68 research outputs found

    Decorin-mediated inhibition of colorectal cancer growth and migration is associated with E-cadherin in vitro and in mice.

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    Previous studies have shown that decorin expression is significantly reduced in colorectal cancer tissues and cancer cells, and genetic deletion of the decorin gene is sufficient to cause intestinal tumor formation in mice, resulting from a downregulation of p21, p27(kip1) and E-cadherin and an upregulation of ÎČ-catenin signaling [Bi,X. et al. (2008) Genetic deficiency of decorin causes intestinal tumor formation through disruption of intestinal cell maturation. Carcinogenesis, 29, 1435-1440]. However, the regulation of E-cadherin by decorin and its implication in cancer formation and metastasis is largely unknown. Using a decorin knockout mouse model (Dcn(-/-) mice) and manipulated expression of decorin in human colorectal cancer cells, we found that E-cadherin, a protein that regulates cell-cell adhesion, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis, was almost completely lost in Dcn(-/-) mouse intestine, and loss of decorin and E-cadherin accelerated colon cancer cell growth and invasion in Dcn(-/-) mice. However, increasing decorin expression in colorectal cancer cells attenuated cancer cell malignancy, including inhibition of cancer cell proliferation, promotion of apoptosis and importantly, attenuation of cancer cell migration. All these changes were linked to the regulation of E-cadherin by decorin. Moreover, overexpression of decorin upregulated E-cadherin through increasing of E-cadherin protein stability as E-cadherin messenger RNA and promoter activity were not affected. Co-immunoprecipitation assay showed a physical binding between decorin and E-cadherin proteins. Taken together, our results provide direct evidence that decorin-mediated inhibition of colorectal cancer growth and migration are through the interaction with and stabilization of E-cadherin

    Prostate cancer assessment using MR elastography of fresh prostatectomy specimens at 9.4 T

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    Purpose: Despite its success in the assessment of prostate cancer (PCa), in vivo multiparametric MRI has limitations such as interobserver variability and low specificity. Several MRI methods, among them MR elastography, are currently being discussed as candidates for supplementing conventional multiparametric MRI. This study aims to investigate the detection of PCa in fresh ex vivo human prostatectomy specimens using MR elastography. Methods: Fourteen fresh prostate specimens from men with clinically significant PCa without formalin fixation or prior radiation therapy were examined by MR elastography at 500 Hz immediately after radical prostatectomy in a 9.4T preclinical scanner. Specimens were divided into 12 segments for both calculation of storage modulus (G ' in kilopascals) and pathology (Gleason score) as reference standard. Sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve were calculated to assess PCa detection. Results: The mean G ' and SD were as follows: all segments, 8.74 ± 5.26 kPa; healthy segments, 5.44 ± 4.40 kPa; and cancerous segments, 10.84 ± 4.65 kPa. The difference between healthy and cancerous segments was significant with P ≀ .001. Diagnostic performance assessed with the Youden index was as follows: sensitivity, 69%; specificity, 79%; area under the curve, 0.81; and cutoff, 10.67 kPa. Conclusion: Our results suggest that prostate MR elastography has the potential to improve diagnostic performance of multiparametric MRI, especially regarding its 2 major limitations: interobserver variability and low specificity. Particularly the high value for specificity in PCa detection is a stimulating result and encourages further investigation of this method

    Imaging Collagen Properties in the Uterosacral Ligaments of Women With Pelvic Organ Prolapse Using Spatial Light Interference Microscopy (SLIM)

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    We studied collagen fiber organization in tissue affected by pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and compared it to asymptomatic controls. Both the control and POP tissue biopsies were prepared and measured by a highly sensitive quantitative phase imaging (QPI) system, called spatial light interference microscopy (SLIM). Combined with automatic image processing, this modality provides quantitative, high-throughput assessment of fiber morphology. We found the fiber orientation in prolapsed specimens is less homogeneous, indicating an abnormal organization of collagen in the extracellular matrix (ECM)

    An informatics model for tissue banks – Lessons learned from the Cooperative Prostate Cancer Tissue Resource

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    BACKGROUND: Advances in molecular biology and growing requirements from biomarker validation studies have generated a need for tissue banks to provide quality-controlled tissue samples with standardized clinical annotation. The NCI Cooperative Prostate Cancer Tissue Resource (CPCTR) is a distributed tissue bank that comprises four academic centers and provides thousands of clinically annotated prostate cancer specimens to researchers. Here we describe the CPCTR information management system architecture, common data element (CDE) development, query interfaces, data curation, and quality control. METHODS: Data managers review the medical records to collect and continuously update information for the 145 clinical, pathological and inventorial CDEs that the Resource maintains for each case. An Access-based data entry tool provides de-identification and a standard communication mechanism between each group and a central CPCTR database. Standardized automated quality control audits have been implemented. Centrally, an Oracle database has web interfaces allowing multiple user-types, including the general public, to mine de-identified information from all of the sites with three levels of specificity and granularity as well as to request tissues through a formal letter of intent. RESULTS: Since July 2003, CPCTR has offered over 6,000 cases (38,000 blocks) of highly characterized prostate cancer biospecimens, including several tissue microarrays (TMA). The Resource developed a website with interfaces for the general public as well as researchers and internal members. These user groups have utilized the web-tools for public query of summary data on the cases that were available, to prepare requests, and to receive tissues. As of December 2005, the Resource received over 130 tissue requests, of which 45 have been reviewed, approved and filled. Additionally, the Resource implemented the TMA Data Exchange Specification in its TMA program and created a computer program for calculating PSA recurrence. CONCLUSION: Building a biorepository infrastructure that meets today's research needs involves time and input of many individuals from diverse disciplines. The CPCTR can provide large volumes of carefully annotated prostate tissue for research initiatives such as Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) and for biomarker validation studies and its experience can help development of collaborative, large scale, virtual tissue banks in other organ systems
