63 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Reading Culture in the Global Information Society

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    The article raises the issue of reading culture dynamics in the global information society. The tendency of the development of the modern information society is the change in the axiological status of practices that previously had a marker of elitist, high-status intellectual participants (reading fiction, hearing and understanding classical art, conscious perception of modern art, etc.). Reading is connected with the definition of the status of information as a socio-cultural phenomenon and carriers of information, which are basic for modern man. Fiction acquires the importance of a marker of the relationship of the individual with the extra-utilitarian practices of modern society. Reading is still the practice of elite, despite the declared availability of knowledge in the post-industrial era. A new kind of reading culture is being born, which is presented by "texts about texts" since in the modern world, it is not the phenomenon which is important but its presentation. New network media begin to be experts which define the borders and the orientation of reading. They emphasize novelty and a broad thematic scope of literary texts, which reviews will become basic for the world view of a modern person

    Immunomodulating effects of tofizopam (Grandaxin) and diazepam in vitro.

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    Benzodiazepines (BDZs) are known to act not only in the central nervous system, but on peripheral cells and tissues binding to the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors. In the present study, the influence of two different BDZs (diazepam (Dz) and tofizopam (Tof) on several immune functions has been examined in vitro. Some differences between Dz and Tof in their effects on human lymphocyte proliferative response, changes in glucocorticoid-induced suppression of cell proliferation and influence on cytokine production (tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-2 (IL-2)) have been determined. Dz suppressed mitogen-induced peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) proliferation, enhanced dexamethasone-induced inhibition of PBMC proliferative response, and suppressed lymphocyte production of TNF-alpha and IL-2. Tof usually enhanced PBMC proliferation and IL-2 production in low and moderate doses, but in high doses it suppressed both. Tof in all investigated doses enhanced dexamethasone-induced suppression of lymphocyte proliferation and depressed TNF-alpha production. Thus, both Dz and Tof are shown to have immunomodulating effects in vitro. Tof, opposite to Dz even in the therapeutic doses, is able to enhance in vitro mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and IL-2 production


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    The article presents the results of the empirical research, the study of the influence of individual psychological characteristics of the penal staff on the developing of professional attitudes in the process of training at the FPS training centers. The research distinguishes among three groups of penal employees according to individual psychological characteristics. The article shows statistically significant differences in individual psychological characteristics that affect the developing of professional attitudes in the process of training at the FPS training centers. The research results show that the most efficient professional attitudes are most often developed among employees characterized by the following individual psychological characteristics: stress resistance, threats resistance, resoluteness, ability to control their emotions and behavior, ability to cope with a large amount of work and so on. The article also presents the results of the additional study proving that there are no significant differences in the distinguished groups in terms of such indicators as demographic data, socio-psychological climate, service relationships, needs obtained while fulfilling official duties, degree of the regulatory framework development, management style, etc. The empirical study reveals that such personality traits as negligence, excessive trustfulness, inability to control one’s emotions and impulsive drives can exert negative impact on the performance of official tasks by the penal staff. The research results presented in the article can be used in the educational process at the FPS training centers and in the work of the penitentiary psychologist

    Subjective well-being as a result of the realization of projects of the elderly's involvement into the social life

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    The paper analyses the subjective well-being and Successful Aging concepts. Unbiased analysis of such conditions is rather problematic by virtue of such facts as time-specific emotional state, climate of residence, culture, current developments and etc. The study concludes that there is no correlation between subjective well-being and economic health or objective socioeconomic factors. The subjective well-being is influenced in most cases by subjective factors: one’s health status satisfaction, financial situation, the level of self-reliance or independence, family interaction and other human relations. But the main factor is the recognition of their mission by the elderly which places the faith and hope in their future modeling. Two categories of the elderly are sorted out for the study: the involved and noninvolved in social activity. The research concludes that any formal or informal activity of the elderly is one of the main factors of the successful aging. Pursuit of activities is uncharacteristic for noninvolved in social activity elderly people. The paper analyses the projects organized and implemented by not only the elderly people themselves but also state and social structures.. Conducted analysis indicates that the level of subjective well-being of the two categories of the elderly is increasing as the result of these projects realization

    The influence of the chlorella suspension on morphometric parameters of different taxonomical groups plants seedlings

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    Microalgae chlorella contains a pool of biologically active substances, which creates the preconditions for its commercial production for use in agriculture, medicine, cosmetology and other areas of human activity. Specialized substances that affect seed germination, seedling growth and development, yield and decorative properties of plants for in vivo use are a wide variety. However, they can be toxic to humans and animals, as well as to the plants themselves. Biostimulants and biofertilizers based on macro- and microalgae have managed to establish themselves as an actual replacement for toxic substances, demonstrating high efficiency on plants of various taxonomic groups. The use of a biostimulant based on a suspension of chlorella in the study of seed germination and biometric parameters of seedlings showed the following results: leaf mass and volume, germination, stem and root length increased in plants of spruce, marigold, rye, barley, spelled, triticale, melissa, while in pine plants the germination decreased, and in cabbage plants it remained at the same level, which indicates a difference in the perception of chlorella suspension by plants of different taxonomic groups

    Interpreting for Forced Migrants in Health Care: Interpreters’ Training through Patients` Perceptions in Russia

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    The paper provides preliminary study in the field of provision of interpreting services in various health care settings including medical institutions and border-cross points for people with limited official language proficiency in Russia through the prism of linguacultural mediation. Special emphasis is laid on possible barriers in interpreter-mediated communication in health care domain. The research aims to explore target audiences’ perceptions regarding the extent to which the interpreters’ instruction curriculum meets professional challenges that interpreters might face while working for migrants and refugees in healthcare settings. The research methodology applies qualitative and quantitative methods as well as methods of cluster and factor analysis. The research also features an empirical experiment involving interviews with foreign patients of a Russian hospital, forced migrants living in Russia under status of temporary asylum, and graduate students doing their master degree program “Interpreter and Translator for Public Services and Institutions” in Russia. The research findings obtained through surveys of target audiences suggest that linguistic and interpreting competences alone are not sufficient enough to ensure effective interpreter assisted communication in health care setting. Besides knowledge of field related terminology, health care interpreter has to act as lingua cultural mediator, bridging the cultural gaps between the communicants both in medical institutions and border-crossing points. The present article has both theoretical and practical value as its findings can be used in determining the content and structure of master degree courses on interpreting and translation in health care settings

    Evaluating the effect of culture filtrate of Trichoderma harzianum on the seed germination and seedling growth of Pinus sylvestris

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    Researchers are increasingly drawn to exploring additional potential advantages of Trichoderma spp. as the use of these microorganisms in agricultural and forestry applications, known for their notable biological activities, continues to gain popularity. In this work the isolate of Trichoderma harzianum was tested to evaluate its efficacy on the germinating of the common pine seeds and additionally, how growing the fungi on different mediums can affect its biological activities. Findings in this work proves that Trichoderma can grow differently in various media and have diverse sporophytes that differ morphologically. Moreover, using the culture filtrate of Trichoderma harzianum can enhance the germination process of the seeds and the growth of the seedlings

    Chlorella as the source of biologically active compounds for in vitro plant propagation

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    The use of nutrient media with an organic composition is a potentially commercially effective way to avoid the use of expensive components of nutrient media while maintaining and increasing the biosynthetic potential of cell cultures of higher plants in vitro. A method has been developed for the in vitro propagating of various taxonomic groups plants. It has been shown that the medium after cultivating chlorella at ¼ MS is optimal for the in vitro plant propagation. The method is intended for in vitro cultivation of seeds, microcuttings and microshoots of plants of different taxonomic groups and can be used for accelerated propagation of valuable plant varieties and hybrids

    Study of Genetic Resources of Winter Wheat and Identification of Genetic Sources with Drought Resistance for Use in Breeding and Production

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    The problem of drought is acute in a large area of Russia, which will not decrease in the coming decades but will grow. The most important measures to combat drought are the selection of drought- and heat-resistant crops and the creation of varieties for various ecological and geographical zones of Russia based on the widespread use of the World Collections of Agricultural Plants. The results of the study of the gene pool of winter wheat during severe atmospheric drought, which manifested itself twice in 50 years of studying genetic resources from different countries in 1972 and 2010, are presented. The primary tasks were the mobilization of new forms of drought-resistant plants from the arid zones of Russia, as well as from abroad, the expansion of research on the identification of genetic sources and donors of drought resistance, the creation and accelerated introduction into agricultural production of new drought-resistant varieties and hybrids of winter wheat