36 research outputs found

    Reaction Schemes that are Easily Confused with a Reversible First Order Reaction

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    A detailed kinetic analysis of two schemes, one involving coupled consecutive processes and another featuring the simultaneous association reaction and decay of a component, is presented here using Taylor series expansion. It is shown that both of these schemes are easily confused with the reversible second–order reaction in a routine kinetic study. The kinetic traces predicted by both schemes are sufficiently close to pseudo–first–order curves so that it is practically impossible to identify the deviations based on data with the usual experimental errors, which was also demonstrated by fitting simulated theoretical curves to exponential functions. The dependence of the pseudo–first–order rate constants on the concentration of the excess reagent features the same trend as in the case of a reversible reaction: A straight line with an intercept is observed. This analysis emphasizes that the reversible nature of reactions should be demonstrated by direct equilibrium studies when elements of reversibility are implied by kinetic results

    A gastro-oesophagealis reflux betegség szövődményeinek pathogenesise, megelőzése, kezelése = Pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of the complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    A gastro-oesophagealis reflux betegség (GORB) optimalis kezelése, szövődményei valamint az aero-digestiv rendszer kapcsolódó pathológiáinak vizsgálata, sebészi megoldások kidolgozása képezték kutatásunk tárgyát. A 20 cikk (IF 17.299) :, 4 könyvfejezet és 3 PhD dolgozat cumulativ IF-a 31.376 . A GORB diagnosisát új módszerrel, a sebészi kezelést új technikával gazdagítottuk. A gastro-oesophagealis junctio (GOJ) adenocarcinomák javuló túléléseit a pontosabb betegkiválasztás és a rezekabilitást biztosan javító neoadjuváns therápia okozta. A süllyesztett oesophago-gastricus anasztomózissal az epés reflux bizonyítottan szignifikánsan csökkent. A trachea sebészetben új megfigyeléseink finomították a revascularisatio nyomonkövetését. A pótlás sikeres állatkísérletei emberi alkalmazás nélkül zárultak. Az ultrahangos vágókés tüdőmintavételi technikáját a világon előszőr publikáltuk, alkalmazhatóságát kísérletes, majd klinikai anyagon igazoltuk. Bár nem sikerült egyértelműen bizonyítani a GORB és a tüdő adenocarcinoma oki kapcsolatát, a világirodalomban elsőként közzétett megfigyelések és a hipotézis további munkára sarkallnak. Eredményeink hozzájárultak a GORB a GOJ műtéteiben és a tüdőparenchyma mintavételében új, az eddigieknél jobb megoldásokhoz. A GOJ malignitásainak kezelésében az oncologiai kezelés hatékonyságát bizonyíthatóan növeltük. | Our project was aimed at thediagnosis and treatment optimization of the gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) malignancies included. The GERD related complications in the aerodigestive systems were also covered. The publication list (Cumulative IF: 31.376) includes 20 articles with a total of ISI IF: 17.229. Three PhD projects have been completed. New, quality of life (QoL) improving minimally invasive surgical technique to treat GERD was described. Improving in survivals of adenocarcinomas of GEJ were achieved by highly sophisticated patient selection and neoadjuvant therapy. New, sunken esophago-gastric anastomosis technique resulting in a flutter mechanism contributed to decreased bile-reflux. Our successful animal experiences led to development and test of new tracheal anastomosis techniques and application of tracheal prosthesis.. Pioneer work was undertaken using ultrasonic scalpel in lung parenchyma biopsy in GERD related pathologies. Animal experiences were followed by clinical application. We have been the first to call attention to the importance of investigation of a possible link between lung carcinogenesis and GERD. Our attempts failed to establish a firm connection, but there is still a long way to reach a definite answer. Our results and developed methods contributed to better understanding and improved therapy of GERD and GOJ malignancies and of related tracheo-bronchial and lung pathologies

    Intrinsically Disordered Linkers Impart Processivity on Enzymes by Spatial Confinement of Binding Domains

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    (1) Background: Processivity is common among enzymes and mechanochemical motors that synthesize, degrade, modify or move along polymeric substrates, such as DNA, RNA, polysaccharides or proteins. Processive enzymes can make multiple rounds of modification without releasing the substrate/partner, making their operation extremely effective and economical. The molecular mechanism of processivity is rather well understood in cases when the enzyme structurally confines the substrate, such as the DNA replication factor PCNA, and also when ATP energy is used to confine the succession of molecular events, such as with mechanochemical motors. Processivity may also result from the kinetic bias of binding imposed by spatial confinement of two binding elements connected by an intrinsically disordered (ID) linker. (2) Method: By statistical physical modeling, we show that this arrangement results in processive systems, in which the linker ensures an optimized effective concentration around novel binding site(s), favoring rebinding over full release of the polymeric partner. (3) Results: By analyzing 12 such proteins, such as cellulase, and RNAse-H, we illustrate that in these proteins linker length and flexibility, and the kinetic parameters of binding elements, are fine-tuned for optimizing processivity. We also report a conservation of structural disorder, special amino acid composition of linkers, and the correlation of their length with step size. (4) Conclusion: These observations suggest a unique type of entropic chain function of ID proteins, that may impart functional advantages on diverse enzymes in a variety of biological contexts

    DisProt 7.0: a major update of the database of disordered proteins

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    The Database of Protein Disorder (DisProt, URL: www.disprot.org) has been significantly updated and upgraded since its last major renewal in 2007. The current release holds information on more than 800 entries of IDPs/IDRs, i.e. intrinsically disordered proteins or regions that exist and function without a well-defined three-dimensional structure. We have re-curated previous entries to purge DisProt from conflicting cases, and also upgraded the functional classification scheme to reflect continuous advance in the field in the past 10 years or so. We define IDPs as proteins that are disordered along their entire sequence, i.e. entirely lack structural elements, and IDRs as regions that are at least five consecutive residues without well-defined structure. We base our assessment of disorder strictly on experimental evidence, such as X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (primary techniques) and a broad range of other experimental approaches (secondary techniques). Confident and ambiguous annotations are highlighted separately. DisProt 7.0 presents classified knowledge regarding the experimental characterization and functional annotations of IDPs/IDRs, and is intended to provide an invaluable resource for the research community for a better understanding structural disorder and for developing better computational tools for studying disordered proteins

    Loci Memoriae Hungaricae

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    Pál S. Varga: Introduction - 7 ; 1. Theoretical Approaches - 21 ; Aleida Assmann: The Transformative Power of Memory - 22 ; Jan Assmann: Communicative and Cultural - 36 ; Pim den Boer: Lieux de Mémoire in Comparative Perspective - 44 ; 2.Discussion/Diskussion - 51 ; Pál S. Varga: Kollektives Gedächtnis und Geschichtswissenschaften (Diskussionseröffnung) - 52 ; Harald D. Gröller: Diskussionsbeitrag bez. des Eröffnungsreferats von Pál S. Varga - 59 ; Csaba Gy. Kiss: Diskussionsbeitrag zum Eröffnungsreferat von Pál S. Varga - 64 ; Ferenc Velkey: Gedächtnis und Geschichte. Kommentare zur Diskussionseröffnung von Pál S. Varga - 67 ; Péter György: Memory Fallen Apart: the Case of Two Cemeteries - 72 ; Aleida Assmann: Response to Péter György, “Memory Fallen Apart: the Case of Two Cemeteries” - 78 ; Tamás Bényei: Remembering from Outside: A Response to Péter György’s Essay - 81 ; 3. Ungarische Erinnerungsorte im zentraleuropäischen Kontext - 89 ; István Bitskey: Ein religiöser Erinnerungsort in Mitteleuropa: Tyrnau (Nagyszombat, Trnava), das „Klein-Rom“ (Eine Fallstudie) - 90 ; Márta Fata: Erinnerungsort Bauernkrieg? Müntzer und Dózsa in der Geschichtspolitik der DDR und der Volksrepublik Ungarn im Vergleich - 101 ; 4. The Socio-Psychological Approach - 115 ; Ákos Münnich, István Hidegkuti: Structural Characteristics of Sites of National Memory - 11