14 research outputs found

    Menisko susiuvimo klinikinių ir funkcinių rezultatų įvertinimas

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    Rimtautas Gudas, Romas Jonas KalesinskasKauno medicinos universiteto Ortopedijos-traumatologijos klinika Įvadas / tikslas Retrospektyviu tyrimu palyginome klinikinius ir funkcinius įvairių menisko plyšimų susiuvimo rezultatus. Metodai 1998–2001 metais KMU Ortopedijos-traumatologijos klinikoje buvo atliktos 22 menisko susiuvimo operacijos specialia ("outside-inside") metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo ligoniai, kuriems buvo susiųtas meniskas. 15 (68,20 %) ligonių buvo izoliuoti vidinio menisko plyšimai, 4 (18,20 %) – kartu su priekinio kryžminio raiščio plyšimais ir 3 (13,60 %) – izoliuoti išorinio menisko plyšimai. Rezultatai Rezultatai vertinti remiantis Lysholmo kelio sąnario įvertinimo skale. Prieš operaciją šios skalės įvertis buvo 62,54 ± 5,11, o praėjus 18 mėnesių po artroskopinių intervencijų pasiekė 92,09 ± 4,37 taškus. Geri ir labai geri rezultatai buvo 20 (91 %), patenkinami – 2 (9 %) ligonių. Išvados Praėjus 18 mėnesių po menisko susiuvimo, kelio sąnario funkcija atkurta ir simptomai sumažėjo statistiškai reikšmingai (t = 18,32, p < 0,05). Prasminiai žodžiai: menisko patologija, menisko susiuvimo rezultatų įvertinimas. Clinical and functional results after meniscus repair Rimtautas Gudas, Romas Jonas Kalesinskas Background / objective Between 1998 and 2001, 22 patients underwent suturing of the menisci by the "outside-inside" technique. This retrospective study evaluates the results of suturing. Methods The patients were evaluated on the Lysholm knee joint evaluation scale. Results In 20 (91%) cases the suturing results were excellent and good at the time of the last follow-up. Conclusions In 91% of patients the improvement in terms of pain, motion, limp, swelling and activity was statistically significant as compared to their preoperative status (p < 0.05). Keywords: pathology of menisci, evaluation of repair

    Mozaikinė autologinė kremzlės ir kaulo transplantacija gydant kelio sąnario kremzlės pažeidimus

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    Rimtautas Gudas1, Romas Jonas Kalesinskas1, Giedrius Bernotavičius1, Eglė Monastyreckienė2, Angelija Valančiūtė3, Darius Pranys41 Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikųOrtopedijos ir traumatologijos klinikaEivenių g. 2, LT-50009 Kaunasel paštas: [email protected] Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikųRadiologijos klinika3 Kauno medicinos universitetoEmbriologijos ir histologijos katedra4 Kauno medicinos universitetoPatologinės anatomijos klinika Tikslas Mūsų prospektyvaus klinikinio tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti mozaikinės autologinės transplantacijos rezultatus gydant kelio sąnario kremzlės pažeidimus. Ligoniai ir metodai 1998–2002 metais KMU Ortopedijos ir traumatologijos klinikoje atliktos 87 autologinės mozaikinės transplantacijos operacijos esant kelio sąnario kremzlės ir kaulo pažeidimams. Pacientų amžiaus vidurkis operacijų metu buvo 24,74 ± 7,20 metų (14–40 metų). Simptomai vidutiniškai truko 21,32 ± 5,57 mėnesio, o pacientai įvertinti praėjus vidutiniškai 24,4 mėnesio (nuo 12 iki 60 mėnesių) po operacijos. Rezultatai apibendrinti naudojant ICRS (International Cartilage Repair Society) anketą, 13 (15%) atvejų – remiantis kartotinių artroskopijų metu atliktu makroskopiniu įvertinimu, 9 (11%) atvejais – histologiniu tyrimu, 57 (67%) atvejais – BMR ir visais atvejais – rentgeno tyrimais. Visus anketinius įvertinimus atliko nepriklausomas gydytojas ortopedas prieš operacijas ir po operacijų praėjus dvylikai, dvidešimt keturiems, trisdešimt šešiems, keturiasdešimt aštuoniems ir šešiasdešimčiai mėnesių. Nepriklausomi nuo tyrimo gydytojai, radiologas ir patologas, atliko visus BMR ir histomorfologinius įvertinimus. Rezultatai Praėjus vidutiniškai 24,4 mėnesio po mozaikinės transplantacijos, ICRS anketos būdu nustatytas klinikinis rezultatų pagerėjimas (p < 0,05). Funkcinis ir objektyvus įvertinimas pagal ICRS anketą buvo toks: 93% atvejų gauti geri ir labai geri operacinio gydymo rezultatai, kitais atvejais (7%) gydymo rezultatai buvo patenkinami. Kartotinių artroskopijų metu (remiantis ICRS protokolu), po operacijų praėjus vidutiniškai 12,4 mėnesio, 11 (84%) iš 13 atvejų buvo nustatytas geras ir labai geras sąnario kremzlės makroskopinis atsitaisymas. Sąnario kremzlės biopsijos ir histologinis tyrimas buvo atliktas 11% pacientų, ir daugumos jų (remiantis ICRS protokolu) sąnario kremzlės ir pokremzlinio kaulo atitaisymo koeficientas buvo geras. BMR tyrimas parodė, kad 94% pacientų sąnario paviršius atkurtas gerai arba labai gerai. Išvados Mūsų tyrimas parodė, kad po mozaikinės autologinės transplantacijos praėjus vidutiniškai 24,4 mėnesio (nuo 12 iki 60 mėn.) fiziškai aktyvių pacientų, kuriems buvo pažeista kelio sąnario kremzlė, klinikinė ir funkcinė būklė labai pagerėjo. Dauguma pacientų po kremzlės mozaikinės autologinės transplantacijos atgauna prieš pažeidimą buvusį fizinio aktyvumo lygį. Histomorfologinis persodintų transplantatų tyrimas parodė, kad visais tirtais atvejais išsilaikė hialininės kremzlės struktūra ir fibroelastinio audinio intarpai tarp transplantatų. Reikšminiai žodžiai: sąnario kremzlės pažeidimai, mozaikinė transplantacija Mosaic-like autologous osteochondral transplantation for the treatment of knee joint articular cartilage injuries Rimtautas Gudas1, Romas Jonas Kalesinskas1, Giedrius Bernotavičius1, Eglė Monastyreckienė2, Angelija Valančiūtė3, Darius Pranys4 Objective The purpose of this prospective clinical study was to evaluate the outcomes of mosaic type autologous osteochondral transplantation procedure for the treatment of the articular cartilage defects of the knee joint. Patients and methods Between 1998 and 2002, a total of 85 patients underwent an osteochondral autologous transplantation (mosaicplasty) procedure for osteochondral or chondral knee joint injury. The patients were evaluated using the ICRS score, arthroscopically, histologically, with MRI and X-ray examinations. The mean duration of symptoms was 21.32 ± 5.57 months and the mean follow-up was 24.4 months (range, 12 to 60 months). The mean age of the patients during the surgery was 24.74 ± 7.20 years (range, 14 to 40 years). An independent observer performed a follow-up examination after six, twelve, twenty-four, thirty-six and forty-eight months. In 13 (15%) of 85 cases 12.4 months postoperatively, arthroscopy with biopsy for histological evaluation was carried out. A radiologist and a pathologist, both blinded to each patient’s treatment, did the radiological and histological evaluations. Results After 24.4 months all the patients showed a significant clinical improvement (p < 0.05). The cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) score, functional and objective assessment revealed 93% to have excellent or good results after mosaicplasty; 7% were fair 24.4 months (range, 12–60 months) after the operations. The ICRS evaluation showed a significant improvement after the mosaicplasty procedure 24.4 months following operations (p = 0.005). No serious complications were reported. The ICRS for macroscopic evaluation during arthroscopy 12.4 months after mosaicplasty demonstrated excellent or good repair in 11 (84%) of 13 cases. Biopsy specimens were obtained from 9 (69%) of 13 patients, and histological evaluation of repair showed good scores (according to ICRS) for most samples after mosaicplasty. A MRI evaluation demonstrated excellent or good repairs in 94% after mosaicplasty. Conclusions On an average after 24.4 months (range, 12 to 60 months) of follow-up, our clinical study has shown a significant improvement of the clinical status of the physically active patients after the mosaic type autologous osteochondral transplantation for the repair of articular cartilage defects in the knee. Histologically, the osteochondral cylinder transplants retained hyaline cartilage. Keywords: articular cartilage injury, osteochondral mosaic-like transplantatio

    Jaunų sportininkų artroskopinis peties sąnario viršutinės-priekinės-užpakalinės lūpos komplekso pažeidimų gydymas: perspektyvusis randomizuotas tyrimas

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    Rimtautas Gudas1, Romas Jonas Kalesinskas1, Ramūnas Tamošiūnas2Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikų ,1 Ortopedijos ir traumatologijos klinikos Sporto traumų ir artroskopijos sektorius,2 Anesteziologijos ir reanimatologijos klinika,Eivenių g. 2, LT-50009 KaunasEl. paštas: [email protected] Tikslas Perspektyviuoju būdu išanalizuoti jaunų fiziškai aktyvių sportininkų minimaliai invazinių artroskopinio peties sąnario SLAP pažeidimų operacinio gydymo rezultatus. Ligoniai ir metodai Perspektyviuoju tyrimu įvertinome 38 sportininkus, kuriems 2000–2003 metais KMUK Ortopedijos ir traumatologijos klinikos Sporto traumų ir artroskopijos sektoriuje dėl peties sąnario sąnarinės lūpos žiedo pažeidimų ir su tuo susijusių įvairaus intensyvumo simptomų buvo atliktos minimaliai invazinės artroskopinės peties sąnario operacijos. Gydymo rezultatai vertinti pagal Constant skale ir rentgeno tyrimą praėjus vidutiniškai 19,2 mėn. po operacijų. Operuojamų pacientų amžiaus vidurkis buvo 27,2 metų (nuo 16 iki 38 metų). Rezultatai 24 (63%) pacientams atlikta II ir IV tipo sąnarinės lūpos pažeidimo rekonstrukcinė operacija, naudojant tirpius inkaruojančius siūlus, 4 (11%) – I, III, V ir VI tipų sąnarinės lūpos pažeidimo rekonstrukcinė operacija naudojant tirpius inkaruojančius siūlus, 5 (13%) – esant I ir III tipo pažeidimams, atplaišų pašalinimas, 5 (13%) – dvigalvio raumens sausgyslės nukirpimas ir tenodezė. Kartu su minėtomis procedūromis 5 (13%) ligoniams atlikta sukamųjų raumenų ir užpakalinės sąnario kapsulės sutraukimas siūlais. Priešoperacinis Constant skalės įvertis buvo 58 ± 5,15 taško, po operacijos praėjus 19,2 mėn. – 96 ± 5,82 taško (p < 0,05). Išvados Praėjus 19,2 mėn. po peties sąnario SLAP pažeidimų artroskopinės rekonstrukcijos naudojant tirpius inkaruojančius siūlus, gautas statistiškai reikšmingas peties sąnario funkcijos pagal Constant skalę pagerėjimas ir skausmo išnykimas (p = 0,005). Artroskopinės minimaliai invazinės peties sąnario operacijos yra veiksmingos gydant jaunų fiziškai aktyvių žmonių peties sąnario SLAP pažeidimus ir 93% sportininkų grąžina prieš pažeidimus turėtą fizinio aktyvumo lygį. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: peties artroskopija, SLAP pažeidimas Arthroscopic shoulder SLAP injury treatment in young athletes: prospective randomized trial Rimtautas Gudas1, Romas Jonas Kalesinskas1, Ramūnas Tamošiūnas2Kaunas Medical University,1 Clinic of Ortopedics and Traumatology, Division of Sport Trauma and Artroscopy,2 Clinic of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology,Eivenių str. 2, LT-50009 Kaunas, LithuaniaE-mail: [email protected] Objective To evaluate the arthroscopic procedures for the treatment of the shoulder joint SLAP lesions in young active athletes under the age of 38. Patients and methods Between 2000 and 2003, a total of 38 athletes with a mean age of 27.2 years (16 to 38) and with a symptomatic lesion of the biceps-labrum complex in the shoulder were evaluated 19.2 months post operations on the Constant scale and with X-rays. All athletes were available for a follow-up. The mean duration of symptoms was 13.32 ± 5.57 months and none of the athletes had prior surgical interventions to the affected shoulder. Type of study: prospective nonrandomized clinical study. Results After 19.2 months, all athletes showed a significant clinical improvement (p < 0,05). Final evaluation revealed a statistically significant improvement of the Constant results from 58 ± 5.15 preoperatively to 96 ± 5.82 postoperatively (p < 0.05). According to the Constant score, the functional and objective assessment showed that 96% had excellent or good results after the suture anchor SLAP repair (p < 0.001). No serious complications were reported. X-ray evaluation demonstrated no osteolythic changes in the suture anchor insertion zones or osteoarthritic changes of the shoulder joint after operations. 36 (95%) athletes following SLAP repair returned to sports activities at the pre-injury level at an average of 5.2 months (range 5 to 9 months) after the operations. Others showed a decline in the sport activity level. Conclusion At an average of 19.2 months (range from 19 to 21 months) of follow-up, our prospective clinical study in young active athletes under the age of 38 (16 to 38) has shown significant improvement in terms of pain and the function of the suture anchor repair for SLAP lesions in the shoulder. Limitations of our study included a small number of athletes and a relatively short follow-up, while a long-term follow-up is needed to assess the durability of SLAP lesion repair using these methods in young active athletes. Key words: shoulder arthroscopy, SLA

    Surgical treatment of humeral metastatic tumors

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    Objective. To evaluate the functional outcome and pain control in patients after resection of humeral metastases. Material and methods. A prospective randomized study of 24 cases of metastatic disease of the humerus with an associated pathologic fracture was carried out. The selected cases were divided into two groups based on the using methylmethacrylate cement for fracture fixation. Group 1 (n=12) included all cases in which the fracture was treated with bone cement augmentation. Group 2 (n=12) included all cases in which the fracture was treated without bone cement augmentation. Functional outcome was evaluated according to the American Musculoskeletal Tumor Society system. Results. Good and excellent pain control was achieved in 95% of cases in both groups. Functional outcome after resection of humeral metastases and pathological fracture fixation was significantly better in Group 1. Total function in five patients (45%) accounted for 86% and in three patients (25%) for 83% of full normal upper extremity function, whereas in Group 2, total function in six patients (50%) accounted for 70% and in three patients (25%) for 83% of full normal upper extremity function. The rate of fixation failure was significantly greater in Group 2, where fixation instability was observed in 50% (n=6) of cases (P=0.03). There were no significant differences in complication rate (in 50% of cases, mechanical instability occurred after fixation with intramedullary nail and in 50% of cases after fixation with plates). Conclusions. The introduction of bone cement as an adjunct to fixation of pathologic fracture improved clinical results and reduced the rate of fixation failure

    Gerokai pasislinkusių kaklo antrojo slankstelio danties lūžių gydymo ypatybės

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    Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the treatment features of odontoid fractures with a significant displacement. Material and methods. Thirty-seven patients with acute odontoid fractures were treated in Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital between 1998 and 2003. Seventeen persons with displacement of fragments less than 5 mm or 5 mm (according to E. A. Seybold and J. C. Bayley method) were in the first group. Twenty patients with displacement of fragments more than 5 mm were in the second group. The attempt of closed reduction of the cervical spine axis was performed for all patients. If successful closed reduction was achieved, patients were placed in halo-vest device for 8 weeks. If closed reduction failed, patient was operated according to W. E. Gallie. Postoperatively, all patients wore a halo-vest device during the first 8 weeks. Results. Demographics including age, sex, neurological condition, and associated spinal fractures were similar in patients from these groups (p>0.05). Successful closed reduction of the cervical spine axis was achieved in 11 (64.7%) patients from the first group and in 13 (65%) patients from the second group (p>0.05). Six (35.3%) patients from the first group and seven (35%) from the second group were treated with immediate C1–C2 posterior fusion (p>0.05). Two (16.7%) from twelve patients from the second group were treated by external immobilization by halo-vest device and had nonunion of fracture 8 weeks after the treatment. All operated patients had a solid fusion. Conclusions. If closed reduction of the odontoid fracture with a significant displacement was achieved then external immobilization by halo-vest device can be used [...]

    Effect of femoral head size on polyethylene wear and synovitis after total hip arthroplasty - A sonographic and radiographic study of 39 patients

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    Background and purpose The role of synovitis and high fluid pressure in the loosening process after total hip arthroplasty has gained increasing attention. We investigated the correlation between head size, polyethylene wear, and capsular distention. Patients and methods We analyzed 39 unrevised, radiographically stable hips that had been operated with 28 or 32 mm femoral heads 10 years earlier because of osteoarthritis. We evaluated radiographic signs of loosening, linear and volumetric polyethylene wear, body mass index, activity level, and age. Sonographic examination was performed to measure capsular distance i.e. the distance between the prosthetic femoral neck and the anterior capsule. Results Linear wear was 0.09 mm/year and 0.18 mm/year in the 28 mm and 32 mm groups, respectively (p 0.001). The volumetric wear was 51 mm3/year and 136 mm3/year (p < 0.001) and the capsular distance was 13 mm and 17 mm, respectively (p < 0.001). There was a correlation between linear wear (r = 0.54), volumetric wear (r = 0.62), and capsular distance (p < 0.001). Interpretation Wear was greater for the larger femoral head and was correlated to capsular distension

    Hip revision arthroplasty (long-term results)

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    Objective. To evaluate the risk factors after total hip replacement arthroplasty for rerevision and to analyze complications after hip revision surgery. Material and methods. We obtained data from 117 hip revisions and 12 hip rerevision arthroplasties performed in 1992–2001 in the Department of Orthopedics of Klaipėda Hospital. Special forms were filled in for every patient who participated in the study. Name, operation date, type of implants, operative technique, revision diagnosis, intraoperative and postoperative complications were recorded. All patients were checked for death until 2003. Results. Hip revisions were performed for 77 (66%) women and 50 (44%) men in 1992–2001. We revised 22 (19%) cups, 6 (5%) stems, 86 (74%) total hip revisions; femoral head was exchanged for 3 patients. Revision diagnoses were: aseptic loosening in 106 (90%) cases, recurrent dislocations in 7 (6%) cases, and periprosthetic fractures in 4 (4%) cases. Patients’ age varied from 26–82 years, average 63.5 years. In revision group only 8% of patients were less than 50 years old, compared to 33% in rerevision group. Morselized allografts and bone impaction technique for reconstruction of bone defects were used in 70 (60%) of cases. We rerevised one cup only for which revision morselized allografts were used. Eight (67%) rerevisions were performed after first 28 (24%) hip revisions. Conclusions. Patients, who underwent revision surgery being younger than 50 years old, were at higher risk for rerevision surgery. Revision with morselized bone

    Exeter total hip arthroplasty with matte or polished stems

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    Objective. To compare implant survival rates after total hip arthroplasty with Exeter matte or polished steins and to determine the relationship of synovitis/joint effusion to signs of implant loosening and stein type. Material and methods. The first part of the study included retrospective revision rate analysis of 118 primary hip replacements performed during 1991-1995. Two different designs of Exeter stems were used: matte surface steins during 1991-1995 (matte surface group - 47 cases), and polished stems during 1992-1995 (polished stem group - 71 cases). During the second part of the study, 24 patients (11 in polished stein group and 13 in matte stem group) were prospectively examined with radiography and sonography. Sonograpky was performed in order to evaluate capsular distension, i.e. the distance between prosthetic femoral neck and anterior capsule. Capsular distension depends oil synovitis and/or synovia in prosthetic hip. The relationship between capsular distension, stein type, and radiographic signs of loosening was assessed. Results. For the first part of our study, total implant survival was 78% with matte stems and 61% with polished stems 13 years postoperatively (P=0.27). Stem survival was 82% for matte steins, and 88% for polished stems (P=0.54). In the second part of study, a significant relationship between increased capsular distension and cup loosening was determined (P=0.04). We did not find significant difference in capsular distension when compared matte and polished stems. Conclusion. Implant survival rates did not differ between the groups. The relationship between capsular distension and clip loosening was statistically significant

    Osteochondral transplantation for the treatment of femoral condyle defects

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    Between 1998 and 2001 thirty-five patients underwent osteochondral transplantation (mosaicplasty) and 35 patients (controls) \u96 microfracture procedure for osteochondral or chondral knee joint pathology treatment. Average age of patients was 24.74±7.20 years. Patients were evaluated through International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) and modified Hospital for special Surgery (HSS) scales, arthroscopically, histologically, with MRI and x-rays. Modified HSS and ICRS evaluation showed statistically significantly better results in the mosaicplasty group 12 months post operation (p=0.005). Last follow-up showed deterioration in microfracture group (p=0.0005)

    Joint surfaces pathology treatment with Pridie drilling

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    This is an article of two homogenic groups treatment comparison, with 25 patients in each. Between 1998 and 2001 twenty-five patients underwent osteochondral or chondral fragment excision with Pridie tunelisations and 25 patients (controls) – osteochondral/chondral fragment excision alone (O-CFE). Average follow-up was 12.4 (range 10–14 months) and 23.6 months (range 22–25 months). All patients were younger than 30 years of age. Patients were evaluated through ICRS and modified HSS scales, arthroscopicaly, histologically and with x-rays. A blinded research assistant performed all follow-up evaluations. Sixteen of 25 (64%) tunelised (Pridie) results were good and 9 (36%) – fair at the time of last follow-up. Twelve of 25 (48%) in O-CFE group results were good and 12 (48%) – fair 23.6 months post operations. Final modified HSS evaluation showed statistically significantly better results in the Pridie group at the 12.4 and 23.6 months (p=0.005). Last follow-up showed deterioration in both groups (p<0.05). At an average 23.6 months follow-up x-rays showed initial osteoarthritis signs in the knees. Consequently, we recommend Pridie tunelisation procedure until final indications of cartilage grafting techniques will be established