8 research outputs found

    Etude Comparative des Techniques Chirurgicales dans la Chirurgie de la Cataracte au Niger

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    Objectif: Le but de cette Ă©tude est de comparer les techniques chirurgicales dans la chirurgie de la cataracte au Niger. Patients et mĂ©thode: Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude retrospective sur 12 mois du 1er Janvier au 31 DĂ©cembre 2012 portant sur les patients opĂ©rĂ©s de cataracte pendant les camps de chirurgie foraine dans les 8 regions du Niger. RĂ©sultats: Au total 1727 yeux cataractĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ©s dont 908 (52.58%) par phaco-alternative et 819 (47.42%) par l’extraction extra capsulaire. A J30 post opĂ©ratoire la Phacoalternative a donnĂ© 29% de moyennes et bonnes acuitĂ©s visuelles comparĂ© Ă  27% pour l’extra-capsulaire. Les implants standards de 22 dioptries Ă©taient les plus utilisĂ©s avec 26.21%. Les implants de puissance entre 21 et 22 dioptries Ă©taient responsables des meilleures acuitĂ©s visuelles Ă  J60. Conclusion: La Phaco-alternative comparĂ©e Ă  l’extraction extra-capsulaire donnait de meilleurs rĂ©sultats post-opĂ©ratoires dans la chirurgie de la cataracte au Niger.   Aim: This paper focuses on comparing the surgical technics in cataract surgery in Niger. Patients and Method: It was a retrospective study which consisted of about 1,727 operated eyes of cataract during advance cataract surgical camps in the 8 regions of Niger. This happened over a period of 12 months from 1st January to 31st December of the year 2012. RĂ©sultats: A total of 1,727 cataract eyes were operated on during the study period. 908 patients (52.58%) were operated by phaco-alternative and 819 (47.42%) patients were operated by extra capsular extraction. On D30 postoperatively, phaco A gave 29% of good results compared to 27% for the extra-capsular. Standard 22 diopter implants were the most used in 26.21% of cases. Power of implants between 21 and 22 diopters were responsible for the best visual acuity at D60. Conclusion: Phaco-alternative technic compared to extra capsular gave better postoperative results in cataract surgery in Niger

    Apport de la Tomographie en Cohérence Optique (OCT) dans le Glaucome Primitif à Angle Ouvert (GPAO) au Niger

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    Le But de cet travail est de dĂ©finir les particularitĂ©s cliniques et Ă©pidĂ©miologiques du GPAO et de rapporter la contribution de la tomographie en cohĂ©rence optique (OCT)  dans le diagnostic du glaucome au Niger. Patients et mĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude prospective rĂ©alisĂ©e au sein du service d’ophtalmologie du CHU LamordĂ© et la clinique Lumière Ă  Niamey, sur une pĂ©riode de sept (7) mois de Janvier Ă  Juillet 2019, portant sur tous les malades suspects ou prĂ©sentant un GPAO admis en consultation durant la pĂ©riode ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ©s d’un OCT et champ visuel. RĂ©sultats : Il s’agit de 90 patients, dont l’âge moyen est de 50,44 ±15,81ans avec des extrĂŞmes de 9 et 83 ans avec une prĂ©dominance masculine. Les principaux facteurs de risque sont : la myopie (83.33% ), les antĂ©cĂ©dents familiaux de glaucome (33.33% ) et l’HTA (31.11%.) et La plupart des patients (68,88% ) ont une PIO entre 10-20mmHg ; 75,55% des patients ont une Ă©paisseur cornĂ©enne fine <520µm. Le CV et l’OCT sont pathologiques dans respectivement 88,89% et 91,49% Ă  OD et Ă  OG  dans le GPAO. L’OCT est plus sensible Ă  la dĂ©tection des lĂ©sions rĂ©tiniennes dans le glaucome par rapport au CV( p = 0,002-0,04). es couches rĂ©tiniennes Ă©taient plus amincies chez les glaucomateux au stade sĂ©vère de la maladie. Conclusion : la place de l’OCT est incontestable dans le diagnostic du glaucome  prĂ©-pĂ©rimĂ©trique, nĂ©anmoins un champ visuel est toujours important dans le suivi des glaucomateux.   The aim of this work is to define the clinical and epidemiological features of POAG and to report the contribution of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in the diagnosis of glaucoma in Niger. Patients and methods: This is a prospective study carried out in the ophthalmology department of CHU LamordĂ© and the Lumière clinic in Niamey, over a period of seven (7) months from January to July 2019, covering all patients suspected of or presenting with POAG admitted for consultation during the period having benefited from an OCT and visual field. Results: These are 90 patients, whose mean age is 50.44 ± 15.81 years with extremes of 9 and 83 years with male predominance. The main risk factors are: myopia (83.33%), family history of glaucoma (33.33%) and hypertension (31.11%). And Most patients (68.88%) have an IOP between 10-20mmHg; 75.55% of patients have a thin corneal thickness <520µm. CV and OCT are respectively 88.89% and 91.49% pathological at OD and OG in POAG. OCT is more sensitive at detecting retinal damage in glaucoma compared to CV; this relationship is statically proven (p = 0.002-0.04). The retinal layers were more thinned in the glaucomatous patients with the severe stage of the disease. Conclusion: the place of OCT is indisputable in the diagnosis of pre-perimetric glaucoma, nevertheless a visual field is always important in the follow-up of glaucomatous patients

    Apport de la Tomographie en Cohérence Optique (OCT) dans le Glaucome Primitif à Angle Ouvert (GPAO) au Niger

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    Le But de cet travail est de dĂ©finir les particularitĂ©s cliniques et Ă©pidĂ©miologiques du GPAO et de rapporter la contribution de la tomographie en cohĂ©rence optique (OCT)  dans le diagnostic du glaucome au Niger. Patients et mĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude prospective rĂ©alisĂ©e au sein du service d’ophtalmologie du CHU LamordĂ© et la clinique Lumière Ă  Niamey, sur une pĂ©riode de sept (7) mois de Janvier Ă  Juillet 2019, portant sur tous les malades suspects ou prĂ©sentant un GPAO admis en consultation durant la pĂ©riode ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ©s d’un OCT et champ visuel. RĂ©sultats : Il s’agit de 90 patients, dont l’âge moyen est de 50,44 ±15,81ans avec des extrĂŞmes de 9 et 83 ans avec une prĂ©dominance masculine. Les principaux facteurs de risque sont : la myopie (83.33% ), les antĂ©cĂ©dents familiaux de glaucome (33.33% ) et l’HTA (31.11%.) et La plupart des patients (68,88% ) ont une PIO entre 10-20mmHg ; 75,55% des patients ont une Ă©paisseur cornĂ©enne fine <520µm. Le CV et l’OCT sont pathologiques dans respectivement 88,89% et 91,49% Ă  OD et Ă  OG  dans le GPAO. L’OCT est plus sensible Ă  la dĂ©tection des lĂ©sions rĂ©tiniennes dans le glaucome par rapport au CV( p = 0,002-0,04). es couches rĂ©tiniennes Ă©taient plus amincies chez les glaucomateux au stade sĂ©vère de la maladie. Conclusion : la place de l’OCT est incontestable dans le diagnostic du glaucome  prĂ©-pĂ©rimĂ©trique, nĂ©anmoins un champ visuel est toujours important dans le suivi des glaucomateux.   The aim of this work is to define the clinical and epidemiological features of POAG and to report the contribution of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in the diagnosis of glaucoma in Niger. Patients and methods: This is a prospective study carried out in the ophthalmology department of CHU LamordĂ© and the Lumière clinic in Niamey, over a period of seven (7) months from January to July 2019, covering all patients suspected of or presenting with POAG admitted for consultation during the period having benefited from an OCT and visual field. Results: These are 90 patients, whose mean age is 50.44 ± 15.81 years with extremes of 9 and 83 years with male predominance. The main risk factors are: myopia (83.33%), family history of glaucoma (33.33%) and hypertension (31.11%). And Most patients (68.88%) have an IOP between 10-20mmHg; 75.55% of patients have a thin corneal thickness <520µm. CV and OCT are respectively 88.89% and 91.49% pathological at OD and OG in POAG. OCT is more sensitive at detecting retinal damage in glaucoma compared to CV; this relationship is statically proven (p = 0.002-0.04). The retinal layers were more thinned in the glaucomatous patients with the severe stage of the disease. Conclusion: the place of OCT is indisputable in the diagnosis of pre-perimetric glaucoma, nevertheless a visual field is always important in the follow-up of glaucomatous patients

    Les Accidents Sur les Sites d’Orpaillage Traditionnel : Un Danger Pour la Vision au Niger

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    Nous avons colligĂ© sur 18 mois 36 yeux ayant Ă©tĂ© victimes de traumatisme chez les orpailleurs clandestins du Niger. Les atteintes Ă©taient bilatĂ©rales dans tous les cas mais volontiers asymĂ©triques et touchent une ou plusieurs structures de l’œil et ses annexes, la prĂ©sence des corps Ă©trangers multiple Ă©tait vus dans tous les yeux, nous avons retrouvĂ© 9 cas d’éclatement du globe ayant nĂ©cessitĂ© une Ă©viscĂ©ration d’emblĂ©e. Il y avaient des lĂ©sions d’autres systèmes qui Ă©taient dans 55% maxillo-faciales et dans 27% des fractures de membres. Le pronostic visuel Ă©tait mauvais dans 94,43% des cas. Le manque d’infrastructures d’exploitation adĂ©quates, la mauvaise manipulation des explosifs artisanaux sont Ă  l’origine des accidents responsables de ces traumatismes. L’absence de structures de premiers soins, le manque de moyens de dĂ©placement compliquent d’avantage les cas graves. Une formation substantielle en matière de santĂ© et de sĂ©curitĂ© est Ă  envisager de mĂŞme que des apprentissages pour aider les travailleurs Ă  comprendre les dangers et les moyens de rĂ©duire les risques auxquels ils sont exposĂ©s.   Over 18 months, we collected 36 eyes that were victims of trauma among niger illegal gold panners. The lesions were bilateral in all cases but willingly asymmetrical and affect one or more structures of the eye and its adnnexias. The presence of multiple foreign bodies was seen in all eyes, we found 9 cases of bursting of the globe requiring immediate evisceration. Other systems were also affected in 55% maxillofacial and in 27% limb fractures. The visual prognosis was poor in 94.43% of the cases. The lack of adequate operating infrastructure and the improper handling of homemade explosives are at the origin of the accidents responsible for these traumas. The absence of first aid structures and the lack of means of transportation further complicate serious cases. Substantial health and safety training should be considered, as well as apprenticeship to help workers understand the dangers and how to reduce the risks to which they are exposed

    Syndrome D’aniridie Associé À La Dermatite Atopique: À Propos D’un Cas

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    Aniridia syndrome is a genetic anomaly affecting all ocular structures; it is transmitted by an autosomal dominant mode. In its isolated form aniridia is characterized by a hypoplasia of the iris frequently associated with other ocular anomalies. It the syndromic form it is associated to other systemic abnormalities. Authors are here reporting a case of aniridia associating: a corneal pannus, total aniridia, lens ectopia, and cataract found in a 14 years old girl. She also presented an atopic background with a positive family history of atopia. She is issued from a first degree consanguineous marriage. The management was multidisciplinary. In ophthalmology she underwent an intra-capsular extraction of the lens in both eyes with no intra-ocular lens implantation. Dermatological management was treatment of cuteanous lesions with emollients, corticoids and antihistamines drugs and ointments

    Atteintes Oculaires Au Cours Du Syndrome De Wolfram À Propos De Deux Cas Et Revue De La Littérature

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    Introduction: Wolfram syndrome is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder. Diabetes mellitus and juvenile bilateral optic atrophy are its major signs. It is recognized that this association, which started in childhood or during adolescence, is sufficient to diagnose Wolfram syndrome. Optic atrophy occurs in 98% to 100% of cases with an average age of onset of 11 years. We reported a study of two confirmed cases referred by the internal medicine department. Observations: Case 1: A 23- year-old woman, deaf and dumb by birth, went through a diabetic ketosis test. Ophthalmologic examination showed reduced visual acuity in the fingers at 5 meters P2 in both eyes. Also, the fundus of the eye showed bilateral atrophic papillary palpation with no signs of retinopathy. She had deafness of deep perception and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Deafness, diabetes, optic atrophy, and hypogonadism led to the diagnosis. Case 2: A 21-year-old man born from a first-degree consanguineous marriage serves as a supplement to the management of diabetes. The visual acuity was at counting fingers at 1m to the right eye and sees the hand move to 0.5 m to the left eye. On examination at the slit lamp, it had a bilateral dense cataract. After phacoexeresis, the base revealed bilateral optic atrophy. Ultrasound of the urinary tree showed hypotonia of the renal cavities and a neurogenic bladder. Also, audiometry showed mild sensory deafness. The diagnosis of Wolfram syndrome was made in front of the tetrad: diabetes, optic atrophy, deafness, and urinary signs. Discussion: Wolfram syndrome may be familial or sporadic. The gene however is located on the short arm of chromosome 4. Optic atrophy is secondary to the involvement of pre-genetic fibers, and it is characterized initially by temporal palpation of the papilla. The evolution towards diffuse whitish discoloration occurs in a few months or years with the gradual establishment of a blindness around the age of 17 to 30 years. Conclusion: Wolfram syndrome is a clinical entity characterized by clinical and genetic polymorphism. This diagnosis should be considered in the presence of any type I diabetes associated with optic atrophy in childre

    Orbital Myositis with Sudden Visual Loss: A Case Study in Niamey, Niger

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    This paper focuses on presenting a case study of three cases of orbital myositis in one male and two female adult patients. All patients presented sudden loss of vision and proptosis at the initial stage. Ophthalmological examination outlined optic nerve atrophie. The diagnosis of all cases was confirmed with a CT scan which showed specific muscle inflammation. The treatment was successfully carried out using bolus doses of corticosteroids relayed with oral prednisolone for over 6 weeks. Six (6) months follow-up, however, did not show any relapse in all the cases

    Aspects Épidémiologiques, Cliniques et Thérapeutiques des Tumeurs de la Parotide

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    Introduction: Les pathologies des glandes salivaires sont relativement rares, dominĂ©es par les tumeurs de la glande parotide. Elles sont caractĂ©risĂ©es par leur polymorphisme clinique et leur grande diversitĂ© morpho-histologique. Le traitement est surtout chirurgical, la complication majeure de cette chirurgie reste la paralysie faciale pouvant ĂŞtre transitoire ou permanente. Dans ce sens, l’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait de dĂ©crire les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, cliniques, paracliniques et thĂ©rapeutiques des tumeurs parotidiennes rencontrĂ©es dans le service de l’odontostomatologie de l’HĂ´pital National de Niamey (HNN) durant la pĂ©riode de l’étude. MĂ©thodologie: Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective et descriptive portant sur les tumeurs parotidiennes rencontrĂ©es au service d’odontostomatologie de l’HĂ´pital National de Niamey au Niger. Par ailleurs, la tumeur Ă©tait homogène dans 2 cas sur 4 et bĂ©nigne Ă©galement une fois sur 2. RĂ©sultats: 12 patients ont Ă©tĂ© colligĂ©s sur une pĂ©riode de 29 mois. La prĂ©valence hospitalière Ă©tait de 0,11% avec 4,97 cas par an. La tranche d’âge allait de 9 Ă  75 ans. Il y avait 8 hommes contre 4 femmes. La malignitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© suspectĂ©e cliniquement devant une masse dure, fixe, douloureuse avec prĂ©sence d’adĂ©nopathies satellites et associĂ©e Ă  une paralysie faciale. La parotidectomie totale conservatrice du nerf facial a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e chez 10 patients sur 12 et la chimiothĂ©rapie a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©conisĂ©e chez 2 patients. L’examen ophtalmologique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© chez tous les patients Ă  la recherche d’une atteinte oculaire ou de la glande lacrymale. L’histologie a Ă©tĂ© contributive dans tous les cas et les tumeurs bĂ©nignes dominaient dans 50% des cas avec comme chef de fil l’adĂ©nome plĂ©omorphe. Conclusion: Les tumeurs de la glande parotide sont rares et leur prise en charge thĂ©rapeutique est essentiellement chirurgicale. Leur Ă©volution est en gĂ©nĂ©ral favorable. NĂ©anmoins, l’accent devra ĂŞtre mis sur la surveillance Ă  long terme de certaines formes histologiques dont le risque de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence et de rĂ©cidive est Ă©levĂ©.  Introduction: Pathologies of the salivary glands are relatively rare and are dominated by tumors of the parotid gland. They are characterized by their clinical polymorphism and their great morpho-histological diversity. The treatment is mainly surgical. The major complication of this surgery is facial paralysis which can be transient or permanent. The objective of this work is to describe the epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical, and therapeutic aspects of parotid tumors encountered in the odontostomatology department of Niamey National Hospital during the study period. Methodology: This study is a retrospective and descriptive study on parotid tumors encountered in the odontostomatology department of the Niamey National Hospital in Niger. In addition, the tumor was homogeneous in 2 out of 4 cases and also benign once in 2. Results: 12 patients were collected over a period of 29 months. The hospital prevalence was 0.11% with 4.97 cases per year. The age range was from 9 to 75 years old. There were 8 men against 4 women. The malignancy was suspected clinically before a hard, fixed, and painful mass with the presence of satellite lymphadenopathy which is associated with facial paralysis. Total conservative facial nerve parotidectomy was performed in 10 out of 12 patients, and chemotherapy was recommended in 2 patients. The ophthalmic examination was performed in all patients looking for damage to the eyes or the lacrimal gland. Histology was contributory in all cases and benign tumors dominated in 50% of cases with pleomorphic adenoma as the lead. Conclusion: Tumors of the parotid gland are rare and their therapeutic management is essentially surgical. Their development is generally favorable. However, emphasis should be placed on the long-term monitoring of certain histological forms for which the risk of degeneration and recurrence is high.&nbsp