11 research outputs found

    Measurement of electromagnetic radiation disturbances of electric traction vehicles

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou elektromagnetické kompatibility. Hlavní důraz je kladen na elektromagnetické rušení, které je šířené zářením. Nedílnou součástí práce je rozbor celé problematiky vlivu rušení na ostatní systémy - jak technické, tak i biologické. Dále je práce zaměřena na měření elektromagnetického rušení prostřednictvím záření na konkrétním trakčním vozidle. V práci je rozebrán postup měření, který vychází z normy ČSN EN50121. Měření bylo provedeno na lokomotivě ŠKODA 109E. Další část práce se zaměřuje na zdroje rušení na drážním vozidle a na to, jak lze toto rušení eliminovatObhájenoThe Diploma thesis deals with the issue of electromagnetic compatibility. The main emphasis is placed on electromagnetic disturbance that is transmitted by radiation. An integral part of the thesis is the analysis of the problems and the influence of disturbance on other systems, both a technical and biological in their complexity. Furthermore, the work is focused on the measurement of electromagnetic disturbance by radiation on a specific traction vehicle. The measurement procedure is based on the CSN EN 50121 standard. The measurements were made on the ŠKODA 109E locomotive. The next part of the thesis focuses on sources of disturbance on railway vehicles and their elimination

    Control unit of production line mechatronic model

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    Předmětem této bakalářské práce je navržení a realizace hardware řídící jednotky modelu výrobní linky, návrh vhodných řídících algoritmů pohonů modelu a oživení celého mechatronického modelu. Model se skládá z pásového dopravníku, zásobníku na barevné míčky s míchačkou a dávkovačem a šachty, která slouží k rozpoznávání barev. Cílem práce bylo přepracovat model linky tak, aby se dal snadno spustit a pracoval bez zásahu zvenčí. K ovládání modelu linky se použil mikrokontrolér ATmega32A, který je programován v jazyce C. Dále linka byla dovybavena novými senzory na detekci krabičky na pásu.ObhájenoThe subject of this bachelor thesis is the design and implementation of control unit hardware into the model of production line, the design of appropriate control algorithms of drives and revive the whole mechatronic model. The model consists of a belt conveyor, tray colored balls with a dispenser and mixer and shaft which is used for color recognition. The aim was to revise the model line so that it is easy to start and it works without outside interference. The microcontroller ATmega32 was used to control the model line that is programmed in C. In addition, the line was retrofitted with new sensors to detect the box on the belt

    Measurement of electromagnetic radiation disturbance of locomotive Ĺ KODA 109E

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    This paper is focused on a measurement of electromagnetic disturbance by radiation on the Ĺ KODA 109E locomotive. The reason for the measurement on this vehicle is to verify the intensity of electromagnetic radiation which could adversely affect the surrounding device. The measurement is based on the CSN EN 50121 standard

    Modelling of Electro-Mechanical Interaction in Drive – Impact of Drive Speed Measurement on Gearbox Shaft at Speed Control

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    Tento článek vznikl za podpory interního projektu na podporu studentských vědeckých konferencí SVK-2018-005 a projektu SGS-2018-009: Výzkum a vývoj perspektivních technologií v elektrických pohonech a strojích III.The paper deals with creating of complex model covering both electrical and mechanical models of the drive and their mutual interaction. High-speed PMSM machine is used along with 3-stage reduction gearbox. The mechanical model takes into account torsional vibration only. The complex model is used to simulate different operational conditions with the emphasis on the electromechanical interaction

    Turbomachinery Mechanical Oscillations Analysis and Active Compensation Design by EESS in Thermal Power Plant

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    There are analyzed a turbomachinery mechanical oscillations which are excited in the synchronous generator caused by electrical transients in the electrical grid. The higher voltage harmonics and interharmonics affecting the mechanical stability are identified and discussed. Then, there is presented a methodology using Fourier harmonic analysis of the generator voltage to identify potentially harmful frequencies of the voltage. Moreover, there is presented design of active protection system using Electronic Energy Storage System (EESS) which is a specifically designed Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) extended by superior control unit handling mathematical model of turbomachinery and control algorithms commanding directly the power converter. The EESS is connected to the point of common coupling (PCC) with the synchronous generator. The protection system generates electric currents based on the designed methodology to compensate identified harmful voltage frequencies. The state of the art of the project and the future development is summarized in the conclusion

    Vibration analysis of a nine-phase induction machine supplied by voltage with harmonics injection

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    The paper deals with magnetic forces and vibration analysis of a nine-phase induction motor. It is described a method of voltage harmonics injection for reaching either the same amplitude or RMS value of supplying voltage as for the case of supplying the motor using the voltage fundamental only. Influence of the both types of voltage harmonics injection on the magnetic forces and motor vibration is evaluated using finite element analysis and compared to the motor supply by sinusoidal voltage

    Turbomachinery Mechanical Oscillations Analysis and Active Compensation Design by EESS in Thermal Power Plant

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    There are analyzed a turbomachinery mechanical oscillations which are excited in the synchronous generator caused by electrical transients in the electrical grid. The higher voltage harmonics and interharmonics affecting the mechanical stability are identified and discussed. Then, there is presented a methodology using Fourier harmonic analysis of the generator voltage to identify potentially harmful frequencies of the voltage. Moreover, there is presented design of active protection system using Electronic Energy Storage System (EESS) which is a specifically designed Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) extended by superior control unit handling mathematical model of turbomachinery and control algorithms commanding directly the power converter. The EESS is connected to the point of common coupling (PCC) with the synchronous generator. The protection system generates electric currents based on the designed methodology to compensate identified harmful voltage frequencies. The state of the art of the project and the future development is summarized in the conclusion

    Modeling and optimal control of multi-winding permanent magnet synchronous motor

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    The main contribution of this paper is design of optimal field oriented (vector) control of a multi-winding permanent magnet synchronous motor. Three variants of vector control structures for the multi-winding synchronous motor are presented in the paper. Each of the presented vector controls uses mutual inductance between particular windings differently. Determining the effect of mutual inductance on vector control is necessary for proper control design of the multi-winding synchronous motor. Furthermore, influence of leakage inductance of the stator winding of this motor is also analyzed. The optimal control is recommended based on the simulation result

    Measurement of the effects of higher harmonic injection on nine-phase induction motor

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    This paper deals with an experimental injection of harmonics to a stator winding of a nine-phase machine. Different combinations of the harmonic components are applied with the optimal magnitudes calculated by a linear programming to maximize exploitation of a magnetic circuit. The theoretical analysis provides magnetic flux waveforms including distribution in the air gap. Thanks to the prototype of the nine-phase induction machine with in-built test coils wound on the stator tooth and the magnetic pole, the magnetic flux waveforms calculated in the theoretical analysis are verified by those obtained by the experimental measurements

    Multi-Pole Winding Behavior in Multiphase Motors under Current Harmonics Operation

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    Multiphase machines can be operated in interesting operation modes which are not possible when using their three-phase counterparts. Besides fault-tolerant and multimotor operation, torque enhancement by injecting harmonic currents is another of their very important properties. Torque enhancement by injecting harmonic is usually conditioned by the existence of spatial harmonics, typical for concentrated rather than distributed windings. An improved theory of the torque enhancement principle is presented in this paper. The theory is based on the inherent multi-pole behavior of multiphase stator windings supplied by harmonic currents, producing non-zero MMF. As a result, additional torque is produced even with sinusoidal MMF in distributed windings where negligible space harmonics exist. These conclusions are proved by both theoretical analysis and experimental results. Experimental tests were performed on a nine-phase star-connected induction machine with a rated power of 15 kW when supplied by individual fundamental, 3rd and 5th harmonic or by their combinations