72 research outputs found

    Philosophical concept of the state power (social power) and the military (the armed force)

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    In the paper the author would like to explain why the concept of the social power is relevant for the state power, and why it is more appropriate for the military to talk about the armed force. Although he is acutely aware of the intertwining, reciprocity and closeness of the state power and the organization of the military, as well as the concepts of power and force, the author would like to emphasize their differences. It is not possible to talk about the power without the help and reliance on the armed force, and there is no armed force that does not view its meaning, task and goal in the state power. The military power can be independent only in short periods, but it immediately returns to the state power or the very military establishes the state power because it needs a source of legitimacy. What is the first and main rule is that we cannot talk anywhere about true power unless the one in power controls the armed force in his community, tribe, family, class, politics, state and society. It is simply impossible to imagine, let alone really happen, that the one who rules a community or society is not the supreme commander of the armed forces, as well. The main idea is to consider what are the inviolable spheres of the society in which politics should dominate, and where the best field of action of the armed forces is and how and in what way their relations, which are close, but often tense, are regulated

    Philosophers: The greatest teachers of the world

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    A teacher must always be a moral role model for his students, he must chaperone and lead them in good, and never leave them on their own in evil, and in order to be a leader of men, one must respect and love others (followers), he must be righteous and he must perseveringly care and invest every possible human effort into building his community. True teachers of their communities always serve other people, they place wellbeing of others before their own, striving to contribute to the common good. The profession of a teacher is a presupposition and a necessary basis for any other profession, because members of all, particularly socially most important professions, first gain foundations, ethical virtues and work capacities in the lowest, basic steps of education. People who do not understand the essence and the secret of life believe that one can be a genuine doctor, statesman, priest, judge and soldier even without elementary and primary knowledge, that knowledge and spiritual vertical can be upgraded without firm intellectual basis and good foundation of culture. Such a growth and development simply contradicts the very nature of life

    The challenges of globalization

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    Globalization is a planetary process because the steamroller of the computer revolution, the expansion of the world market, free circulation of goods and capital make society more and more an interdependent network. Contemporary society is in a deeper division of destiny with rising risks, as well as threats. On the one hand there is such increase of cooperation and connection between countries and nations, and on the other hand many new regional conflicts of wider scale threaten to happen. The existence of different nations, religions, traditions, interests, monopolies, values and morals is the destiny of all inhabitants of the planet. Globalization is the unavoidable historical course. It is the driving force of the world and all societies are confronted with a challenge of adaptation to the new world order. However, the path of modern society is open and uncertain; it can lead to either unification or fragmentation of the world, cooperation of civilization or conflicts of people. If the world wants to survive, it must cooperate regardless of many antagonisms, mistrust and military competition of the great powers. The modern world requires much wisdom and good will, concession and understanding in order to build brighter, shared future for all

    The essence of phenomenon of peace and the notion of peace building

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    Peace, as well as its inevitable companion and rival - war, are extremely complex notions and important socio-historical phenomena. This is why the study of peace, and its proper understanding, requires a wise philosophical view and a bold scientific and intellectual synthesis. Peace and war are complex notions and seductive phenomena, which can easily lead us to various dilemmas, blind alleys, simplifications, and also intellectual and ethical antinomies. What truly peace is represents a great question and it is unknown whether it is tranquility, respite, stagnation or absence of life, antithesis of war, oasis of human happiness or perhaps renouncement of any happiness. Dealing with peace shares a similar problem with artistic description of happiness, where we often lack the right words and appropriate sublime and dynamic action - on the other hand, an artist is eloquent, inspired, emotional and profound when describing misfortunes and suffering of nations and men. Peace has been mostly perceived as a necessary rest between wars and bloody battles throughout history. We think that it is necessary to abandon the often dominant Manichean image of the world, represented by dual dialectic and a black-and-white connection between peace and war, and that it is time for us to open ourselves to, among other things, wisdom from the East, which speaks about complementing, reciprocity and contrast between Yin and Yang, much like Galtung, the founder of the peace studies. There is virtually no human activity that has not touched, in its own particular way - through commonsense, teleologically, mythically, epically, scientifically, intellectually, spiritually, with heart and soul, the questions and phenomena of war and peace because both peace and war are so crucially important for man, society and the overall humankind. Peace building is the necessity of the highest order because if the planet Earth is not in the state of sustainable peace, we fear that there will be no man left on it. Hence, peace and peace-building are not merely ethical, scientific, esthetic, diplomatic or theological issues, even though they are all of these, but primarily the issues of destiny of humans and human society. Peace is an issue of the highest order, a requirement of all requirements, and hope before all other human hopes

    An Insight into Dietary Habits of St. Barbara Monastery (Southwestern Serbia) During the Early Modern Period: A Zooarchaeological Perspective

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    Since the late 14th century, throughout the Modern period, the Ottoman conquest of Serbia led to the devastation and desecration of churches and monasteries, looting of their assets, and the conversion of some sacred Christian sites into mosques. Despite this, the Serbian Orthodox Church persisted and even expanded during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. While some monasteries fell into disrepair, others prospered, such as the St. Barbara Monastery, located on Reljina Gradina near Novi Pazar (Southwestern Serbia). Based on written sources, the monastery was built during the 16th century, which was proved by archaeological excavations. It was burned down at the end of the 17th century. The excavations have also confirmed an older Medieval necropolis beneath the monastery buildings. The monastery consists of the church, east and west blocks of buildings, and a surrounding wall. It also includes a well, refectory, and kitchen. During the excavations in 2022 and 2023, a small surface in the western part within and outside of the churchyard was excavated. Archaeological material of the 16th and 17th centuries was not abundant, consisting mostly of kitchen and tableware, and less numerous small finds and faunal remains. This paper aims to present faunal analysis results from St. Barbara Monastery, and reveal the dietary habits and characteristics of everyday life of monastery inhabitants from a zooarchaeological perspective. The analysis suggests that domestic animal meat and fish were predominantly consumed. Caprine remains were the most abundant, as the most significant source for exploitation of primary and secondary products. Albeit small, the faunal assemblage from a few contexts of St. Barbara uncovered by now is significant since it is the only known Modern period monastery faunal collection from the territory of Serbia

    Speleological objects of Sokobanja as potential Palaeolithic sites

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    This monograph connects to the research results Petar Milojević presented in his graduation paper titled “The Survey of potential Paleolithic sites in the region of the Sokobanja basin and closer vicinity” the research for which was conducted within the project “Research of the transition from the middle to the upper Paleolithic in eastern Serbia” conducted by the Faculty of Philosophy from Belgrade in cooperation with the University of Arizona from Tucson (USA), under the auspices of Dušan Mihailović and Steven Kuhn. The research was conducted based on data collected by a team of three authors during only two research campaign each of which lasted two weeks conducted during 2012 and 2013. Such a speed of work would not have been possible without the generous assistance of the population from the Sokobanja basin, who have shown great interest for our research at every site we have visited in their area. They have not just pointed their fingers at topographic maps we carried with us or just pointed in the direction we should go; they assisted us as guides often neglecting their personal affairs. Thus they have spared us from wandering around during the localization of speleological objects, which were quite often covered by vegetation and difficult to notice even from close distance. They have also spared us the risk of getting lost and walking in circles in landscapes such as are the numerous sinkholes on Mount Devica. We owe special thanks to: Saša Stevanović, who guided us to most of the caves; Igor Lazić, Aca Marinković, Zoran Stojadinović, Stevan Bašić, Miodrag Milutinović, Dragi Stanojević, Dragan Milanović, Đorđe Jančić, Danijela Stanojević, Dejan Stanojević, Marijana Marinković, Jelena Milojević, Prilagija Milojević and Ana Dinić for their personal contribution to our research. Our gratitude also goes to the professors of the Faculty of Philosophy from Belgrade, Dušan Mihailović and Vesna Dimitrijević because without their expert support this research could not have been adequately conducted.in Serbian [https://rai.ai.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1149

    Protocol for optical clearing and imaging of fluorescently labeled ex vivo rat brain slices

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    Tissue clearing is commonly used for whole-brain imaging but seldom used for brain slices. Here, we present a simple protocol to slice, immunostain, and clear sections of adult rat brains for subsequent high-resolution confocal imaging. The protocol does not require toxic reagents or specialized equipment. We also provide instructions for culturing of rat brain slices free floating on permeable culture inserts, maintained in regular CO2 incubators, and handled only at media change

    Рекогносцирањa налазишта из доњег и средњег палеолита на североисточним обронцима Гоча

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    This paper describes several Palaeolithic open air sites found while surveying the northeastern slopes of Goč Mountain in Central Serbia. These sites were found in close proximity to primary deposits of flint, opal and chalcedony on the slopes of Rudno Brdo and Grot. These hills are located in an area of volcanic-sediments in the village of Dublje and on the second Pleistocene terrace (t2) of the Zapadna Morava River in the village of Ruđinci near Vrnjačka Banja. Survey was conducted using transects with 5m spacing while artifact concentrations were recorded using a hand-held GPS unit. In order to reduce the possibility of collecting geofacts (Wisniewski et al. 2014), only materials clearly identifiable as artifacts were collected. Artifacts from open air sites near the raw material deposits (Slatinski Potok, Crnobarac, Nišan) as well as from the village of Dublje (Gvozdenac), largely consisted of Lower Palaeolithic materials (unipolar, alternate and centripetal cores, scrapers and denticulate tools on irregular flakes), although some possible Middle Palaeolithic pieces were present. Slatinski Potok and Nišan had massive bifacially flaked artifacts, while artifacts from Slatinski Potok included one typical cleaver. On the other hand, Middle Palaeolithic artifacts are clearly present in Ruđinci. While some of the material from the survey resembles Acheulean lithic technology, such hypotheses must be confirmed by finding these artifacts in open air sites with preserved stratigraphy.(УДК: 903.4”632”(497.11); 902.2(497.11)”2015”) Теренска истраживања су финансирали i Ерик Хефтер са Универзитета Аризона, Народни музеј у Краљеву и Културни центар у Врњачкој Бањи

    3D-Printed Soft Lithography for Complex Compartmentalized Microfluidic Neural Devices.

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    Compartmentalized microfluidic platforms are an invaluable tool in neuroscience research. However, harnessing the full potential of this technology remains hindered by the lack of a simple fabrication approach for the creation of intricate device architectures with high-aspect ratio features. Here, a hybrid additive manufacturing approach is presented for the fabrication of open-well compartmentalized neural devices that provides larger freedom of device design, removes the need for manual postprocessing, and allows an increase in the biocompatibility of the system. Suitability of the method for multimaterial integration allows to tailor the device architecture for the long-term maintenance of healthy human stem-cell derived neurons and astrocytes, spanning at least 40 days. Leveraging fast-prototyping capabilities at both micro and macroscale, a proof-of-principle human in vitro model of the nigrostriatal pathway is created. By presenting a route for novel materials and unique architectures in microfluidic systems, the method provides new possibilities in biological research beyond neuroscience applications