72 research outputs found

    Assessing Chinese currency regime (2012)

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    The present paper updates the question: the study revolves to analyze the exchange rates of CNY with its major trading partners including USD, JPY, EUR, and GBP. It was assumed that CNY have a major relation with USD and in order to find out such impact, a set of observations of 2060 have been taken for consideration in a form of five different currencies rate. Augmented Dickey Fuller Unit root test has been applied in order to find out the trend and checked non-stationary at several levels (at level, at Log & at 1st difference of Log). After that Multiple Regression had been applied on stationer observations and then for finding better impact some non-impacting variables were eliminated. Result revealed that USD and JPY have a significantly impact on CNY whereas EUR and GBP do not have it. It was also found that CNY currency regime let itself change its exchange rate due to some internal factors. Other currencies as variables could be taken for further research in recent study in order to analyze other currency regime, represents the scope of research

    Assessing Chinese currency regime (2012)

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    The present paper updates the question: the study revolves to analyze the exchange rates of CNY with its major trading partners including USD, JPY, EUR, and GBP. It was assumed that CNY have a major relation with USD and in order to find out such impact, a set of observations of 2060 have been taken for consideration in a form of five different currencies rate. Augmented Dickey Fuller Unit root test has been applied in order to find out the trend and checked non-stationary at several levels (at level, at Log & at 1st difference of Log). After that Multiple Regression had been applied on stationer observations and then for finding better impact some non-impacting variables were eliminated. Result revealed that USD and JPY have a significantly impact on CNY whereas EUR and GBP do not have it. It was also found that CNY currency regime let itself change its exchange rate due to some internal factors. Other currencies as variables could be taken for further research in recent study in order to analyze other currency regime, represents the scope of research

    Assessing Chinese currency regime (2012)

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    The present paper updates the question: the study revolves to analyze the exchange rates of CNY with its major trading partners including USD, JPY, EUR, and GBP. It was assumed that CNY have a major relation with USD and in order to find out such impact, a set of observations of 2060 have been taken for consideration in a form of five different currencies rate. Augmented Dickey Fuller Unit root test has been applied in order to find out the trend and checked non-stationary at several levels (at level, at Log & at 1st difference of Log). After that Multiple Regression had been applied on stationer observations and then for finding better impact some non-impacting variables were eliminated. Result revealed that USD and JPY have a significantly impact on CNY whereas EUR and GBP do not have it. It was also found that CNY currency regime let itself change its exchange rate due to some internal factors. Other currencies as variables could be taken for further research in recent study in order to analyze other currency regime, represents the scope of research

    Technology in Fintech Revolution and Future Advancements

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    Technology has taken a leap forward in a way no one expected. Nowadays it is integrated to one and every field out there. Advancement in any field is very much now dependent on the advancement of the technology. Fintech is the term coined as a combination of Finance and Technology. A large number of financial processes are routed with the help of technology and hence, Fintech revolution has taken place. This paper tries to comprehend the ways in which today’s research and development will influence and shape the future Fintech world. The study is descriptive in nature in which primary data has been captured from the industry experts who are working in the Fintech Profiles in the financial services and IT industry. Sample size of the study is 110 experts. Weighted mean on five point scale and one sample t-test was applied to analyze the data

    Phytoplankton Composition and Productivity of a Shallow Tropical Lake

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    Phy toplankton composition and production in Paya Bungor, Pahang, were studied from October 1981 to Septemoer 1982 and from January to December 1982 respectively. Phytoplankton diversity is in the order of Chlorophyta> Bacillariophyceae > Cyanophyta> Chrysophyceae > Euglenophyta > Phyrrhophyta; but the order in terms or ab~ndance is Cyanophyta> Chrysophyceae > Chlorophyceae> Bacillariophyceae. The brown water system of Paya Bungor seems to contain a higher phytoplankton production than the white water system. Maximum production generally occurs at the top layer of the water, but shifts to the subsurface layers on hot days due to photo-inhibition at the surface. Generally, nutrient and light energy are the two most important factors controlling phytoplankton production in Paya Bungor

    Semi-transparent energy-harvesting solar concentrator windows employing infrared transmission-enhanced glass and large-area microstructured diffractive elements

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    We report on the study of energy-harvesting performance in medium-size (400 cm2) glass-based semitransparent solar concentrators employing edge-mounted photovoltaic modules. Systems using several different types of glazing system architecture and containing embedded diffractive structures are prepared and characterized. The technological approaches to the rapid manufacture of large-area diffractive elements suitable for use in solar window-type concentrators are described. These elements enable the internal deflection and partial trapping of light inside glass-based concentrator windows. We focus on uncovering the potential of pattern-transfer polymer-based soft lithography for enabling both the improved photon collection probability at solar cell surfaces, and the up-scaling of semitransparent solar window dimensions. Results of photovoltaic characterization of several solar concentrators employing different internal glazing-system structure and diffractive elements produced using different technologies are reported and discussed

    Semi-transparent energy-harvesting solar concentrator windows employing infrared transmission-enhanced glass and large-area microstructured diffractive elements

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    We report on the study of energy-harvesting performance in medium-size (400 cm2) glass-based semitransparent solar concentrators employing edge-mounted photovoltaic modules. Systems using several different types of glazing system architecture and containing embedded diffractive structures are prepared and characterized. The technological approaches to the rapid manufacture of large-area diffractive elements suitable for use in solar window-type concentrators are described. These elements enable the internal deflection and partial trapping of light inside glass-based concentrator windows. We focus on uncovering the potential of pattern-transfer polymer-based soft lithography for enabling both the improved photon collection probability at solar cell surfaces, and the up-scaling of semitransparent solar window dimensions. Results of photovoltaic characterization of several solar concentrators employing different internal glazing-system structure and diffractive elements produced using different technologies are reported and discussed

    Experimental and Numerical Study on Cavitation Effects in Centrifugal Pumps

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    Experimental and numerical investigations of the centrifugal pump performance at non-cavitating and cavitating flow conditions were carried out in the present study. Experiments were performed by applying a vacuum to a closed-loop system to investigate the effects of the net positive suction head available (NPSHa), flow rate, water temperature and pump speed on the centrifugal pump performance. Accordingly, many of the important parameters concerning cavitation phenomenon were calculated. Also, the noise which is accompanied by cavitation was measured. Numerical analysis was implemented for two phase flow (the water and its vapor) using a 2-D simulation by ANSYS FLUENT software to investigate the internal flow of centrifugal pump under cavitating conditions. It was observed that with decreasing NPSHa, the values of the pump head, flow rate and efficiency initially remain constant, but with further reduction in NPSHa these parameters will decrease. Also, it was found that at 3% head drop the percentage drop of the flow rate is less than 2% whereas the percentage drop of the efficiency is greater than 3%. Numerically, it was noticed that the cavitation regions appear at the leading edge of suction side of the impeller blades which represents the lowest pressure area inside the computational domain of the centrifugal pump

    In Vitro Propagation of Medicinal Plant Orthosiphun Stamineus (Misai Kucing) Through Axillary Branching and Callus Culture

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    Orthosiphun stamineus is a herbaceous plant that is popularly known as Misai Kucing. It is widely used in traditional medicine as diuretic agent. This study was divided into two parts that was the in vitro production of complete plantlet through axillary branching and callus culture derived from leaf explant. In axillary branching method, sterilization was conducted using 0.02mg/100ml of mercuric chloride followed by rinsing with 20% and 50% of Clorox for 20 minutes and 5 minutes respectively. This sterilization method was able to remove the contaminants from the surface of the axillary stem and almost 70% of the explants were survived. Axillary bud was placed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basic medium and cultured for 1 month. The in vitro shoot was inoculated on MS medium which was supplemented with different concentrations of BAP and NAA. The medium that contained 1.0mg/L of BAP gave the best shoot multiplication (13.25) and shoot length (6.23cm) after 8 weeks in culture. Root formation in term of percentage of root (70%) and the number of root produced (10.50) were the best when shoot inserted into medium contained 6mg/L IBA after 3 weeks in culture. However, MS medium that was supplemented with 2 mg/L IBA enhanced in the root length (3.85 cm). Meanwhile, in callus culture, the leaf explant was placed on MS medium containing with various concentrations of 2,4-D for induction of callus. The optimum level of callus induction and proliferation rate (0.42) were obtained with 4mg/L 2,4-D. The callus cells were tested in medium with Evan’s Blue staining and the result showed that the cells were embryogenic. However, the shoot induction from the callus was failed in all tested mediums containing different combinations of BAP and 2,4-D