3 research outputs found

    Shifts in risk sensitivity and resource availability alter fat stores for a large mammal following extreme winter conditions

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    For species that inhabit environments where resource availability may be unpredictable, balance of resource allocation to life-history traits can have heightened consequences for survival, reproduction, and ultimately, fitness. Acquisition and allocation of energy to maintenance, capital gain and reproduction should be in tune with the landscape an animal inhabits—environmental severity, food availability and population size all influence the resources animals have and dictate the ways they should be allocated. In seasonal environments, animals that experience periods of extreme resource limitation (e.g. harsh winters) may favour allocation of resources to body reserves to secure their survival at the cost of reproduction (i.e. risk averse). In contrast, the same accumulation of body reserves may not be necessary to survive in relatively benign landscapes where instead, allocation to reproduction is favoured (i.e. risk prone). According to the theory of risk-sensitive allocation of resources, when animals are exposed to unprecedented or life-threatening conditions, they may shift resource allocation to favour building capital over allocation in reproduction to preempt against encountering another life-threatening event in the future. Using data from a long-term project on a highly site-faithful and long-lived species, mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), we evaluated how a life-threatening winter and the associated changes in resource availability resulting from a population reduction influenced how animals acquired and allocated energy to survival (i.e. fat accumulation). Per capita precipitation, and the associated reduction in population abundance after the severe winter, had a positive influence of accrual of fat over summer. After the extreme physiological stress of a hard winter, deer starting spring with low body reserves accumulated 2.8 percentage points more fat over summer compared with before the experience of a bad winter and had an increased probability of recruiting fewer offspring. Fat stores can interact with environment, life history and behaviour to influence survival during periods of resource scarcity. For a long-lived herbivore, we documented shifts in risk tolerance associated with fat accrual in preparation for winter, supporting the notion that risk-sensitive allocation of resources may be plastic—an essential adaptation for animals to cope with rapidly changing landscapes.publishedVersio

    Migration distance and maternal resource allocation determine timing of birth in a large herbivore

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    Birth timing is a key life-history characteristic that influences fitness and population performance. For migratory animals, however, appropriately timing birth on one seasonal range may be constrained by events occurring during other parts of the migratory cycle. We investigated how the use of capital and income resources may facilitate flexibility in reproductive phenology of migratory mule deer in western Wyoming, USA, over a five-year period (2015-2019). Specifically, we examined how seasonal interactions affected three, interrelated life-history characteristics: fetal development, birth mass and birth timing. Females in good nutritional condition at the onset of winter and those that migrated short distances had more developed fetuses (measured as fetal eye diameter in March). Variation in parturition date was explained largely by fetal development, however, there was up to 16 days of plasticity in expected birth date. Plasticity in expected birth date was shaped by income resources in the form of exposure to spring green-up. Although individuals that experienced greater exposure to spring green-up were able to advance expected birth date, being born early or late with respect to fetal development had no effect on birth mass of offspring. Furthermore, we investigated the trade-offs migrating mule deer face by evaluating support for existing theory which predicts that births should be matched to local peaks in resource availability at the birth site. In contrast to this prediction, only long-distance migrants that paced migration with the flush of spring green-up, giving birth shortly after ending migration, were able to match birth with spring green-up. Shorter distance migrants completed migration sooner and gave birth earlier, seemingly trading off more time for offspring to grow and develop over greater access to resources. Thus, movement tactic had profound downstream effects on birth timing. These findings highlight a need to reconsider classical theory on optimal birth timing, which has focused solely on conditions at the birth site.publishe

    Biomarkers of Animal Nutrition: From Seasonal to Lifetime Indicators of Environmental Conditions

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    Nutrition underpins survival and reproduction in animal populations; reliable nutritional biomarkers are therefore requisites to understanding environmental drivers of population dynamics. Biomarkers vary in scope of inference and sensitivity, making it important to know what and when to measure to properly quantify biological responses. We evaluated the repeatability of three nutritional biomarkers in a large, iteroparous mammal to evaluate the level of intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to those traits. During a long-term, individual-based study in a highly variable environment, we measured body fat, body mass, and lean mass of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) each autumn and spring. Lean mass was the most repeatable biomarker (0.72 autumn; 0.61 spring), followed by body mass (0.64 autumn; 0.53 spring), and then body fat (0.22 autumn; 0.01 spring). High repeatability in body and lean mass likely reflects primary structural composition, which is conserved across seasons. Low repeatability of body fat supports that it is the primary labile source of energy that is largely a product of environmental contributions of the previous season. Based on the disparate levels in repeatability among nutritional biomarkers, we contend that body and lean mass are better indicators of nutritional legacies (e.g., maternal effects), whereas body fat is a direct and sensitive reflection of recent nutritional gains and losses