357 research outputs found

    Was uns Biographien über Künstlernetzwerke sagen

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    Article from the proceedings of the conference "Europa baut auf Biographien

    The Biographical Formula: Types and Dimensions of Biographical Networks

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    Behind every printed national biography is a board of editors responsible for finding established scholars to write the biographies. The personal and institutional networks, the scientific and ideological socialization of these authors have a significant influence on the biographical constructs and narratives they have designed, and thus also determines the information contained in the biographies. Therefore, a source-critical approach to such biography texts is necessary. This will be exemplified using a biography selected from the Austrian Biographical Dictionary 1815–1950 (ÖBL). A complementary approach for the interpretation of biographical dictionaries is analysis of the networks, which can be reconstructed on the basis of the information contained in the biographies. As part of the APIS project, biographical data is generated through the annotation of biographies of the ÖBL. This data consists of frequently mentioned names of persons, places and institutions that can be subsumed under the term “biographical building blocks”. Biographical networks can be built on the basis of this data. In the second part of the paper, different dimensions of these networks as well as ways of analyzing this type of data will be shown

    Leitfaden für die Annotation von Named Entities (NE) in Biographien

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    manual guide for the annotation of biographie

    Künstlerbiographien und historische Netzwerkforschung: Anwendungsbeispiele aus dem Bereich der digitalen Kunstgeschichte

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    book chapter about artists' biographies and network

    Structure, Network, Discourse. Anatomy of an Artists Association

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    Article for the exhibition catalogue "Hagenbund. A European network of modernism 1900 to 1938" (2014

    Structure turnover times of grassland soils under different moisture regimes

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    Soil structure is a dynamic property of soils, which refers to temporal changes in the spatial arrangement of pores, organic matter, and minerals. Its turnover, i.e. the irreversible redistribution of soil constituents, determines essential soil functions including carbon storage. Structure turnover times and its response to biotic versus abiotic drivers have never been quantified directly under natural conditions. We used a novel combination of structure labelling with inert garnet particles and X-ray Computed Tomography to determine structure turnover times of two grassland topsoils with either access or exclusion of roots and fauna > 30 mu m. Both, abiotic and biotic factors developed soil structure at a site-specific rate towards a dynamic equilibrium, at which bulk properties remain constant because creation and destruction of structural properties are in balance. Its turnover, however, was mainly determined by macrofaunal activity which varied with environmental conditions. Under dry conditions less favorable for bioturbation, the extrapolated structure turnover time was 33 +/- 3 years, while being 16 +/- 1 years under moist conditions. Previous studies on organic matter turnover determined in the vicinity of the experimental site showed similar turnover times for particulate organic matter. The similar turnover times suggest that the accessibility of particulate organic matter to decomposers is closely linked to structure turnover, thus highlighting the intimate nexus between structure evolution and carbon persistence in soil

    Beyond Rankings: Exploring the Impact of SERP Features on Organic Click-through Rates

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    Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) serve as the digital gateways to the vast expanse of the internet. Past decades have witnessed a surge in research primarily centered on the influence of website ranking on these pages, to determine the click-through rate (CTR). However, during this period, the landscape of SERPs has undergone a dramatic evolution: SERP features, encompassing elements such as knowledge panels, media galleries, FAQs, and more, have emerged as an increasingly prominent facet of these result pages. Our study examines the crucial role of these features, revealing them to be not merely aesthetic components, but strongly influence CTR and the associated behavior of internet users. We demonstrate how these features can significantly modulate web traffic, either amplifying or attenuating it. We dissect these intricate interaction effects leveraging a unique dataset of 67,000 keywords and their respective Google SERPs, spanning over 40 distinct US-based e-commerce domains, generating over 6 million clicks from 24 million views. This cross-website dataset, unprecedented in its scope, enables us to assess the impact of 24 different SERP features on organic CTR. Through an ablation study modeling CTR, we illustrate the incremental predictive power these features hold.Comment: submitted IEEE DSAA conference, 14 pages, 5 figures, 2 table