48 research outputs found

    Distribusi Vertikal Karang Batu (Scleractinia) Di Perairan Desa Kalasey, Kabupaten Minahasa

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas dan distribusi vertikal karang scleractinia di perairan Desa Kalasey.Jumlah spesies yang ditemukan pada lereng terumbu berjumlah 48 dan pada rataan terumbu 38.Jumlah koloni pada lereng terumbu berjumlah 190 dan pada rataan terumbu 133.Spesies Porites lobata memiliki kepadatan relatif tertinggi pada lereng terumbu dan Favites halicora pada rataan terumbu, masing-masing dengan nilai 20%. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman menunjukkan keanekaragaman tinggi pada lereng terumbu (3,12) dan keanekaragaman sedang pada rataan terumbu (2,95). Secara umum, kedua loaksi tersebut memiliki pola penyebaran seragam. Hasil indeks kemerataan pada lereng terumbu 0,80 dan rataan terumbu 0,81. Kedua nilai tersebut digolongkan pada komunitas yang stabil

    Social Strategy of Ciliwung River Bank Community

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    This article explains relation of social economic strategy applied by the community on the setting of watershed area with dinamics and complexity of urban life. To explain the problem, this article use the perspective of ecological anthropology and urban anthropology. This research uses indepth-interview, participatory observation, and focus group discussion. This research was conducted on the community of Ciliwung watershed on Kampung Melayu and Cawang village in East Jakarta. This research shows that the community on Ciliwung watershed area have social organization based on primordial and religion. The social organization have inclusive orientation and have goal to overcome everyday social problem. The community have model of ecological adaptation and social-economic strategy that have characteristics of resistance (control, protect, defend, and resist) as respon to uncertainty of policy and involution of Ciliwung watershed development.Tulisan ini menjelaskan hubungan antara strategi sosial ekonomi yang dijalankan masyarakat dalam latar ekologi bantaran sungai dengan kondisi kehidupan perkotaan yang dinamis dan kompleks. Untuk menjelaskan masalah tersebut, penelitian ini menginspirasi kepada perspektif antropologi ekologi dan antropologi perkotaan. Penelitian ini mengacu kepada pendekatan kualitatif dengan menerapkan metode wawancara mendalam, pengamatan terlibat, dan diskusi kelompok terfokus. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan pada masyarakat bantaran sungai Ciliwung di Kelurahan Cawang dan Kelurahan Kampung Melayu, Jakarta Timur. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa masyarakat bantaran sungai Ciliwung memiliki organisai sosial berbasis asal-usul daerah dan agama berorientasi inklusif dan bertujuan mengatasi masalah sosial yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Masyarakat memiliki pola adaptasi ekologi dan strategi sosial ekonomi berciri bertahan (menguasai, melindungi, bertahan, dan melawan) sebagai respon terhadap ketidakpastian kebijakan dan involusi pembangunan bantaran sungai Ciliwung

    Gambaran Kadar Albumin Serum Pada Vegetarian Lacto-ovo

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    : Vegetarian lacto-ovo is one of three large groups of vegetarians, where this type eating vegetable foodstuffs and abstained all kinds of meat, but still consumes milk and eggs. Vegetarian diet which regularly planned well, provide many health benefits. On the other hand, vegetarian potentially at risk of suffering from various diseases macro and micro nutrient deficiencies, for example, is protein. Albumin, which is one of the three major groups of plasma protein, globulin and fibrinogen in addition, contributes up to 80% of the osmotic pressure of plasma. Albumin can be obtained from meat, eggs, soy beans, nuts, and seeds. The levels of serum albumin is an important prognostic indicators because there is a correlation between the levels of serum albumin with increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Methods: The purpose of this study is to describe serum albumin levels in lacto-ovo vegetarians. This cross-sectional study was conducted in September 2015- January 2016. Sampling using total sampling method performed at the University of Klabat Airmadidi, with 25 respondents. Results: From the results of laboratory tests, 20 subjects (80%) with normal serum albumin levels, and 5 subjects (20%) with high levels of serum albumin. Conclusion: Based on the results, we can conclude that serum albumin levels in lacto-ovo vegetarian mostly normal


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    EFFECT OF SUBSTITUTION OF RICE BRAN WITH COFFEE HUSK MEAL IN THE DIETS ON ENERGY AND PROTEIN DIGESTIBILITY   OF GROWING PIGS. A study was conducted todetermine the effects of substitution of rice bran with  coffee husk meal in the diets on energy and protein digestibility of growing pigs. The present study was conducted for 60 days, using 20 castrated male Duroc X Spotted Poland China, aged 2.5–3.0 months with an averaged body weight of 30.1–40.0 kg. Treatment diets were formulated as follow: R0 = 25% rice bran + 0% coffee husk meal (without coffee husk meal); R1 = 18.75% rice bran + 6.25% coffee husk meal (substitution of 25%); R2 = 12.5% rice bran + 12.5% coffee husk meal (substitution of 50%); R3 = 6.25% rice bran + 18.75% coffee husk meal (substitution of 75%); and R4 = 0% rice bran + 100% coffee husk meal (substitution of 100%). Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications (blocks) was used as a statistical analysis (Anova). An Orthogonal Contrast test was further employed to analyze treatment differences. Different between treatment (s) was declared at P 0,05) were found among treatments on energy and protein digestibility. It can be concluded that coffee husk meal can be used up to 100% to replace rice bran or 25% in the diets of growing pigs.Key words: Pig, rice bran, coffe husk, energy, protein digestibilit

    Distribusi Karang Lunak Di Perairan Teluk Manado Dengan Perbandingan Antara Kawasan Non Reklamasi Dan Reklamasi

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    Penelitian tentang distribusi karang lunak di Perairan Teluk Manado dengan perbandingan antara Kawasan Non Reklamasi dan Reklamasi telah dilakukan di Perairan Teluk Manado pada bulan Januari sampai dengan bulan Maret tahun 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis karang lunak yang tersebar di perairan Teluk Manado khususnya di Pantai Kalasey serta mendeskripsikan kepadatan dan distribusi dari karang lunak.Pengambilan data dilakukan di perairan Malalayang pada daerah Non Reklamasi dan Reklamasi.Penelitian dimulai dengan melakukan survey awal di lokasi pengambilan data. Pada Setiap Lokasi penelitian mempunyai 3 stasiun pengamatan yaitu pada kedalaman 3 meter, 6 meter dan 9 meter, pengambilan data dilakukan dengan pencatatan bawah air menggunakan whotr plastic sheet dengan bantuan alat SCUBA dan kamera bawah air. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa kepadatan tertinggi terdapat pada daerah Reklamasi khususnya pada kedalaman 6 meter oleh Genus Xeniadengan nilai (K) 25.50 ind/m2 dan (KR) 95.39%.Untuk pola penyebarannya pada dua lokasi penelitian adalah mengelompok

    Seagrass Community of the Coastal in Southern of Bangka Island, North Minahasa Regancy, North Sulawesi Province

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    Purpose of this research is to know the community of seagrass, and physical-chemical parameters in the South Bangka island, North Minahasa Regancy, North Sulawesi Province. Data retrieval by the random sampling of systematic method on three lines transect with 50 m long, and 30 quadrants. Data taken in each quadrant is number of species and number of individuals of each species. Results of the measurement of physical and chemical parameters of static waters associated with the feasibility of life for water organisms in it, generally in good condition. Ten species of seagrass have been found in the southern part of the island of Bangka. Four species are always found in any transek i.e Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, Enhallus acaroides, and Halophylla ovalis. The highest found in seagrass cover transek 1 i.e. 67.00% while the lowest in transek 3 i.e. 46.30%. Seagrass cover Enhallus acaroides in Bangka island very prominent compared to other species. Based on the current index value is important, Syringodium isoetifolium have a high importance value index only in the transek 3 which means this type of seagrass seagrass types affect other takes part in community level. Ecological index results suggest that the ecosystem of seagrass in Bangka island in the southern part of the State is stable