145 research outputs found

    On two- and three-body descriptions of hybrid mesons

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    Hybrid mesons are exotic mesons in which the color field is not in its ground state. Their understanding deserves interest from a theoretical point of view, because it is intimately related to nonperturbative aspects of QCD. In this work, we analyze and compare two different descriptions of hybrid mesons, namely a two-body qqˉq\bar q system with an excited string, or a three-body qqˉgq\bar q g system. In particular, we show that the constituent gluon approach is equivalent to an effective excited string in the heavy hybrid sector. Instead of a numerical resolution, we use the auxiliary field technique. It allows to find simplified analytical mass spectra and wave functions, and still leads to reliable qualitative predictions. We also investigate the light hybrid sector, and found a mass for the lightest hybrid meson which is in satisfactory agreement with lattice QCD and other effective models.Comment: 2 figure

    Microscopic derivation of the pion coupling to heavy-light mesons

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    The Goldberger--Treiman relation for heavy--light systems is derived in the context of a quark model. As a paradigmatic example, the case of Dˉ→Dˉ′π{\bar D}\to {\bar D}' \pi is studied in detail. The fundamental role played by the pion two-component wave function, in the context of the Salpeter equation, is emphasized.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Chiral symmetry restoration in excited hadrons, quantum fluctuations, and quasiclassics

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    In this paper, we discuss the transition to the semiclassical regime in excited hadrons, and consequently, the restoration of chiral symmetry for these states. We use a generalised Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with the interaction between quarks in the form of the instantaneous Lorentz-vector confining potential. This model is known to provide spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in the vacuum via the standard selfenergy loops for valence quarks. It has been shown recently that the effective single-quark potential is of the Lorentz-scalar nature, for the low-lying hadrons, while, for the high-lying states, it becomes a pure Lorentz vector and hence the model exhibits the restoration of chiral symmetry. We demonstrate explicitly the quantum nature of chiral symmetry breaking, the absence of chiral symmetry breaking in the classical limit as well as the transition to the semiclassical regime for excited states, where the effect of chiral symmetry breaking becomes only a small correction to the classical contributions.Comment: RevTeX4, 20 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses epsfig.sty, typos correcte

    Parity doublers in chiral potential quark models

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    The effect of spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry over the spectrum of highly excited hadrons is addressed in the framework of a microscopic chiral potential quark model (Generalised Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model) with a vectorial instantaneous quark kernel of a generic form. A heavy-light quark-antiquark bound system is considered, as an example, and the Lorentz nature of the effective light-quark potential is identified to be a pure Lorentz-scalar, for low-lying states in the spectrum, and to become a pure spatial Lorentz vector, for highly excited states. Consequently, the splitting between the partners in chiral doublets is demonstrated to decrease fast in the upper part of the spectrum so that neighboring states of an opposite parity become almost degenerate. A detailed microscopic picture of such a "chiral symmetry restoration" in the spectrum of highly excited hadrons is drawn and the corresponding scale of restoration is estimated.Comment: LaTeX2e, 4 pages, uses aipproc class, Talk given by A.Nefediev at the conference "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VII", 2-7 September 2006, Acores, Portugal, to appear in Proceeding

    Confinement and parity doubling in heavy-light mesons

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    In this paper, we study the chiral symmetry restoration in the hadronic spectrum in the framework of generalised Nambu-Jona-Lasinio quark models with instantaneous confining quark kernels. We investigate a heavy-light quarkonium and derive its bound-state equation in the form of a Schroedingerlike equation and, after the exact inverse Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, in the form of a Diraclike quation. We discuss the Lorentz nature of confinement for such a system and demonstrate explicitly the effective chiral symmetry restoration for highly excited states in the mesonic spectrum. We give an estimate for the scale of this restoration.Comment: RevTeX4, 21 pages, 6 Postscript figures, uses epsfig.sty, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    QCD string in light-light and heavy-light mesons

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    The spectra of light-light and heavy-light mesons are calculated within the framework of the QCD string model, which is derived from QCD in the Wilson loop approach. Special attention is payed to the proper string dynamics that allows us to reproduce the straight-line Regge trajectories with the inverse slope being 2\pi\sigma for light-light and twice as small for heavy-light mesons. We use the model of the rotating QCD string with quarks at the ends to calculate the masses of several light-light mesons lying on the lowest Regge trajectories and compare them with the experimental data as well as with the predictions of other models. The masses of several low-lying orbitally and radially excited heavy--light states in the D, D_s, B, and B_s meson spectra are calculated in the einbein (auxiliary) field approach, which has proven to be rather accurate in various calculations for relativistic systems. The results for the spectra are compared with the experimental and recent lattice data. It is demonstrated that an account of the proper string dynamics encoded in the so-called string correction to the interquark interaction leads to an extra negative contribution to the masses of orbitally excited states that resolves the problem of the identification of the D(2637) state recently claimed by the DELPHI Collaboration. For the heavy-light system we extract the constants \bar\Lambda, \lambda_1, and \lambda_2 used in Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) and find good agreement with the results of other approaches.Comment: RevTeX, 42 pages, 7 tables, 7 EPS figures, uses epsfig.sty, typos corrected, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Spectroscopy of Baryons Containing Two Heavy Quarks in Nonperturbative Quark Dynamics

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    We have studied the three quark systems in an Effective Hamiltonian approach in QCD. With only two parameters: the string tension sigma and the strong coupling constant alpha_s we obtain a good description of the ground state light and heavy baryons. The prediction of masses of the doubly heavy baryons not discovered yet are also given. In particular, a mass of 3620 MeV for the lightest (ccu) baryon is found by employing the hyperspherical formalism to the three quark confining potential with the string junction.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Reconciling the X(3872) with the near-threshold enhancement in the D^0\bar{D}^{*0} final state

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    We investigate the enhancement in the D^0\bar{D}^0\pi^0 final state with the mass M=3875.2\pm 0.7^{+0.3}_{-1.6}\pm 0.8 MeV found recently by the Belle Collaboration in the B\to K D^0\bar{D}^0\pi^0 decay and test the possibility that this is yet another manifestation of the well-established resonance X(3872). We perform a combined Flatte analysis of the data for the D^0\bar{D}^0\pi^0 mode, and for the \pi^+\pi^- J/\psi mode of the X(3872). Only if the X(3872) is a virtual state in the D^0\bar{D}^{*0} channel, the data on the new enhancement comply with those on the X(3872). In our fits, the mass distribution in the D^0\bar{D}^{*0} mode exhibits a peak at 2-3 MeV above the D^0\bar{D}^{*0} threshold, with a distinctive non-Breit-Wigner shape.Comment: RevTeX4, 17 pages, some references updated and corrected, version published in Phys. Rev.
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