990 research outputs found

    The pressure of deconfined QCD for all temperatures and quark chemical potentials

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    We present a new method for the evaluation of the perturbative expansion of the QCD pressure which is valid at all values of the temperature and quark chemical potentials in the deconfined phase and which we work out up to and including order g^4 accuracy. Our calculation is manifestly four-dimensional and purely diagrammatic -- and thus independent of any effective theory descriptions of high temperature or high density QCD. In various limits, we recover the known results of dimensional reduction and the HDL and HTL resummation schemes, as well as the equation of state of zero-temperature quark matter, thereby verifying their respective validity. To demonstrate the overlap of the various regimes, we furthermore show how the predictions of dimensional reduction and HDL resummed perturbation theory agree in the regime T~\sqrt{g}*mu. At parametrically smaller temperatures T~g*mu, we find that the dimensional reduction result agrees well with those of the nonstatic resummations down to the remarkably low value T~0.2 m_D, where m_D is the Debye mass at T=0. Beyond this, we see that only the latter methods connect smoothly to the T=0 result of Freedman and McLerran, to which the leading small-T corrections are given by the so-called non-Fermi-liquid terms, first obtained through HDL resummations. Finally, we outline the extension of our method to the next order, where it would include terms for the low-temperature entropy and specific heats that are unknown at present.Comment: 45 pages, 21 figures; v2: minor corrections and clarifications, references added; v3: Fig 16 added, version accepted for publication in PR

    The polarization tensor of neutral gluons in external fields at high temperature

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    The one-loop polarization operator of neutral gluons in the background constant Abelian isotopic, H3H_{3}, and hypercharge, H8H_{8}, chromomagnetic fields combined with A0A_0 electrostatic potential at high temperature is calculated. The case when A0=0A_0=0 is investigated separately. The proper time method is applied. It is found that neutral gluons do not acquire magnetic masses in the background fields, in contrast to the charged ones. The application of the results are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Microjoule mode-locked oscillators: issues of stability and noise

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    In this work, for the first time to our knowledge, stability and noise of a thin-disk mode-locked Yb:YAG oscillator operating in both negative- (NDR) and positive-dispersion (PDR) regimes have been analyzed systematically within a broad range of oscillator parameters. It is found, that the scaling of output pulse energy from 7 μ\muJ up to 55 μ\muJ in the NDR requires a dispersion scaling from -0.013 ps2^{2} up to -0.31 ps2^{2} to provide the pulse stability. Simultaneously, the energy scaling from 6 μ\muJ up to 90 μ\muJ in the PDR requires a moderate dispersion scaling from 0.0023 ps2^{2} up to 0.011 ps2^{2}. A chirped picosecond pulse in the PDR has a broader spectrum than that of a chirp-free soliton in the NDR. As a result, a chirped picosecond pulse can be compressed down to a few of hundreds of femtoseconds. A unique property of the PDR has been found to be an extremely reduced timing jitter. The numerical results agree with the analytical theory, when spectral properties of the PDR and the negative feedback induced by spectral filtering are taken into account.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, SPIE's International Symposium "Photonics Europe" (EPE10), 12-16 April 2010, Brussels, Belgiu

    Quantum spectroscopy of plasmonic nanostructures

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    We use frequency entangled photons, generated via spontaneous parametric down conversion, to measure the broadband spectral response of an array of gold nanoparticles exhibiting Fano-type plasmon resonance. Refractive index sensing of a liquid is performed by measuring the shift of the array resonance. This method is robust in excessively noisy conditions compared with conventional broadband transmission spectroscopy. Detection of a refractive index change is demonstrated with a noise level 70 times higher than the signal, which is shown to be inaccessible with the conventional transmission spectroscopy. Use of low photon fluxes makes this method suitable for measurements of photosensitive bio-samples and chemical substances.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Chirped dissipative solitons of the complex cubic-quintic nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    Approximate analytical chirped solitary pulse (chirped dissipative soliton) solutions of the one-dimensional complex cubic-quintic nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation are obtained. These solutions are stable and highly-accurate under condition of domination of a normal dispersion over a spectral dissipation. The parametric space of the solitons is three-dimensional, that makes theirs to be easily traceable within a whole range of the equation parameters. Scaling properties of the chirped dissipative solitons are highly interesting for applications in the field of high-energy ultrafast laser physics.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, the mathematical apparatus is presented in detail in http://info.tuwien.ac.at/kalashnikov/NCGLE2.htm

    On the dispersion of fundamental particles in QCD and N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory

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    We study thermal corrections to the dispersion relations of massive fundamental particles immersed in weakly coupled non-Abelian plasmas. The cases covered include quarks in the QCD (quark-gluon) plasma, as well as N=2 quarks and scalars in an N=4 Super Yang-Mills plasma. We perform the calculations to leading order in a weak coupling expansion, and consider all mass scales of the fundamental fields, ranging from massless particles all the way to bare masses parametrically larger than the temperature.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figures; v2 to be published in JHEP, with one table added to summarize result
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