224 research outputs found

    Prevention from transfusion transmissive diseases in the regional center for transfusion medicine in Stip, Republic of Macedonia for the period 2009-2010

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    Introduction: Blood transfusion is a transplantation of fluid tissue or an introduction of human biological material that needs to survive in the donor organism and to play important biological functions. During the blood and blood products transfusion, it is possible to transmit many transfusion transmissive diseases, which increases the need of securing safe blood transfusion. Objective: To present the procedures and measures taken in order to prevent the transmission of transfusion transmissive diseases in the blood and blood products donors at the Clinical Hospital in Stip. Materials and methods: Each blood unit was mandatory tested for HBSAG, anti- HCV, anti-HIV and Treponema pallidum antibodies at the Regional center for transfusion medicine. The testing was done with the ELISA technique by using the Dade Berhing BEP 200 instrument and the tests from Siemens and Ortho for anti-HCV. The confirmation tests were done at the Institute of Transfusion Medicine in the capital Skopje. Results: In total, 6067 blood samples were tested. The presence of HBAGS was detected in 81 sample (1.33%), anti-HCV in 19 (0.313%), anti-HIV in one (0,016%) and Treponema pallidum antibodies in 5 samples (0.082%). Discussion and conclusion: In order to achieve high level of security of the transfusion blood and blood products it is essential to use highly specific and sensitive tests, modern equipment, well trained health personnel and sufficient financial resources allocated specifically for that aim

    Intervals in the Hales-Jewett theorem

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    The Hales-Jewett theorem states that for any mm and rr there exists an nn such that any rr-colouring of the elements of [m]n[m]^n contains a monochromatic combinatorial line. We study the structure of the wildcard set S[n]S \subseteq [n] which determines this monochromatic line, showing that when rr is odd there are rr-colourings of [3]n[3]^n where the wildcard set of a monochromatic line cannot be the union of fewer than rr intervals. This is tight, as for nn sufficiently large there are always monochromatic lines whose wildcard set is the union of at most rr intervals.Comment: 4 page

    On uncommon systems of equations

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    A system of linear equations LL over Fq\mathbb{F}_q is common if the number of monochromatic solutions to LL in any two-colouring of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n is asymptotically at least the expected number of monochromatic solutions in a random two-colouring of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n. Motivated by existing results for specific systems (such as Schur triples and arithmetic progressions), as well as extensive research on common and Sidorenko graphs, the systematic study of common systems of linear equations was recently initiated by Saad and Wolf. Building upon earlier work of Cameron, Cilleruelo and Serra, as well as Saad and Wolf, common linear equations have recently been fully characterised by Fox, Pham and Zhao, who asked about common \emph{systems} of equations. In this paper we move towards a classification of common systems of two or more linear equations. In particular we prove that any system containing an arithmetic progression of length four is uncommon, confirming a conjecture of Saad and Wolf. This follows from a more general result which allows us to deduce the uncommonness of a general system from certain properties of one- or two-equation subsystems.Comment: 21 page

    Correlation of heavy metals and theirs impact to epidemiological survey in the miners blood donors and other human population

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    Introduction: Miners who are blood donors, and work in mines for lead-zinc ores are constantly exposed to heavy metals (lead, zinc and cadmium) and this aspect is expected to increase or decrease many hematological parameters. Aim of the Study: The concentration of lead, zinc and cadmium was studied in exposed blood donors and non-exposed blood donors (control group). Knowing the structure of various heavy metals, all of the analysis was carried out to examine the impact of these heavy metals on the occurrence and severity of certain epidemiological diseases and hematological parameters on the miners who are blood donors. Material and Methods: In this research 120 miners were included who were blood donors (mining for lead and zinc) from the Republic of Macedonia and a control group of 30 participants that included blood donors not directly exposed to heavy metals, while living in the immediate vicinity of the lead and zinc mine. In this research biochemical analysis (inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP) one of the most sensitive analytical techniques for the determination of elements in biological materials was applied and the basic haematological parameters were determined. Results: The observation of increased blood lead level on blood donors in the exposed group (mean = 0.089 mg/l) and 20% on blood donors in the control group (mean = 0066), increased blood zinc level in the exposed (mean = 1391) and in the control group (mean = 1074), increased blood cadmium level in 62% of exposed (mean = 0007) and in 50% of the control group (mean = 0006); If the normal BLL (blood lead level) is 0.04–0.07 mg/l, we concluded that all male blood donors in the exposed group had above normal BLL. In the control group 20% of male blood donors had above normal BLL; if the normal BZL (blood zinc level) is 0.1 mg/l, we concluded that all male blood donors exposed in the control group had above normal BZL. If the normal BCL is 0.005 mg/l, we concluded that 62% of the male blood donors in the exposed group had above normal BCL. In the control group 50% of male blood donors had above normal BCL; The blood lead, zinc and cadmium level will rise during exposure at work. forty eight percent of miners (exposed group) had an exposure period of 20 years, 29% between 10 and 20 years and the remaining 23% an exposure period under 10 years. Results showed negative correlation between the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin and blood levels of heavy metals; positive correlation between the number of leukocytes and blood heavy metals levels. Epidemiological survey showed that nearly all workers complained of headache. While 25 of 70 miners who were blood donors (with long exposure) were found to be suffering from various diseases such as asthma, respiratory tract, irritation and watering of eyes. Conclusion: The research confirms that the increased content of heavy metals in blood donors affects the concept of professional risk that involves probability that as a result of exposure of workers to certain harmful agents in the work environment negative effects are manifested on their health. The change of some haematological parameters in the blood donors, results in the emergence of certain diseases with complex etiologies and risks to their health

    Anemia in sick children hospitalized and cured with transfusion at the children's ward in Stip

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    GOAL: To show anemia in sick children hospitalized and cured at the Children’s Ward in Stip. MATERIAL AND METHODS: At the Children’s Ward of the General Hospital in Stip, children suffering from anemia are hospitalized every day. Most pediatric transfusions are given to children under the age of three. Especially frequent is the anemia in children who have finished breast feeding, children fed with plain food poor with iron, and in children with hemolytic episodes of various causes etc. At this period of their life, the anemia appears frequently as joined symptom, especially in children who have other acute infections such as enterocolitis, pneumonia etc. RESULTS: Last year, at the Children’s Ward of the General Hospital in Stip, 1,200 sick children were hospitalized from which 357 (29.75%) children with anemia symptoms. METHOD: We divided the causes for the anemia in several basic groups: anemia caused due to decreased production of normal erythrocytes; anemia due to increased destruction of erythrocytes and anemia caused due to increased loss of erythrocytes. But, due to the strict criteria for establishing indication for applying erythrocyte concentrates, regular feeding of mothers during their pregnancy and increased care and regular feeding of newborns, only 17 (4.76%) children of the sick ones had an anemic syndrome and were given transfusion of erythrocyte concentrates. All the other causes were cured with appropriate specific and symptomatic therapy. CONCLUSION: Anemia in childhood is a very frequent appearance. The causes are of different nature. But it has to be decided whether the sick child will be given transfusion not only in accordance with the level of hemoglobin, but also with a careful estimation of the clinical picture, as well as according to appropriate therapy which in many cases can improve the anemic syndrome, rather than apply erythrocyte concentrates. Comparing with the past, when the number of the given transfusions according to the number of hospitalized children was up to 100, in the recent few years, there have been a remarkably smaller number of transfunded children

    Connection of the ABO blood group system from the whole blood groups with the diabetes mellitus typ 2 for the period 2005-2009

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    Introduction:The real dimension of the connection between any blood group from the ABO system of blood groups and diabetes mellitus typ 2 in the eastern part of Republic of Macedonia in not well known. Aim:The aim of our study was to establish the connection of the blood group from the ABO system of blood groups with diabetes mellitus typ 2. Material and methods:The total number of registered patients with diabetes mellitus typ 2 in the Center of diabetes in Clinical hospital in Stip for the period 2005-2009 is 5,342. They were followed belong to ABO system of blood group by the determination of the ABO blood group and after receiving the written permission.The control group contained 12,500 healthy blood donors donated blood during the same period. The examination of the patients was realized in the RE of Transfusion in Stip using micro-agglutinated cards (Dia Med-ID Mikro Typing Systems). Results:The results using Chi-square test showed no connection between ABO blood groups and diabetes mellitus typ 2. Blood group "A" and "O" were negatively associated with diabetes mellitus typ 2 (P < 0,005) because the biggest part of that blood group were no diabetic patients. There is no significant association between blood group "B" and "AB" with diabetes mellitus typ 2, although most of patients with diabetes mellitus typ 2 were with blood group "B". Discussion and conclusion:After completed the study, obtained results confirmed that there is a negative correlation of blood group "A" and "O" from the ABO system od blood groups with diabetes mellitus type 2

    The size ramsey number of graphs with bounded treewidth

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    A graph G is Ramsey for a graph H if every 2-coloring of the edges of G contains a monochromatic copy of H. We consider the following question: If H has bounded treewidth, is there a sparse graph G that is Ramsey for H? Two notions of sparsity are considered. Firstly, we show that if the maximum degree and treewidth of H are bounded, then there is a graph G with O(| V (H)| ) edges that is Ramsey for H. This was previously only known for the smaller class of graphs H with bounded bandwidth. On the other hand, we prove that in general the treewidth of a graph G that is Ramsey for H cannot be bounded in terms of the treewidth of H alone. In fact, the latter statement is true even if the treewidth is replaced by the degeneracy and H is a tree

    Имунологија 1

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    Оваа скрипта е наменета за студентите од Високата здравствена школа, но и како дополнителна литература за студентите по општа медицина

    Analysis of metals in the serum of professionally exposed population of blood-donors from the Buchim-Radovish mine and unexposed general population from the municipality of Shtip

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    Aims:To determine the concentration of heavy metals in the serum of professionally exposed blood donor population from Buchim-Radovish mine and the unexposed general population (control group) from Shtip. To estimate the potential difference of heavy metals concentration and their impact on the health of blood recipients. Methods and materials:The concentration of heavy metals (Mn, Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Co, Cd) was analyzed in the serum of 30 professionally exposed miners blood donors from active Buchim mine, located nearby the town of Radovish. The control group comprised of 30 samples from the general population from Shtip, not directly exposed to heavy metals. The research was conducted in the chemical-biochemical laboratory at the University “Goce Delchev” in Shtip, using the equipment ISP-AES, Liberty 110, Varian. Results and discussion:Concentrations of Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb were significantly higher in the group of miners compared with the control group. The concentration of Cu correlates significantly with the concentration of Zn. This result is in line with the known fact that Cd, Cu, Zn bond to metallothionein in vivo, while Mn does not. Concentrations of Co and Cd were not significantly different between the analyzed groups, only Ni concentration is higher in the control group. Average values of analyzed metals were higher in the exposed group than in control group as reported in several studies on miners and other professionally exposed workers. Conclusion:Heavy metals have major impact of human health and environment. Strict legislation aiming to solve raising problems in this area gives vital importance to the monitoring of heavy metals. It is necessary to undertake further detailed analysis on the impact of higher concentrations of heavy metals in the blood of miners blood donors and on the health of blood recipients