12 research outputs found

    Utilization of e-book 3-dimensions information systems based on google analytics

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    The use of information and communication technology has become a necessity for people to search for information and information published in 3-dimensional e-book media, which has been widely used in information retrieval. This paper aims to determine the use of 3-dimensional e-Books produced by the Directorate of Repository, Multimedia, and Scientific Publishing-National Information Research Agency. The method used in this research is the Google Analytics method, an application that provides information on the results of data collection (data mining) using the web using page tag techniques. With Google Analytics, the collected data related to acquisition and user behavior on the web can be analyzed to be used as a goal, reference, and reliable data. The results showed that there were 304 (three hundred and four) titles of 3-dimensional E-Books produced, which were grouped into 12 categories. Users of 3-dimensional E-Books are spread across 12 (twelve) countries. The two countries that use the most are Indonesia, with 2,718 users (94.05%), followed by America with 72 users (2.49%). Meanwhile, the two most widely used 3-dimensional e-book categories were the tourism category with 625 (31.2%) and animal husbandry and agriculture 421 (21.0%). Considering that users of this 3-dimensional e-book are scattered in various countries, it is recommended that the production of this 3-dimensional e-book can be continued

    Mekanisme Pasar menurut Ibn Khaldun dan Aplikasinya di Pasar Modal Syariah

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    MODEL UPAYA HUKUM PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA EKONOMI SYARI’AH (Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 56/PK/Ag/2011)

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    Penelit ian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya salah satu fenomena menarik yang kini banyak diperbincangkan dalam diskursus reformasi peradilan adalah menyoal perluasan kewenangan absolut Peradilan Agama untuk menyelesaikan sengketa ekonomi syari‟ah. Hal ini muncul pasca dilakukannya amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1989 Jo. Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2006 Jo. Undang-Undang Nomor 50 Tahun 2009 Tentang Peradilan Agama (selanjutnya disingkat UUPA). Penelit ian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kerangka konsepsional penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syari‟ah, operasional upaya hukum penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syari‟ah, model putusan pengadilan di bidang penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syari‟ah, dan analisis yuridis terhadap putusan pengadilan di bidang penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syari‟ah. Penelit ian ini menggunakan metode yuridis-normatif untuk menjelaskan penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syari‟ah baik secara konsepsional maupun operasional. Sumber data primer sekunder, dan tersier serta teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode book review, dokumentasi, dan wawancara yang terkait dengan penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syari‟ah. Adapun untuk analisis data dilakukan secara deduktif dan induktif. Melalui penelit ian ini peneliti menyimpulkan: (1) dalam penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syari‟ah, para pihak yang sedang bersengketa dapat menempuh dua cara penyelesaikan hukum, yakni melakukan upaya hukum mediasi di lembaga arbitrase (non litigation) dan upaya hukum formal di pengadilan (litigation); (2) penerapan litigasi dan non litigasi menurut peneliti dapat dilihat dalam Putusan Peninjauan Kembali Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 56/PK/Ag/2011 tersebut sudah tepat dan benar, baik dilihat dari aspek hukum materil maupun hukum formil; (3) penerapan metode ijtihad melalui qiyas dalam huku m ekonomi syari‟ah harus dicantumkan dalam pertimbangan karena pokok perkara ini adalah berkaitan dengan perdata agama (sengketa ekonomi syari‟ah); dan (4) karena ada unsur “penemuan hukum”, peneliti berpendapat bahwa putusan ini layak untuk diangkat menjadi sebuah “yurisprudensi”, sehingga bisa dijadikan ruju kan bagi hakim-hakim lainnya di Peradilan Agama dan juga kalangan penggiat hukum dalam menyelesaikan sengketa ekonomi syari‟ah

    Mekanisme Pasar menurut Islam dan Konvensional

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    Two Decades of Bibliometric Research in Indonesia

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    Bibliometric research in Indonesia is essential to do for exploring trends and understanding the knowledge base of bibliometric research from the perspective of globally indexed publications. Bibliometric studies have been applied mainly to scientific fields of activity, mostly based on metadata elements such as author, title, subject, citation, etc., related to scientific publications in a discipline. However, no study explicitly discusses the development of bibliometric research in Indonesia based on globally indexed publications. This study aims to identify 1) the growth of bibliometric research in Indonesia, 2) the performance of scientific agencies in publishing bibliometric research in Indonesia, and 3) the science mapping of bibliometric research in Indonesia. This study used data and graphical quantification methods to help researchers understand the future progress and trends of bibliometric research in Indonesia. The study results show that within two decades, there have been 167 relevant documents published and globally indexed in this field. The 167 documents were then analyzed and interpreted using bibliometric techniques: performance analysis and science mapping. The performance analysis results show that bibliometric publications in Indonesia continue to increase from one publication in 2001 to 85 documents in 2022. The most popular categories studied with bibliometrics are Environmental science and Engineering. The analysis results also show the productivity of each scientific actor, including writers, institutions, and countries. The conclusion showed four significant clusters in bibliometric research in Indonesia: the Chemical science cluster, Bibliometric analysis and literature review, food safety, and top Indonesian universities

    Identifying and Mapping Study of the Information Professional in Library with Scientometric Analysis

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    The development of information in the digital era forces librarians to change their roles to become information professionals who have modern skills to face challenges in the digital environment. This study aimed to determine the extent of the studies conducted on information professionals in libraries and to find out the themes and terms that were often used, the trend of topics each year, and the social networks of the authors. The method used was Scientometric analysis using a single search in the Lens.org database. Articles were searched using the terms “information professional” AND “library” in the title. The data obtained were 1523 publications from 1950 to 2020. The results of this study showed that in 2011 and 2014 the largest number of publications were 76 and 84 articles, respectively. In addition, the average growth rate related to publications among information professionals was quite high at 29% during the analyzed period. The study themes were divided into 4 major theme groups and the basic theme was the most frequently used. Then the term that most often appears was "information" with 1110 repetitions. There were also technical terms such as digital, application, and internet which indicate that the study of information professionals had adapted to systems in the digital era. Following the trend of topics in the third quarter (2013-2020), it showed more about the LIS and skills