38 research outputs found

    Evolution of mitochondrial genomes in Baikalian amphipods

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    © 2016 The Author(s).Background: Amphipods (Crustacea) of Lake Baikal are a very numerous and diverse group of invertebrates generally believed to have originated by adaptive radiation. The evolutionary history and phylogenetic relationships in Baikalian amphipods still remain poorly understood. Sequencing of mitochondrial genomes is a relatively feasible way for obtaining a set of gene sequences suitable for robust phylogenetic inferences. The architecture of mitochondrial genomes also may provide additional information on the mechanisms of evolution of amphipods in Lake Baikal. Results: Three complete and four nearly complete mitochondrial genomes of Baikalian amphipods were obtained by high-throughput sequencing using the Illumina platform. A phylogenetic inference based on the nucleotide sequences of all mitochondrial protein coding genes revealed the Baikalian species to be a monophyletic group relative to the nearest non-Baikalian species with a completely sequenced mitochondrial genome - Gammarus duebeni. The phylogeny of Baikalian amphipods also suggests that the shallow-water species Eulimnogammarus has likely evolved from a deep-water ancestor, however many other species have to be added to the analysis to test this hypothesis. The gene order in all mitochondrial genomes of studied Baikalian amphipods differs from the pancrustacean ground pattern. Mitochondrial genomes of four species possess 23 tRNA genes, and in three genomes the extra tRNA gene copies have likely undergone remolding. Widely varying lengths of putative control regions and other intergenic spacers are typical for the mitochondrial genomes of Baikalian amphipods. Conclusions: The mitochondrial genomes of Baikalian amphipods display varying organization suggesting an intense rearrangement process during their evolution. Comparison of complete mitochondrial genomes is a potent approach for studying the amphipod evolution in Lake Baikal

    Phenetic analysis, trophic specialization and habitat partitioning in the Baikal amphipod genus Eulimnogammarus (Crustacea)

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    The pattern of adaptive radiation in the Baikal amphipod genus Eulimnogammarus was investigated through phenetic studies, gut contents analysis and a distributional survey. Eight species of Eulimnogammarus, together with representatives of related genera from Baikal or other regions, were phenetically analysed. This genus exhibited the highest affinity to Baikal-endemic Philolimnogammarus among six genera studied, but not to European “Eulimnogammarus”. Of the eight members of the Baikal genus Eulimnogammarus investigated, seven species were closely affiliated to one another, but one, E. grandimanus, showed a weak affinity not only to other congeners but also to other genera. Detailed studies of mouthpart morphology revealed interspecific differences in the structure of the mandibles and maxillae I. Among the taxa examined, Eurybiogammarus violaceus and Corophiomorphus kietlinskii had the most specialized mouthparts. Nine species of Eulimnogammarus and Philolimnogammarus were found in the littoral zone and were distributed in one of three habitat zones. Gut contents analysis of these taxa demonstrated that E. violaceus is a sponge feeder, but the other species examined were all generalist omnivores. Despite differences in mouthpart morphologies, high trophic overlap was evident between species, and the foods taken reflected the availability of local fauna and flora rather than mouthpart morphology. Possible mechanisms which permit the observed species overlap are considered

    About expedience of delivery the users of radio-location видеоинформации in perspective RLS

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    Розглядаються доцільність та необхідність видачі споживачам радіолокаційної відеоінформації від "цифрових" РЛС нового парку. З'ясовується значення терміну "радіолокаційна відеоінформація" та його сучасна трактовка. Наводиться аналіз витоків та умов, за яких в сучасних РЛС зникла така функція, як відображення первинної радіолокаційної обстановки. Аналізується потреба у відображенні радіолокаційної відеоінформації для споживачів Повітряних Сил. Описуються вимоги та умови до її реалізації.Рассматриваются целесообразность и необходимость выдачи потребителям радиолокационной видеоинформации от "цифровых" РЛС нового парка. Раскрывается значение термина "радиолокационная видеоинформация" и его современная трактовка. Наводится анализ истоков и условий, при которых в современных РЛС исчезла такая функция, как отображение первичной радиолокационной обстановки. Анализируется потребность в отображении радиолокационной видеоинформации для потребителей Воздушных Сил. Описываются требования и условия ее реализации.Expedience and necessity of delivery is examined to the users of radio-locating video information from "digital" RLS new park. The value of term turns out "радіолокаційна відеоінформація" and him modern interpretation. The analysis of sources and terms for which in modern RLS such function disappeared is pointed, as a reflection of primary radio-locating situation. A requirement is analysed in the reflection of radio-locating video information for the users of Aircrafts. Requirements and terms are described to its realization


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    Розглядаються особливості побудови та функціонування приймально-передавальних трактів в РЛС із еквівалентною внутрішньою когерентністю при використанні в них цифрової обробки сигналів. Висуваються вимоги до основних цифрових пристроїв в таких РЛС. Аналізуються можливості сучасної цифрової елементної бази на відповідність означеним вимогам. Пропонуються два основних напрямки в реалізації забезпечення еквівалентної внутрішньої когерентності в РЛС з автогенераторами: апаратний і алгоритмічний . Обговорюються можливі шляхи реалізації обох напрямків.Рассматриваются особенности построения и функционирования приемо-передающих трактов в РЛС с эквивалентной внутренней когерентностью при использовании в них цифровой обработки сигналов. Выдвигаются требования к основным цифровым устройствам в таких РЛС. Анализируются возможности современной цифровой элементной базы на соответствие отмеченным требованиям. Предлагаются два основных направления в реализации обеспечения эквивалентной внутренней когерентности в РЛС с автогенераторами: аппаратный и алгоритмический. Обсуждаются возможные пути реализации обоих направлений.The features of construction and functioning of combined highways are examined in RLS with equivalent internal coherentness at the use in them of digital treatment of signals. Requirements are pulled out to the basic digital devices in such RLS. Possibilities of modern digital element base are analysed on conforming to the noted requirements. Two basic directions are offered in realization of providing of equivalent internal coherentness in RLS with ascillators: vehicle and algorithmic. The possible ways of realization of both directions come into a question

    Evolution of mitochondrial genomes in Baikalian amphipods

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    © 2016 The Author(s).Background: Amphipods (Crustacea) of Lake Baikal are a very numerous and diverse group of invertebrates generally believed to have originated by adaptive radiation. The evolutionary history and phylogenetic relationships in Baikalian amphipods still remain poorly understood. Sequencing of mitochondrial genomes is a relatively feasible way for obtaining a set of gene sequences suitable for robust phylogenetic inferences. The architecture of mitochondrial genomes also may provide additional information on the mechanisms of evolution of amphipods in Lake Baikal. Results: Three complete and four nearly complete mitochondrial genomes of Baikalian amphipods were obtained by high-throughput sequencing using the Illumina platform. A phylogenetic inference based on the nucleotide sequences of all mitochondrial protein coding genes revealed the Baikalian species to be a monophyletic group relative to the nearest non-Baikalian species with a completely sequenced mitochondrial genome - Gammarus duebeni. The phylogeny of Baikalian amphipods also suggests that the shallow-water species Eulimnogammarus has likely evolved from a deep-water ancestor, however many other species have to be added to the analysis to test this hypothesis. The gene order in all mitochondrial genomes of studied Baikalian amphipods differs from the pancrustacean ground pattern. Mitochondrial genomes of four species possess 23 tRNA genes, and in three genomes the extra tRNA gene copies have likely undergone remolding. Widely varying lengths of putative control regions and other intergenic spacers are typical for the mitochondrial genomes of Baikalian amphipods. Conclusions: The mitochondrial genomes of Baikalian amphipods display varying organization suggesting an intense rearrangement process during their evolution. Comparison of complete mitochondrial genomes is a potent approach for studying the amphipod evolution in Lake Baikal