6 research outputs found

    1,4-Benzothiazepines with Cyclopropanol Groups and Their Structural Analogues Exhibit Both RyR2-Stabilizing and SERCA2a-Stimulating Activities

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    Mitronova GY, Quentin C, Belov VN, Wegener J, Kiszka KA, Lehnart SE. 1,4-Benzothiazepines with Cyclopropanol Groups and Their Structural Analogues Exhibit Both RyR2-Stabilizing and SERCA2a-Stimulating Activities. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2023

    Loss of BAF (mSWI/SNF) Complexes Causes Global Transcriptional and Chromatin State Changes in Forebrain Development

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    BAF (Brg/Brm-associated factors) complexes play important roles in development and are linked to chromatin plasticity at selected genomic loci. Nevertheless, a full understanding of their role in development and chromatin remodeling has been hindered by the absence of mutants completely lacking BAF complexes. Here, we report that the loss of BAF155/BAF170 in double-conditional knockout (dcKO) mice eliminates all known BAF subunits, resulting in an overall reduction in active chromatin marks (H3K9Ac), a global increase in repressive marks (H3K27me2/3), and downregulation of gene expression. We demonstrate that BAF complexes interact with H3K27 demethylases (JMJD3 and UTX) and potentiate their activity. Importantly, BAF complexes are indispensable for forebrain development, including proliferation, differentiation, and cell survival of neural progenitor cells. Our findings reveal a molecular mechanism mediated by BAF complexes that controls the global transcriptional program and chromatin state in development

    Conditional loss of BAF (mSWI/SNF) scaffolding subunits affects specification and proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursors in developing mouse forebrain

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    Oligodendrocytes are responsible for axon myelination in the brain and spinal cord. Generation of oligodendrocytes entails highly regulated multistage neurodevelopmental events, including proliferation, differentiation and maturation. The chromatin remodeling BAF (mSWI/SNF) complex is a notable regulator of neural development. In our previous studies, we determined the indispensability of the BAF complex scaffolding subunits BAF155 and BAF170 for neurogenesis, whereas their role in gliogenesis is unknown. Here, we show that the expression of BAF155 and BAF170 is essential for the genesis of oligodendrocytes during brain development. We report that the ablation of BAF155 and BAF170 in the dorsal telencephalic (dTel) neural progenitors or in oligodendrocyte-producing progenitors in the ventral telencephalon (vTel) in double-conditional knockout (dcKO) mouse mutants, perturbed the process of oligodendrogenesis. Molecular marker and cell cycle analyses revealed impairment of oligodendrocyte precursor specification and proliferation, as well as overt depletion of oligodendrocytes pool in dcKO mutants. Our findings unveil a central role of BAF155 and BAF170 in oligodendrogenesis, and thus substantiate the involvement of the BAF complex in the production of oligodendrocytes in the forebrain

    Chromatin Remodeling BAF155 Subunit Regulates the Genesis of Basal Progenitors in Developing Cortex

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    Summary: The abundance of basal progenitors (BPs), basal radial glia progenitors (bRGs) and basal intermediate progenitors (bIPs), in primate brain has been correlated to the high degree of cortical folding. Here we examined the role of BAF155, a subunit of the chromatin remodeling BAF complex, in generation of cortical progenitor heterogeneity. The conditional deletion of BAF155 led to diminished bIP pool and increased number of bRGs, due to delamination of apical RGs. We found that BAF155 is required for normal activity of neurogenic transcription factor PAX6, thus controlling the expression of genes that are involved in bIP specification, cell-cell interaction, and establishment of adherens junction. In a PAX6-dependent manner, BAF155 regulates the expression of the CDC42 effector protein CEP4, thereby controlling progenitor delamination. Furthermore, BAF155-dependent chromatin remodeling seems to exert a specific role in the genesis of BPs through the regulation of human RG-specific genes (such as Foxn4) that possibly acquired evolutionary significance. : Neuroscience; Molecular Neuroscience; Developmental Neuroscience Subject Areas: Neuroscience, Molecular Neuroscience, Developmental Neuroscienc

    The HLA-DQ beta 1 insertion is a strong achalasia risk factor and displays a geospatial north-south gradient among Europeans

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    diopathic achalasia is a severe motility disorder of the esophagus and is characterized by a failure of the lower esophageal sphincter to relax due to a loss of neurons in the myenteric plexus. Most recently, we identified an eight-amino-acid insertion in the cytoplasmic tail of HLA-DQβ1 as strong achalasia risk factor in a sample set from Central Europe, Italy and Spain. Here, we tested whether the HLA-DQβ1 insertion also confers achalasia risk in the Polish and Swedish population. We could replicate the initial findings and the insertion shows strong achalasia association in both samples (Poland P=1.84 × 10-04, Sweden P=7.44 × 10-05). Combining all five European data sets - Central Europe, Italy, Spain, Poland and Sweden - the insertion is achalasia associated with Pcombined=1.67 × 10-35. In addition, we observe that the frequency of the insertion shows a geospatial north-south gradient. The insertion is less common in northern (around 6-7% in patients and 2% in controls from Sweden and Poland) compared with southern Europeans (~16% in patients and 8% in controls from Italy) and shows a stronger attributable risk in the southern European population. Our study provides evidence that the prevalence of achalasia may differ between populations