251 research outputs found

    Daughter, Wife, Mother: Women as Emblems of Indian Authenticity Throughout the Diaspora

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    It has been over a century since the maternal side of my family has resided in the natal land of our cultural heritage and religious proclivities – Punjab, India, where Sikhism was established. As an American I continue this extension of our roots from their source. Through the process of shifting location, cultural confluence, and passing time the experiences of the women in each successive generation of my family have altered significantly through our diasporic existence. However, even in the aftermath of colonization and immigration, the enduring responsibility of women is reliant upon their relation to family. This ideology is imbued through the words of the Sikh holy text, the Guru Granth Sahib, as well as broader Indian cultural norms regarding gender roles. Implicit in the religious tradition of locating family in female members lies the practice of making women emblematic of cultural survival. Thus, within their role of sustaining physical life women also sustain culture. This becomes increasingly important when culture is extracted from its source. Despite dispersion across the world, the women in my family have continued to fulfill the responsibility of the safekeeping of culture and traditions. My series of three portraits, Daughter, Wife, Mother, illustrates the primary familial ties that determine an Indian woman’s identity throughout her life, and evokes the duty of cultural preservation that is associated with each of them. These oil paintings are based off of photos of me, my mother, and my grandmother from our family archive. Daughter, Wife, Mother lacks any indications of time period or specific location, thus asserting that this gendered life journey has persisted throughout my family’s diaspora

    Design of Neural Predictor for Performance Analysis of Mountain Bicycles

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    In recent years, bicycle races, along with the crest of the high technology continues to increase. Because of this increased races, performance of bicycles, in both biological and mechanical terms, is extraordinarily important and efficient. In terms of the ratio of cargo weight a bicycle can carry to total weight, it is also a most efficient means of cargo transportation. In spite of advanced technology, there are still some problems on bicycles during working conditions and road roughness such as on the mountain from tire and mechanical parts. In this investigation, a extraordinary designed with fiber-carbon body and light bicycle is tested on mountain road conditionswith prescribed trajectory on the mountain for different elevation, speed, hearth rate, bike cadence and average temperature. The real time measured parameters are predicted with proposed two types of neural networks for approaching real time neural network predictors. The results of the proposed neural network have shown that neural predictor has superior performance to adopt the real time bicycle performance

    How new strategies, different promotional tools and CRM are useful for improving sales

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    The main objective of this research report is to identify new strategies, different promotional tools, installing new technology and CRM is useful for improving sale and customer service in Domino’s. I have done my research report on Domino’s Mill street, Hamilton. Organisational contexts are providing knowledge about its strength and weakness as well as the literature review topics are giving information about improving customer satisfaction in Domino’s. There are various issues which I found during my research and my work observation in Domino’s such as few promotional material old technology based equipment and few strategies for improving business and customer services. Adding more to it, during my report I used qualitative method because it covers huge variety of practice and ideas. Further, I did interviews and questionnaires for the collection of data and during my questionnaire 50 people were involved and it was related to customer satisfaction. Besides this, I also used Domino’s officially website because it gives extra information about its history. Additionally, during my findings and discussions, I found that there are few promotional tools and need for more employees. Besides this, in recommendations, there are various strategies and different ways which can be used for improving sale and customer satisfaction in Domino’s Mill Street, Hamilton

    Teaching models in the clinical years of medical education

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    Students are exposed to a range of teaching methods during the pre-clinical and clinical years of medical school. At Imperial College London, the pre-clinical years involve a predominantly lecture-based approach, with the aim of efficiently disseminating large volumes of knowledge to a large cohort. As clinical years approach, there is a swift move towards hospital-based teaching, where students have the independence to make the most of learning opportunities during placements. As learning objectives during medical studies, a corresponding change in teaching method is necessary. However, a sudden transition between teaching models or an overreliance on any one can be detrimental

    Instaliranje opreme i mjernih postupaka pri određivanju hidrauličke vodljivosti jelovine

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    For a hydraulic conductor, through which liquid flows, hydraulic conductance (K, ml·s-1·MPa-1) is defined as the ratio of pressure difference at the inlet and outlet to the fluid amount passing through the hydraulic conductor in a unit time period. This property is one of the key functions of the wood, and is obtained by the flow rate (F – Flow, ml·s-1) along the wood sample divided by the pressure difference driving the flow (DP, MPa). This study aimed to establish a test setup to determine the hydraulic conductance values of Uludağ Fir (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.). A test setup was established to measure the amount of water that flows in samples and pressure difference in characterized capillary tubes. In addition, calibration of the test apparatus is explained in detail. Fir wood samples taken from Yedigoller, which is affiliated to Kale Operation Chieftainship and Bolu Forest Regional Directorate, of 4 mm in diameter and 3 cm in length were prepared and hydraulic conductance measurements were performed, and the results are presented in this article. The installed test setup was used to obtain the following information about trees: operation of the hydraulic conduction system, the amount of needed water, seasonal effects and stress-related changes.Hidraulička vodljivost (K, ml·s-1·MPa-1) definira se kao omjer količine tekućine koja prolazi u određenom vremenu hidrauličkim vodičem i razlike tlaka na ulazu i izlazu vodiča. To je svojstvo jedna od ključnih funkcija drva, a njegova se veličina određuje mjerenjem brzine protoka (F – protok, ml·s-1) uzduž uzorka drva zbog razlika tlakova (DP, MPa). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je instaliranje mjernog sustava za određivanje hidrauličke vodljivosti jelovine (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.). Postavkama mjerenja utvrđena je količina vode koja teče u uzorcima jelovine i razlika tlaka u karakterističnim kapilarama. Usto je detaljno objašnjeno kalibriranje ispitne opreme. Uzorci jelovine na kojima su provedena mjerenja hidrauličke vodljivosti bili su promjera 4 mm i duljine 3 cm i uzeti su s područja Yedigoller, a rezultati ispitivanja prikazani su u ovom radu. Instaliranim mjernim sustavom dobivene su ove informacije o stablima: djelovanje sustava hidrauličke vodljivosti u drvu, količina potrebne vode, utjecaji godišnjih doba i promjene povezane sa stresom

    Family Presence during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Clinical Practice Guidelines

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    Healthcare providers can be skeptical if not resistant to patient-family centered care if standards of care are not written in a policy or guideline. The 2009 Emergency Nurses Association position statement supports giving families the option to be present during resuscitative measures to meet their emotional needs. However, healthcare organizations are frequently not implementing this statement into their practice. Based on peer-reviewed articles retrieved through an in-depth literature search and using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II model, the gap in practice was addressed by creating a clinical practice guideline (CPG). The practice-focused questions addressed what evidence was available to provide healthcare providers with a resource for making decisions to allow family presence during resuscitation (FPDR). A panel of four experts evaluated the CPG using the AGREE II tool. All domains were scored over 90%, with an overall assessment score of 96% for usability of the CPG. Categories which received the lowest scores (90%) were rigor of development and applicability. Experts scored the CPG as high quality, with no revisions needed. Their summative evaluation indicated the project was organized and likely to be highly successful if followed. End users representing nurses, residents, and social workers (N = 4) also reviewed the CPG for content and usability and made no additional recommendations. The CPG for FPDR will lead to positive social change by allowing healthcare teams and patient families to collaborate to improve policies, programs, facilities, research, and education

    An unusual case of three concomitant primary solid cancers with unique histopathological characteristics

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    INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANCE: Struma Ovarii is a rare type of monodermal teratoma with at least 50 % of its mass being thyroid tissue. They make up &lt;1 % of all ovarian tumours and 3 to 5 % of all ovarian teratomas. These tumours are usually benign but malignant transformation is seen in &lt;5 % of cases.CASE PRESENTATION: We present the case of a 45-year-old lady with three synchronous primary cancers on a background of Struma Ovarii; primary lung adenocarcinoma, papillary thyroid carcinoma and ovarian teratoma. Over the course of 18 months, this lady underwent full pelvic clearance of malignant Struma Ovarii and lymph nodes, total thyroidectomy, and an anatomical lung resection.CLINICAL DISCUSSION: This case represents an incredibly rare condition of Struma Ovarii for which there is no firm management consensus. Furthermore, the uniqueness of three separate primaries has to the best of our knowledge not previously been reported in the literature.CONCLUSION: This reinforces the notion that in select patients, radical management with curative intent is entirely possible but requires complete multi-disciplinary and multi-modal sub-specialty collaboration.</p

    An unusual case of three concomitant primary solid cancers with unique histopathological characteristics

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    INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANCE: Struma Ovarii is a rare type of monodermal teratoma with at least 50 % of its mass being thyroid tissue. They make up &lt;1 % of all ovarian tumours and 3 to 5 % of all ovarian teratomas. These tumours are usually benign but malignant transformation is seen in &lt;5 % of cases.CASE PRESENTATION: We present the case of a 45-year-old lady with three synchronous primary cancers on a background of Struma Ovarii; primary lung adenocarcinoma, papillary thyroid carcinoma and ovarian teratoma. Over the course of 18 months, this lady underwent full pelvic clearance of malignant Struma Ovarii and lymph nodes, total thyroidectomy, and an anatomical lung resection.CLINICAL DISCUSSION: This case represents an incredibly rare condition of Struma Ovarii for which there is no firm management consensus. Furthermore, the uniqueness of three separate primaries has to the best of our knowledge not previously been reported in the literature.CONCLUSION: This reinforces the notion that in select patients, radical management with curative intent is entirely possible but requires complete multi-disciplinary and multi-modal sub-specialty collaboration.</p

    Surgery corrects asynchrony of ribcage secondary to extra-thoracic tumor but leads to expiratory dysfunction during exercise

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    BACKGROUND: The effect of chest wall tumours on chest wall mechanics is uncertain even less is known about the effects of resection and reconstruction. Our aim is to study how chest wall mechanics are altered in chest wall sarcoma and to determine the effect of chest wall reconstruction on chest wall kinetics. CASE PRESENTATION: Using Optoelectronic Plethysmography (OEP), total and regional chest wall volumes were measured in a patient with unilateral extra-thoracic chest wall sarcoma, before and 5 months after resection and reconstruction, during quiet breathing and exercise using cycle ergometry. During quiet breathing the unilateral tumour was associated with reduced in motion of the lower rib cage and abdominal compartments on both sides of the chest as well as asynchronous motion of the contralateral lower rib cage. Surgery corrected these abnormalities in quiet breathing. But during exercise there was a reduction in the upper rib cage motion compared to pre-operative measures from 0.43+/−0.06 to 0.36 +/− 0.02 L postoperatively (p <0.05). This impairment was characterised by a significant increase in the end expiratory volume on the operated side of the chest 5 months after surgery by 6.5 +/− 0.6 and 5.7 +/− 0.7 % during 50 and 100 % exercise respectively (p <0.0001) a finding that was not replicated in the non-operated side. CONCLUSION: This physiological study demonstrates the negative effect of chest wall tumours on global chest wall mechanics during quiet breathing and exercise and shows that surgery reverses this abnormality, but only at rest