179 research outputs found

    Neutralino Induced Majorana Neutrino Transition Magnetic Moments

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    We calculate the effect of neutrino-neutralino mixing on the neutrino magnetic moment and compare it with the contribution of pure particle-sparticle loop. We have found that the dominated mechanism is still the bare loop, and that the bilinear insertions on the external neutrino lines contribute at least one order of magnitude weaker.Comment: I've decided to move the collection of my papers to arXiv for easier access. Proceedings of the Nuclear Physics Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 200

    Czechoslovakia faced with the hostile attitudes of Germany and Italy in 1938

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    Czechoslovakia faced with the hostile attitudes of Germany and Italy in 1938Adolph Hitler’s Germany and Benito Mussolini’s Italy were both professed enemies of the Czechoslovak state. Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda of the Third Reich, did not try to conceal his negative attitude towards Czechoslovakia any more than the Italian Foreign Minister, Galeazzo Ciano. The diaries of Goebbels and Ciano shed interesting light on foreign policy of Germany and Italy. Neither of the authors did try to conceal his aversion to the policy of Czechoslovakia, when analysing the chain of events on the political scene which, in their view, confirmed their opinion on the weakness of Prague.Goebbels paid attention to show trials in Russia and to the policy of Poland towards Lithuania, and declared that nothing would save Czechoslovakia. “This state has to disappear – he wrote – the sooner, the better”. Ciano, on the other hand, noted Benito Mussolini’s remarks, who – after the annexation of Austria into Germany – indicated Czechoslovakia, Switzerland and Belgium as the weak points to be erased from the map of Europe. He stressed that Italy was not interested in the fate of Prague. Highly symbolic was the order given by Ciano to the Italian ambassador in Berlin, Bernardo Attolico, to go to Ribbentrop and ask him about precise information on the plans of the Third Reich towards Czechoslovakia to allow Italy to make preparations for mobilisation so as not to be taken unawares. Чехословакия перед лицом враждебной позиции Германии и Италии в 1938 годуЯрыми врагами чехословацкого государства были Германия Адольфа Гитлера и Италия Бенито Муссолини. Министр пропаганды Третьего Рейха Йозеф Геббельс не таил своего отрицательного отношения к Чехословакии. Подобным образом поступал итальянский министр иностранных дел Галеаццо Чиано. Дневники Геббельса, а также дневники Чиано бросают интересный свет на иностранную политику Германии и Италии. Оба автора не скрывали отвращения к чехословацкой политике, анализируя цепь событий на политической сцене, которые, согласно их мнению, подтверждали тезис о слабости Праги. Геббельс обращал внимание на показательные процессы в России, а также на политику Польши по отношению к Литве и отмечал, что уже ничто не сможет спасти Чехословакию. Это государство должно исчезнуть – писал он – чем скорее тем лучше. Чиано записал замечания Бенито Муссолини, который после аншлюса Австрии Третим Рейхом, указал, как на сомнительные точки, которые следует удалить с карты Европы – Чехословакию, Швейцарию и Бельгию. Он подчеркивал, что Италия не заинтересована в судьбе Праги. Символическим моментом являлось распоряжение Чиано, отданное итальянскому послу в Берлине Бернардо Аттолико, отправиться к Риббентропу и попросить его о точной информации о намерениях правительства Рейха по отношению к Чехословакии, чтобы предпринять возможные мобилизационные шаги

    Neutrinoless double beta decay constrained by the existence of large extra dimensions

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    We present the possible influence on the half-life of neutrinoless double beta decay coming from the existence of nn extra spatial dimensions. The half-life in question depends on the mass of the electron neutrino. We base our analysis on the Majorana neutrino mass mechanism in Arkani-Hamed--Dimopoulos--Dvali model.Comment: I decided to move the collection of my papers to arXiv for easier access. Proceedings of the Nuclear Physics Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 200

    Fermion-boson loops with bilinear R-parity violation leading to Majorana neutrino mass and magnetic moments

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    We present analytic expressions corresponding to a set of one loop Feynman diagrams, built within R-parity violating (RpV) minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). Diagrams involve both bilinear and trilinear RpV couplings and represent Majorana neutrino masses and magnetic moments.Comment: I've decided to move the collection of my papers to arXiv for easier access. Proceedings of the Nuclear Physics Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 200

    Constraining Bilinear R-Parity Violation from Neutrino Masses

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    We confront the R-parity violating MSSM model with the neutrino oscillation data. Investigating the 1-loop particle-sparticle diagrams with additional bilinear insertions on the external neutrino lines we construct the relevant contributions to the neutrino mass matrix. A comparison of the so-obtained matrices with the experimental ones assuming normal or inverted hierarchy and taking into account possible CP violating phases, allows to set constraints on the values of the bilinear coupling constants. A similar calculation is presented with the input from the Heidelberg-Moscow neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. We base our analysis on the renormalization group evolution of the MSSM parameters which are unified at the GUT scale. Using the obtained bounds we calculate the contributions to the Majorana neutrino transition magnetic moments.Comment: I've decided to move the collection of my papers to arXiv for easier acces

    Majorana neutrino magnetic moments

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    The presence of trilinear R-parity violating interactions in the MSSM lagrangian leads to existence of quark-squark and lepton-slepton loops which generate mass of the neutrino. By introducing interaction with an external photon the magnetic moment is obtained. We derive bounds on that quantity being around one order of magnitude stronger than those present in the literature.Comment: I've decided to move the collection of my papers to arXiv for easier access. Proceedings of the Nuclear Physics Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 200


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    Web Services are common means to exchange data and information over the network. Web Services make themselves available over the Internet, where technology and platform are independent. These web services can be developed on the basis of two interaction styles such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Representational State Transfer Protocol (REST). In this study, a comparison of REST and SOAP web services is presented in terms of their applicability in diverse areas. It is concluded that in the past both technologies were equally popular, but during the rapid Internet development the REST technology has become the leading one in the area of access to Internet services.Usługi sieciowe są powszechnie stosowane do wymiany danych i informacji w Internecie. Usługi sieciowe nie zależą od użytej platformy sprzętowej oraz od oprogramowania. W niniejszym artykule zostały omówione dwie najpopularniejsze technologie tworzenia usług sieciowych: REST (ang. Representational State Transfer) i SOAP (ang. Simple Object Access Protocol). W trakcie realizacji badań przeprowadzono analizę stosowalności  tych usług w różnych obszarach zastosowań. Stwierdzono że w przeszłości obie technologie cieszyły się porównywalną  popularnością, lecz w momencie gwałtownego rozwoju Internetu technologia REST stała się technologią dominującą w zakresie dostępu do usług sieciowych