17 research outputs found

    Joining forces to strengthen community seedbanks worldwide

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    Community seedbanks and emerging networks of community seedbanks contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Community seedbanks can secure improved access to and availability of diverse, locally adapted crops and varieties and enhance related indigenous knowledge and skills in plant management including seed selection, treatment, storage, multiplication and distribution. Two events were held in July 2018 in Rome, Italy to bring together representatives of organizations supporting community seedbanks from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. This brief presents achievements, challenges, lessons learned and new opportunities in their countries and reflects on prospects of community seedbanks and their networks

    A Review of the Key Demands for a Football Goalkeeper

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    This review evaluates previously published findings relating to the needs of a football goalkeeper during match performance. Whilst there has been much interest in some aspects of goalkeepers training, performance analysis and needs analysis, these have been from closed skill penalty situations or reported as comparisons with outfield players. This paper identifies important demands, assesses the implications for coaching and as a result highlights where the focus for effective future research should be to further enhance the development of goalkeeping performance