258 research outputs found

    Moderner und postmoderner Adoleszenzroman

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    Damit der moderne und der postmoderne Adoleszenzroman poetologisch erfasst werden können bietet diese Arbeit einen historischen Abriss, der Vorformen und Bezugspunkte der Gattung umschreibt. Adoleszenzromane finden sich nicht nur im literarischen Feld der Jugendliteratur, werden aber vorwiegend in diesem diskutiert. Zu einem Diskurs in der Germanistik kommt es nicht. Anschließend an Hartmut Laufhüttes Überlegungen zur fehlerhaften Modellbildung des Entwicklungs- und Bildungsromans wird der Adoleszenzroman als Romanform begriffen, die dem Biografie-Modell folgt. Um den Adoleszenzroman verstehen und ihn als Produkt des gesellschaftlichen und literarischen Modernisierungsprozesses begreifen zu können, werden in der Arbeit sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Aspekte verstärkt berücksichtigt. Es wird daher ein Abriss der historischen Entwicklung von Jugendkultur gegeben, und unterschiedliche Adoleszenztheorien (Vera King, Julia Kristeva, Mario Erdheim) werden skizziert. Zum besseren Verständnis der Romanform werden Wissenschafts- und rezeptionsgeschichtliche Analysen getroffen. Als gattungsbestimmend können für den Adoleszenzroman zwei Mythengruppen nachgewiesen werden, die den Romanen als narrative Struktur zu Grunde liegen. Für den modernen Adoleszenzroman ist das der Heldenmythos und für den postmodernen Adoleszenzroman der Trickster-Mythos. Beide Mythen kreisen um die Motive Autonomie, Negation und Individuation, die sich auf Grund unterschiedlicher narrativer Strukturen verschieden realisieren. Dem österreichischen Adoleszenzroman konnte in dieser Arbeit ein besonderer Platz innerhalb des deutschsprachigen Adoleszenzromans zugewiesen werden. Er ist kaum im literarischen Feld der Jugendliteratur zu finden. Nicht popkulturelle Phänomene wie in Deutschland, sondern die Arbeit mit der Sprache und das Sprachspiel sind für den österreichischen Adoleszenzroman von zentraler Bedeutung


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    Lattice structures are currently of high interest, especially for lightweight design. They generally have better structural performance per weight than parts made of bulk material. With conventional manufacturing techniques they are difficult to produce, but with additive manufacturing (AM) fabricationisfeasible. To better understand their behaviour under various loading conditions two lattice structures in different configurations were observed. For each structure three different test specimens were designed and manufactured using selective laser sintering (SLS). To investigate the mechanical performance under large deformations the specimens were made of a thermoplastic polyurethane(TPU), which shows a hyperelastic material behaviour. Beside the experimental observations also finite element analyses (FEA) were conducted to investigate the deformation behaviour in more detail

    Erlebniswirkung von Hausfassaden

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Erlebniswirkung von Hausfassaden. Dazu wurde 122 Personen ein Online-Fragebogen vorgelegt. 12 farbige Fassadenfotos, welche in den gestalterischen Merkmalen Farbe (rot/blau), Fensterform (eckig/rund) und Fensterrahmen (kein Rahmen, gemalter Rahmen, 3D Rahmen) variierten, sollten mittels eines semantischen Differentials bestehend aus 12 Adjektivgegenpaaren, bewertet werden. Zunächst stellte sich die Frage, welche Erlebnisdimensionen der Beurteilung zugrunde liegen. Diesbezüglich zeigt sich, dass zwei Faktoren, der Valenz- sowie der Struktur-Stimulationsfaktor, die Erlebniswirkung von Hausfassaden beschreiben. Weiteres lag das Forschungsinteresse darin, herauszufinden ob die Beurteilung der Fassaden vermehrt von Objekteigenschaften beziehungsweise von subjektiven Merkmalen beeinflusst wird. Als Objekteigenschaften gingen die gestalterischen Merkmale Farbe, Fensterform und Fensterrahmen in die Berechnung ein, während als Subjekteigenschaften das Geschlecht, die Expertise und die Wohngegend herangezogen wurden. Es stellte sich die Frage ob Männer und Frauen beziehungsweise Laien und Experten, oder Menschen die in der Stadt oder am Land beheimatet sind die Hausfassaden unterschiedlich beurteilen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die zwei Erlebnisdimensionen maßgeblich von den Objekteigenschaften beeinflusst werden. Subjektive Merkmale spielen eine geringere Rolle.The present study is about the aesthetical appraisal of house facades. Therefore an online-survey was conducted and 122 persons were asked to judge twelve colored photo slides of house facades- which varied concerning their color (red, blue), their shape of windows (curved/angular) and their window frames (no frame, a painted frame, 3D frame)- by using a semantic differential. First a factor analysis was calculated and results revealed that there are two factors underlying the aesthetical impressions. The first factor describes the structure and stimulation appraisals whereas the second factor describes the valence judgments. The aim was to find out if the aesthetical appraisals are more influenced by physical features or by subjects. Moreover, the current study analyzes whether there are any differences between men and women, people living in the city or in the countryside and also between lay persons and experts concerning their aesthetical impressions of the house facades. The results we have to hand reveal that judgments are more influenced by physical features of house facades and that subjective properties are less important


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    Nowadays short fibre reinforced polymers are often used in load carrying structural parts. Compared to continuous fibre reinforced polymers they exhibit a more complex morphology. Hence the determination of the strength is a difficult but important task. Therefore this was the objective of this research. The strength of short fibre reinforced polymers was numerically determined for low-speed to high-speed strain rates for specimens with different fibre orientations. For the failure modelling the micromechanical approach “First pseudo grain failure” in Digimat was used. The parameters for the material and failure description were determined with the reverse engineering method. Integrated finite element simulationswere performed to validate the material and failure models by tensile and bending tests with different specimens. The comparison of the results of the experiments and simulations showed low deviation

    Genauigkeit eines bildfreien Navigationssystemes für die Hüftpfannenimplantation – eine anatomische Studie

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    The position of the acetabular cup is of decisive importance for. the function of a total hip replacement (THR). Using the conventional surgical technique, correct placement of the cup often fails due to a lack of information about pelvic tilt. With CT-based and fluoroscopically-assisted navigation procedures the accuracy of implantation has been significantly improved. However, additional radiation exposure, high cost and the increased time requirement have hampered the acceptance of these techniques. The present anatomical study evaluates the accuracy of an alternative procedure-image-free navigation. This method requires little extra effort, does not substantially delay surgery, and needs no additional imaging. Press-fit cups were implanted in 10 human cadaveric hips with the help of the image-free navigation system, and the position of the cups was checked intraoperatively with a CT-based navigation system and postoperatively by computed tomography. All cups were implanted within the targeted safe zone with an average inclination of 44degrees (range 40degrees-48degrees, SABW 2.7degrees) and an average anteversion of 18degrees (range 12-24degrees, SABW 4.1degrees). Analysis of accuracy of the image-free navigation software revealed only a small, clinically tolerable deviation in cup anteversion and cup inclination in comparison with the CT-based navigation system and the post operative CT scans. The evaluated image-free navigation system appears to be a practicable and reliable alternative to the computer-assisted implantation of acetabular cups in total hip arthroplasty


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    Based on lightweight design concepts, lattices are increasingly considered as internal structures. This work deals with the simulation of periodically constructed lattices to characterize their behaviour under different loadings considering various material models. A thermo-mechanical analysis was done, which is resulting in negative CLTE-values (Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion). Simulations with linear-elastic behaviour were evaluated regarding the tensile, compression and shear modulus and the Poisson’s ratio. Some of the investigated structures behave auxetic. Beside the linear elastic behaviour, also the hyper-elastic and visco-elastic behaviour of some structures were investigated. Furthermore, elasto-plastic simulations were performed where the applied loading was biaxial. As a result the initial yield surfaces were presented. The individual RVEs (Representative Volume Elements) can be utilized for different areas of application dependent on the used materials


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    Instrumented puncture tests according to ISO 6603-2 and ASTMD3763 were executed for five different Polypropylene compounds (talcum-, glass fibre- and elastomer modified) with specimen thicknesses ranging from 1mm to 4 mm. Over 1500 puncture tests were executed at the Impact & Long-term Behaviour laboratory of the company Borealisr in Linz. This serves as strong foundation for statistical evaluations of the ductile/brittle transition temperature. For different materials and ductile/brittle transition determination methods, similar trends have been observed, which were characterized by introducing shift factors

    Genauigkeit eines bildfreien Navigationssystemes für die Hüftpfannenimplantation – eine anatomische Studie

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    The position of the acetabular cup is of decisive importance for. the function of a total hip replacement (THR). Using the conventional surgical technique, correct placement of the cup often fails due to a lack of information about pelvic tilt. With CT-based and fluoroscopically-assisted navigation procedures the accuracy of implantation has been significantly improved. However, additional radiation exposure, high cost and the increased time requirement have hampered the acceptance of these techniques. The present anatomical study evaluates the accuracy of an alternative procedure-image-free navigation. This method requires little extra effort, does not substantially delay surgery, and needs no additional imaging. Press-fit cups were implanted in 10 human cadaveric hips with the help of the image-free navigation system, and the position of the cups was checked intraoperatively with a CT-based navigation system and postoperatively by computed tomography. All cups were implanted within the targeted safe zone with an average inclination of 44degrees (range 40degrees-48degrees, SABW 2.7degrees) and an average anteversion of 18degrees (range 12-24degrees, SABW 4.1degrees). Analysis of accuracy of the image-free navigation software revealed only a small, clinically tolerable deviation in cup anteversion and cup inclination in comparison with the CT-based navigation system and the post operative CT scans. The evaluated image-free navigation system appears to be a practicable and reliable alternative to the computer-assisted implantation of acetabular cups in total hip arthroplasty