Demchok J.A.; Felau I.; Kasapi M.; Ferguson M.L.; Hutter C.M.; Sofia H.J.; Tarnuzzer R.; Wang Z.; Yang L.; Zenklusen J.C.; Zhang J.J.; Chudamani S.; Liu J.; Lolla L.; Naresh R.; Pihl T.; Sun Q.; Wan Y.; Wu Y.; Cho J.; DeFreitas T.; Frazer S.; Gehlenborg N.; Getz G.; Heiman D.I.; Kim J.; Lawrence M.S.; Lin P.; Meier S.; Noble M.S.; Saksena G.; Voet D.; Zhang H.; Bernard B.; Chambwe N.; Dhankani V.; Knijnenburg T.; Kramer R.; Leinonen K.; Liu Y.; Miller M.; Reynolds S.; Shmulevich I.; Thorsson V.; Zhang W.; Akbani R.; Broom B.M.; Hegde A.M.; Ju Z.; Kanchi R.S.; Korkut A.; Li J.; Liang H.; Ling S.; Liu W.; Lu Y.; Mills G.B.; Ng K.-S.; Rao A.; Ryan M.; Wang J.; Weinstein J.N.; Zhang J.; Abeshouse A.; Armenia J.; Chakravarty D.; Chatila W.K.; de Bruijn I.; Gao J.; Gross B.E.; Heins Z.J.; Kundra R.; La K.; Ladanyi M.; Luna A.; Nissan M.G.; Ochoa A.; Phillips S.M.; Reznik E.; Sanchez-Vega F.; Sander C.; Schultz N.; Sheridan R.; Sumer S.O.; Sun Y.; Taylor B.S.; Wang J.; Zhang H.; Anur P.; Peto M.; Spellman P.; Benz C.; Stuart J.M.; Wong C.K.; Yau C.; Hayes D.N.; Parker J.S.; Wilkerson M.D.; Ally A.; Balasundaram M.; Bowlby R.; Brooks D.; Carlsen R.; Chuah E.; Dhalla N.; Holt R.; Jones S.J.M.; Kasaian K.; Lee D.; Ma Y.; Marra M.A.; Mayo M.; Moore R.A.; Mungall A.J.; Mungall K.; Robertson A.G.; Sadeghi S.; Schein J.E.; Sipahimalani P.; Tam A.; Thiessen N.; Tse K.; Wong T.; Berger A.C.; Beroukhim R.; Cherniack A.D.; Cibulskis C.; Gabriel S.B.; Gao G.F.; Ha G.; Meyerson M.; Schumacher S.E.; Shih J.; Kucherlapati M.H.; Kucherlapati R.S.; Baylin S.; Cope L.; Danilova L.; Bootwalla M.S.; Lai P.H.; Maglinte D.T.; Van Den Berg D.J.; Weisenberger D.J.; Auman J.T.; Balu S.; Bodenheimer T.; Fan C.; Hoadley K.A.; Hoyle A.P.; Jefferys S.R.; Jones C.D.; Meng S.; Mieczkowski P.A.; Mose L.E.; Perou A.H.; Perou C.M.; Roach J.; Shi Y.; Simons J.V.; Skelly T.; Soloway M.G.; Tan D.; Veluvolu U.; Fan H.; Hinoue T.; Laird P.W.; Shen H.; Zhou W.; Bellair M.; Chang K.; Covington K.; Creighton C.J.; Dinh H.; Doddapaneni H.; Donehower L.A.; Drummond J.; Gibbs R.A.; Glenn R.; Hale W.; Han Y.; Hu J.; Korchina V.; Lee S.; Lewis L.; Li W.; Liu X.; Morgan M.; Morton D.; Muzny D.; Santibanez J.; Sheth M.; Shinbrot E.; Wang L.; Wang M.; Wheeler D.A.; Xi L.; Zhao F.; Hess J.; Appelbaum E.L.; Bailey M.; Cordes M.G.; Ding L.; Fronick C.C.; Fulton L.A.; Fulton R.S.; Kandoth C.; Mardis E.R.; McLellan M.D.; Miller C.A.; Schmidt H.K.; Wilson R.K.; Crain D.; Curley E.; Gardner J.; Lau K.; Mallery D.; Morris S.; Paulauskis J.; Penny R.; Shelton C.; Shelton T.; Sherman M.; Thompson E.; Yena P.; Bowen J.; Gastier-Foster J.M.; Gerken M.; Leraas K.M.; Lichtenberg T.M.; Ramirez N.C.; Wise L.; Zmuda E.; Corcoran N.; Costello T.; Hovens C.; Carvalho A.L.; de Carvalho A.C.; Fregnani J.H.; Longatto-Filho A.; Reis R.M.; Scapulatempo-Neto C.; Silveira H.C.S.; Vidal D.O.; Burnette A.; Eschbacher J.; Hermes B.; Noss A.; Singh R.; Anderson M.L.; Castro P.D.; Ittmann M.; Huntsman D.; Kohl B.; Le X.; Thorp R.; Andry C.; Duffy E.R.; Lyadov V.; Paklina O.; Setdikova G.; Shabunin A.; Tavobilov M.; McPherson C.; Warnick R.; Berkowitz R.; Cramer D.; Feltmate C.; Horowitz N.; Kibel A.; Muto M.; Raut C.P.; Malykh A.; Barnholtz-Sloan J.S.; Barrett W.; Devine K.; Fulop J.; Ostrom Q.T.; Shimmel K.; Wolinsky Y.; Sloan A.E.; De Rose A.; Giuliante F.; Goodman M.; Karlan B.Y.; Hagedorn C.H.; Eckman J.; Harr J.; Myers J.; Tucker K.; Zach L.A.; Deyarmin B.; Hu H.; Kvecher L.; Larson C.; Mural R.J.; Somiari S.; Vicha A.; Zelinka T.; Bennett J.; Iacocca M.; Rabeno B.; Swanson P.; Latour M.; Lacombe L.; Tetu B.; Bergeron A.; McGraw M.; Staugaitis S.M.; Chabot J.; Hibshoosh H.; Sepulveda A.; Su T.; Wang T.; Potapova O.; Voronina O.; Desjardins L.; Mariani O.; Roman-Roman S.; Sastre X.; Stern M.-H.; Cheng F.; Signoretti S.; Berchuck A.; Bigner D.; Lipp E.; Marks J.; McCall S.; McLendon R.; Secord A.; Sharp A.; Behera M.; Brat D.J.; Chen A.; Delman K.; Force S.; Khuri F.; Magliocca K.; Maithel S.; Olson J.J.; Owonikoko T.; Pickens A.; Ramalingam S.; Shin D.M.; Sica G.; Van Meir E.G.; Zhang H.; Eijckenboom W.; Gillis A.; Korpershoek E.; Looijenga L.; Oosterhuis W.; Stoop H.; van Kessel K.E.; Zwarthoff E.C.; Calatozzolo C.; Cuppini L.; Cuzzubbo S.; DiMeco F.; Finocchiaro G.; Mattei L.; Perin A.; Pollo B.; Chen C.; Houck J.; Lohavanichbutr P.; Hartmann A.; Stoehr C.; Stoehr R.; Taubert H.; Wach S.; Wullich B.; Kycler W.; Murawa D.; Wiznerowicz M.; Chung K.; Edenfield W.J.; Martin J.; Baudin E.; Bubley G.; Bueno R.; De Rienzo A.; Richards W.G.; Kalkanis S.; Mikkelsen T.; Noushmehr H.; Scarpace L.; Girard N.; Aymerich M.; Campo E.; Gine E.; Guillermo A.L.; Van Bang N.; Hanh P.T.; Phu B.D.; Tang Y.; Colman H.; Evason K.; Dottino P.R.; Martignetti J.A.; Gabra H.; Juhl H.; Akeredolu T.; Stepa S.; Hoon D.; Ahn K.; Kang K.J.; Beuschlein F.; Breggia A.; Birrer M.; Bell D.; Borad M.; Bryce A.H.; Castle E.; Chandan V.; Cheville J.; Copland J.A.; Farnell M.; Flotte T.; Giama N.; Ho T.; Kendrick M.; Kocher J.-P.; Kopp K.; Moser C.; Nagorney D.; O'Brien D.; O'Neill B.P.; Patel T.; Petersen G.; Que F.; Rivera M.; Roberts L.; Smallridge R.; Smyrk T.; Stanton M.; Thompson R.H.; Torbenson M.; Yang J.D.; Zhang L.; Brimo F.; Ajani J.A.; Gonzalez A.M.A.; Behrens C.; Bondaruk J.; Broaddus R.; Czerniak B.; Esmaeli B.; Fujimoto J.; Gershenwald J.; Guo C.; Logothetis C.; Meric-Bernstam F.; Moran C.; Ramondetta L.; Rice D.; Sood A.; Tamboli P.; Thompson T.; Troncoso P.; Tsao A.; Wistuba I.; Carter C.; Haydu L.; Hersey P.; Jakrot V.; Kakavand H.; Kefford R.; Lee K.; Long G.; Mann G.; Quinn M.; Saw R.; Scolyer R.; Shannon K.; Spillane A.; Stretch J.; Synott M.; Thompson J.; Wilmott J.; Al-Ahmadie H.; Chan T.A.; Ghossein R.; Gopalan A.; Levine D.A.; Reuter V.; Singer S.; Singh B.; Tien N.V.; Broudy T.; Mirsaidi C.; Nair P.; Drwiega P.; Miller J.; Smith J.; Zaren H.; Park J.-W.; Hung N.P.; Kebebew E.; Linehan W.M.; Metwalli A.R.; Pacak K.; Pinto P.A.; Schiffman M.; Schmidt L.S.; Vocke C.D.; Wentzensen N.; Worrell R.; Yang H.; Moncrieff M.; Goparaju C.; Melamed J.; Pass H.; Botnariuc N.; Caraman I.; Cernat M.; Chemencedji I.; Clipca A.; Doruc S.; Gorincioi G.; Mura S.; Pirtac M.; Stancul I.; Tcaciuc D.; Albert M.; Alexopoulou I.; Arnaout A.; Bartlett J.; Engel J.; Gilbert S.; Parfitt J.; Sekhon H.; Thomas G.; Rassl D.M.; Rintoul R.C.; Bifulco C.; Tamakawa R.; Urba W.; Hayward N.; Timmers H.; Antenucci A.; Facciolo F.; Grazi G.; Marino M.; Merola R.; de Krijger R.; Gimenez-Roqueplo A.-P.; Piche A.; Chevalier S.; McKercher G.; Birsoy K.; Barnett G.; Brewer C.; Farver C.; Naska T.; Pennell N.A.; Raymond D.; Schilero C.; Smolenski K.; Williams F.; Morrison C.; Borgia J.A.; Liptay M.J.; Pool M.; Seder C.W.; Junker K.; Omberg L.; Dinkin M.; Manikhas G.; Alvaro D.; Bragazzi M.C.; Cardinale V.; Carpino G.; Gaudio E.; Chesla D.; Cottingham S.; Dubina M.; Moiseenko F.; Dhanasekaran R.; Becker K.-F.; Janssen K.-P.; Slotta-Huspenina J.; Abdel-Rahman M.H.; Aziz D.; Bell S.; Cebulla C.M.; Davis A.; Duell R.; Elder J.B.; Hilty J.; Kumar B.; Lang J.; Lehman N.L.; Mandt R.; Nguyen P.; Pilarski R.; Rai K.; Schoenfield L.; Senecal K.; Wakely P.; Hansen P.; Lechan R.; Powers J.; Tischler A.; Grizzle W.E.; Sexton K.C.; Kastl A.; Henderson J.; Porten S.; Waldmann J.; Fassnacht M.; Asa S.L.; Schadendorf D.; Couce M.; Graefen M.; Huland H.; Sauter G.; Schlomm T.; Simon R.; Tennstedt P.; Olabode O.; Nelson M.; Bathe O.; Carroll P.R.; Chan J.M.; Disaia P.; Glenn P.; Kelley R.K.; Landen C.N.; Phillips J.; Prados M.; Simko J.; Smith-McCune K.; VandenBerg S.; Roggin K.; Fehrenbach A.; Kendler A.; Sifri S.; Steele R.; Jimeno A.; Carey F.; Forgie I.; Mannelli M.; Carney M.; Hernandez B.; Campos B.; Herold-Mende C.; Jungk C.; Unterberg A.; von Deimling A.; Bossler A.; Galbraith J.; Jacobus L.; Knudson M.; Knutson T.; Ma D.; Milhem M.; Sigmund R.; Godwin A.K.; Madan R.; Rosenthal H.G.; Adebamowo C.; Adebamowo S.N.; Boussioutas A.; Beer D.; Giordano T.; Mes-Masson A.-M.; Saad F.; Bocklage T.; Landrum L.; Mannel R.; Moore K.; Moxley K.; Postier R.; Walker J.; Zuna R.; Feldman M.; Valdivieso F.; Dhir R.; Luketich J.; Pinero E.M.M.; Quintero-Aguilo M.; Carlotti C.G.; Dos Santos J.S.; Kemp R.; Sankarankuty A.; Tirapelli D.; Catto J.; Agnew K.; Swisher E.; Creaney J.; Robinson B.; Shelley C.S.; Godwin E.M.; Kendall S.; Shipman C.; Bradford C.; Carey T.; Haddad A.; Moyer J.; Peterson L.; Prince M.; Rozek L.; Wolf G.; Bowman R.; Fong K.M.; Yang I.; Korst R.; Rathmell W.K.; Fantacone-Campbell J.L.; Hooke J.A.; Kovatich A.J.; Shriver C.D.; DiPersio J.; Drake B.; Govindan R.; Heath S.; Ley T.; Van Tine B.; Westervelt P.; Rubin M.A.; Lee J.I.; Aredes N.D.; Mariamidze A.; Stuart J.M.; Hoadley K.A.; Laird P.W.; Noushmehr H.; Wiznerowicz M