49 research outputs found

    Investigation of KIT gene mutations in women with 46,XX spontaneous premature ovarian failure

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    BACKGROUND: Spontaneous premature ovarian failure presents most commonly with secondary amenorrhea. Young women with the disorder are infertile and experience the symptoms and sequelae of estrogen deficiency. The mechanisms that give rise to spontaneous premature ovarian failure are largely unknown, but many reports suggest a genetic mechanism in some cases. The small family size associated with infertility makes genetic linkage analysis studies extremely difficult. Another approach that has proven successful has been to examine candidate genes based on known genetic phenotypes in other species. Studies in mice have demonstrated that c-kit, a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor, plays a critical role in gametogenesis. Here we test the hypothesis that human KIT mutations might be a cause of spontaneous premature ovarian failure. METHODS AND RESULTS: We examined 42 women with spontaneous premature ovarian failure and found partial X monosomy in two of them. In the remaining 40 women with known 46,XX spontaneous premature ovarian failure we evaluated the entire coding region of the KIT gene. We did this using polymerase chain reaction based single-stranded conformational polymorphism analysis and DNA sequencing. We did not identify a single mutation that would alter the amino acid sequence of the c-KIT protein in any of 40 patients (upper 95% confidence limit is 7.2%). We found one silent mutation at codon 798 and two intronic polymorphisms. CONCLUSION: Mutations in the coding regions of the KIT gene appear not to be a common cause of 46,XX spontaneous premature ovarian failure in North American women

    Use of model systems to understand the etiology of fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI)

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    Fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI) is among the family of disorders caused by the expansion of a CGG repeat sequence in the 5' untranslated region of the X-linked gene FMR1. About 20% of women who carry the premutation allele (55 to 200 unmethylated CGG repeats) develop hypergonadotropic hypogonadism and cease menstruating before age 40. Some proportion of those who are still cycling show hormonal profiles indicative of ovarian dysfunction. FXPOI leads to subfertility and an increased risk of medical conditions associated with early estrogen deficiency. Little progress has been made in understanding the etiology of this clinically significant disorder. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of FXPOI requires a detailed knowledge of ovarian FMR1 mRNA and FMRP’s function. In humans, non-invasive methods to discriminate the mechanisms of the premutation on ovarian function are not available, thus necessitating the development of model systems. Vertebrate (mouse and rat) and invertebrate (Drosophila melanogaster) animal studies for the FMR1 premutation and ovarian function exist and have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the disease phenotype. For example, rodent models have shown that FMRP is highly expressed in oocytes where it is important for folliculogenesis. The two premutation mouse models studied to date show evidence of ovarian dysfunction and, together, suggest that the long repeat in the transcript itself may have some pathological effect quite apart from any effect of the toxic protein. Further, ovarian morphology in young animals appears normal and the primordial follicle pool size does not differ from that of wild-type animals. However, there is a progressive premature decline in the levels of most follicle classes. Observations also include granulosa cell abnormalities and altered gene expression patterns. Further comparisons of these models are now needed to gain insight into the etiology of the ovarian dysfunction. Premutation model systems in non-human primates and those based on induced pluripotent stem cells show particular promise and will complement current models. Here, we review the characterization of the current models and describe the development and potential of the new models. Finally, we will discuss some of the molecular mechanisms that might be responsible for FXPOI

    Associated features in females with an FMR1 premutation

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    Abstract Changes in the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene (FMR1) have been associated with specific phenotypes, most specifically those of fragile X syndrome (FXS), fragile X tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), and fragile X primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI). Evidence of increased risk for additional medical, psychiatric, and cognitive features and conditions is now known to exist for individuals with a premutation, although some features have been more thoroughly studied than others. This review highlights the literature on medical, reproductive, cognitive, and psychiatric features, primarily in females, that have been suggested to be associated with changes in the FMR1 gene. Based on this review, each feature is evaluated with regard to the strength of evidence of association with the premutation. Areas of need for additional focused research and possible intervention strategies are suggested

    Premature ovarian failure, endothelial dysfunction and estrogen-progestogen replacement

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    Cardiovascular disease, including coronary artery disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease, is the leading cause of death among women. Vascular endothelial dysfunction is an early marker of atherosclerosis. Women with premature ovarian failure (or premature menopause) present an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, which might be attributed to the early onset of vascular endothelial dysfunction, associated with sex steroid deficiency. Cyclical estrogen and progestogen therapy has been shown to restore endothelial function in these young women. Further research is required to assess primarily the long-term effects of hormone replacement therapy on cardiovascular and overall prognosis in young women with premature ovarian failure, as well as the effects of different doses, duration and routes of hormone administration in these women

    Corticotropin-releasing hormone modulates human trophoblast invasion through carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule-1 regulation

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    Abnormalities in the process of trophoblast invasion may result in abnormal placentation. Both the embryonic trophoblast and maternal decidua produce corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), which promotes implantation. Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1), which is expressed in extravillous trophoblasts (EVTs) of normal human placenta, may also function in trophoblast/endometrial interactions. We investigated whether locally produced CRH plays a role in trophoblast invasion, primarily by regulating CEACAM1 expression. We examined cultures of freshly isolated human EVTs, which express CEACAM1, and an EVT-based hybridoma cell line, which is devoid of endogenous CEACAM1. CRH inhibited EVT invasion in Matrigel invasion assays, and this effect was blocked by the CRH receptor type 1 (CRHR1)-specific antagonist antalarmin. Additionally, CRH decreased CEACAM1 expression in EVTs in a dose-dependent manner. After transfection of the hybridoma cell line with a CEACAM1 expression vector, the invasiveness of these cells was strongly enhanced. This effect was inhibited by addition of blocking monoclonal antibody against CEACAM1. Furthermore, blocking of endogenous CEACAM1 in EVTs inhibited the invasive potential of these cells. Taken together these findings suggest that CRH inhibits trophoblast invasion by decreasing the expression of CEACAM1 through CRHR1, an effect that might be involved in the pathophysiology of clinical conditions, such as preeclampsia and placenta accreta