197 research outputs found

    Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Neoplasms

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    Neuroendocrine neoplasms constitute a diverse group of tumors that derive from the sensory and secretory neuroendocrine cells and predominantly arise within the pulmonary and gastrointestinal tracts. The majority of these neoplasms have a well-differentiated grade and are termed neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). This subgroup is characterized by limited proliferation and patients affected by these tumors carry a good to moderate prognosis. A substantial subset of patients presenting with a NET suffer from the consequences of endocrine syndromes as a result of the excessive secretion of amines or peptide hormones, which can impair their quality of life and prognosis. Over the past 15 years, critical developments in tumor grading, diagnostic biomarkers, radionuclide imaging, randomized controlled drug trials, evidence-based guidelines, and superior prognostic outcomes have substantially altered the field of NET care. Here, we review the relevant advances to clinical practice that have significantly upgraded our approach to NET patients, both in diagnostic and in therapeutic options

    Aktualne poglądy na diagnostykę i leczenie niskozróżnicowanych raków neuroendokrynnych przewodu pokarmowego

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    Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (PDNEC) are rare tumours that can originate from any site of the gastrointestinal tract exhibiting an overall aggressive behaviour that may vary between tumours according to the degree of cellular proliferation. The majority of PDNEC are locally advanced or metastatic at presentation, and are only infrequently associated with secretory hormonal syndromes. PDNEC exhibit aggressive histological features (high mitotic rate, high Ki67 labelling index and presence of necrosis) and are further subdivided into two morphological subgroups, small and large cell variants. As PDNEC express somatostatin receptors less frequently, somatostatin receptor scintigraphy is usually negative, whereas 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography appears to be the best method of evaluating disease spread and guiding further treatment. PDNEC have traditionally been treated similarly to small cell lung carcinoma, although they show a number of different clinical and histopathologic features. First line systemic chemotherapy with a platinum-based agent and etoposide is used for patients with metastatic disease, leading to variable response rates that are often of relative short duration. Sequential or concurrent chemoradiation is recommended for patients with locoregional disease. In patients with localised disease, complete surgical resection should be offered followed by adjuvant treatment (chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy); the value of neoadjuvant chemotherapy has not been evaluated as yet. The role of second line therapies is evolving, with temozolomide being a promising agent. However, the majority of data regarding PDNEC is hampered by the small number of series and their retrospective nature, making it important that multicentre co-operative studies be performed.Niskozróżnicowane raki neuroendokrynne (PDNEC, poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas) to rzadkie nowotwory, które mogą wywodzić się z dowolnego miejsca w przewodzie pokarmowym, cechując się ogólnie agresywnym przebiegiem uzależnionym od stopnia nasilenia proliferacji komórek nowotworowych. Większość przypadków PDNEC w momencie rozpoznania stanowią nowotwory miejscowo zaawansowane lub przerzutowe i rzadko towarzyszą im zespoły chorobowe związane z wydzielanymi przez te nowotwory hormonami. PDNEC cechują się agresywnym obrazem histopatologicznym (duża liczba figur podziału, wysoki wskaźnik aktywności proliferacyjnej Ki67 i obecność martwicy) i wyróżnia się wśród nich dwie podgrupy morfologiczne — odmianę drobnokomórkową i wielkokomórkową. Ponieważ w PDNEC rzadziej stwierdza się ekspresję receptorów somatostatynowych, scyntygrafia receptorów somatostatynowych zwykle daje negatywne wyniki, natomiast pozytonowa tomografia emisyjna z 18F-fluorodeoksyglukozą wydaje się być najlepszą metodą do oceny rozległości choroby i pomocną przy podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących dalszego leczenia. PDNEC zwykle leczy się podobnie do drobnokomórkowego raka płuca, choć nowotwory te wykazują szereg różnic klinicznych i histopatologicznych. U pacjentów z chorobą rozsianą stosuje się układową chemioterapię pierwszego rzutu obejmującą pochodną platyny i etopozyd. Odsetek odpowiedzi na leczenie jest różny, a sama odpowiedź utrzymuje się względnie krótko. U pacjentów z chorobą lokoregionalną zaleca się stosowanie sekwencyjnej lub jednoczasowej chemioradioterapii. U pacjentów z chorobą zlokalizowaną stosuje się radykalne leczenie chirurgiczne z chemio- lub chemioradioterapią uzupełniającą. Nie ustalono dotychczas roli chemioterapii neoadiuwantowej. Schematy leczenia drugiego rzutu na razie ewoluują; obiecujący wydaje się być temozolomid. Wartość większości danych dotyczących PDNEC jest jednak ograniczona niezbyt dużą liczbą przypadków oraz ich retrospektywnym charakterem. Dlatego też tak ważne byłoby przeprowadzenie wieloośrodkowych badań kooperacyjnych

    Transcriptomics, Epigenetics, and Metabolomics of Primary Aldosteronism

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    INTRODUCTION Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most common cause of endocrine hypertension, mainly caused by aldosterone-producing adenomas or hyperplasia; understanding its pathophysiological background is important in order to provide ameliorative treatment strategies. Over the past several years, significant progress has been documented in this field, in particular in the clarification of the genetic and molecular mechanisms responsible for the pathogenesis of aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs). METHODS Systematic searches of the PubMed and Cochrane databases were performed for all human studies applying transcriptomic, epigenetic or metabolomic analyses to PA subjects. Studies involving serial analysis of gene expression and microarray, epigenetic studies with methylome analyses and micro-RNA expression profiles, and metabolomic studies focused on improving understanding of the regulation of autonomous aldosterone production in PA were all included. RESULTS In this review we summarize the main findings in this area and analyze the interplay between primary aldosteronism and several signaling pathways with differential regulation of the RNA and protein expression of several factors involved in, among others, steroidogenesis, calcium signaling, and nuclear, membrane and G-coupled protein receptors. Distinct transcriptomic and metabolomic patterns are also presented herein, depending on the mutational status of APAs. In particular, two partially opposite transcriptional and steroidogenic profiles appear to distinguish APAs carrying a KCNJ5 mutation from all other APAs, which carry different mutations. CONCLUSIONS These findings can substantially contribute to the development of personalized treatment in patients with PA

    Bone metabolism in Langerhans cell histiocytosis

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of not well-defined etiology that involves immune cell activation and frequently affects the skeleton. Bone involvement in LCH usually presents in the form of osteolytic lesions along with low bone mineral density. Various molecules involved in bone metabolism are implicated in the pathogenesis of LCH or may be affected during the course of the disease, including interleukins (ILs), tumor necrosis factor α, receptor activator of NF-κB (RANK) and its soluble ligand RANKL, osteoprotegerin (OPG), periostin and sclerostin. Among them IL-17A, periostin and RANKL have been proposed as potential serum biomarkers for LCH, particularly as the interaction between RANK, RANKL and OPG not only regulates bone homeostasis through its effects on the osteoclasts but also affects the activation and survival of immune cells. Significant changes in circulating and lesional RANKL levels have been observed in LCH patients irrespective of bone involvement. Standard LCH management includes local or systematic administration of corticosteroids and chemotherapy. Given the implication of RANK, RANKL and OPG in the pathogenesis of the disease and the osteolytic nature of bone lesions, agents aiming at inhibiting the RANKL pathway and/or osteoclastic activation, such as bisphosphonates and denosumab, may have a role in the therapeutic approach of LCH although further clinical investigation is warranted

    Aktualne poglądy na diagnostykę i leczenie niskozróżnicowanych raków neuroendokrynnych przewodu pokarmowego

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    Niskozróżnicowane raki neuroendokrynne (PDNEC, poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas) to rzadkie nowotwory, które mogą wywodzić się z dowolnego miejsca w przewodzie pokarmowym, cechując się ogólnie agresywnym przebiegiem uzależnionym od stopnia nasilenia proliferacji komórek nowotworowych. Większość przypadków PDNEC w momencie rozpoznania stanowią nowotwory miejscowo zaawansowane lub przerzutowe i rzadko towarzyszą im zespoły chorobowe związane z wydzielanymi przez te nowotwory hormonami. PDNEC cechują się agresywnym obrazem histopatologicznym (duża liczba figur podziału, wysoki wskaźnik aktywności proliferacyjnej Ki67 i obecność martwicy) i wyróżnia się wśród nich dwie podgrupy morfologiczne — odmianę drobnokomórkową i wielkokomórkową. Ponieważ w PDNEC rzadziej stwierdza się ekspresję receptorów somatostatynowych, scyntygrafia receptorów somatostatynowych zwykle daje negatywne wyniki, natomiast pozytonowa tomografia emisyjna z 18F-fluorodeoksyglukozą wydaje się być najlepszą metodą do oceny rozległości choroby i pomocną przy podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących dalszego leczenia. PDNEC zwykle leczy się podobnie do drobnokomórkowego raka płuca, choć nowotwory te wykazują szereg różnic klinicznych i histopatologicznych. U pacjentów z chorobą uogólnioną stosuje się układową chemioterapię pierwszego rzutu obejmującą pochodną platyny i etopozyd. Odsetek odpowiedzi na leczenie jest różny, a sama odpowiedź utrzymuje się względnie krótko. U pacjentów z chorobą lokoregionalną zaleca się stosowanie sekwencyjnej lub jednoczasowej chemioradioterapii. U pacjentów z chorobą zlokalizowaną stosuje się radykalne leczenie chirurgiczne z chemio- lub chemioradioterapią uzupełniającą. Nie ustalono dotychczas roli chemioterapii neoadiuwantowej. Schematy leczenia drugiego rzutu na razie ewoluują; obiecujący wydaje się być temozolomid. Wartość większości danych dotyczących PDNEC jest jednak ograniczona niezbyt dużą liczbą przypadków oraz ich retrospektywnym charakterem. Dlatego też tak ważne byłoby przeprowadzenie wieloośrodkowych badań kooperacyjnych

    The value of PRL in predicting prolactinοma in hyperprolactinemic PCOS

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    Background To identify a serum prolactin (PRL) cut‐off value indicative of a PRL‐producing adenoma in women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and hyperprolactinemia and characterize such patients. Materials and methods In the present retrospective case‐control study the medical records of 528 PCOS women were reviewed. Pituitary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in PCOS patients with PRL levels ≥94.0 ng/mL and/or symptoms suspicious of a pituitary adenoma (PA). Prolactinoma diagnosis was made in the presence of an MRI‐identifiable PA with biochemical and radiological response to dopamine agonists. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed to determine a serum PRL threshold that could identify hyperprolactinemic PCOS subjects with prolactinomas. Clinical, metabolic and endocrine parameters were also analysed. Results Among 528 patients with PCOS, 60 (11.4%) had elevated PRL levels. Of 44 (73.3%) patients who had pituitary imaging, 19 had PAs, 18 normal MRI and 7 other abnormalities. Patients harboring prolactinomas had significantly higher PRL levels compared to patients without adenomas (median PRL 95.4 vs. 49.2 ng/mL, p<0.0001). A PRL threshold of 85.2 ng/mL could distinguish patients with prolactinomas with 77% sensitivity and 100% specificity [Area Under the curve (AUC) (95%) 0.91(0.8‐1.018), p=0.0001]. PCOS women with prolactinomas were younger and had lower LH levels compared to women without prolactinomas. Conclusions In women with PCOS, PRL levels exceeding 85.2 ng/mL are highly suggestive of a prolactinoma warranting pituitary imaging. Pituitary MRI could also be considered in young PCOS patients with milder PRL elevation and low LH levels

    Mechanisms of Central Hypogonadism

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    Reproductive function depends upon an operational hypothalamo–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis. Due to its role in determining survival versus reproductive strategies, the HPG axis is vulnerable to a diverse plethora of signals that ultimately manifest with Central Hypogonadism (CH) in all its many guises. Acquired CH can result from any pituitary or hypothalamic lesion, including its treatment (such as surgical resection and/or radiotherapy). The HPG axis is particularly sensitive to the suppressive effects of hyperprolactinaemia that can occur for many reasons, including prolactinomas, and as a side effect of certain drug therapies. Physiologically, prolactin (combined with the suppressive effects of autonomic neural signals from suckling) plays a key role in suppressing the gonadal axis and establishing temporary CH during lactation. Leptin is a further key endocrine regulator of the HPG axis. During starvation, hypoleptinaemia (from diminished fat stores) results in activation of hypothalamic agouti-related peptide neurons that have a dual purpose to enhance appetite (important for survival) and concomitantly suppresses GnRH neurons via effects on neural kisspeptin release. Obesity is associated with hyperleptinaemia and leptin resistance that may also suppress the HPG axis. The suppressibility of the HPG axis also leaves it vulnerable to the effects of external signals that include morphine, anabolic-androgenic steroids, physical trauma and stress, all of which are relatively common causes of CH. Finally, the HPG axis is susceptible to congenital malformations, with reports of mutations within >50 genes that manifest with congenital CH, including Kallmann Syndrome associated with hyposmia or anosmia (reduction or loss of the sense of smell due to the closely associated migration of GnRH with olfactory neurons during embryogenesis). Analogous to the HPG axis itself, patients with CH are often vulnerable, and their clinical management requires both sensitivity and empathy

    Glyoxalase 1 copy number variation in patients with well differentiated gastroentero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP-NET)

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    Background: The glyoxalase-1 gene (GLO1) is a hotspot for copy-number variation (CNV) in human genomes. Increased GLO1 copy-number is associated with multidrug resistance in tumour chemotherapy, but prevalence of GLO1 CNV in gastro-entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP-NET) is unknown. Methods: GLO1 copy-number variation was measured in 39 patients with GEP-NET (midgut NET, n = 25; pancreatic NET, n = 14) after curative or debulking surgical treatment. Primary tumour tissue, surrounding healthy tissue and, where applicable, additional metastatic tumour tissue were analysed, using real time qPCR. Progression and survival following surgical treatment were monitored over 4.2 ± 0.5 years. Results: In the pooled GEP-NET cohort, GLO1 copy-number in healthy tissue was 2.0 in all samples but significantly increased in primary tumour tissue in 43% of patients with pancreatic NET and in 72% of patients with midgut NET, mainly driven by significantly higher GLO1 copy-number in midgut NET. In tissue from additional metastases resection (18 midgut NET and one pancreatic NET), GLO1 copy number was also increased, compared with healthy tissue; but was not significantly different compared with primary tumour tissue. During mean 3 - 5 years follow-up, 8 patients died and 16 patients showed radiological progression. In midgut NET, a high GLO1 copy-number was associated with earlier progression. In NETs with increased GLO1 copy number, there was increased Glo1 protein expression compared to non-malignant tissue. Conclusions: GLO1 copy-number was increased in a large percentage of patients with GEP-NET and correlated positively with increased Glo1 protein in tumour tissue. Analysis of GLO1 copy-number variation particularly in patients with midgut NET could be a novel prognostic marker for tumour progression