83 research outputs found

    Analysis of the effectiveness of physical rehabilitation according spirographic indicators in community-acquired pneumonia during convalescence

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    Purpose : to make a program of physical rehabilitation for convalescents after community-acquired pneumonia, promotes normalization of respiratory function. The objectives of the study was to evaluate the dynamics spirographic indicators during convalescence community-acquired pneumonia. Material: the study involved 28 women aged 19 to 24 years with a diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia after convalescent. Results: the positive influence of physiotherapy based dance aerobics; morning hygienic gymnastics; therapeutic massage and physical therapy on indicators of lung volumes, ventilation and bronchial patency according spirographic research. Conclusion: in community-acquired pneumonia during the convalescence period recommended physical rehabilitation, which includes curative gymnastics based on dance aerobics, morning hygienic gymnastics, massage therapy, physiotherapy. It improves the functionality of the cardiorespiratory system, nonspecific immunity and overall physical performance level

    Regulated chromatin domain comprising cluster of co-expressed genes in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Recently, the phenomenon of clustering of co-expressed genes on chromosomes was discovered in eukaryotes. To explore the hypothesis that genes within clusters occupy shared chromatin domains, we performed a detailed analysis of transcription pattern and chromatin structure of a cluster of co-expressed genes. We found that five non-homologous genes (Crtp, Yu, CK2βtes, Pros28.1B and CG13581) are expressed exclusively in Drosophila melanogaster male germ-line and form a non-interrupted cluster in the 15 kb region of chromosome 2. The cluster is surrounded by genes with broader transcription patterns. Analysis of DNase I sensitivity revealed ‘open’ chromatin conformation in the cluster and adjacent regions in the male germ-line cells, where all studied genes are transcribed. In contrast, in somatic tissues where the cluster genes are silent, the domain of repressed chromatin encompassed four out of five cluster genes and an adjacent non-cluster gene CG13589 that is also silent in analyzed somatic tissues. The fifth cluster gene (CG13581) appears to be excluded from the chromatin domain occupied by the other four genes. Our results suggest that extensive clustering of co-expressed genes in eukaryotic genomes does in general reflect the domain organization of chromatin, although domain borders may not exactly correspond to the margins of gene clusters

    Treatment of port wastes according to the paradigm of the circular economy

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    The problem of the presence of waste in the marine environment has recently taken on the dimensions of a complex and global challenge. In an effort to reduce both the economic and environmental costs of managing port waste, many ports are looking for sustainable solutions for marine waste management. Plasma-assisted gasification (PAG) is an innovative combination of two technologies, namely plasma treatment and gasification, which can be used to efficiently convert carbon-containing wastes to a clean syngas (H2 + CO). The latter can be used to generate electricity directly in gas engines, dual-fuel generators, gas turbines or fuel cells. PAG provides several key benefits which allow removing all the environmental, regulatory and commercial risks typically associated with the potential eco-toxicity of leachable bottom ash produced by incinerators or other thermal processes. PAG does not produce any waste (zero waste), reduces the need for landfilling of waste, and produces a high-value construction material (Plasmarok) which is recognized as a product. All these reasons make PAG a technology capable of optimally solving waste management in ports in line with a circular economy logic. This study is based upon the IMPATTI-NO Project (Interreg IT-FR Maritime Program 2014–2020) which implements several laboratory applications aimed at the chemical-physical treatment of the non-recyclable waste containing plastics deriving from the collection of beached waste and wastes collected by fishermen’s trawls and passenger ships. To demonstrate the effectiveness of PAG for the treatment of port waste, IMPATTI-NO performs experimental tests that simulate PAG pilot plants using artificial samples representative of port waste. This paper describes the research path developed so far and the preparatory elements that led to the definition of specifications for the sampling and collection of port waste

    Pilot study of types of smoking behavior of Yekaterinburg university students

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    The article presents a pilot study of the smoking behavior of students of universities in Yekaterinburg, who use nicotine and its analogues, as one of the important stages of the research project in order to identify a potential problem area. Confirmation of individual patterns of smoking behavior of student youth corresponding to age psychophysical characteristics has been confirmedВ статье представлено пилотное изучение курительного поведения студентов вузов г. Екатеринбурга, употребляющих никотин и его аналоги, как одного из важных стадий исследовательского проекта в целях идентификации потенциальной проблемной области. Получено подтверждение индивидуальных паттернов курительного поведения студенческой молодежи, соответствующих возрастным психофизическим особенностя

    Features of the clinical and laboratory picture patients with congenital forms of muscle dystrophy (clinical observations)

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    The article deals with modern ideas about hereditary myopathies, presents diagnostics of certain nosological forms of congenital muscular dystrophy and structural myopathies. Clinical examples of the most common congenital muscular dystrophy, approaches to modern classification, molecular genetic diagnostics, and clinical and laboratory- instrumental features of neuromuscular pathology are presented.В статье рассмотрены современные представления о наследственных миопатиях, представлена диагностика отдельных нозологических форм врожденных мышечных дистрофий и структурных миопатий. Приведены клинические примеры наиболее распространенных врожденных мышечных дистрофий, подходы современной классификации, молекулярно-генетической диагностики, клинические и лабораторно- инструментальные особенности нервно-мышечной патологии

    The efficacy of high-dose cabergoline treatment of prolactinomas resistant to standard doses: a clinical observation

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    Hyperprolactinemia (HP) is one of the most common neuroendocrine disorders. In 60% of cases, pathological HP is caused by pituitary prolactin-secreting adenoma. Therapy with agonists of dopamine type 2 receptors (D2 receptor agonists) is a method of choice for the treatment of pathological HP which allows to achieve prolactin normalization and reduction of pituitary adenoma in most cases. However, 15-20% of patients are resistant to D2 receptor agonists, and the question of overcoming this resistance is highly relevant. Different approaches are considered to solve this problem, one - is to increase the dose of D2 receptor agonists up to the maximally tolerated. In this article, we present a clinical observation of a patient with a partial resistance to D2 receptor agonists who demonstrated a good response to treatment with high doses of cabergoline

    Sarcoid skin reaction as a complication of permanent tattoo

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    The aim of the study - to demonstrate clinical cases of sarcoid skin reaction after permanent tattooing.Цель исследования – демонстрация клинических случаев саркоидной реакции кожи после перманентного татуажа

    Expansion and Evolution of the X-Linked Testis Specific Multigene Families in the melanogaster Species Subgroup

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    The testis specific X-linked genes whose evolution is traced here in the melanogaster species subgroup are thought to undergo fast rate of diversification. The CK2ßtes and NACβtes gene families encode the diverged regulatory β-subunits of protein kinase CK2 and the homologs of β-subunit of nascent peptide associated complex, respectively. We annotated the CK2βtes-like genes related to CK2ßtes family in the D. simulans and D. sechellia genomes. The ancestor CK2βtes-like genes preserved in D. simulans and D. sechellia are considered to be intermediates in the emergence of the D. melanogaster specific Stellate genes related to the CK2ßtes family. The CK2ßtes-like genes are more similar to the unique autosomal CK2ßtes gene than to Stellates, taking into account their peculiarities of polymorphism. The formation of a variant the CK2ßtes gene Stellate in D. melanogaster as a result of illegitimate recombination between a NACßtes promoter and a distinct polymorphic variant of CK2ßtes-like ancestor copy was traced. We found a close nonrandom proximity between the dispersed defective copies of DINE-1 transposons, the members of Helitron family, and the CK2βtes and NACβtes genes, suggesting an involvement of DINE-1 elements in duplication and amplification of these genes

    Relating industrial symbiosis and circular economy to the sustainable development debate

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    Industrial Symbiosis (IS) is a business-focused collaborative approach oriented towards resource efficiency that has been theorised and studied mainly over the last twenty-five years. Recently, IS seems to have found a renewed impetus in the framework of the Circular Economy (CE), a novel approach to sustainability and Sustainable Development (SD) that has been rapidly gaining momentum world-wide. This opening chapter of the book provides an introduction to the concepts of IS, CE and SD, and summarizes their complex evolutionary paths, recalling the rel-evant developments and implementation challenges. In addition, the authors point out the divergences and interrelations of these concepts, both among themselves and with other related concepts and research fields, such as industrial ecology, eco-logical modernization and the green economy. Furthermore, the potential contribu-tion of IS and the CE to SD is briefly discussed, also highlighting critical issues and trade-offs, as well as gaps in research and application, especially relating to the so-cial component of sustainability. Particular attention is given to the potential role of IS in the achievement of targets connected to the Sustainable Development Goals set in the UN Agenda 2030. The recent advances in the IS and CE discussion in the context of the SD research community are further explored, with particular empha-sis on the contribution of the International Sustainable Development Research So-ciety (ISDRS) and its 24th annual conference organised in Messina, Italy, in 2018. The programme of that conference, indeed, included specific tracks on the above-mentioned themes, the contents of which are briefly commented on here, after an overview on the whole conference and the main cross-cutting concepts emerged. In the last part of the chapter, a brief description of the chapters collected in the book is presented. These contributions describe and discuss theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches and/or experiences and case studies where IS and the principles of CE are applied in different geographical context and at different scales to ultimately improve the sustainability of the current production patterns