18 research outputs found

    The epistemic culture of the OECD and its agenda for higher education

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    The rise of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as a global actor has been attributed to its capacity to create and redefine the boundaries of knowledge through powerful discursive concepts, such as the idea of a knowledge economy. The organisation's reviews, forecasts and statistics have been perceived as producing multifarious effects within and beyond its member countries while shaping the perceptions of policy alternatives or lack thereof. The shared views and arrangements of knowledge creation within the organisation, from which the organisation produces its artefacts, have nevertheless received minor attention. This article approaches the OECD and its agenda for higher education from the perspective of organisational cultures and knowledge creation within organisations. The article investigates the changes that have taken place in the OECD and its higher education agenda. Moreover, it examines whether any dominant narratives on higher education emerge from the interview data and the OECD reports, and if so, what their differing or opposing narratives are. Lastly, the article aims to understand the dynamics of the changes by analysing whether an epistemic culture exists within the OECD, and if so, what kind of culture it is

    MitÀ on vertaileva koulutustutkimus? Matka tutkimusalan tieteenfilosofisiin ja epistemologisiin perusteisiin

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    Strateginen kolmio ja painopisteen muutos: Katsaus Kiinan ja Yhdysvaltain suhteisiin vuoden 1968 jÀlkeen

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    Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden kansainvĂ€linen liikkuvuus – luonteva osa tutkintoa? Eurostudent VI -tutkimuksen artikkelisarja

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    EUROSTUDENT VI -tutkimus toteutettiin Suomessa internetkyselynĂ€ otokseen valikoituneille 24 000 korkeakouluopiskelijalle kevÀÀllĂ€ 2016. Tutkimus on osa kansainvĂ€listĂ€ EUROSTUDENT-hanketta, jota vetÀÀ DZHW - German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies ja jota rahoittaa Euroopan unioni Erasmus + -ohjelmasta. Tutkimushankkeesta vastaa Suomessa opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön korkeakoulu- ja tiedepolitiikan osasto, tiedonkeruusta ja aineistojen kĂ€sittelystĂ€ Tilastokeskus. Tutkimuksen ohjausryhmĂ€ssĂ€ ovat mukana edellĂ€ mainittujen lisĂ€ksi Kela, Suomen yliopistot Unifi, Ammattikorkeakoulujen rehtorineuvosto Arene, Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto ja Suomen opiskelijakuntien liitto – SAMOK. Uusimman EUROSTUDENT-tutkimuksen tuloksia on tarkoitus saada aiempaa paremmin kansalliseen kĂ€yttöön osana pÀÀministeri SipilĂ€n hallituksen korkeakoulutuksen kehittĂ€misen kĂ€rkihanketta. TĂ€stĂ€ syystĂ€ opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö pyysi kevÀÀllĂ€ 2016 artikkeliehdotuksia korkeakoulututkijoilta EUROSTUDENT-teemoista. Tarkoituksena oli, ettĂ€ aineistosta syntyy Tilastokeskuksen tekemĂ€n tilastoraportin lisĂ€ksi laadukkaita analyyseja, joissa EUROSTUDENT VI -aineisto muodostaa osan artikkeleiden lĂ€hdeaineistosta. KĂ€sillĂ€ oleva artikkeli on ensimmĂ€inen tĂ€ssĂ€ uudessa EUROSTUDENT VI –artikkelisarjassa julkaistava tutkimus. Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden kansainvĂ€linen liikkuvuus – luonteva osa tutkintoa? –artikkelissa tarkastellaan kansainvĂ€listĂ€ liikkuvuutta osana yliopistotutkintoa. EUROSTUDENT-aineiston mukaan yliopisto-opiskelijoiden opiskeluliikkuvuusjaksot nĂ€yttĂ€vĂ€t osin kasautuvan tiettyihin opiskelijaryhmiin. Liikkuvuusjakso toteutuu useammin naisilla (63 prosenttia) kuin miehillĂ€. Liikkuvuusjaksolle lĂ€htijöiden vanhemmilla on korkeampi koulutustausta kuin liikkuvuusjaksolle lĂ€htemĂ€ttömien opiskelijoiden vanhemmilla. Liikkuvat opiskelijat ovat tyypillisimmin kauppatieteilijöitĂ€ tai humanisteja. Liikkuvuusjaksolla olleet kĂ€yttivĂ€t erilaisia rahoitusmuotoja opintojensa rahoittamiseen. Kaksi yleisintĂ€ liikkuvuuden rahoitusmuotoa olivat lĂ€htömaan opintotuki tai -laina ja aiemmat ansiotulot tai sÀÀstöt. EUROSTUDENT VI -tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ yliopisto-opiskelijat saavat ulkomailla suoritetut opintopisteet yhĂ€ paremmin luettua osaksi tutkintoa. Opintopisteet sai hyvĂ€ksiluettua 76 prosenttia opiskelijoista kokonaan ja osittainkin 12 prosentti

    Shifting discourses of equality and equity of basic education: an analysis of national policy documents in China

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    As the world’s second-largest economy, China faces great challenges in educational equality and equity. This article examines the evolution of discourses surrounding educational equality by focusing on how Chinese central governments from the 1980s to the 2010s have formulated this issue. Through key national policy documents and drawing upon Espinoza’s equality–equity model, we analyse the sociopolitical context of changes in China’s educational discourse and come to the conclusions that in the 1980s, shifting the government’s agenda to economic reforms, national poverty subsumed the issue of educational equality. In the 1990s, according to the inherited political rationale, the government treated educational inequality as a ‘necessary process’ of Chinese socialist market economy. Since the 2000s, equality and equity has become an ‘urgent issue’ as the government’s agenda has shifted focus to stabilizing the nation’s economy and society. We propose labelling these three stages of equality–equity discursive departure in the 1980s, continuity and rupture in the 1990s, and prioritization since the 2000s.</div

    Students' views on thesis supervision in international master’s degree programmes in Finnish universities

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    This paper employs an intercultural perspective to examine students’ views on master’s thesis supervision and the roles and responsibilities of supervisors and students. The 302 respondents who answered the online questionnaire were enrolled in international master’s degree programmes in four Finnish universities. The study revealed asymmetric views by students regarding the division of responsibilities between themselves and their supervisors. It was found that very few students and supervisors discuss the differences in study cultures between Finland and students’ countries of origin, their cultural backgrounds or the aspects of Finnish society that students do not understand. The research suggests that supervisors and students need to conduct early discussions on supervision and culture.</p

    Supervising master’s theses in international master’s degree programmes: roles, responsibilities and models

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    This paper provides insights into thesis supervisors’ perceptions of the supervisory relationship and process in English-medium international master’s degree programmes (IMDPs). It contributes to the field of supervisory pedagogy in a master’s level education by examining how supervisors perceive their supervisory practices and what they consider to be the most important features for successful supervision. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with thesis supervisors employed in five different Finnish universities. Qualitative content analysis was conducted. The results revealed that most of the interviewees perceive supervision as an asymmetric relationship in the context of a teaching model similar to Dysthe’s (2002). Trust, topic selection, supervisors’ support and the initial stage of supervision were regarded as the most important features during supervision. The article concludes with the recommendation that supervisors should have more opportunities to reflect on their supervisory practices.</p

    Koulutus ei ole Bonanza

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    Does education matter? : myths about education and economic growth, A. Wolf, London (2002