384 research outputs found

    The influence of geometrical shapes of stenosis on the blood flow in stenosed artery

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    The present work was carried out to investigate the blood flow behavior and the severity of blockage caused in the arterial passage due to the different geometries such as elliptical, trapezium and triangular shapes of stenosis. The study was conducted with respect to various sizes of stenosis in terms of 70%, 80% and 90% area blockage of the arterial blood flow. The study was carried out numerically with the help of advance computational fluid dynamic software. It was found that the shape of the stenosis plays an important role in overall pressure drop across the blockage region of artery. The highest level of pressure drop was observed for trapezoidal shape of stenosis followed by elliptical and then by triangular shaped stenosis. The wall shear stress across the stenosis is great for trapezoidal shape followed by triangular and elliptical stenosis for same blockage area in the artery

    Strategies to Produce Cost-Effective Third-Generation Biofuel From Microalgae

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    Third-generation biofuel produced from microalgae is a viable solution to global energy insecurity and climate change. Despite an annual current global algal biomass production of 38 million litres, commercialization confronts significant economic challenges. However, cost minimization strategies, particularly for microalgae cultivation, have largely been excluded from recent studies. Therefore, this review provides essential insights into the technologies and economics of cost minimization strategies for large-scale applications. Cultivation of microalgae through aquafarming, in wastewater, or for biogas upgrading, and co-production of value-added products (VAPs) such as photo-bioreactors, protein, astaxanthin, and exopolysaccharides can drastically reduce biodiesel production costs. For instance, the co-production of photo-bioreactors and astaxanthin can reduce the cost of biodiesel production from 3.90to3.90 to 0.54 per litre. Though many technical challenges need to be addressed, the economic analysis reveals that incorporating such cost-effective strategies can make the biorefinery concept feasible and profitable. The cost of producing microalgal biodiesel can be lowered to 0.73kg1dryweightwhencultivatedinwastewateror0.73kg−1 dry weight when cultivated in wastewater or 0.54L−1 when co-produced with VAPs. Most importantly, access to co-product markets with higher VAPs needs to be encouraged as the global market for microalgae-based VAPs is estimated to rise to $53.43 billion in 2026. Therefore, policies that incentivize research and development, as well as the production and consumption of microalgae-based biodiesel, are important to reduce the large gap in production cost that persists between biodiesel and petroleum diesel

    Dietary intake of benzo(a)pyrene and risk of esophageal cancer in north of Iran

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    One etiologic factor for high incidence of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in Golestan (Northeastern Iran) might be exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. We examined whether food and water are major sources of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) exposure in this population. We used a dietary questionnaire to assess the daily intake of staple food (rice and bread) and water in 3 groups: 40 ESCC Golestan cases, 40 healthy subjects from the same area, and 40 healthy subjects from a low-risk area in Southern Iran. We measured, by high-performance liquid chromatography combined with fluorescence detection, the BaP concentration of bread, rice, and water in samples obtained from these 3 groups and calculated the daily intake of BaP. Mean BaP concentration of staple foods and water was similar and within standard levels in both areas, but the daily intake of BaP was higher in controls from the high-risk area than in controls from the low-risk area (91.4 vs. 70.6 ng/day, P < 0.01). In the multivariate regression analysis, having ESCC had no independent effect on BaP, whereas residence in the low-risk area was associated with a significant decrease in total BaP intake. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons might, along with other risk factors, contribute to the high risk of ESCC in Golestan. Copyright © 2008, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Instruments to measure the ability to self-reflect:A systematic review of evidence from workplace and educational settings including health care

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    Introduction: Self-reflection has become recognised as a core skill in dental education, although the ability to self-reflect is valued and measured within several professions. This review appraises the evidence for instruments available to measure the self-reflective ability of adults studying or working within any setting, not just health care. Materials and Methods: A systematic review was conducted of 20 electronic databases (including Medline, ERIC, CINAHL and Business Source Complete) from 1975 to 2017, supplemented by citation searches. Data were extracted from each study and the studies graded against quality indicators by at least two independent reviewers, using a coding sheet. Reviewers completed a utility analysis of the assessment instruments described within included studies, appraising their reported reliability, validity, educational impact, acceptability and cost. Results: A total of 131 studies met the inclusion criteria. Eighteen were judged to provide higher quality evidence for the review and three broad types of instrument were identified, namely: rubrics (or scoring guides), self-reported scales and observed behaviour. Conclusions: Three types of instrument were identified to assess the ability to self-reflect. It was not possible to recommend a single most effective instrument due to under reporting of the criteria necessary for a full utility analysis of each. The use of more than one instrument may therefore be appropriate dependent on the acceptability to the faculty, assessor, student and cost. Future research should report on the utility of assessment instruments and provide guidance on what constitutes thresholds of acceptable or unacceptable ability to self-reflect, and how this should be managed

    Epidemiologic features of upper gastrointestinal tract cancers in Northeastern Iran

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    Previous studies have shown that oesophageal and gastric cancers are the most common causes of cancer death in the Golestan Province, Iran. In 2001, we established Atrak Clinic, a referral clinic for gastrointestinal (GI) diseases in Gonbad, the major city of eastern Golestan, which has permitted, for the first time in this region, endoscopic localisation and histologic examination of upper GI cancers. Among the initial 682 patients seen at Atrak Clinic, 370 were confirmed historically to have cancer, including 223 (60) oesophageal squamous cell cancers (ESCC), 22 (6) oesophageal adenocarcinomas (EAC), 58 (16) gastric cardia adenocarcinomas (GCA), and 58 (16) gastric noncardia adenocarcinomas. The proportional occurrence of these four main site-cell type subdivisions of upper GI cancers in Golestan is similar to that seen in Linxian, China, another area of high ESCC incidence, and is markedly different from the current proportions in many Western countries. Questioning of patients about exposure to some known and suspected risk factors for squamous cell oesophageal cancer confirmed a negligible history of consumption of alcohol, little use of cigarettes or nass (tobacco, lime and ash), and a low intake of opium, suggesting that the high rates of ESCC seen in northeastern Iran must have other important risk factors that remain speculative or unknown. Further studies are needed to define more precisely the patterns of upper GI cancer incidence, to test other previously suspected risk factors, and to find new significant risk factors in this high-risk area. © 2004 Cancer Research UK

    Validity and reliability of a new food frequency questionnaire compared to 24h recalls and biochemical measurements: Pilot phase of Golestan cohort study of esophageal cancer

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    Background: A pilot study was carried out to evaluate validity and reproducibility of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), which was designed to be used in a prospective cohort study in a population at high risk for esophageal cancer in northern Iran. Methods: The FFQ was administered four times to 131 subjects, aged 35-65 years, of both sexes. Twelve 24-h dietary recalls for two consecutive days were administered monthly during 1 year and used as a reference method. The excretion of nitrogen was measured on four 24-h urine samples, and plasma levels of β-carotene, retinol, vitamin C and α-tocopherol was measured from two time points. Relative validity of FFQ and 24-h diet recall was assessed by comparing nutrient intake derived from both methods with the urinary nitrogen and plasma levels of β-carotene, retinol, vitamin C and α-tocopherol. Results: Correlation coefficients comparing energy and nutrients intake based on the mean of the four FFQ and the mean of twelve 24-h diet recalls were 0.75 for total energy, 0.75 for carbohydrates, 0.76 for proteins and 0.65 for fat. Correlation coefficients between the FFQ-based intake and serum levels of β-carotene, retinol, vitamin C and vitamin E/α-tocopherol were 0.37, 0.32, 0.35 and 0.06, respectively. Correlation coefficients between urinary nitrogen and FFQ-based protein intake ranged from 0.23 to 0.35. Intraclass correlation coefficients used to measure reproducibility of FFQ ranged from 0.66 to 0.89. Conclusion: We found that the FFQ provides valid and reliable measurements of habitual intake for energy and most of the nutrients studied. © 2006 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved