11 research outputs found

    Vrućica nepoznata uzroka u pasa: 50 slučajeva

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    Although in veterinary medicine the term “Fever of unknown origin” (FUO) is still liberally used for any febrile patient where no diagnosis has been set after routine diagnostics, the term “true FUO” should be assigned to those cases in which no aetiology is found after extensive diagnostics. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of FUO in dogs, to research the structure of the FUO population, as well as to explore clinical signs and their duration, and the prior treatment and incidence of different diagnoses and their outcomes. Also, this study was conducted in order to explore the amount of diagnostic procedures (with their effectiveness) required to reach a final diagnosis with the intention of helping design and prioritize diagnostics of FUO in dogs in Croatia. Final diagnosis was reached in 94% (47/50) of dogs with a total of 626 diagnostic procedures used. Immune-mediated diseases occurred most frequently (56%), followed by infectious diseases (24%), neoplastic diseases (10%) and congenital diseases (4%), with only 6% of “true FUO”. Body temperature ranged between 39.6 °C and 42.0 °C. The most common symptoms were nonspecific (anorexia and lethargy in 88%, pain in 78%, and gait disorders in 60%). The most frequent test performed was hematology while hemoculture was performed the least. Cytology and/or pathohistology were the most effective tests in achieving the final diagnosis (76.32%). The duration of clinical signs before the diagnosis/ proper treatment was 4-1825 days. The outcome was favorable in 62%, unfavorable in 32% and unknown in 6%.Premda termin vrućica nepoznatog uzroka (VNU) u veterinarskoj medicini još uvijek nema točno određenu definiciju ni kriterije klasifikacije, te se vrlo često liberalno upotrebljava u febrilnih pacijenata u kojih nije postavljena egzaktna dijagnoza nakon rutinske dijagnostičke obrade, VNU bi trebalo rezervirati za one pacijente u kojih ni nakon opsežne dijagnostike nije otkriven uzrok, tj. postavljena konačna dijagnoza. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su istražiti pojavnost VNU-a kao i različitih dijagnoza u pasa s vrućicom, kliničke simptome i njihovo trajanje do postavljanja dijagnoze i početka ciljanog liječenja, te ishode liječenja, odnosno bolesti. Također, svrha ovog istraživanja bila je istražiti prosječan broj dijagnostičkih postupaka (i njihovu učinkovitost) potrebnih za postavljanje konačne dijagnoze, s ciljem kreiranja dijagnostičkog plana u pasa s VNU-om u Hrvatskoj. U 94 % pasa (47/50) postavljena je konačna dijagnoza pomoću ukupno 626 dijagnostičkih postupaka. Najčešće su bile zastupljene imunosno posredovane bolesti (56 %), zatim infekcijske (24 %), neoplastične (10 %) i kongenitalne (4 %), dok je pravi VNU bio zastupljen u samo 6 % slučajeva. Tjelesna temperatura kretala se od 39,6 do 42,0 °C. Najčešći su klinički znakovi bili nespecifični (gubitak apetita i letargija u 88 %, bolnost u 78 % te poremećaji kretanja u 60 % slučajeva). Najčešći je dijagnostički postupak bila hematološka pretraga, a najrjeđi hemokultura. Citološka i/ili patohistološka pretraga pokazale su se najučinkovitijima u postavljanju konačne dijagnoze (76,32 %). Trajanje simptoma do postavljanja dijagnoze, odnosno početka adekvatnog liječenja iznosilo je od 4 do 1825 dana. Ishod je u 62 % pasa bio povoljan, u 32 % nepovoljan, dok je u 6 % ostao nepoznat

    Hipoadrenokorticizam u pasa – „Ludi Šeširdžija veterinarske medicine“

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    Hypoadrenocorticism arises from insufficient adrenal gland function and is also known as Addison’s disease, a rarely occurring disease (0.1%) in dogs. Due to its oscillatory course and overall nonspecific symptoms, it is a diagnostic challenge for clinicians, and is often misdiagnosed or unattended among other differentials. There are two forms of hypoadrenocorticism: primary and secondary. The aim of this study was to analyse the data of dogs suffering from Addison’s disease, treated at the Clinic for Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia and to compare them with data from similar institutions worldwide. The archive of Clinic for Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia was searched to investigate and statistically analyse signalment, clinical and laboratory data, and the duration of symptoms, treatment protocols and outcome of canine hypoadrenocorticism. The study group included 14 dogs (36% male and 64% female) diagnosed with hypoadrenocorticism. All dogs had a history of gastrointestinal symptoms, i.e. vomiting in 100%, diarrhoea in 64% and melena in 7%. Hypovolemic shock was noted in 57%, hypothermia in 64% and bradycardia in 29% of cases. The most frequently observed laboratory abnormalities were an increase in BUN (86%), creatinine (57%) and potassium concentration (79%), and a decrease in sodium (71%), Na/K ratio (86%), cholesterol (21%) and glucose concentration (21%). Duration of symptoms (till ACTH stimulation test performance) was broad, from 2 – 2190 days (median 90±1195.5 days). The outcome was favourable in 100% cases after initiation of adequate treatment.Pod pojmom hipoadrenokorticizam podrazumijevamo smanjenu funkciju nadbubrežne žlijezde, a sama bolest je poznata i pod nazivom Addisonova bolest. Hipoadrenorticizam je bolest koja se u pasa rijetko javlja s učestalošću od oko 0,1 %. Zbog kombinacije nespecifičnih simptoma i njihova osciliranja predstavlja dijagnostički izazov te se smatra bolešću čija se u veterinarskoj medicini dijagnoza najčešće previdi. Postoji primarni i sekundarni oblik bolesti. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio detaljno analizirati podatke pasa s Addisonovom bolešću zaprimljenih u Kliniku za unutarnje bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te ih usporediti s podatcima iz sličnih institucija u svijetu. Detaljno su pretraženi podatci arhive klinike, a analizirani su i statistički obrađeni klinički i laboratorijski parametri, vrijeme trajanja simptoma te terapijski protokoli i ishod u pasa s hipoadrenokorticizmom. Istraživanu skupinu činilo je 14 pasa s hipoadrenokorticizmom od kojih 36 % mužjaka i 64 % ženki. U svih pasa zabilježeni su recidivirajući simptomi od strane probavnog sustava, od kojih se u 100 % slučajeva javljalo povraćanje, u 64 % proljev, a u 7 % melena. Klinički je u 57 % pasa uočen hipovolemični šok, u 64 % pasa hipotermija, a u 29 % bradikardija. Od laboratorijskih pretraga najčešća odstupanja bila su povećanje koncentracije ureje (86 %), kreatinina (57 %), hiperkalemija (79 %), hiponatremija (71 %), smanjeni Na/K omjer (86 %), hipoholesterolemija (21 %) te hipoglikemija (21 %). Trajanje simptoma do provedbe ACTH-stimulacijskog testa iznosilo je 2 - 2190 dana (prosječno 90±1195 dana), a nakon uvođenja adekvatne terapije ishod je u svih pasa bio povoljan

    Impact of Giardia duodenalis infection on haematological and biochemical parameters in dogs

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    U kliničkoj praksi sa domaćim mesožderima, poglavito psima, veterinari su često suočeni sa zdravstvenim problemima kao što su kronični, intermitentni, odnosno povratni probavni poremećaji. Najčešći uzroci koji dovode do manifestacije probavnih simptoma u pasa su invazije parazitima, infekcije bakterijama ili virusima, idiopatska upala (upalna bolest crijeva), intoksikacije i pogreške pri hranjenju. U ovo istraživanje su bila uključena 82 psa koji su zaprimljeni u Kliniku za unutarnje bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu zbog probavnih simptoma kao i psi koji su klinički obrađivani u svrhu sistematskih pregleda, a nisu imali probavne simptome. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni psi neovisno o spolu i pasmini, stariji od godinu dana te samo psi koji su redovito cijepljeni protiv parvovirusne infekcije pasa i koronavirusne infekcije pasa. Uzorci stolice pasa pretraženi su na postojanje parazita metodom flotacije te neposrednom imunoflourescencijom, a tipizacija svih giardija provedena je izdvajanjem ukupne DNK, umnažanjem specifičnog odsječka DNK i određivanjem nukleotidnog slijeda pročišćenog proizvoda za svaki pojedini izolat. Svim psima uzeta je krv iz venae cephalicae antebrachii za hematološke pretrage i biokemijske pretrage. Opažene razlike vrijednosti hematoloških i većine biokemijskih pokazatelja u pasa invadiranih i neinvadiranih s G. duodenalis u ovom istraživanju nisu statistički značajne. Ovim istraživanjem utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u koncentraciji ureje te aktivnosti ALT, lipaze i CPK između pasa u kojih je izolirana G. duodenalis i pasa u kojih nije izolirana G. duodenalis. Vrijednosti hematoloških pokazatelja i većine biokemijskih pokazatelja u pasa invadiranih genskim C i D skupinama nisu statistički značajne. Ovim istraživanjem utvrđena je statistički značajno viša aktivnost amilaze u pasa invadiranih giardijama genske skupine C te statistički značajno viša aktivnost CPK u pasa invadiranih s giardijama genske skupine D. Rezultati našeg istraživanja demantiraju neka uvriježena mišljenja u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi u Hrvatskoj kao što je obvezno prisutstvo eozinofilije u parazitarnih invazija pa izostanak eozinofilije ne smije biti argument za isključivanje parazitarnih invazija, osobito invazije s G. duodenalis.In small animal practice, chronic digestive disorders are the most commonly reported disorders. The most common chronic digestive symptom is diarrhoea, which may be caused by a large number of digestive disorders (bacterial, viral, fungal or protozoan infection), inflammatory bowel disease, intoxication, or can be food induced. In this study, we retrospectively collected data from 82 dogs of both sexes, regardless of breed, older than one year and fully vaccinated, that were presented to the Clinic for Internal Diseases of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb. Dogs were presented to the clinic for a variety of reasons, including gastrointestinal symptoms, routine examination or general health examination. Diagnostic tests were performed, including CBC and serum biochemical analysis, to exclude underlying disorders and to evaluate potential changes in laboratory findings. All faecal samples were examined for intestinal parasites by direct microscopic examination after the flotation technique and by immunofluorescence, and giardia positive samples were subjected to further genetic characterization by using PCR of small subunit ribosomal DNA (Ssu rRNA gene) genes. Blood was collected from the venae cephalicae antebrachii for haematology and biochemistry analysis as a part of the routine examination. Haematology results and most biochemistry results showed no statistically significant differences between dogs with or without G. duodenalis infections.Statistically significant differences were found in Giardia positive dogs for the concentrations of BUN and activity of lipase, CPK and ALT. Haematology results and most biochemistry results showed no statistically significant differences between dogs infected with different strains of G. duodenalis (C or D). A statistically significant increase in amylase activity was found in dogs infected with G. duodenalis assemblage C and a statistically significant decrease in CPK activity was found in dogs infected with G. duodenalis assemblage D. The results of this study contradict some of traditionally accepted “knowledge” in small animal practice in Croatia, such as the expectation of eosinophilia in dogs infected with gastrointestinal parasites. A lack of eosinophilia should not be an argument for exclusion of parasite invasions in dogs, especially G. duodenalis invasion

    Procjena poremećaja funkcije štitnjače u pasa oboljelih od babezioze

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    Canine babesiosis is world-wide tick-borne disease characterized by erythrocyte destruction, haemolysis and inflammatory response, with increased serum concentrations of positive acute phase proteins and a decrease in negative acute phase proteins. Some of the negative acute phase proteins function as carriers of thyroid hormones, so the goal of this study was to determine the non-thyroidal illness syndrome in dogs with babesiosis. The study included 60 dogs with babesiosis and 26 healthy dogs. Serum concentrations of thyroxine, thyrotropin and transthyretin were determined using ELISA methods, while albumin concentrations were measured using spectrophotometric methods. Statistical analysis of the data demonstrated a significant decrease in thyroxine, transthyretin and albumin in dogs with babesiosis, while thyrotropin concentrations were did not differ significantly in comparison with healthy dogs. The results obtained indicate the presence of a non-thyroidal illness. Decreased albumin and transthyretin probably represent one of the mechanisms which contribute to this syndrome in canine babesiosis.Babezioza je česta bolest pasa. Obilježava je razaranje eritrocita te upalni odgovor praćen porastom serumske koncentracije pozitivnih akutnofaznih proteina i padom serumske koncentracije negativnih akutnofaznih proteina. Neki od negativnih akutnofaznih proteina imaju funkciju nosača hormona štitnjače, stoga je cilj istraživanja bio utvrđivanje sindroma netireoidne upalne bolesti kod pasa oboljelih od babezioze. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 60 pasa kod kojih je u eritrocitima potvrđena prisutnost parazita B. canis te 26 zdravih pasa. Imunoenzimskim testom u serumu pasa izmjerene su koncentracije tiroksina, tirotropina i transtiretina, a koncentracija albumina izmjerena je spektrofotometrijskom metodom. Statističkom obradom podataka dokazano je statistički znakovito smanjenje koncentracije tiroksina, transtiretina i albumina u serumu pasa oboljelih od babezioze, dok se koncentracija tirotropina nije znakovito razlikovala u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na prisutnost sindroma netireoidne bolesti, pri čemu je pad koncentracije albumina i transtiretina vjerojatno jedan od mehanizama nastanka ovoga sindroma kod babezioze pasa

    Canine hyperadrenocorticism (Part II: Diagnostics and therapy)

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    Klinički sindrom hiperadrenokorticizma u pasa (HAC) je jedna od najčešćih endokrinopatija u veterinarskoj medicini. Kliničke manifestacije i laboratorijski nalazi odražavaju utjecaj kronično povišene razine cirkulirajućeg kortizola. Dijagnostika započinje utvrđivanjem odgovarajuće anamneze i prisustva jednog ili više karakterističnih kliničkih znakova pri čemu što je broj simptoma veći to je sumnja na HAC utemeljenija. Prema preporukama konsenzusa u veterinarskoj medicini, da bi se povećala pozitivna prediktivna vrijednost endokrinološkog testiranja na HAC, ona bi se trebala provoditi samo u pacijenata s odgovarajućim kliničkim znacima, rezultatima slikovne dijagnostike i u pacijenata s komorbiditetima koji ne reagiraju na adekvatnu terapiju. Radi lažno negativnih i lažno pozitivnih rezultata koji su obično posljedica prisustva drugih bolesti ili uporabe nekih lijekova, niti jedan od trenutno raspoloživih testova nije posve pouzdan. Dijagnostički se testovi za HAC zasnivaju na dokazivanju ili povećane proizvodnje kortizola ili smanjene osjetljivosti osovine hipotalamus-hipofiza-adreni na negativnu povratnu spregu glukokortikoidima. Dostupne testove dijelimo na dijagnostičke testove (ACTH-stimulacijski test, test supresije niskom dozom deksametazona i omjer kortizola i kreatinina u urinu) i razlikovne testove (određivanje koncentracije endogenog ACTH, test supresije niskom dozom deksametazona, test supresije visokom dozom deksametazona i supresija deksametazonom s omjerom kortizola i kreatinina u urinu). Najbolji se dijagnostički rezultati postižu uporabom kombinacije testova adrenalne funkcije i slikovne dijagnostike. Svi se modaliteti slikovne dijagnostike mogu rabiti no razlikuju se, kao i testovi adrenalne funkcije, po svojoj osjetljivosti i specifičnosti. Raspoloživa slikovna dijagnostika za bolesti nadbubrežnih žlijezda uključuje ultrazvučnu pretragu te kompjuteriziranu tomografiju (CT) ili magnetsku rezonanciju (MR) abdomena, dok se za bolesti hipofize najčešće koriste CT ili MR glave. Da bi se došlo do definitivne dijagnoze najčešće se koristi kombinacija ultrazvučne pretrage abdomena s jednim od dijagnostičkih testova adrenalne funkcije. U odabiru optimalne terapije na raspolaganju su zračenje te kirurška i medikamentozna terapija. Operativni zahvati na hipofizi i adrenalnim tumorima, kao i radioterapija hipofize etiološki su oblici liječenja i iako su potencijalno kurativni nisu široko dostupni, skupi su i nose svoje vlastite rizike. Medikamentozna se terapija sastoji ili od davanja adrenokortikolitičkog lijeka mitotana ili inhibitora steroidogeneze trilostana. Oba su lijeka relativno skupa, a njihova primjena podrazumijeva i neki oblik doživotne terapije, a nose i neke vlastite rizike. Da bi se odabrala optimalna terapija ovaj pregledni rad razmatra terapijske opcije HAC-a s obzirom na dostupnost, učinkovitost i moguće nuspojave te uzevši u obzir oblik bolesti, moguće napredovanje te dob i komorbiditete pojedinačnih pacijenata.The clinical syndrome of naturally occurring hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) in dogs is one of the most common endocrinopathies in veterinary medicine. The clinical manifestations and laboratory findings reflect the influence of a chronically increased concentration of circulating cortisol. The diagnosis is based upon a compatible history and the presence of one or more clinical signs. The greater the number of clinical symptoms and laboratory changes, the stronger the suspicion of HAC. According to a consensus in veterinary medicine, diagnostic tests should be carried out only in patients with appropriate clinical signs, results of diagnostic imaging and in patients with comorbidities not responding to adequate therapy in order to enhance the positive predictive value of endocrinological tests. None of currently available adrenal function tests are reliable due to frequent false-positive and false-negative results mainly originating from non-adrenal diseases or medications that can influence the results. The diagnostic tests for HAC are based on proving either increased production of cortisol or decreased sensitivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to negative glucocorticoid feedback. The available tests are subdivided into screening tests (ACTH-stimulation test - ACTHST, low-dose dexamethasone suppression test - LDDST, and urine corticoid-to-creatinine ratio - UCCR) and differentiating tests (endogenous ACTH concentration - eACTH, LDDST, high-dose dexamethasone suppression test - HDDST, and dexamethasone suppression with UCCR). The best diagnostic yield is achieved with a combination of adrenal function tests and diagnostic imaging (DI). All modalities of DI can be used, though the methods differ in specificity and sensitivity, much like the adrenal function tests. Suitable DI methods for adrenal diseases are ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdomen, while CT and MRI of the head are taken to determine pituitary diseases. Usually, abdominal ultrasound is used in combination with a screening test to establish a definitive diagnosis. To determine the optimal therapy, it is necessary to distinguish between pituitary dependent HAC (PDH) and adrenal tumours (ADH). Available treatment options are radiation, medical or surgical therapy. The surgery of the hypophysis or adrenal tumour, and radiotherapy in cases of PDH, are aimed at removing the cause of the disease, and although they are potentially curative, they are expensive, not widely available, and include inherent risks. Medical therapy consists of either the adrenocorticolytic drug mitotane or trilostane that inhibits steroidogenesis. Both medications are also expensive, are taken life-long, and have their own inherent risks. This review considers the current treatment options regarding availability, efficacy and adverse effects of therapy, while also taking into account the form and spread of the disease, and the age and comorbidities of the patient, with the goal of the selecting the most optimal treatment plan

    Otitis media and interna with or without polyps in cats:association between meningeal enhancement on postcontrast MRI, cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities, and clinician treatment choice and outcome

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    OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between meningeal enhancement (MgE) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis results, their individual association with bacteriology results from affected ear samples and whether these test results influenced clinicians' therapeutic choice in cats with otitis media and interna (OMI). METHODS This was a multicentre retrospective study carried out over an 8-year period. Cats diagnosed with OMI, with or without a nasopharyngeal polyp, leading to peripheral vestibular signs were included. Only cats for which MRI with postcontrast T1-weighted sequences and CSF analyses available were included. Cats with intra-axial MRI lesions or empyema were excluded. RESULTS Fifty-eight cats met the inclusion criteria. MgE was reported in 26/58 cases, of which nine had an abnormal CSF result (increased total nucleated cell count [TNCC] or total protein); 32/58 cases had no MgE, of which 10 showed abnormal CSF results. There was no association between bacteriology results (external ear canal or bulla) and MgE or abnormal CSF results. CSF abnormalities were statistically significantly more common in acute cases (n = 16/37) than in chronic cases (n = 3/21; Fischer's test P = 0.04). Prednisolone was prescribed in 10/16 cases with increased TNCC. Among the 42 cases with normal TNCC, 15 received prednisolone and 13 received non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Various antimicrobial drugs were prescribed in 53/58 cats. Duration of antimicrobial treatment was similar, regardless of positive bacterial culture (5.58 vs 4.22 weeks), abnormal CSF (5.83 vs 4.76 weeks) or MgE (5.33 vs 4.90 weeks). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE No association was found between the CSF and MgE results. Furthermore, no association was found between MgE, CSF or bacteriology findings. In addition, abnormal CSF results might lead the clinician to treat with corticosteroids, but they did not have any impact on duration of antimicrobial treatment. CSF abnormalities were seen significantly less frequently in chronic cases. The outcome tended to be poorer when MgE was detected on MRI

    Comparison of Cytomorphologic Criteria of Malignancy with the Composition of the Extracellular Matrix in Canine Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumors

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    Mastociti su stanice s velikim brojem citoplazmatskih granula koje zadrže brojne biogene amine. Mastocitom je neoplazija podrijetla mastocita i najčešći je tumor kože u pasa. Citološka pretraga predstavlja najbrži put do objektivne dijagnoze mastocitoma, no često ne daje pravi uvid u stupanj malignosti što se odražava na planiranje operacije. Cilj rada bio je pronaći dodatne kriterije za stupnjevanje malignosti mastocitoma putem komparacije sastava međustanične tvari sa citomorfološkim kriterijima malignosti. Pretraženo je 40 citoloških uzoraka iz arhive Zavoda za veterinarsku patologiju po prethodno precizno određenim kriterijima. Statističkom analizom utvrđeno je da su visoko diferencirani mastocitomi u negativnoj korelaciji sa eritrofagocitozom, a nisko diferencirani mastocitomi u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa brojem hiperplastičnih fibroblasta i sintezom proteoglikana. Nalaz hiperplastičnih fibroblasta i proteoglikana predstavlja dodatni kriterij malignosti u citološkoj dijagnostici ove neoplazme.Mast cells or mastocyts are cells with a large number of cytoplasmic granules which contain numerous biogenic amines. A mast cell tumor is a neoplasia of mastocytic origin, and it is the most frequent skin tumor in dogs. The quickest way to an objective diagnosis of a mast cell tumor is through a cytological evaluation, but it often fails to give an accurate description of the grade of malignancy, which is reflected on the surgical planning. The aim of this investigation was to find additional criteria for the grading of malignancy in mast cell tumors by comparing the composition of the extracellular matrix with cytomorphologic criteria of malignancy. Forty cytological samples from the archives of the Department of Vetrinary Pathology were examined according to precisely set criteria. With the aid of statistic analysis, it was deduced that well differentiated mast cell tumors are in a negative correlation with erythrophagocythosis, while poorly differentiated mast cell tumors are in a positive correlation with the number of hyperplastic fibroblasts and the synthesis of proteoglycans. The detection of hyperplastic fibroblasts and proteoglycans can serve as an additional criteria of malignancy in the cytological diagnosis of this neoplasm

    Comparison of Cytomorphologic Criteria of Malignancy with the Composition of the Extracellular Matrix in Canine Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumors

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    Mastociti su stanice s velikim brojem citoplazmatskih granula koje zadrže brojne biogene amine. Mastocitom je neoplazija podrijetla mastocita i najčešći je tumor kože u pasa. Citološka pretraga predstavlja najbrži put do objektivne dijagnoze mastocitoma, no često ne daje pravi uvid u stupanj malignosti što se odražava na planiranje operacije. Cilj rada bio je pronaći dodatne kriterije za stupnjevanje malignosti mastocitoma putem komparacije sastava međustanične tvari sa citomorfološkim kriterijima malignosti. Pretraženo je 40 citoloških uzoraka iz arhive Zavoda za veterinarsku patologiju po prethodno precizno određenim kriterijima. Statističkom analizom utvrđeno je da su visoko diferencirani mastocitomi u negativnoj korelaciji sa eritrofagocitozom, a nisko diferencirani mastocitomi u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa brojem hiperplastičnih fibroblasta i sintezom proteoglikana. Nalaz hiperplastičnih fibroblasta i proteoglikana predstavlja dodatni kriterij malignosti u citološkoj dijagnostici ove neoplazme.Mast cells or mastocyts are cells with a large number of cytoplasmic granules which contain numerous biogenic amines. A mast cell tumor is a neoplasia of mastocytic origin, and it is the most frequent skin tumor in dogs. The quickest way to an objective diagnosis of a mast cell tumor is through a cytological evaluation, but it often fails to give an accurate description of the grade of malignancy, which is reflected on the surgical planning. The aim of this investigation was to find additional criteria for the grading of malignancy in mast cell tumors by comparing the composition of the extracellular matrix with cytomorphologic criteria of malignancy. Forty cytological samples from the archives of the Department of Vetrinary Pathology were examined according to precisely set criteria. With the aid of statistic analysis, it was deduced that well differentiated mast cell tumors are in a negative correlation with erythrophagocythosis, while poorly differentiated mast cell tumors are in a positive correlation with the number of hyperplastic fibroblasts and the synthesis of proteoglycans. The detection of hyperplastic fibroblasts and proteoglycans can serve as an additional criteria of malignancy in the cytological diagnosis of this neoplasm

    Rehabilitation of dogs from Acute Idiopathic Polyradiculoneuritis - a case report

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    Akutni idiopatski poliradikuloneuritis (AIP) je stečena periferna neuropatija koja primarno zahvaća ventralne korijene spinalnih živaca i periferne živce. Bolest je vrlo slična Guillain-Barré sindromu u ljudi, a nema dobne, pasminske ni spolne predispozicije te ne postoji specifična terapija. Oporavak traje 2 - 6 mjeseci. Fizikalna terapija i njega pacijenata preporučuju se kao potporna terapija. Dva psa, križane pasmine u dobi od šest i deset godina zaprimljeni su sa znacima akutne flakcidne tetrapareze/tetraplegije, u bočnom položaju bez mogućnosti da samostalno zauzmu sternalni položaj posljedično generaliziranoj zahvaćenosti nižih motoričkih neurona. Na svim ekstremitetima mišićni tonus je bio veoma slab. Dijagnoza AIP-a je bazirana na anamnezi, kliničkoj manifestaciji, neurološkom pregledu, slikovnoj dijagnostici i laboratorijskim testovima. Rehabilitacijski program je uključivao masažu ekstremiteta i pasivne kretnje zglobova kao važan dio kućnog programa, elektroterapiju, idroterapiju i proprioceptivne vježbe. Nakon dva tjedna fizikalne terapije psi su se mogli samostalno podignuti u sternalni položaj, a na stražnjim nogama pokazivali su i voljne pokrete. Potpomognuto stajanje i voljni pokreti svih ekstemiteta bili su prisutni na kraju trećeg tjedna u jednog psa i krajem petog tjedna u drugog psa. Nakon toga u proces rehabilitacije uključena je hidroterapija. Jedan pas je mogao samostalno hodati dvadeset petog dana od početka fizikalne terapije, dok je drugom psu bilo potrebno pedeset dana. Fizikalna terapija u kombinaciji s adekvatnim kućnim rehabilitacijskim programom može rezultirati skraćenim razdobljem oporavka za pacijente s AIP-om.Acute idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis (AIP) is an acquired peripheral neuropathy that primarily affects the ventral spinal nerve roots and peripheral nerves. The disease is very similar to Guillan Barré syndrome in humans. There is no age, breed, or sex predilection associated with the development of AIP. No proven specific treatment exists. Recovery occurs within 2 - 6 months. Physical therapy and nursing care are recommended as supportive treatment. Two female mix breed dogs, aged 6 and 10 years, were admitted to the physical therapy unit with signs of acute flaccid non-ambulatory tetraparesis/tetraplegia in lateral recumbency, unable to assume the sternal position unassisted as a consequence of generalised lower motor neuron signs. Reduced to absent muscle tone was present in all limbs. A tentative diagnosis of AIP was made based on history, clinical presentation, neurologic examination, diagnostic imaging and routine laboratory tests. The rehabilitation programme included massage, joint passive range of motion (PROM) as an important part of the home programme, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy and proprioceptive exercises. After two weeks, dogs were able to maintain a sternal position without support, and showed voluntary movement of the hind limbs. Assistive standing and voluntary movements of all limbs were present by the end of third week in one patient, and fifth week in the other. At that point, underwater treadmill sessions and active exercises were introduced. Dogs were ambulating without assistance after 25 days in one patient and after 50 days in other. Physical therapy combined with a proper home rehabilitation programme can result in a positive functional outcome in a shorter period of time in dogs with AIP