1,046 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Multi-Antenna Relay Networks over Nakagami-m Fading Channel

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    In this chapter, the authors present the performance of multi-antenna selective combining decode-and- forward (SC-DF) relay networks over independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) Nakagami-m fading channels. The outage probability, moment generation function, symbol error probability and average channel capacity are derived in closed-form using the Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) statistical character- istics. After that, the authors formulate the outage probability problem, optimize it with an approximated problem, and then solve it analytically. Finally, for comparison with analytical formulas, the authors perform some Monte-Carlo simulations

    Educational Ethics in Academic Environment: Medical Students' Perspectives

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    Background and Objective: Educational ethics imply values such as honesty, reliance on one's own personal effort, not to abuse the efforts of others, and respect the dignity and respect for others. Students are faced with different situations in which they show various moral and immoral behaviors. This study aimed to explore medical students' viewpoints and experiences at Golestan University of Medical Sciences about ethics in academic environment in 2013. Materials and Methods: In this qualitative study a purposive sampling was used with maximum variation and 12 medical students participated in the research. Data was gathered using semi-structured interviews. At least an open question "When I say ethics in education or educational environment, what comes to your mind" was repeated in all the interviews. The interviews recorded and transcribed line by line and then analyzed according to "conventional content analysis" method. Results: "Respecting teacher dignity", "preserving dignity of classroom", "respecting and maintaining dignity for classmates", "seeking for knowledge and sciences” emerged as the main themes of the current study. Conclusion: University students considered learning environment as a sacred place; conforming its expected rules and ethics would be mandatory. Abnormal behavior causes not only loss of students dignity but also could be harmful to the calmness of educational atmosphere and may evoke different unpleasant pessimistic ideas about such academic environment

    A study on the ethical components of nursing practice (moral distress, ethical sensitivity, ethical decision)

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    This paper is an applied research in terms of objective and a descriptive research in terms of method. Having prepared the research plan, a questionnaire was designed based on goals and hypotheses of the research and was sent to the statistical universe. Also this paper is a field research in terms of data collection. As regards theoretical bases of the research, library data collection method has been applied. So, the required data has been gathered by referring to the related references, books, libraries and so on. To design a questionnaire and gather the opinions of the statistical universe members, field study method and researcher-made questionnaire have been used. The statistical universe comprises nurses and head of ICU and head nurses of Najmieh Hospital in Tehran. The respondents were selected by random sampling method. Also to estimate sample size, Morgan table was applied. The statistical universe consists of 65 members and according to the table, 56 questionnaires were determined for the research. So 60 questionnaires were sent and 58 ones were returned. Face and content validity of the research tool were approved by experts. The test reliability was estimated 0.777 by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. In this paper, factor analysis based on partial least squares structural equations method has been applied to analyze more important factors and coefficients, estimate independent variables coefficients and even determine effectiveness of each independent variable on each other and determine appropriateness of the questions and their coefficients in explaining the related index. The main result of this paper presents a proper model for the relation of effective variables on nurse performance by using regression model. © IDOSI Publications, 2014

    Evaluation of the spray generated by a greenhouse spraying robot

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     In this study, characterization of an automatic greenhouse spraying system containing a full cone spray nozzle is presented.  Spray flow rate of the nozzle as a function of incoming pressure to the nozzle, together with distribution of mean drop size, two components of drop velocity and uniformity of the generated spray are given in this study.  Based on the results obtained, mean droplet size at the centreline of the spray is much smaller than dose in the outer side of the full cone spray.  Uniformity of the generated spray by a given nozzle should be examined before application, especially if the nozzle is not new.  The average generated drop size by the examined nozzle is less than 60 μm which is suitable for the insecticide or fungicide applications.   Keywords: spray, nozzle, full-cone nozzle, insecticide, uniformit

    Data-driven modeling of long temperature time-series to capture the thermal behavior of bridges for SHM purposes

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    Bridges experience complex heat propagation phenomena that are governed by external thermal loads, such as solar radiation and air convection, as well as internal factors, such as thermal inertia and geometrical properties of the various components. This dynamics produces internal temperature distributions which cause changes in some measurable structural responses that often surpass those produced by any other load acting on the structure or by the insurgence or growth of damage. This article advocates the use of regression models that are capable of capturing the dynamics buried within long sequences of temperature measurements and of relating that to some measured structural response, such as strain as in the test structure used in this study. Two such models are proposed, namely the multiple linear regression (MLR) and a deep learning (DL) method based on one-dimensional causal dilated convolutional neural networks, and their ability to predict strain is evaluated in terms of the coefficient of determination R 2. Simple linear regression (LR), which only uses a single temperature reading to predict the structural response, is also tested and used as a benchmark. It is shown that both MLR and the DL method largely outperform LR, with the DL method providing the best results overall, though at a higher computational cost. These findings confirm the need to consider the evolution of temperature if one wishes to setup a temperature-based data-driven strategy for the SHM of large structures such as bridges, an example of which is given and discussed towards the end of the article.</p

    رفتارهای نامحترمانه در محیط کار پرستاران: یک مطالعه کیفی Uncivil Behaviors in Nursing Workplace: A Qualitative Study

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    مقدمه: رفتارهای نامحترمانه در محیط‌های بالینی تهدید آمیز می‌باشند و منجر به خطر انداختن سلامت پرستاران و بیماران در محیط‌های بالینی و درمانی می‌گردد. نتایج نامطلوب آن با عدم رضایت شغلی و ترک محل کار همراه است. این مطالعه با هدف تبیین رفتارهای نامحترمانه در محیط کار پرستاران انجام شده است روش کار: در این مطالعه کیفی پنجاه نفر از پرستاران شاغل در مرکز آموزشی درمانی تحت پوشش دانشگاه علوم پزشکی گلستان با روش نمونه گیری مبتنی بر هدف و با حداکثر تنوع مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. داده‌ها از طریق مصاحبه‌های نیمه ساختار تا رسیدن به اشباع داده‌ها جمع آوری و با رویکرد تحلیل محتوای کیفی مرسوم تحلیل شدند یافته‌ها: 80 درصد مشارکت کنندگان زن، با سابقه کار 3 تا 20 سال بوده‌اند. رفتار نامحترمانه با مفاهیم "حقارت"، "پرخاشگری کلامی- غیر کلامی"، "تهدید"، "سرزنش شدن"، "نادیده گرفتن توانمندی‌ها"، "مشارکت داده نشدن"، در تعامل با همکاران، مافوق، پزشک، بیماران، همراهان، کادر خدماتی همراه بوده است. مشارکت کنندگان رفتار نامحترمانه از همراهان را در طیفی از خفیف تا شدید تجربه کردند و آن را بسیار تنش زا می‌دانستند در حالی که توهین از جانب بیمار را کمتر شخصی می‌پندارند و به دلیل وضعیت سلامتی و استرس بیمار آن را بهتر تحمل می‌کنند. مشارکت کنندگان همواره بهترین راه مقابله برای پاسخ به رفتار نامحترمانه را نمی‌دانستند، با مسبب رفتار توهین آمیز مقابله‌ای نمی‌کردند یا آن رفتار را گزارش نمی‌کردند نتیجه گیری: یافته‌ها نشان داد رفتارهای نامحترمانه به درجات و در ابعاد مختلف در محیط کاری پرستاران رخ می‌دهد و تداوم چنین رفتارها و احساس عدم وجود منابع حمایتی می‌تواند سبب سبب یاس از حرفه کاری و استرس گرد

    Accuracy of c-KIT in lung cancer prognosis; a systematic review protocol" instead of c-KIT expression in lung cancer prognostic evaluation - A systematic review protocol

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    Background: Extensive efforts have been made to investigate c-KIT expression in lung cancer specimens and its correlation with clinical outcomes, but the issue remains unresolved. Thus, this study will be conducted to clarify the prognostic value of c-KIT expression in lung cancer patients. Materials and Methods: We will search Pubmed, SCOPUS, and ISI web of sciences with no restriction of language. Studies with any design (except case reports or case series) evaluating correlations of c-KIT expression with survival or outcome in patients with lung cancer will be included. The outcome measures will include all types of survival indexes, including overall survival rate and disease free survival using Kaplan-Meier analysis and hazard ratios. Study selection and data extraction will be performed by two independent researchers. Quality assessment (assessment of risk of bias) and data synthesis will be implemented using Stata software version 11.1. Results: No ethical issues are predicted. These findings will be published in a peer-reviewed journal and presented at national and international conferences. Conclusions: This systematic review protocol is registered in the PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews, registration number = CRD42015023391

    Designing for oral storytelling practices at home: A parental perspective

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    Storytelling at home is typically an oral practice that supports parents and children to make sense of their family identity. Parents play a key role in crafting the story plot and facilitating the child’s participation in the storytelling process. Yet in the context of digital technology, interaction design researchers have tended to focus on children and how digital storytelling tools can support them in their learning. Adopting a “family lens” the aim of this research is to understand the character of oral storytelling practice and identify opportunities for digital storytelling design. The findings outline a co-design workshop that involved a team of designers and parents, who regularly engaged in oral storytelling. Grounded in a systematic video analysis of the workshop alongside a reflection of the design decisions that unfolded, we contribute four new design opportunities centring on the themes of flexibility, shared experience, minimalism, and autobiographical memories. These opportunities can guide interaction design researchers interested in designing new digital oral storytelling tools for families

    The Role of Acetyl Cysteine in Cocaethylene (Non-Acetaminophen) Acute Liver Failure

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    Background: Acute liver failure can result from acetaminophen overdose, viral infection, toxins, and other disease conditions. Liver transplant is available in limited fashion and the criteria are strict as to who should get an available liver. N- Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) has been used in non-acetaminophen induced liver failure with success. Here we report a case of acute liver failure from cocaethylene that was reversed with NAC along with other medical therapy. Case Presentation: A 50-year-old female patient presented to the Emergency Department (ED) with a two-day history of coffee ground vomiting and hematemesis. She reported occasional substance abuse and heavy alcoholism. She reported shortness of breath and chest pain from the recurrent forceful vomiting. The rest of the review of systems was unremarkable except a fall from intoxication. Physical examination revealed anicteric conjunctiva and nontender abdomen and her vital signs were within normal limits. Initial blood work revealed acute liver and renal failure. The patient was started with general medical management and liver transplant service rejected the case due to active substance abuse. She underwent brief hemodialysis and was started on NAC. Over the course of her hospital stay her liver function and kidney function improved significantly and patient was discharged to home. Conclusion: In cases where liver transplant is not an option for various reasons including active substance abuse, a trial of N-Acetyl Cysteine may be beneficial and should be considered in the Emergency Department