665 research outputs found

    Les causes de non-évidence d’emprunts Française en anglais (le cas du lexique d’origine Française date du XIIe-XVe siècle)

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    During its history the English language was under the influence of other languages for a long time. The influence of the French language was the most considerable one, that resulted in amount of words which rooted in English. For the people whose working language is English loanwords seem to be quite ordinary, as if they would always exist in the language. However, it is not a rare case when at the first sight banal words appear to be the borrowed ones. Using a group of words of French origin, which came into English in the XII – XV centuries, we will observe peculiarities of adaptation process of some French words in English and major factors due to which the loanwords seem natural for the English language and do not cause any difficulties in use. This article will be interesting for students and teachers of the faculties of Linguistics and Philology, who work with the pair of languages: English – French.Depuis son histoire la langue anglaise a été influencée par d’autres langues. L’influence de la langue française s’est avérée la plus considérable qui a débouché sur le nombre de mots enracinés en anglais. Pour les gens dont la langue du travail est anglais les mots empruntés semblent être assez ordinaires comme s’ils existaient toujours dans la langue. Pourtant, un mot qui est souvent très banal au premier abord est emprunté. Dans le cas des groupes de mots d’origine française qui sont venu en anglais au XIIe – XVe siècle, on examine des particularités du processus d’assimilation des mots français en anglais et des facteurs principaux, en raison desquels les emprunts semblent naturels pour l’anglais et ne causent pas de difficultés en usage. Cet article sera intéressant avant tout aux étudiants et aux professeurs des facultés linguistiques et celles des lettres qui travaillent avec la paire de langues: l’anglais – le français

    Direct Electrophoretic Deposition and Characterization of Thin‐film Membranes Based on Doped BaCeO3 and CeO2 for Anode‐supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

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    In this work, a technology was developed for the formation of BaCe0.8Sm0.2O3+1 wt% CuO (BCS‐CuO)/Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 (SDC) thin‐film electrolyte membranes for intermediate‐temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT‐SOFCs) on porous NiO‐BCS‐CuO anode substrates using direct electrophoretic deposition (EPD). The effect of increasing the zeta potential when modifying the base suspension of a micro‐sized SDC‐gn powder (glycine–nitrate method) with the addition of a SDC‐lec nanopowder (laser evaporation–condensation) was investigated. Dependences of the current strength on the deposition time and the deposited weight on the EPD voltage were obtained, and evolution of the morphology of the coatings during the modification of the SDC‐gn suspension and a suspension of BCS‐CuO powder was studied. The compatibility of the shrinkage kinetics of the SDC, the BCS‐ CuO electrolyte coatings and the NiO‐BCS‐CuO anode substrate was studied during the high‐temperature sintering. Dense BCS‐CuO/SDC films of different thicknesses were obtained for the first time on porous NiO‐BCS‐CuO anode substrates and comprehensive microstructural and electrochemical studies were carried out. The developed technology can be applied to the formation of anode‐supported SOFCs with thin‐film electrolyte membranes. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ: 20-03-00151Funding: The work was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant № 20-03-00151

    Synthesis, local anaesthetic and antiarrhythmic activities of N-alkyl derivatives of proline anilides

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    We describe here the design, synthesis and evaluation of in vivo local anaesthetic and antiarrhythmic activities of a series of N-alkylproline anilides. Most of the compounds demonstrated surface anaesthetic activity higher than that of lidocaine, ropivacaine and bupivacaine. We established that the local anaesthetic activity was sensitive to structural variations in the substitution pattern at the aromatic ring and the type of alkyl group at the proline nitrogen atom. Some of the prepared N-alkylproline anilides possessed significant antiarrhythmic activity with higher therapeutic indexes than the reference drugs

    Electrophoretic deposition of coatings and bulk compacts using magnesium-doped aluminum oxide nanopowders

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    Received: 06.04.2021. Revised: 02.05.2021. Accepted: 03.05.2021. Available online: 07.05.2021.The authors are grateful to D.Sc. prof. A.P. Safronov (Ural Federal University) for valuable advice during the preparation of the manuscript, to the head of the laboratory of impulse processes Dr. I.V. Beketov and junior researcher Mr. A.V. Bagazeev (IEP UB RAS) for the development of the method for producing nanopowders (EEW method), and to scientific researcher Dr. A.S. Farlenkov (Ural Federal University) for conducting electron microscopic studies.The electrophoretic deposition (EPD) of coatings and bulk compacts in a wide range of thicknesses (from 23 to 1800 μm) from stable suspensions of a magnesium-doped aluminum oxide nanopowder with subsequent sintering of samples into dense ceramics was studied. The initial nanopowder was obtained by the method of electric explosion of an Al-Mg alloy wire with a Mg content of 1.3 wt. %. The study of the dispersion composition, kinetics of deaggregation under the ultrasonic treatment and zeta potential in the nanopowder-based suspensions was carried out. It was shown that a nearly linear increase in the deposited mass and thickness of EPD deposits occurred at a constant voltage of 20 V and an average deposition current of approximately 40 μA when the deposition time was varied from 1 to 180 min. Drying of the coatings with a thickness of less than 35 μm led to the formation of a net of small cracks, while drying of the bulk compacts with a thickness of more than 1 mm occurred without cracking. The ceramic bulk sample with a thickness of 1.2 mm and the density of 98.7% TD was successfully obtained by sintering at 1650 °C for 4 h. It was characterized by a dense grain structure with an average grain size of 5 μm and the presence of a small number of closed pores less than 1 μm in size. Sintering of ceramics was revealed to be accompanied by the formation of a MgAl2O4 crystalline spinel phase, localized mainly at grain boundaries.The work was partially carried out using the equipment of the shared access centers of the Institute of Electrophysics (IEP UB RAS) and Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry (IHTE UB RAS), Composition of compounds

    Plant breeding evaluation of the red currant cultivar ‘Podarok Pobeditelyam’ and its inbred progeny

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    Background. Inbreeding, as a way to produce progenies from organisms in different degrees of kinship, is an important genetic and breeding technique used to improve various crops, including fruit and berry plants. Inbreeding has not been extensively used with red currant, so a study of the possibility to employ closely related crosses in breeding practice with this crop remains relevant. The purpose of this study was to assess the breeding potential of the red currant cultivar ‘Podarok Pobeditelyam’ by disclosing economic and biological characteristics in its inbred progeny.Methods and materials. The research was carried out at the red currant breeding site of the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK, Orel) in 2016–2018. The seedlings obtained from the self-pollination of a new red currant cultivar, ‘Podarok Pobeditelyam’, were the objects of the study. Records and observations were carried out according to the program and methodology for breeding and variety studies of fruit, berry and nut crops.Results and conclusion. The percentage of long-cluster seedlings (cluster length > 10 cm) in the inbred progeny of cv. ‘Podarok Pobeditelyam’ was 21.8%; segregation of large-fruited seedlings (berry weight > 0.65 g) was observed at the level of 17%; the maximum degree of transgression (Tsmax) was 42%; and the incidence of transgressive seedlings was 37%. The analysis of the progeny showed that cv. ‘Podarok Pobeditelyam’ is a homozygote for the dominant Rc gene that controls the red color of the berries, and displays donor properties for the trait “dry detachment of berries”. The study of the cultivar’s self-pollinated progeny did not reveal any inbreeding depression in F1 seedlings from closely related crosses as far as plant condition or productivity is concerned. The selected seedlings are of interest for further variety research and use in breeding practice as new source material

    Factors of successful diversification for machine-building enterprises

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    The relevance of the study is due to the need to diversify production in order to increase competitiveness and strengthen the economic sustainability of enterprises. Increasing the output of high-tech civil and dual-use products by enterprises of the military-industrial complex as part of the conversion is complicated by the lack of enterprises work experience in the market. Conversion of defense industry enterprises is an important and promising task, the solution of which is connected with the future of defense industry enterprises, the development of import substitution, the expansion of high-tech exports. The purpose of the study is to analyze the world experience of conversion, to study existing approaches to solving conversion implementation problems, creating a system of conversion success factors, monitoring the effect of external and internal conversion implementation factors, identifying actual problems of this process. The author's approach to solving conversion problems consists of identifying external and internal conversion success factors and combining them into a single system for the interaction between the state and defense enterprises. The study of the implementation of the indicated factors showed the degree of their development, as well as the directions that will contribute to the development of diversification. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    STITCH 3: zooming in on protein–chemical interactions

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    To facilitate the study of interactions between proteins and chemicals, we have created STITCH, an aggregated database of interactions connecting over 300 000 chemicals and 2.6 million proteins from 1133 organisms. Compared to the previous version, the number of chemicals with interactions and the number of high-confidence interactions both increase 4-fold. The database can be accessed interactively through a web interface, displaying interactions in an integrated network view. It is also available for computational studies through downloadable files and an API. As an extension in the current version, we offer the option to switch between two levels of detail, namely whether stereoisomers of a given compound are shown as a merged entity or as separate entities. Separate display of stereoisomers is necessary, for example, for carbohydrates and chiral drugs. Combining the isomers increases the coverage, as interaction databases and publications found through text mining will often refer to compounds without specifying the stereoisomer. The database is accessible at http://stitch.embl.de/