5 research outputs found

    Values And Goals: Nebraska Reservation Indians

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    An Interview Schedule consisting of 20 questions was given to 89 persons living on three reservations in Nebraska around Macy, Winnebago, and Niobrara. This paper is based on data from three of the questions about their judgments of \u27good\u27 and \u27bad\u27, and those aspects of Indian culture which should be emphasized. The data were content analyzed. Responses were coded as units of value-statements and assigned to various categories. Five inter-related value clusters or themes emerged: culturally-oriented such as, pride in Indianness; group-oriented such as, sharing, being non-interfering; individually-oriented such as, courage both physical and moral, good judgment in the use of liquor: humanity-oriented such as, genuine love and respect for human beings; and spiritually-oriented such as, return to the Native American Indian Church, communion with God and nature. Instead of the stereotyped lazy, drunkard, savage Indian, the Nebraska Indian from this exploratory study, emerges as a human being struggling against innumerable odds trying to hold on to some of his cultural values and basic human virtues

    Microglia‐leucocyte axis in cerebral ischaemia and inflammation in the developing brain

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    Development of the Central Nervous System (CNS) is reliant on the proper function of numerous intricately orchestrated mechanisms that mature independently, including constant communication between the CNS and the peripheral immune system. This review summarizes experimental knowledge of how cerebral ischaemia in infants and children alters physiological communication between leucocytes, brain immune cells, microglia and the neurovascular unit (NVU)-the "microglia-leucocyte axis"-and contributes to acute and long-term brain injury. We outline physiological development of CNS barriers in relation to microglial and leucocyte maturation and the plethora of mechanisms by which microglia and peripheral leucocytes communicate during postnatal period, including receptor-mediated and intracellular inflammatory signalling, lipids, soluble factors and extracellular vesicles. We focus on the "microglia-leucocyte axis" in rodent models of most common ischaemic brain diseases in the at-term infants, hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) and focal arterial stroke and discuss commonalities and distinctions of immune-neurovascular mechanisms in neonatal and childhood stroke compared to stroke in adults. Given that hypoxic and ischaemic brain damage involve Toll-like receptor (TLR) activation, we discuss the modulatory role of viral and bacterial TLR2/3/4-mediated infection in HIE, perinatal and childhood stroke. Furthermore, we provide perspective of the dynamics and contribution of the axis in cerebral ischaemia depending on the CNS maturational stage at the time of insult, and modulation independently and in consort by individual axis components and in a sex dependent ways. Improved understanding on how to modify crosstalk between microglia and leucocytes will aid in developing age-appropriate therapies for infants and children who suffered cerebral ischaemia