162 research outputs found

    Reasoning about Temporal Context using Ontology and Abductive Constraint Logic Programming

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    The underlying assumptions for interpreting the meaning of data often change over time, which further complicates the problem of semantic heterogeneities among autonomous data sources. As an extension to the COntext INterchange (COIN) framework, this paper introduces the notion of temporal context as a formalization of the problem. We represent temporal context as a multi-valued method in F-Logic; however, only one value is valid at any point in time, the determination of which is constrained by temporal relations. This representation is then mapped to an abductive constraint logic programming framework with temporal relations being treated as constraints. A mediation engine that implements the framework automatically detects and reconciles semantic differences at different times. We articulate that this extended COIN framework is suitable for reasoning on the Semantic Web.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Neutral Radius Value Determination by Numerical Simulation Method at Ring Upsetting Test

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    Ring upsetting represents a basic operation for bulk forming process and has particular significance since it is used for contact friction determination. At ring upsetting by flat dies, metal flow depends upon tribological conditions present at contact surface. Thereby, two variants of metal flow are possible: a) two-way flow from neutral radius that is present at lower friction coefficient values, followed by ring’s inner radius reduction and ring’s outer radius increase. In such circumstances, neutral radius is found between inner and outer radius. b) one-way flow that occurs at higher friction coefficient values, where neutral radius is lower than ring’s inner radius. This paper is presenting the results of determination of relation between neutral radius value and friction coefficient. Such relation is determined by numerical simulation, by using Simufact.Forming software. Experimental verification of neutral radius position is conducted by metallographic analysis, for two friction coefficient values. Friction coefficient values are determined by ring upsetting by using dies, where in one case of ring upsetting, contact surfaces were ion implanted with nitroge

    Selection-free predictions in global games with endogenous information and multiple equilibria

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    Global games with endogenous information often exhibit multiple equilibria. In this paper, we show how one can nevertheless identify useful predictions that are robust across all equilibria and that cannot be delivered in the common-knowledge counterparts of these games. Our analysis is conducted within a flexible family of games of regime change, which have been used to model, inter alia, speculative currency attacks, debt crises, and political change. The endogeneity of information originates in the signaling role of policy choices. A novel procedure of iterated elimination of nonequilibrium strategies is used to deliver probabilistic predictions that an outside observer—an econometrician—can form under arbitrary equilibrium selections. The sharpness of these predictions improves as the noise gets smaller, but disappears in the complete-information version of the model

    Policy support for autonomous swarms of drones

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    In recent years drones have become more widely used in military and non-military applications. Automation of these drones will become more important as their use increases. Individual drones acting autonomously will be able to achieve some tasks, but swarms of autonomous drones working together will be able to achieve much more complex tasks and be able to better adapt to changing environments. In this paper we describe an example scenario involving a swarm of drones from a military coalition and civil/humanitarian organisations that are working collaboratively to monitor areas at risk of flooding. We provide a definition of a swarm and how they can operate by exchanging messages. We define a flexible set of policies that are applicable to our scenario that can be easily extended to other scenarios or policy paradigms. These policies ensure that the swarms of drones behave as expected (e.g., for safety and security). Finally we discuss the challenges and limitations around policies for autonomous swarms and how new research, such as generative policies, can aid in solving these limitations

    Reasoning techniques for analysis and refinement of policies for service management

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    The work described in this technical report falls under the general problem of developing methods that would allow us to engineer software systems that are reliable and would offer a certain acceptable level of quality in their operation. This report shows how the analysis and refinement of policies for Quality of Service can be carried out within logic by exploiting forms of abductive and argumentative reasoning. In particular, it provides two main contributions. The first is an extension of earlier work on the use of abductive reasoning for automatic policy refinement by exploiting the use of integrity constraints within abduction and its integration with constraint solving. This has allowed us to enhance this refinement process in various ways, e.g. supporting parameter values derivation to quantify abstract refinement to specific policies ready to be put in operation, and calculating utility values to determine optimal refined policies. The second contribution is a new approach for modelling and formulating Quality of Service policies, and more general policies for software requirements, as preference policies within logical frameworks of argumentation. This is shown to be a flexible and declarative approach to the analysis of such policies through high-level semantic queries of argumentation, demonstrated here for the particular case of network firewall policies where the logical framework of argumentation allows us to detect anomalies in the firewalls and facilitates the process of their resolution. To our knowledge this is the first time that the link between argumentation and the specification and analysis of requirement policies has been studied

    Answers that Have Integrity

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    [EN] Answers to queries in possibly inconsistent databases may not have integrity. We formalize ‘has integrity’ on the basis of a definition of ‘causes’. A cause of an answer is a minimal excerpt of the database that explains why the answer has been given. An answer has integrity if one of its causes does not overlap with any cause of integrity violation.Supported by FEDER and the Spanish grants TIN2009-14460-C03, TIN2010-17139.Decker, H. (2011). Answers that Have Integrity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6834:54-72. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23441-5S5472683

    An Assessment of Students’ Satisfaction in Higher Education

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    Student’s Satisfaction (SS) with a particular subject may impact the learning process, being the figure of attentiveness of the utmost importance over time, and also a very difficult undertaking to accomplish. To go forward with such exercise, a workable methodology for problem solving had to be built and tested. It is based on a thermodynamic approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, which is the ultimate goal of SS assessment when working on a particular topic

    Structural Analysis of Narratives with the Coq Proof Assistant

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    Abstract. This paper proposes a novel application of Interactive Proof Assistants for studying the formal properties of Narratives, building on recent work demonstrating the suitability of Intuitionistic Linear Logic as a conceptual model. More specifically, we describe a method for modelling narrative resources and actions, together with constraints on the story endings in the form of an ILL sequent. We describe how well-formed narratives can be interpreted from cut-free proof trees of the sequent obtained using Coq. We finally describe how to reason about narratives at the structural level using Coq: by allowing to prove 2nd order properties on the set of all the proofs generated by a sequent, Coq assists the verification of structural narrative properties traversing all possible variants of a given plot