491 research outputs found

    The parallax distorsion via a weak microlensing effect

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    Parallax measurements allow distances to celestial objects to be determined. Coupled with measurement of their position on the celestial sphere, it gives a full three-dimensional picture of the location of the objects relative to the observer. The distortion of the parallax value of a remote source affected by a weak microlensing is considered. This means that the weak microlensing leads to distortion of the distance scale. It is shown that the distortions to appear may change strongly the parallax values in case they amount to several microseconds of arc. In particular, at this accuracy many measured values of the parallaxes must be negative.Comment: 34 LaTeX pages, 12 PostScript figure (epsfig.sty

    Microarcsecond instability of the celestial reference frame

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    The fluctuation of the angular positions of reference extragalactic radio and optical sources under the influence of the irregular gravitational field of visible Galactic stars is considered. It is shown that these angular fluctuations range from a few up to hundreds of microarcseconds. This leads to a small rotation of the celestial reference frame. The nondiagonal coefficients of the rotation matrix are of the order of a microarcsecond. The temporal variation of these coefficients due to the proper motion of the foreground stars is of the order of one microsecond per 20 years. Therefore, the celestial reference frame can be considered inertial and homogeneous only to microarcsecond accuracy. Astrometric catalogues with microarcsecond accuracy will be unstable, and must be reestablished every 20 years.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Means of Influence on Public Opinion in Political Context: Speech Manipulation in the Media

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    The manipulation problem in the media has been still pressing. Processes and techniques intended for making an influence on public opinion and behaviors are in ongoing improvement, making it difficult to access an objective image of the world. Therefore, this research aims at emphasizing the importance of speech (language) means that form a basis of manipulations in mass communications. To achieve this, authors have provided the systematization of social influence processes in the media and made techniques and means of speech influence clearer. Authors provided a content analysis of texts of 2018 from the media using news resources of different countries ('Russia Today', 'RIA Novosti', 'Ukrinform' and 'Fox News Channel') as an example. The research subject consists of news materials of a politico-social nature on Russia’s participation in the Syrian conflict. Authors have empirically revealed a clear desire to influence readers of the media resources using covert means of the manipulative influence. In total, they have found five types of manipulative speech influence in texts of the media. There are self-presentation, semantic speech strategies, persuasive strategies, hit piece and information manipulation. A lexical toolkit of speech manipulation includes euphemisms, dysphemisms, slogan words, speech metaphorization, etc. Media texts have become more and more complicated as they contain hints, precedent phenomena, irony, as well as metamessages of informative presentation. Each media of the selected ones more or less uses means of speech manipulation in varying degrees. Applications of such methods of influence (in number) almost directly depend on a political attitude towards an object

    Evolution of the Bavarian dialect lexical system

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    The article deals with the specific features of the German language on the Bavarian dialect lexical level. The dialect is remarkable for its innovations and variety of linguistic forms on all levels of its system. The notion “Bavarian dialect” and its correlation with literary German language is being researched. The comparative analysis reveals the facts of deviation from the standards of the literary German language, especially in vocabulary and semantic

    Medico-social rationale for adaptation of regional drug supply systems to personalized pharmaceutical care for persons of different ages

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    In this study, we identified indicators of the state of personalized pharmaceutical care for target population groups at the regional level, in a model region, with the aim to develop a differentiated approach to such care. The rationale for the choice of Moscow Region as a model region is based on its specific socioeconomic indicators and a comparison of these with respective average Russian values. A need was shown to modernize patient-oriented pharmaceutical care, especially for certain population groups, such as children, women of working age (mothers), and the elderl

    The practice of using FMEA-analysis at a Russian industrial enterprise

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    Поэтапное описание внедрения методики FMEA на российском предприятии, влияние внедрения методики на производственный процесс и качество продукции. Актуальные проблемы, возникающие при внедрении методики на производстве.A phased description of the implementation of the FMEA methodology in a Russian enterprise, the impact of the implementation of the methodology on the production process and product quality. Actual problems arising from the introduction of methods in production


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    The article reveals the problem of depressive states of young students and its relevance today in the work of the psychological and pedagogical service of the university. Bibliotherapy is presented as one of the effective art-therapeutic methods in work with depressive states. Two directions of bibliotherapy on the degree of client involvement in the psychothe­rapeutic process are presented. The diagnostic and therapeutic potential of bibliotherapy is described. An attempt has been made to describe the use of bibliotherapy in working with depressive states of modern students.В статье раскрыта проблема депрессивных состояний учащейся молодежи и ее актуальность на сегодняшний день в работе психолого-педагогической службы вуза. Библиотерапия представлена, как один из эффективных арт-терапевтических методов в работе с депрессивными состояниями. Представлено два направления библиотерапии по степени включенности клиента в психотерапевтический процесс. Описан диагностический и терапевтический потенциал библиотерапии. Предпринята попытка описания использования библиотерапии в работе с деприссивными состояниями современной учащейся молодежи

    Methodological aspects of the use of dry components of chicken eggs for feeding children with phenylketonuria

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    Currently, one of the most important tasks facing science and production is the creation of functional product technologies for use in different diets of the population in order to preserve and improve health, as well as reduce the risks and consequences of various diseases, including hereditary ones, such as phenylketonuria (PKU). The All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products develops technologies for the production of low-protein starch-based products/semi-products enriched with functional ingredients and intended for therapeutic nutrition of patients with PKU. As part of the pilot production, the production of these products is organized. Purpose of work:to justify the possibility of using dry components of chicken eggs (melange, protein, yolk) to enrich low-protein starch products (noodles, vermichel, «spider») intended for feeding children over 3 years old with phenylketonuria;evaluate organoleptic properties and efficiency of low-protein starch products enriched in hypophenylalanine diet of patients with phenylketonuria older than 3 years

    Preparation of alumina nanoparticle suspensions with narrow particle size distribution

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    Dynamic light scattering (DLS) was applied to the study of the process of the preparing deaggregated water suspensions of alumina nanopowders with specific surface areas of 20-140 m2/g. Nanopowders were prepared by the electric explosion of wire and laser evaporation and, according to electron microscopy (TEM), consisted of nonagglomerated spherical nanoparticles with lognormal size distribution. According to DLS, nonsedimenting water suspensions of alumina nanoparticles, stabilized by sodium citrate at a 5 mM concentration, contain substantial fraction of aggregates. The dynamics of the change in the mean average size of aggregates under exhaustive ultrasound treatment of suspensions with 10 g/l concentration for 1.5-4 h by two types of ultrasonic processors was studied. It was shown that the mean average size of aggregates exponentially diminishes by 1.5-2 times and the fraction of individual particles in suspension enlarges from 45 to 85%. Sequentially centrifuging the suspension at 18000 g separates the remaining aggregates and results in suspensions of individual alumina nanoparticles. Particle size distributions in these suspensions obtained by TEM and DLS are the same within experimental error. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd


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    The theoretical approach of the knowledge economy to the development of the strategy of industrial enterprises on the basis of the logistical methodology are covered. The definition of strategy and strategic planning for the knowledge economy is presented. The process of strategy development is characterized and the algorithm of strategic planning of an industrial enterprise is proposed taking into account the knowledge economy