29 research outputs found

    Prediktori zbrinjavanja otežanog diŔnog puta u kirurgiji Ŕtitnjače: petogodiŔnja opservacijska prospektivna studija u jednom centru

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    Difficult tracheal intubation (DI) is more common in thyroid than in other surgical branches due to thyromegaly. Proper preoperative airway evaluation is necessary in order to reduce the potential numerous complications. The study examined the incidence of DI in thyroid surgery and the influence of tracheal dislocation and other risk factors on DI. A prospective study was conducted on 2379 patients who underwent thyroidectomy at the Center for Endocrine Surgery, Clinical Center of Serbia, from 2007 to 2012. Patients were divided into groups with (n=162) and without DI (n=2217). Besides tracheal dislocation, another 13 risk factors contained in 13 screening tests and three additional factors of gender, age and diagnosis were defined. The incidence of DI in our study was 6.81%. The presence of tracheal dislocation was statistically significant, but not an independent predictor of DI. The diagnosis, large circumference and small neck length, previous DI, recessive mandible, tooth characteristics and oral anomalies were the most significant and independent predictors of DI. Neck circumference and small neck length had highest sensitivity. Previous DI had highest specificity. Thyromegaly, if causing tracheal dislocation and/or stenosis, represents a significant DI predictor, not individually, but in combination with other factors.Otežana intubacija (OI) traheje je čeŔća u kirurgiji Å”titnjače nego u drugim kirurÅ”kim granama zbog tireomegalije. Pravilna prijeoperacijska evaluacija diÅ”noga puta je neophodna za smanjenje brojnih potencijalnih komplikacija. Ispitivali smo učestalost OI u kirurgiji Å”titnjače, utjecaj dislokacije traheje i drugih čimbenika na OI. Provedena je prospektivna studija na 2379 bolesnika podvrgnutih operacijama Å”titne žlijezde u Centru za endokrinu kirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije u Beogradu u razdoblju od 2007. do 2012. godine. Bolesnici su bili podijeljeni u skupine s OI (n=162) i bez OI (n=2217). Uz dislokaciju i/ili stenozu traheje definirano je joÅ” 13 čimbenika rizika sadržanih u 13 probirnih testova i 3 dodatna čimbenika ā€“ spol, životna dob i dijagnoza. Učestalost OI u naÅ”oj studiji iznosila je 6,81%. Prisutnost dislokacije traheje bila je statistički značajan, ali ne i nezavisni prediktor OI. Kao najznačajniji i nezavisni prediktori OI izdvojili su se: dijagnoza, veliki obim i mala dužina vrata, prethodna OI, recesivna mandibula, karakteristike zuba i oralne anomalije. Najveću osjetljivost imali su obim i dužina vrata, a najveću specifičnost prethodna OI. Ako dovodi do dislokacije i/ili stenoze traheje, tireomegalija je značajan prediktor OI, ne samostalno, nego u kombinaciji s drugim čimbenicima

    Importance of postoperative pain and possibilities of prevention and treatment

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    The paper presents the importance of acute postoperative pain, the risk factors for its occurrence and intensity, instruments for its measurement and assessment, as well as the possibilities of prevention and treatment. The fact that post-surgical pain represents not only a subjective unpleasant experience for the patient, but also a factor that significantly contributes to complications and unfavorable outcomes of surgical treatment is well known. Despite that, postoperative pain can be seen very often. To successfully prevent and relieve pain, it is necessary to establish a possible cause-and-effect relationship between the occurrence and intensity of postoperative pain, type of surgical intervention, anesthesia technique, demographic characteristics of patients, comorbidities, chronic therapy, and family and socioeconomic factors. Besides the application of recommendations from the current guidelines and protocols for the prevention and treatment of post-surgical pain to achieve positive treatment outcomes, an individual approach to each patient and the application of multimodal analgesia techniques that include the use of different classes of analgesics, co-analgesics, and non-pharmacological measures, based on modern ERAS-protocols aimed at accelerated recovery after surgical intervention should also be employed

    Subglotična visokofrekventna jet ventilacija u kirurŔkom liječenju obostrane pareze glasnica nakon operacije Ŕtitne žlijezde

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    Lesion of the recurrent laryngeal nerves as a consequence of thyroid surgery results in bilateral vocal fold paralysis and respiratory obstruction. The initial treatment involves ensuring an adequate airway and it ranges from tracheostomy to endo-extralaryngeal laterofixating operations in general anesthesia. Subglottic high frequency jet ventilation (HFJV) is an alternative ventilatory approach in airway surgery. HFJV offers optimal endolaryngeal working conditions, immobility of vocal cords, adequate oxygenation and ventilation. The HFJV was prospectively studied in 20 consecutive female patients with bilateral vocal fold paralysis. Ventilation was performed as subglottic HFJV via jet catheter inserted through the vocal cord. Anesthesia was administered as total intravenous anesthesia. At the end of the procedure, the jet catheter was exchanged with LMA laryngeal mask until spontaneous breathing was established. Subglottic HFJV was used in 20 patients undergoing endo-extralaryngeal laterofixating operations with suspension microlaryngoscopy. The mean duration of surgery was 32.25 minutes, mean age 47.35 (SD 9.75) years, and mean body mass index 26.39 kg m-2 (SD 5.03). The mean arterial PaCO2 5 min before surgical procedure was 5.39 (SD 0.86) kPa, at 5 min of starting jet ventilation 6.19 (SD 0.91) kPa, and at the end of surgical procedure 5.93 (SD 0.99) kPa. There was significant correlation between PaCO2 obtained 5 min before starting jet ventilation and PaCO2 at 5 min of starting jet ventilation (p<0.05). No complications secondary to the ventilation technique were observed. No perioperative tracheotomy was necessary. It is concluded that subglottic HFJV is an easy and safe way to ventilate patients with bilateral vocal fold paralysis when endoscopic intervention is performed.Obostrana pareza glasnica s posljedičnom opstrukcijom diÅ”noga puta nastaje kao rezultat lezije rekurentnog laringealnog živca tijekom operacije Å”titne žlijezde. Inicijalni postupci kojima se osigurava diÅ”ni put kod ovih bolesnika uključuju različite endo-ekstralaringealne zahvate te samu traheotomiju, koji se izvode u općoj anesteziji. Subglotična visokofrekventna jet ventilacija (VFJV) je alternativna tehnika ventilacije koja se koristi u kirurgiji diÅ”nog puta. Ova tehnika ventilacije pruža optimalne endolaringealne uvjete za kirurÅ”ki rad. U ovoj prospektivnoj studiji VFJV se rabio kod 20 bolesnica s obostranom parezom glasnica. Subglotična VFJV je provedena preko jet katetera postavljenog između glasnica u totalnoj intravenskoj anesteziji. Na kraju operacije je jet kateter zamijenjen laringealnom maskom sve do uspostavljanja spontanog disanja. Tehnika subglotične VFJV je upotrijebljena kod 20 bolesnica podvrgnutih endo-ekstralaringealnoj laterofiksaciji u suspenzijskoj mikrolaringoskopiji. Srednje vrijeme kirurÅ”ke intervencije je bilo 32,25 minuta, srednja dob bolesnica 47,35 (SD 9,75) godina i srednji indeks tjelesne mase 26,39 (SD 5,03) kg m-2. Srednja vrijednost PaCO2 5 minuta prije početka kirurÅ”ke intervencije je bila 5,39 (SD 0,86) kPa, 5 minuta nakon primjene jet ventilacije 6,19 (SD 0,91) kPa, a na kraju kirurÅ”ke intervencije 5,93 (SD 0,99) kPa. Uočena je značajna korelacija između vrijednosti PaCO2 dobivenih 5 minuta prije početka kirurÅ”ke intervencije i 5 minuta nakon početka primjene jet ventilacije (p<0,05). Komplikacije vezane za primjenu VFJV nisu primijećene. Tijekom perioperacijskog razdoblja nije bilo potrebe za traheotomijom. U zaključku, subglotična VFJV je sigurna tehnika ventilacije koja se primjenjuje tijekom endoskopskih intervencija kod bolesnika s obostranom parezom glasnica

    Faktori rizika za pojavu intraoperativnih varijacija vrednosti krvnog pritiska i srčanih disritmija tokom tireoidne hirurgije

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    Introduction/Objective Intraoperative variations in blood pressure and/or cardiac dysrhythmias (IOVBP/CD) represent one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in surgical patients. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence and risk factors for IOVBP/CD in thyroid surgery patients with comorbidities. Methods The study included 1,252 euthyroid patients with ASA 2 and ASA 3 status (American Society of Anesthesiologists - physical status classification) who underwent thyroid surgery. The following risk factors were examined: sex, age, body mass index (BMI), ASA status, admission diagnoses, type of operation, duration of surgery, time under general anesthesia, difficult intubation of trachea, and coexisting diseases - hypertension, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease. The following intraoperative events were recorded: hypertension, severe hypertension, hypotension, and cardiac arrhythmias. We used Pearson Ļ‡2 square test, univariate, and multivariate logistic regression for statistical analysis. Results The majority of patients were female (86.3%). In 903 (72.1%) patients IOVBP/CD were detected. The most common problem was intraoperative hypertension (61.4%). Eight risk factors for IOVBP/CD were registered by univariate analysis: advanced age, ASA 3 status, BMI > 25 kg/m2, duration of surgery, time under general anesthesia, hypertension, and cardiomyopathy as a coexisting disease. The multivariate regression model identified three independent predictors for IOVBP/CD: age, hypertension, and cardiomyopathy. Conclusion IOVBP/CD are common in thyroid surgery. The most common is intraoperative hypertension. Older age, hypertension, and cardiomyopathy as a coexisting disease are independent risk factors for IOVBP/CD.Uvod/Cilj Intraoperativne varijacije krvnog pritiska i/ ili srčane disritmije (IVKP/SD) jedan su od najčeŔćih uzročnika morbiditeta i mortaliteta hirurÅ”kih bolesnika. Cilj studije je bio da ispita učestalost i faktore rizika za pojavu IVKP/SD u tireoidnoj hirurgiji kod bolesnika sa komorbiditetima. Metode Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 1252 eutireoidna bolesnika ASA 2 i ASA 3 statusa podvrgnutih tireoidnoj hirurgiji. Ispitivan je uticaj sledećih faktora rizika: pol, starost, indeks telesne mase (ITM), ASA status, prijemna dijagnoza, tip operacije, trajanje operacije, trajanje anestezije, otežana intubacija traheje, kao i komorbiditeti: hipertenzija, kardiomiopatija, srčane aritmije, angina pektoris, dijabetes melitus, bolesti bubrega. Registrovani su intraoperativno: hipertenzija, hipertenzivna kriza, hipotenzija i srčane aritmije. KoriŔćen je Pirsonov Ļ‡2-test, univarijantna i multivarijantna regresiona analiza za statističku obradu podataka. Rezultati Većinu bolesnika su činile žene (86,3%). IVKP/ SD su registrovani kod 903 (72,1%) bolesnika. NajčeŔći poremećaj je bila intraoperativna hipertenzija - 61,4%. Univarijantnom analizom je registrovano sedam faktora rizika za pojavu IVKP/SD: godine života, ASA 3 status, ITM > 25 kg/m2, trajanje hirurgije, trajanje anestezije, hipertenzija i kardiomiopatija kao komorbiditet. Multivarijantnom regresionom analizom izdvojila su se tri nezavisna prediktora pojave IVKP/SD: godine starosti, hipertenzija i kardiomiopatija. Zaključak IVKP/SD su česte u tireoidnoj hirurgiji. NajčeŔća je intraoperativna hipertenzija. Starije životno doba, hipertenzija i kardiomiopatija kao koegzistirajuće bolesti su nezavisni faktori rizika za pojavu IVKP/SD

    Risk Factors for Intraoperative Hypertension during Surgery for Primary Hyperparathyroidism

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    Objective: To investigate the incidence and identify risk factors for the occurrence of intraoperative hypertension (IOH) during surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT). Subjects and Methods: The study included 269 patients surgically treated between January 2008 and January 2012 for pHPT. IOH was defined as an increase in systolic blood pressure >= 20% compared to baseline values which lasted for 15min. The investigated influence were demographic characteristics, surgical risk score related to physical status (based on the American Society of Anesthesiologists [ASA] classification), comorbidities, type and duration of surgery, and duration of anesthesia on IOH occurrence. The investigated factors were obtained from the patients' medical history, anesthesia charts, and the daily practice database. Logistic regression analysis was done to determine the predictors of IOH. Results: Of the 269 patients, 153 (56.9%) had IOH. Based on the univariate analysis, age, body mass index, ASA status, duration of anesthesia, and preoperative hypertension were risk factors for the occurrence of IOH. Multivariate analysis showed that independent predictors of IOH were a history of hypertension (OR = 2.080, 95% CI: 1.102-3.925, p = 0.024) and age (OR = 0.569, 95% CI: 0.360-0.901, p = 0.016). Conclusion: In this study, a high percentage (56%) of the patients developed IOH during surgery for pHPT, which indicates that special attention should be paid to these patients, especially to the high-risk groups: older patients and those with a history of hypertension. Further, this study showed that advanced age and hypertension as a coexisting disease prior to parathyroid surgery were independent risk factors for the occurrence of IOH

    Low Paraoxonase 1 Activity Predicts Mortality in Surgical Patients with Sepsis

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    Introduction. State of severe oxidative stress is encountered in sepsis. Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) protects against oxidative stress but also undergoes inactivation upon that condition. We investigated PON1 activity in surgical patients with sepsis in relation to oxidative stress status, inflammation, disease severity, and survival. Methods. Prospective observational study. Sixty-nine surgical patients with sepsis were compared to 69 age/sex matched healthy controls. PON1 paraoxonase and diazoxonase activities, selected biochemical, hematological and oxidative stress parameters were measured on admission to ICU and 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours later. Disease severity scores were calculated daily. Results. Septic patients had significantly lower PON1 activities compared to control group at all time points. PON1 activities had good capacity to differentiate septic patients from healthy controls. Low PON1 activities were associated with higher disease severity scores and higher risk of death. Correlation between PON1 activity and markers of inflammation failed to reach significance. Decrease in PON1 activity was correlated with an increase in reducing components in plasma. Conclusion. Our study demonstrated lower PON1 activity in surgical patients with sepsis compared to healthy controls. PON1 activity also reflected severity of the disease. Low PON1 activity was associated with higher mortality of surgical patients with sepsis

    Cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the operating room

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    The occurrence of cardiac arrest during anesthesia and surgery is nowadays associated with many challenges imposed by 21st century medicine. On the one hand, good education of healthcare practitioners, sophisticated anesthetic techniques and equipment, along with safer anesthetics and improved surgical techniques have significantly reduced the risk of cardiac arrest during the perioperative period. Still, the introduction of new, invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the aging patients and those with comorbidities carries along new risk and challenges. Epidemiological data indicate that intraoperative cardiac arrest is an extremely rare event. Due to variety of moral and ethical prejudices, intraoperative cardiac arrest is frequently presented as if it has happened in the immediate postoperative period, following surgery and anesthesia. The preventive measures, the etiology and diagnosis of cardiac arrest, as well as the specificities regarding organization and performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the operating room, result in a better prognosis compared to other hospital departments. The article also describes the specifics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the catheterization laboratory, while a separate section is dedicated to cardiopulmonary resuscitation following systemic toxicity of local anesthetics. Since intraoperative cardiac arrest and death represent very rare complications, European Resuscitation Council has only recently published Guidelines for Resuscitation for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the operating room ā€“ in 2015

    Anesthesia for thyroid surgery in heart transplant patients - first case study in Serbia

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    Introduction. The number of patients in the world who have undergone heart transplantation is increasing, with better and longer survival rates, and therefore the number of patients who undergo various surgical interventions after transplantation is also increasing. This presents a challenge for anaesthesiologists. Case outline. A 45-year-old female patient underwent a total thyroidectomy due to suspected thyroid cancer. She had a heart transplant three years earlier. Preoperative preparation included evaluation of cardiac function, consultative examinations by a transplant cardiologist, laboratory and other diagnostic procedures, as well as a detailed analysis of all 20 medications that the patient uses in daily therapy. Common drugs were used for premedication and general endotracheal anaesthesia, with careful dose titration. Medicines were also prepared for the occurrence of heart rhythm disorders, bearing in mind that the heart is denervated, but there was no need for their use. The operation and postoperative course went smoothly and on the third postoperative day the patient was discharged from the hospital in good general condition. Conclusion. Preoperative preparation, anaesthesia, and postoperative treatment of this patient represented a challenge for our team, which was successfully overcome, considering that this is the first case of operative treatment of a patient with a transplanted heart in Serbia

    The effect of medicamentous and non-medicamentous therapy on lowering risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular episodes in an interventional study

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    Introduction In a chain of cardiovascular episodes, risk factors (RF) and bad habits represent the first link. Objective The purpose of the study was to determine, during six months, on four examinations (the first, and three follow-ups after the second, fourth and sixth month), the following: physical activity (PA) alteration and the number of cigarettes smoked; the effect of antihypertensive betablockers and ACE inhibitors on systolic and diastolic arterial tension; the effect of metmorfin therapy on BMI, glycaemia, total cholesterol level (TCL) and triglycerides in diabetics compared to healthy individuals; the effect of hypolipidaemics on blood TCL and triglycerides in patients with angina pectoris (AP); the effect of betablocker therapy on TCL. Method This was a multicentric interventional study. Secondary prevention of coronary disease and cerebrovascular conditions was applied in the first half of 2005. There were 185 general practitioners from 38 health centers in Serbia, and patients of both sexes were included with the verified diagnosis of coronary disease and/or cerebrovascular condition. They had demographic data verified as well as data of being genetically (non)predisposed for AP, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke and diabetes mellitus. Descriptive and differential statistical methods were used for study result analysis. Results Out of 1,189 patients, there were 51.4% of women and 48.6% of men. The average age was 59.45Ā±9.77 years. The population was homogeneous by sex and the factor of being genetically (non)predisposed for AP. There was a significant difference in examinations in four contacts in PA and cigarette smoking (p&lt;0.0001). Systolic and diastolic pressure, TCL and triglycerides were significantly decreased by medicaments (p&lt;0.05) and more significantly so associated with nonmedicamentous measures (p&lt;0.001). Metmorfin significantly decreased the glycaemic level (p&lt;0.001) both in diabetics and patients with a reduced tolerance level to glucose. In patients who took betablockers, there was lowering of TCL. Conclusion Taking medicaments significantly lowers RF, and more significantly so when associated with a non-medicamentous therapy