174 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam melalui Metode Inkuiri Kelas V Sekolah Dasar 18 Berangan Pale

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    The title of this study is Increased Activity of Students in the Natural Sciences Learning Through Inquiry Methods In Fifth Grade Elementary School. The research aims to Know What Inquiry Methods to Improve Students Learning Activity In Natural Sciences Learning In Primary School Fifth Grade 18 Berangan Pale Landak District. The method used is descriptive research form the Classroom Action Research (CAR). Subjects were 9 grade Fifth 18 Elementary School in Berangan Pale Landak District. Procedures conducted research is action planning, action, observation and reflection implementation. Collection tools used for documentation methods, tests and observation sheet. Results of data analysis that (1) learning method can improve the inquiry activities of learners in the study of Natural Science in Elementary School fifth grade 18 Berangan Pale Landak District

    Radiation distributions in TCV

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    Total radiative powers measured by foil bolometer and AXUV camera systems are compared to SOLPS5 simulations in low and high density deuterium and helium diverted discharges on the TCV tokamak. For low density the match between simulation and measurements is satisfactory, but at high density strongly radiating regions outside the SOLPS5 simulation grid are seen in measurements and this may indicate the presence of enhanced convective particle transport in the low field side midplane region. The chord coverage of the foil bolometer system does not, however, allow detailed resolution in this region. The comparison of foil and AXUV data also demonstrates that ageing of the AXUV diodes under plasma irradiation combined with the unevenness of the diode spectral response, strongly limits their application for total radiative power measurements. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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