40 research outputs found

    Altın gözlü avcı böcek chrysoperla carnea(Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) yumurtalarının laboratuvar koşullarında depolanma ve sera koşullarında farklı yöntemlerle salım olanakları

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    TEZ2556Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1997.Kaynakça (s. 31-34) var.vii, 40 s. ; 30 cm.…Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir

    A new pest of Date palm trees (Phoenyx dactylifera L.) : Rynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver, 1790) (Coleoptera: curculionidae) in Mediterranean region of Turkey

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    Rynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), Türkiye'de ilk defa Akdeniz Bölgesi'nde Mersin İli'nde 2005 yılında hurma (Phoenyx dactylifera L.) ağaçlarında saptanmıştır. Bu çalışmada zararlının tanımı, biyolojisi, zarar şekli ve savaşımı ile ilgili bilgiler verilmiştir.In Turkey, Rynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790), was first detected on Date palm trees (Phoenyx dactylifera L.) in Mersin province in the Mediterranean region in 2005. Short description, biological note, damage and control of the pest were presented

    Parasitism status of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius 1889) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on different host-plants in the Cukurova region of Turkey

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    WOS: 000302335000005Populations changes of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius 1889) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and its parasitism status were monitored on different host-plants in the Cukurova Region (Yuregir and Karatas districts) in 2008 and 2009. Samples were taken from cotton, cucumber, eggplant and soybean and pest numbers were counted in the laboratory. Each year, lower numbers of B. tabaci occurred in early July and increased to higher densities in August and September. Likewise, low parasitism rates by Eretmocerus mundus Mercet 1931 and Encarsia lutea (Masi 1909) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) occurred in July and peaked in August and September. Er. mundus was observed to be more efficient on cotton, eggplant and soybean, but less on cucumber. The parasitism rates by Er. mundus on all host-plants were higher than those of En. lutea. While the highest parasitism rate of Er. mundus was found on soybean (73.94%) in the Yuregir district, that of En. lutea was on eggplant (24.3%) in the Karatas district in 2008. In 2009, while the highest parasitism rate by Er. mundus was on cotton (50.0%) in the Yuregir district, that of En. lutea was found on eggplant (20.0%) in the same district. These parasitism levels confirmed that Er. mundus and En. lutea are important parasitoids of B. tabaci in the Cukurova Region

    Phytoseius ibrahimi Doker & Kazak, sp. nov.

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    <i>Phytoseius ibrahimi</i> Döker & Kazak sp. nov. <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> This new species belongs to the <i>plumifer</i> species group, characterized with the presence of setae J2 and R1 (Chant & Yoshida-Shaul 1992a). This species is unique among other species of this group in terms of having a very short peritreme. The peritreme not reaching the base of any podonotal setae even s4. Dorsal shield almost smooth, bearing two pairs of solenostomes; dorsal setae serrated except j4, j5, j6, J2, J5, z5 and R1 smooth; sternal and ventrianal shield each with three pairs of setae; fixed digit of chelicera with three teeth and movable digit with two teeth; calyx of spermatheca goblet-shaped; genu II with 7 setae.</p> <p> <b>Female</b> (n=10). <i>Dorsum</i> (Figure 1). Dorsal setal pattern 12A: 5A (r3 inserted on shield and R1 off shield). Dorsal shield oval with a slight waist, sclerotised, almost smooth with a few anterolateral and posterolateral striations, bearing two pairs of solenostomes (posteromedian to s6 and anterior to Z5); muscle-marks (sigilla) visible, mostly on podosoma, length of dorsal shield (j1–J5) 278 (275–283), width (distance between bases of s6) 116 (113–120). Dorsal setae serrated except j4, j5, j6, J2, J5, z5 and R1 smooth. Measurements of dorsal setae: j1 24 (23–25), j3 53 (50–55), j4 19 (18–23), j5 18 (15–20), j6 22 (20–25), J2 28 (25–33), J5 12 (10–13), z2 27 (25–28), z3 38 (33–45), z4 33 (30–35), z5 19 (18–23), Z4 52 (48–55), Z5 54 (48–60), s4 74 (70–78), s6 88 (80–95), r3 47 (43–53), R1 24 (23–25).</p> <p> <i>Peritreme</i> (Figures 1, 6). Very short, not reaching to the base of any podonotal setae.</p> <p> <i>Venter</i> (Figure 2). Ventral setal pattern 13:JV-3, 4: ZV. Sternal shield smooth, lightly sclerotised, with three pairs of setae (ST1, ST2 and ST3) and two pairs of pores (pst1 and pst2); length (ST1–ST3) 62 (60–65), width (distance between setae ST2) 65 (63–70); metasternal setae ST4 and a pair of pores (pst3) on metasternal shields. Genital shield smooth; width at level of genital setae (ST5) 67 (63–70). Ventri-anal shield vase-shaped with a distinct waist, with a few transverse striations and three pairs of pre-anal setae (JV1, JV2 and ZV2), a pair of paraanal (PA) and a single post-anal setae (PST), length of ventri-anal shield 101 (95–110), width 62 (60–65). Setae JV5, ZV1 and ZV3 and six pairs of pores in integument surrounding ventri-anal shield. Setae JV5 serrated, much longer than other ventral setae, 47 (43–50) in length.</p> <p> <i>Chelicera</i> (Figure 3). Fixed digit 24 (23–25) long with three visible teeth and pilus dentilis; movable digit 24 (23–25) long, with two teeth.</p> <p> <i>Spermatheca</i> (Figure 4). Calyx goblet-shaped, 19 (18–20) in length, with a long neck, atrium knobbed, major duct long and broad.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figure 5). Length of legs (base of coxae to base of claws): leg I 295 (288–305); leg II 235 (225–245); leg III 221 (213–230); leg IV 334 (325–350). GeII, GeIII and GeIV with seven, six and seven setae, respectively; BtIV with one macroseta 30 (28–33) in length.</p> <p> <b>Male.</b> Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Holotype female and nine paratype females, Karaisalı-Adana, 3 May 2014, on <i>Rubia</i> sp. (Rubiaceae).</p> <p> <b>Depository.</b> The holotype female and eight paratype females are deposited in the mite collection of the Acarology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey. One female paratype will also be deposited in the Natural History Museum, London, UK.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> This new species is similar to <i>P</i>. <i>bulgariensis</i> Wainstein, <i>P</i>. <i>finitimus</i>, <i>P</i>. <i>improcerus</i> Corpuz <b>-</b> Raros and <i>P</i>. <i>ortegae</i> Guanilo & Moraes, which are also classified in the <i>plumifer</i> species group. Differences between <i>Phytoseius ibrahimi</i> Döker & Kazak sp. nov. and the related species are given in Table 1.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> This new species is named in memory of İbrahim Döker (brother of the senior author) who passed away in a traffic accident on 13 November 2013.</p>Published as part of <i>Döker, İsmail, Kazak, Cengiz & Karut, Kamil, 2015, A new species and two new records of the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Turkey, pp. 439-445 in Zootaxa 3918 (3)</i> on page 440, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3918.3.8, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/232592">http://zenodo.org/record/232592</a&gt

    Çukurova bölgesi’nde Bemisia tabaci (gennadius 1889) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)’nin farklı kültür bitkilerinde parazitlenme durumu

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    Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius 1889) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)’nin populasyon gelişimi ile parazitlenme durumu, Çukurova Bölgesinde (Karataş ve Yüreğir ilçelerinde) 2008 ve 2009 yıllarında farklı kültür bitkilerinde ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Yaprak örnekleri hıyar, pamuk, patlıcan ve soya bitkilerinden alınarak laboratuvarda sayılmıştır. Her iki yılda da Temmuz başında düşük olan B. tabaci yoğunluğu, Ağustos ve Eylül aylarında artmıştır. Benzer şekilde Temmuz ayında düşük olan, Eretmocerus mundus Mercet 1931 ve Encarsia lutea (Masi 1909) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae)’ya ait parazitleme oranları, Ağustos ve Eylül aylarında yükselmiştir. Er. mundus pamuk, patlıcan ve soya bitkilerinde hıyar bitkisinden daha etkili bulunmuştur. Er. mundus’a ait parazitleme oranı tüm kültür bitkilerinde En. lutea’ya ait parazitleme oranından daha yüksek bulunmuştur. 2008 yılında Er. mundus’a ait en yüksek parazitleme oranı Yüreğir ilçesindeki soya tarlasında (% 73.94) elde edilirken, En. lutea için bu değer % 24.3 ile Karataş ilçesindeki patlıcan tarlasından elde edilmiştir. İkibin dokuz yılında Er. mundus’a ait en yüksek parazitleme oranı Yüreğir ilçesindeki pamuk tarlasında (% 50) elde edilirken, En. lutea için bu değer % 20 ile aynı ilçedeki patlıcan tarlasından elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen parazitlenme oranları Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Er. mundus ve En. lutea’nın B. tabaci’nin önemli parazitoitleri olduğunu göstermiştir.Populations changes of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius 1889) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and its parasitism status were monitored on different host-plants in the Çukurova Region (Yüreğir and Karataş districts) in 2008 and 2009. Samples were taken from cotton, cucumber, eggplant and soybean and pest numbers were counted in the laboratory. Each year, lower numbers of B. tabaci occurred in early July and increased to higher densities in August and September. Likewise, low parasitism rates by Eretmocerus mundus Mercet 1931 and Encarsia lutea (Masi 1909) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) occurred in July and peaked in August and September. Er. mundus was observed to be more efficient on cotton, eggplant and soybean, but less on cucumber. The parasitism rates by Er. mundus on all host-plants were higher than those of En. lutea. While the highest parasitism rate of Er. mundus was found on soybean (73.94%) in the Yüreğir district, that of En. lutea was on eggplant (24.3%) in the Karataş district in 2008. In 2009, while the highest parasitism rate by Er. mundus was on cotton (50.0%) in the Yüreğir district, that of En. lutea was found on eggplant (20.0%) in the same district. These parasitism levels confirmed that Er. mundus and En. lutea are important parasitoids of B. tabaci in the Çukurova Region

    Eharius denizliensis Doker & Kazak, sp. nov.

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    <i>Eharius denizliensis</i> Döker & Kazak sp. nov. <p>(Figures 1–5)</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> This new species belongs to the <i>kuznetzovi</i> species group defined by Chant & McMurtry (2003) because setae <i>JV4</i> are present. Dorsal shield mostly reticulated; bearing four pairs of solenostomes (<i>gd2</i>, <i>gd6</i>, <i>gd8</i> and <i>gd9</i>). Dorsal setae smooth and whip-like. Peritreme short, extending to setae level of <i>r3</i>. Genu II with eight setae; one pair of solenostomes posteromedian to <i>JV2</i>; sternal shield with three pairs of setae; fixed digit of chelicera with two teeth and movable digit without teeth.</p> <p> <b>Female</b> (n=3). <i>Dorsum</i> (Figure 1). Dorsal setal pattern 10A:8C (<i>r3</i> and <i>R1</i> off shield). Dorsal shield oval with a waist at level of <i>Z1</i>, sclerotised and mostly reticulated, bearing four pairs of solenostomes (<i>gd2</i>, <i>gd6</i>, <i>gd8</i> and <i>gd9</i>), <i>gd6</i> crescentic, others are rounded. Muscle-marks (sigilla) visible on podosoma; length of dorsal shield (<i>j1– J5</i>) 291 (288–293), width (distance between bases of <i>s4</i>) 114 (113–115), width (distance between bases of <i>S2</i>) 121 (118–123). All dorsal setae smooth and whip-like. Measurements of dorsal setae: <i>j1</i> 11 (10–13), <i>j3</i> 23 (20–25), <i>j4</i>, <i>j5</i>, <i>j6</i> 12 (10–13), <i>J2</i> 13 (10–15), <i>J5</i> 5, <i>z2</i> 22 (20–23), <i>z4</i> 26 (25–28), <i>z5</i> 14 (13–15), <i>Z1</i> 23 (20–25), <i>Z4</i> 29 (28–30), <i>Z5</i> 33 (30–35), <i>s4</i> 36 (35–38), <i>S2</i> 33 (30–38), <i>S5</i> 10, <i>r3</i> 29 (28–30) and <i>R1</i> 15 (17–18). Peritreme very short and reaching level of sublateral setae <i>r3</i>.</p> <p> a from three specimens; b from Amitai & Swirski, 1980, Swirski <i>et al</i>., 1998, Kolodochka, 1995; c from Kolodochka, 1979, Kolodochka, 1995; d from Kolodochka, 1995. <i>PD</i>: <i>Pilus dentilis</i></p> <p> <i>Venter</i> (Figure 2). Ventral setal pattern 13 JV-3: ZV-3. Sternal shield smooth, lightly sclerotised, with three pairs of setae (<i>ST1</i>, <i>ST2</i> and <i>ST3</i>) and two pairs of pores (<i>pst1</i> and <i>pst2</i>); length (<i>ST1–ST3</i>) 60 (58–62), width (distance between setae <i>ST2</i>) 44 (43–45); metasternal setae <i>ST4</i> and a pair of pores (<i>pst3</i>) on metasternal shields. Genital shield smooth; width at level of genital setae (<i>ST5</i>) 34 (33–35). Ventrianal shield elongated with a waist, with transverse striations with three pairs of pre-anal setae (<i>JV1</i>, <i>JV2</i> and <i>ZV2</i>), a pair of para-anal (<i>Pa</i>) and a postanal setae (<i>Pst</i>); a pair of pores (<i>gv3</i>) posteromedian to <i>JV2</i> and muscle-marks posterolaterally. Length of ventrianal shield 78 (75–80), width 42 (40–43). Setae <i>ZV1</i>, <i>JV4</i> and <i>JV5</i> and three pairs of pores on integument surrounding ventrianal shield. Setae <i>JV5</i> smooth 13 in length; not markedly longer than other ventral setae such as <i>JV4</i> and <i>ST1</i>, <i>ST2</i> and <i>ST3</i>.</p> <p> <i>Chelicera</i> (Figure 3). Fixed digit 23 long with two apical teeth and pilus dentilis; movable digit 20 long, without teeth.</p> <p> <i>Spermatheca</i> (Figure 4). Calyx cup-shaped 6 (5–8) in length; atrium knobbed; major duct long; minor duct visible.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figure 5). Length of legs (basis of coxae to basis of claws): leg I 227 (225–230); leg II 191 (188–195); leg III 165 (163–168); leg IV 221 (218–225). GeII, GeIII and GeIV with eight, seven and seven setae, respectively; Leg IV with a very short macrosetae; <i>StIV 15</i> in length.</p> <p> <b>Male.</b> Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Holotype female and two paratype females, Sirinköy, Denizli Province, 16 September, 2016, on unidentified plant in the family Lamiaceae (37°45'06"N, 29°00'58"E, 713 metres above sea level).</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The name of the new species <i>denizliensis</i> is derived from Denizli Province where it was found.</p> <p> <b>Depository.</b> The holotype female and two paratype females are deposited in the mite collection of the Acarology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> By having <i>JV4</i> setae, this new species is similar to <i>E</i>. <i>hermonensis</i> Amitai & Swirski, 1980, <i>E</i>. <i>kuznetzovi</i> (Kolodochka, 1979) and <i>E</i>. <i>marzhaniani</i> (Aruntunjan, 1969). Differences between <i>E</i>. <i>denizliensis</i> and the related species are given in Table 1. In their revision for the tribe Kampimodromini Kolodochka, Chant & McMurtry (2003) mentioned that the species of the genus <i>Eharius</i> have no macrosetae on leg IV. However, our observation on the new species indicates the presence such setae on basitarsus IV. As suggested by Papadoulis <i>et al</i>. (2009), we consider these setae as macrosetae because they are noticeably different from the other setae present on the same segment.</p>Published as part of <i>Döker, İsmail, Kazak, Cengiz & Karut, Kamil, 2017, Three new species of the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Turkey, pp. 565-576 in Zootaxa 4243 (3)</i> on pages 566-568, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4243.3.8, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/400208">http://zenodo.org/record/400208</a&gt

    Phytoseius Ribaga

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    Key to the Turkish species of <i>Phytoseius</i> Ribaga <p>1. Setae R1 and J2 present................................................................................ 2</p> <p>- Setae R1 and J2 absent................................................................................ 3</p> <p> 2. Peritreme very short, not reaching bases of any podonotal setae................................... <i>P</i>. <i>ibrahimi</i> sp. nov.</p> <p> - Peritreme longer, reaching bases of setae j3................................................. <i>P</i>. <i>finitimus</i> Ribaga</p> <p> 3. Ventri-anal shield with one pair of pre-anal setae......................................... <i>P</i>. <i>ribagai</i> Athias-Henriot</p> <p>- Ventri-anal shield with more than one pair of pre-anal setae.................................................... 4</p> <p> 4. Ventri-anal shield with two pairs of pre-anal setae.................................. <i>P</i>. <i>salicis</i> Wainstein & Arutunjan</p> <p> - Ventri-anal shield with three pairs of pre-anal setae................................ <i>P</i>. <i>echinus</i> Wainstein & Arutunjan</p>Published as part of <i>Döker, İsmail, Kazak, Cengiz & Karut, Kamil, 2015, A new species and two new records of the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Turkey, pp. 439-445 in Zootaxa 3918 (3)</i> on pages 443-444, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3918.3.8, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/232592">http://zenodo.org/record/232592</a&gt

    Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) karaisaliensis Doker & Kazak, sp. nov.

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    <i>Typhlodromus</i> (<i>Anthoseius</i>) <i>karaisaliensis</i> Döker & Kazak sp. nov. <p>(Figures 6–10)</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> The dorsal shield is reticulated, bearing three pairs of solenostomes. All dorsal setae are smooth except for <i>Z4</i> and <i>Z5</i>; peritreme extending to level of setae <i>j3</i>; sternal shield with two pairs of setae; ventrianal shield with four pairs of pre-anal setae and with pre-anal solenostomes; fixed digit of chelicera with three teeth and movable digit with one tooth; calyx of spermatheca bell-shaped and atrium incorporated with the calyx; genu II with eight setae.</p> <p> <b>Female (n=11)</b>. <i>Dorsum</i> (Figure 6) Dorsal setal pattern 12A:8A (<i>r3</i> and <i>R1</i> off shield). Dorsal shield oval with waist at level of <i>R1</i>, sclerotised, reticulated and bearing three pairs of solenostomes (<i>gd2</i>, <i>gd6</i> and <i>gd9</i>), ten pairs of small pores (sensilla). Muscle marks (sigilla) visible, mostly on podosoma, length of dorsal shield (<i>j1–J5</i>) 338 (335–340), width (distance between bases of <i>s4</i>) 154 (153–155), width (distance between bases of <i>S2</i>) 173 (170– 175). All dorsal setae smooth except for <i>Z4</i> and <i>Z5</i>, which are slightly serrated. Measurements of dorsal setae: <i>j1</i> 26 (25–28), <i>j3</i> 40 (38–43), <i>j4</i> 24 (23–25), <i>j5</i> 27 (25–30), <i>j6</i> 33, <i>J2</i> 36 (33–38), <i>J5</i> 11 (10–13), <i>z2</i> 34 (33–35), <i>z3</i> 39 (38–40), <i>z4</i> 38 (35–40), <i>z5</i> 26 (25–28), <i>Z4</i> 52 (50–53), <i>Z5</i> 69 (68–70), <i>s4</i> 45 (43–48), <i>s6</i> 48 (45–50), <i>S2</i> 51 (50–53), <i>S4</i> 43 (40–45), <i>S5</i> 38 (35–40), <i>r3</i> 44 (43–45), and <i>R1</i> 39 (38–40). Peritreme extending to level of setae <i>j3</i>.</p> <p> <i>Venter</i> (Figure 7). Ventral setal pattern 15:JV:ZV. Sternal shield smooth, lightly sclerotised, with two pairs of setae (<i>ST1</i> and <i>ST2</i>) and two pairs of pores (<i>pst1</i> and <i>pst2</i>); length (<i>ST1–ST2</i>) 36 (35–38), width (distance between setae <i>ST2</i>) 58 (57–59). Sternal setae <i>ST3</i> on separate platelets; metasternal setae <i>ST4</i> and a pair of pores (<i>pst3</i>) on metasternal shields. Genital shield smooth; width at level of genital setae (<i>ST5</i>) 60 (58–63). Ventrianal shield subpentagonal, with rounded edges at level of <i>JV2</i>, pre-anal area striated, with pre-anal pores with four pairs of preanal setae (<i>JV1</i>, <i>JV2</i>, <i>JV3</i>, and <i>ZV2</i>), a pair of para-anal (<i>Pa</i>) and a post-anal setae (<i>Pst</i>), muscle marks posterolaterally. Length of ventrianal shield 110 (108–113), width 94 (93–95). Setae <i>JV4</i>, <i>JV5</i>, <i>ZV1</i>, <i>ZV3</i>, and four pairs of pores on integument surrounding ventrianal shield. Setae <i>JV5</i> smooth, much longer than other ventral setae, 65 (63–68) in length.</p> <p> <i>Chelicera</i> (Figure 8). Fixed digit 29 (28–30) long with three teeth apically and with pilus dentilis; movable digit 29 (28–30) long with one tooth.</p> <p> <i>Spermatheca</i> (Figure 9). Calyx bell-shaped and elongated, flaring distally, 18 (16–19) in length; atrium incorporated with the calyx; major duct broad.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figure 10). Length of legs (basis of coxae to basis of claws): leg I 313 (310–315); leg II 308 (305–310); leg III 322 (320–325); leg IV 418 (415–420). GeII, GeIII, and GeIV with eight, seven and seven setae, respectively. Leg IV with one short macroseta that does not reach to dorsal slit organ, <i>StIV</i> 34 (33–35) in length.</p> <p> <b>Male.</b> Unknown</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Holotype female and nine paratype females, Karaisali, Adana Province, on young seedlings of <i>Quercus cerris</i> (Fagaceae), 21 June 2015; one female paratype, same location on <i>Arbutus unedo</i> (Ericaceae), 23 April 2016 (37°14'34"N, 35°00'09"E, 242 metres above sea level).</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The name of the new species <i>karaisaliensis</i> is derived from Karaisali municipality where it was found.</p> <p> <b>Depository.</b> The holotype female and nine paratype females are deposited in the mite collection of the Acarology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey. One female paratype will also be deposited in the Natural History Museum, London, UK.</p> <p> from 11 specimens; b from Livshitz & Kuznetsov, 1972; c from Kolođochka, 1978; đ from Ke & Xin, 1983; e from Rahmani <i>et al</i>., 2010; f from Beglyarov, 1981. The lower anđ upper limits were calculateđ using the abacus proposeđ by Tixier, 2012. *Contrary to Livshitz & Kuznetsov, 1972, Papađoulis <i>et al</i>. 2009 đescribeđ setae <i>StIV</i> anđ <i>Z5</i> as subequal in length; this reason the lower anđ upper limits are not calculateđ for <i>StIV</i> for <i>commenticius.</i></p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> This new species is similar to <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>commenticius</i> Livshitz & Kuznetsov, 1972, <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>inopinatus</i> (Wainstein, 1975), <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>macrum</i> Ke & Xin, 1983, <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>recki</i> Wainstein, 1958, and <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>repens</i> (Beglyarov, 1981) by having three pairs of solenostomes on the dorsal shield, two pairs of setae on sternal shield, four pairs of pre-anal setae, pre-anal pores present and peritreme associated with setae <i>j3</i> or <i>z2</i>. Differences between <i>Typhlodromus</i> (<i>Anthoseius</i>) <i>karaisaliensis</i> and related species are given in Table 2.</p> <p>When compared with related species, great majority of dorsal setae are longer in the new species. For comparison of the setal lengths, the abacus proposed by Tixier (2012) was applied to the measurements of the five other species to calculate the lower and the upper limits. The non-overlap 95% confidence limits with the measurements of the new species suggested that this species is different from the others.</p> <p> Most of the dorsal setal measurements are missing in the original description of <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>repens</i> which seems more close to the new species. However, in the new species, measurements of setae <i>z2</i>, <i>Z5</i> and <i>StIV</i> are out of the range calculated using the abacus. In addition, peritreme of the new species is longer than that of <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>repens</i>. Furthermore, Beglyarov (1981) stated that the macrosetae <i>StIV</i> reached and well past the dorsal slit organ, while it does not reach to that organ in the new species. In addition, <i>Z5</i> and <i>JV5</i> are almost subequal in length, (69 and 65, respectively) in the new species. Beglyarov (1981) did not measure <i>JV5</i> and not include scale bars in the drawings. However, the length of <i>JV5</i> (probably 24–30?) seem to be almost half the length of <i>Z5</i> which is only 48 in length. According to the original description, the ventrianal shield of <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>repens</i> has sharp edges at the level of <i>JV2</i>. In the description, <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>commenticius</i> and <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>repens</i> were separated based on the shape of ventrianal shield which is more close to that of <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>commenticius</i> in the new species (having rounded edges instead of sharp edges). In addition, only seta <i>Z5</i> is serrated in <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>repens</i> while both setae <i>Z4</i> and <i>Z5</i> are serrated in the new species. It should also be noted that this new species is also seems to be close to <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>kazachstanicus</i> Wainstein, 1958 which is known for the Turkish fauna. However, it is distinctly different based on both discrete and continuous morphological characters. The new species can be separated from <i>T</i>. (<i>A</i>.) <i>kazachstanicus</i> by having preanal pores, longer peritreme, sharp and shorter (almost 35%) macrosetae <i>StIV</i> and at least 25% longer <i>j3</i>, <i>j5</i>, <i>j6</i>, <i>z3</i>, <i>z4</i>, <i>Z4</i>, <i>s4</i>, <i>s6</i>, <i>S2</i>, <i>S4</i> and <i>JV5</i> setae.</p>Published as part of <i>Döker, İsmail, Kazak, Cengiz & Karut, Kamil, 2017, Three new species of the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Turkey, pp. 565-576 in Zootaxa 4243 (3)</i> on pages 568-571, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4243.3.8, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/400208">http://zenodo.org/record/400208</a&gt

    Paragigagnathus insuetus Livshitz & Kuznetsov

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    <i>Paragigagnathus insuetus</i> (Livshitz & Kuznetsov) <p> <i>Amblyseius insuetus</i> Livshitz & Kuznetsov, 1972: 27.</p> <p> <i>Amblyseius insuetus</i>.— Moraes <i>et al</i>., 1986: 16; Papadoulis & Emmanoel, 1991: 49.</p> <p> <i>Pamiroseius insuetus</i>.— Kolodochka, 1989: 227.</p> <p> <i>Paragigagnathus insuetus</i>.— Chant & McMurtry, 2003: 43; Moraes <i>et al</i>., 2004: 159; Chant & McMurtry, 2007: 33; Papadoulis <i>et al</i>., 2009: 76; Hajizadeh <i>et al</i>., 2010: 225.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Two females, near Karakaya dam lake, Kuluşağı town, Malatya, on <i>Tamarix</i> sp. (Tamaricaceae), 30 May 2014; two males and two females, Silvan county, Diyarbakır, on <i>Tamarix</i> sp., 16 August 2014; 10 males and 25 females, near Seyhan dam lake, Adana city centre, on <i>Tamarix</i> sp., 21 September 2014. Specimens are deposited in the mite collection of the Acarology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey.</p> <p> <b>Female</b> (n=10). Idiosomal seta lengths: j1 14 (13–15), j3 18 (15–20), j4 16 (15–18), j5 16 (15–18), j6 18 (18–20), J2 17 (15–18), J5 11 (10–13), z2 20 (18–23), z4 19 (18–20), z5 19 (18–20), Z119 (18–20), Z4 23 (20–25), Z5 24 (23–25), s4 19 (18–20), S2 22 (20–23), S4 21 (20–23), S5 21 (20–23), r3 19 (18–20), R1 18 (15–20), JV5 19 (18–20). Leg setae: BtIV 21 (20–23).</p> <p> <b>Distrubution.</b> Greece (Papadoulis & Emmanouel, 1991), Iran (Hajizadeh <i>et al</i>., 2010), Turkmenistan (Livshitz & Kuznetsov, 1972), Ukraine (Kolodochka, 1982), Turkey (this study).</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> This new record is the first species of the genus <i>Paragigagnathus</i> for the Turkish fauna. Morphological characters and measurements of the Turkish specimens are very close to those of the original description and re-descriptions.</p> <p>Calyx of spermatecha goblet-shaped goblet-shaped funnel-shaped goblet-shaped funnel-shaped Insertion of serrated not on tubercles on tubercles on tubercles on tubercles not on tubercles dorsal setae</p> <p>Morphology of setae setiform knobbed tip knobbed tip knobbed tip setiform BtIV</p> <p>Solenostomes on VAS absent absent present present present</p>Published as part of <i>Döker, İsmail, Kazak, Cengiz & Karut, Kamil, 2015, A new species and two new records of the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Turkey, pp. 439-445 in Zootaxa 3918 (3)</i> on pages 442-443, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3918.3.8, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/232592">http://zenodo.org/record/232592</a&gt

    Neoseiulus Hughes

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    Key to the Turkish species of <i>Neoseiulus</i> Hughes <p> *According to Abo-Shnaf & Moraes (2014), <i>Neoseiulus sharonensis</i> (Rivnay & Swirski) is senior synonym of <i>N</i>. <i>knappi</i> Zannou, Moraes, Ueckermann & Oliveira according to Abo-Shnaf & Moraes (2014).</p> <p> 1. Seta Z4 longer than seta Z5....................................................... <i>N</i>. <i>ornatus</i> (Athias-Henriot)</p> <p>- Seta Z4 shorter than seta Z5............................................................................ 2</p> <p>2. Spermatheca with atrium forked at juncture with major duct, or atrium appearing thick-walled, vacuolated............. 3</p> <p>- Spermatheca with atrium neither forked at juncture with major duct nor appearing thick-walled, vacuolated............. 8</p> <p>3. Genu II with eight setae................................................................................ 4</p> <p>- Genu II with seven setae............................................................................... 5</p> <p> 4. Atrium connected to calyx with a long neck........................ <i>N</i>. <i>neomarginatus</i> Stathakis, Kapaxidi & Papadoulis</p> <p> - Atrium connected to calyx with a very short neck.................................. <i>N</i>. <i>sekeroglui</i> Döker & Stathakis</p> <p> 5. Seta Z5 shorter than 40 µm................................................................ <i>N</i>. <i>agrestis</i> (Karg)</p> <p>- Seta Z5 longer than 40 µm............................................................................. 6</p> <p> 6. Atrium directly connected to calyx without a neck; distance between pre-anal solenostomes 1/3 distance between setae JV2....................................................................................... <i>N</i>. <i>barkeri</i> Hughes</p> <p>- Atrium connected to calyx with a neck; distance between pre-anal solenostomes more than half the distance between setae JV2.................................................................................................... 7</p> <p> 7. Dorsal shield reticulated; calyx longer, about 2/3 length of calyx plus neck plus atrium............. <i>N</i>. <i>alpinus</i> (Schweizer)</p> <p> - Dorsal shield smooth with anterolateral striae; calyx shorter, about 1/2 length of calyx plus neck plus atrium.............................................................................................. <i>N</i>. <i>marginatus</i> (Wainstein)</p> <p> 8. Movable digit of chelicera smooth........................................................ <i>N</i>. <i>zwoelferi</i> (Dosse)</p> <p>- Movable digit of chelicera with teeth..................................................................... 9</p> <p>9. Movable digit of chelicera with more than one tooth........................................................ 10</p> <p>- Movable digit of chelicera with only one tooth............................................................ 12</p> <p> 10. Movable digit of chelicera with two teeth................................................. <i>N</i>. <i>umbraticus</i> (Chant)</p> <p>- Movable digit of chelicera with three teeth................................................................ 11</p> <p> 11. Both setae r1 and R3 longer than 40 µm................................ <i>Neoseiulus sharonensis</i> (Rivnay & Swirski) *</p> <p> - Both setae r1 and R3 shorter than 40 µm............................................. <i>N</i>. <i>californicus</i> (McGregor)</p> <p> 12. Spermatheca with a short neck between calyx and atrium................................... <i>N</i>. <i>bicaudus</i> (Wainstein)</p> <p>- Spermatheca without a neck between calyx and atrium..................................................... 13</p> <p> 13. Macroseta of basitarsus IV longer than the distance between its base and the dorsal slit organ.... <i>N</i>. <i>cucumeris</i> (Oudemans)</p> <p>- Macroseta of basitarsus IV shorter than the distance between its base and the dorsal slit organ....................... 14</p> <p> 14. Seta S2 subequal to Z4; seta S2 reaches the insertion of S4; calyx of spermatheca short, L:W 1:1..................................................................................................... <i>N</i>. <i>insularis</i> (Athias-Henriot)</p> <p> - Seta S2 shorter than Z4; seta S2 not reaches the insertion of S4; calyx of spermatheca longer, L:W <i>></i> 3:1.................................................................................................... <i>N</i>. <i>astutus</i> (Beglyarov)</p>Published as part of <i>Döker, İsmail, Kazak, Cengiz & Karut, Kamil, 2015, A new species and two new records of the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Turkey, pp. 439-445 in Zootaxa 3918 (3)</i> on page 444, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3918.3.8, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/232592">http://zenodo.org/record/232592</a&gt