2 research outputs found

    Estudar o papel da imaginação e seus princípios de avaliação no cinema a partir da perspectiva de Jacques Lacan

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    Jacques Lacan, the well-known French psychoanalyst, believes that human psyche is formed according to triple pattern which there is a possibility of understanding unconscious as well as actions and reactions of human-being through analysis. Lacan considers that human mind consists of three imaginary, symbolic and real orders that act both simultaneously and connectedly. The research methodology is analytical – descriptive method. In this paper using Lacanian psychoanalysis and imaginary order, we would study the role of imagination and its evaluation in cinema from the perspective of Jacques Lacan.Jacques Lacan, el conocido psicoanalista francés, cree que la psique humana se forma de acuerdo con el triple patrón que existe la posibilidad de comprender el inconsciente, así como las acciones y reacciones del ser humano a través del análisis. Lacan considera que la mente humana consiste en tres órdenes imaginarios, simbólicos y reales que actúan simultáneamente y en conexión. La metodología de investigación es analítica-descriptiva. En este artículo, utilizando el psicoanálisis lacaniano y el orden imaginario, estudiaríamos el papel de la imaginación y su evaluación en el cine desde la perspectiva de Jacques Lacan.Jacques Lacan, o conhecido psicanalista francês, acredita que a psique humana é formada de acordo com o padrão triplo, que existe a possibilidade de se compreender o inconsciente, bem como as ações e reações do ser humano por meio da análise. Lacan considera que a mente humana consiste em três ordens imaginárias, simbólicas e reais que agem simultaneamente e de forma conectada. A metodologia de pesquisa é analítica - método descritivo. Neste artigo, utilizando a psicanálise lacaniana e a ordem imaginária, estudaríamos o papel da imaginação e sua avaliação no cinema a partir da perspectiva de Jacques Lacan

    The Impression of the Originality of Existence Philosophy Concepts in the Dramatic Literature with Emphasis on Three Plays (Nausea, Dirty Hands and the Satan and God)

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    Jean-Paul Sartre's point of view on the originality of existence philosophy is interleaved with concepts such as: freedom, apprehension, choice, awareness and human presence as well as everything that leading to man's liberation is reflected in his plays. Jean-Paul Sartre puts existence precede to the nature and considered the man as a potential free being that in the way of freedom he is responsible not only for himself but also for others. In the book of "Existence and Non-Existence" he is believes in deconstruction in all social and cultural fields. Sartre sees drama as a window for attitudinize the universe. The concept of existentialism in his plays is under the influence of philosophical and ideological propositions. Moral and political characteristics in the works of Jean-Paul Sartre expressed in such a way that describes a kind of worldview with philosophical propositions and dramatic, artful technique. Therefore one of the questions in this article is how did Sartre's dramatic literature benefit from the philosophy of existentialism? How does existence and non-existence appear in most of Sartre's plays? What does the concept of hell basically mean in his works? In this article, an attempt has been made to demonstrate how existence and non-existence and the critique of dialectical wisdom have been evaluated in his plays