7 research outputs found

    Termiten und Ameisen in Burkina Faso (West Africa): Taxonomische und funktionelle DiversitĂ€t entlang Landnutzungs-Gradienten, Ökosystemdienste von Termiten im traditionellen Zai system

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    The consequences of habitat change for human well-being are assumed to be especially extreme in Burkina Faso. The country is located in a highly drought-sensitive zone of West Africa, and small‐scale subsistence farmers may be especially affected if losses of biodiversity lead to changes in ecosystem functioning; many depend on more or less degraded lands for agricultural production. The overall aim of the present thesis consequently was to characterize the functional traits of soil-organisms which are crucial for a productive and balanced soil environment in the study region – termites and ants. They are true ecosystem engineers whose activity alters the habitat. Through soil-turnover in the course of constructing biogenic structures of varying size and nature (mounds, nests, galleries, soil-sheetings, foraging-holes), they bioturbate huge amounts of soil masses and exert massive effects on soil structure, positively influencing the fertility, stability, aeration and water infiltration rate into soils; and they provide habitats for other species. In sub-Saharan Africa, ants and termites are the only active soil macrofauna during the long dry season; in the sub-Sahel zone of Burkina Faso, termites even represent the only active, quantitatively remarkable decomposers all year round. Since no information was available about the actual diversity of the focal arthropods, I divided the thesis in two main parts: In the first part, a baseline study, I assessed the local termite and ant fauna, and investigated their quantitative and qualitative response to changing habitat parameters resulting from increasing human impact (‘functional response traits’). In the second and applied part, I addressed the impact of the biogenic structures which are important for the restoration of degraded soils (‘functional effect traits’). Two traditional agricultural systems characteristic for the study region were selected. Each system represented a land-use intensification gradient comprising four distinct habitats now differing in the magnitude of human intervention but formerly having the same initial state. The first disturbance gradient, the temporal cross-section of a traditional soil water conservation technique to restore degraded heavily encrusted, barren soil named ZaĂŻ in Ouahigouya (Yatenga province, sub-Sahel zone); the second disturbance gradient, an agriculture type using crop rotation and fallow as nutrient management techniques near Fada N’Gourma (Gourma province, North-Sudanese zone). No standard protocol existed for the assessment of termite and ant diversity in semi-arid (agro-) ecosystems; two widely accepted standard protocols provided the basis for the newly revised and combined rapid assessment protocol ‘RAP’: the ALL protocol for leaf litter ants of Agosti and Alonso (2000), and the transect protocol for termites in tropical forests of Jones and Eggleton (2000). In each study site, three to four replicate transects were conducted during the rainy seasons (2004—2008). The RAP-protocol turned out to be very effective to characterize, compare and monitor the taxonomic and functional diversity of termites and ants; between 70% and 90% of the estimated total species richness were collected on all levels (transects, habitats, regions). Together in both regions, 65 ant species (25 genera) and 39 termite species (13 genera) were collected. These findings represent the first records for Burkina Faso. The data indicate a high sensitivity of termites and ants to land-use intensification. The diversity strongly decreased with increasing anthropogenic impact in the North-Sudan region. In total, 53 ant species (23 genera) and 31 termite species (12 genera) were found. Very promising results concerning the recovery potential of the soil-arthropods’ diversity were gathered in the ZaĂŻ system. The diversity of both taxa strongly increased with increasing habitat rehabilitation – in total, 41 ant species (16 genera) and 33 termite species (11 genera) were collected. For both taxa significant differences could be noted in the shape of the density variations along the gradient. For instance termites: Fungus-growers showed the greatest adaptability to different management practices. The greatest variations between the habitats were observed in soil and grass-feeding termites. Whole functional groups were missing in heavily impacted habitats, e.g. soil-, grass-, and wood-feeders were absent in the degraded site in the sub-Sahel zone. Several environmental parameters could be identified which significantly explained a great part of the variations in the composition of the arthropods’ communities; they indicate the importance of the habitats’ structural complexity (vegetation structure) and concomitant effects on diurnal temperature and moisture fluctuations, the availability of food sources, and the soil-structure. The diversity of termites in the sub-Sahel region was strongly correlated with the crown-cover percentages, the topsoils’ sand-content, and the availability of litter; in the North-Sudan region with the cumulated woody plant basal area, the topsoils’ clay- and organic matter-content. The parameters identified for ant communities in the ZaĂŻ system, were the height of trees, the topsoils’ clay-content and air humidity; in the North-Sudan region the habitats’ crown-cover percentages, the quantity of litter and again the height of trees. In the second part of the thesis, I first rapidly assessed the (natural) variations in the amount of epigeal soil-structures along the two disturbance gradients in order to judge the relative importance of termites and ants for soil-turnover. The results illustrated impressively that a) in all study sites, termites were the main bioturbators while ant structures were of minor importance for soil turn-over; b) earthworms and grass-feeding termites contributed significantly to soil turn-over in the more humid North-Sudan region; and c) the bioturbated soil mass varied between seasons and years, however, the relative importance of the different taxa seemed to be fairly constant. In the sub-Sahel zone, fungus-growing Odontotermes and Macrotermes species fully take over the important function of bioturbation, leading to the transport of huge amounts of fine-textured soil material to the surface; with increasing habitat restoration, coarse fragments decreased in the upper horizons and became concentrated deeper along the soil profile. Consequently, in the applied part, I concentrated on the bioturbation activity of fungus-growing termites in the four main stages of the ZaĂŻ system: crusted bare soil (initial stage), millet field, young and old forest. In each of the four ZaĂŻ sites nine experimental blocks (each comprising four plots of 1m2) were used to stimulate the foraging activity of fungus-growing termites with different, locally available organic materials (Aristida kerstingii hay, Bombax costatum wooden blocks, compost and a control without any organic amendment). The experiment was conducted twice for the duration of four weeks (rainy season 2005, dry season 2006). The plots were regularly checked and the increase of the area covered by sheetings chronologically followed. After four weeks a) all sheeting-soil was collected, air dried and separately weighed according to the different genera, and b) the foraging-holes were counted and their diameter measured. Additionally, c) ponded water infiltration was measured in selected plots, and d) the physicochemical properties of sheeting-soil were analyzed. In case of complete consumption of the offered hay during the experimental 4-weeks-duration, the same procedure (a, b) was followed before adding new hay to the respective plot. The comparison between the different plots, sites and seasons revealed clearly that hay was the most attractive bait; for each gram of hay removed, Odontotermes brought about 12 g soil to the surface, Macrotermes 4 g. Odontotermes was the only genus attracted by organic material to the degraded area, and was therefore the decisive primary physical ecosystem engineer in the ZaĂŻ system, initiating the restoration process. The mass of soil bioturbated in the course of foraging increased strongly from the degraded, barren towards the most rehabilitated reforested site. Combining all 36 experimental plots per ZaĂŻ stage, Odontotermes bioturbated 31.8 tons of soil per hectare and month dry season in the degraded area, and 32.4 tons ha-1 mon-1 in the millet fields; both genera moved 138.9 tons ha-1 mon-1 in the young and 215.5 tons ha-1 mon-1 in the old ZaĂŻ forest. Few comparable figures were found in the literature. In northern Burkina Faso, both genera constructed 20 tons of sheetings ha-1 mon-1 after mulching with a straw-wood mixture (Mando & Miedema 1997), and in Senegal, around 10 tons ha-1 mon-1 were moved in heavily foraged plots (Rouland et al. 2003). Within a site, soil turn-over and the number of foraging holes created was always highest in hay, followed by compost, then by wood and in the end control. The fungus-growers’ foraging-activity was leading to an enormous increase in surface pore space – after one month of induced foraging activity in hay-plots, the median number of foraging-holes increased from 142 m-2 in the degraded site up to 921 m-2 in the old ZaĂŻ forest. The creation of subterranean galleries and macropores significantly increased the water infiltration rate by a mean factor 2–4. Laboratory analyses revealed that sheeting-soil differed strongly from the respective control soil as well as between the seasons, the food-type covered, and the two genera. Odontotermes-sheetings differed in more parameters than Macrotermes-sheetings, and dry season sheetings differed in more parameters (and more strongly) than rainy season sheetings. In the present study, soil organic matter, carbon and nitrogen contents were significantly increased in all dry season sheetings; in the rainy season mainly in those built on compost. Texture analysis pointed out that both genera used topsoil and soil from deeper horizons in varying mixture ratios, thereby supporting findings of Jouquet et al. (2006). To summarize, the present thesis contributes to a better understanding of the functional response traits of termites and ants to changing environmental parameters resulting from increasing human impact. The RAP-protocol represents an easy-to-learn and very effective method to representatively characterize, compare and monitor the taxonomic and functional diversity of termites and ants. The experiment has provided conclusive evidence of the importance of the consideration of fungus-growing termites (particularly Odontotermes and Macrotermes species) when aiming to restore infertile, degraded and crusted soils and to maintain a sustainable agricultural production in the Sahel‐Sudanese zone of West Africa.Die Folgen von LebensraumverĂ€nderungen fĂŒr die LebensqualitĂ€t der Bevölkerung sind vermutlich besonders extrem in Burkina Faso. Das Land liegt in einem fĂŒr DĂŒrren sehr anfĂ€lligen Gebiet von Westafrika. Die Kleinbauern, welche die Hauptproduzenten fĂŒr Lebensmittel der Region sind, können besonders betroffen sein, wenn Verluste der biologischen Vielfalt zu VerĂ€nderungen in den Ökosystemfunktionen fĂŒhren, da viele von degradierten FlĂ€chen fĂŒr die landwirtschaftliche Produktion abhĂ€ngen. Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war daher, die funktionellen Merkmale derjenigen Bodenorganismen zu charakterisieren, die im Untersuchungsgebiet von entscheidender Bedeutung fĂŒr ertragreiche und ausgewogene Böden sind: Termiten und Ameisen. Sie sind wahre Ökosystem‐Ingenieure, deren AktivitĂ€t den Lebensraum verĂ€ndert. Durch BodenumwĂ€lzung wĂ€hrend des Baus von biogenen Strukturen unterschiedlicher GrĂ¶ĂŸe und Natur (HĂŒgel, Nester, unterirdischer GĂ€nge, Schutzschichten aus Erde, sogenannte „soil-sheetings“, Furagierlöcher, etc.) bewegen sie riesige Bodenmassen und haben enorme Auswirkungen auf die Bodenstruktur. Dies wirkt sich wiederrum positiv auf die Bodenfruchtbarkeit, die StabilitĂ€t, die BodenbelĂŒftung und die Wasserinfiltration aus, und bietet so auch Lebensraum fĂŒr andere Arten. In den afrikanischen LĂ€ndern sĂŒdlich der Sahara sind Ameisen und Termiten die einzige nennenswerte aktive Bodenmakrofauna wĂ€hrend des gesamten Jahres. In der Sub-Sahelregion von Burkina Faso sind wĂ€hrend der Trockenzeit Termiten die einzigen aktiven PrimĂ€rzersetzer. Da keine Informationen ĂŒber den Artenreichtum der Termiten- und Ameisen-Fauna in Burkina Faso vorlagen, setzte ich in der Dissertation zwei Schwerpunkte: Im ersten Teil, einer Grundlagenstudie, erfasste ich die lokale Termiten und Ameisenfauna in verschiedenen Landnutzungssystemen und untersuchte deren quantitative und qualitative Reaktion auf sich Ă€ndernde Umweltbedingungen, die aus dem zunehmenden Einfluss des Menschen resultieren ("funktionelle Reaktionsmerkmale"). Im zweiten und anwendungsbezogenen Teil befasste ich mich mit dem Einfluss der fĂŒr die Regeneration degradierter Böden wichtigen biogenen Strukturen ("funktionelle Wirkungsmerkmale"). Es wurden zwei fĂŒr die Untersuchungsregion typische traditionelle Landwirtschafts-formen ausgewĂ€hlt. Jede stellte einen Landnutzungsgradienten dar, der vier verschiedene Habitate umfasste, welche sich in der StĂ€rke des anthropogenen Einflusses unterschieden, ursprĂŒnglich aber den gleichen Anfangszustand hatten. Der erste Nutzungsgradient in Ouahigouya (Provinz Yatenga, Sub-Sahel-Zone) – namens ZaĂŻ – war ein zeitlicher Querschnitt durch eine traditionelle Boden- und Wasserschutztechnik zur Regeneration stark verkrusteter, degradierter Böden. Der zweite Nutzungsgradient nahe der Stadt Fada N’Gourma (Provinz Gourma, Nord-Sudan Region) war ein Landwirtschaftstyp, der Fruchtfolge und Brachzeiten fĂŒr das NĂ€hrstoffmanagement nutzte. Zur Erhebung der Termiten- und Ameisen-DiversitĂ€t in semi-ariden (Agrar-) Ökosystemen existierte kein Standardprotokoll; zwei international akzeptierte Protokolle bildeten die Grundlage fĂŒr das neu ĂŒberarbeitete und kombinierte Protokoll „RAP“ zur schnellen Erhebung der Termiten- und Ameisenfauna: Das ALL-Protokoll fĂŒr Ameisen der Laubstreuschicht von Agosti and Alonso (2000) und das Transektprotokoll fĂŒr Termiten in tropischen WĂ€ldern von Jones and Eggleton (2000). In meiner Untersuchung wurden zwischen 2004 und 2008 wĂ€hrend der Regenzeit in jedem der Untersuchungsgebiete drei bis vier Transekte abgesammelt. Das RAP-Protokoll erwies sich als sehr effektive Methode, um die taxonomische und funktionelle Vielfalt von Termiten und Ameisen zu beschreiben, zu vergleichen und zu ĂŒberwachen. Zwischen 70% und 90% der geschĂ€tzten Gesamtartenzahl wurden auf allen Ebenen (Transekte, LebensrĂ€ume, Regionen) gesammelt. Insgesamt wurden in beiden Regionen 65 Ameisenarten (25 Gattungen) und 39 Termitenarten (13 Gattungen) gesammelt. Dies sind bislang die ersten Nachweise fĂŒr Burkina Faso. Die Daten weisen auf eine hohe SensitivitĂ€t von Termiten und Ameisen gegenĂŒber einer Landnutzungsintensivierung hin. Mit zunehmendem anthropogenem Einfluss nahm die Artenvielfalt in der Nord-Sudanregion stark zu. Insgesamt wurden 53 Ameisenarten (23 Gattungen) und 31 Termitenarten (12 Gattungen) gefunden. Sehr vielversprechende Ergebnisse wurden bezĂŒglich des Erholungspotenzials der Bodenarthropoden-DiversitĂ€t im ZaĂŻ-System gesammelt; die Vielfalt beider Taxa nahm in mit zunehmender Lebensraumsanierung stark zu: Insgesamt wurden 41 Ameisenarten (16 Gattungen) und 33 Termitenarten (11 Gattungen) dieser Region gefunden. Entlang der Landnutzungsgradienten zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede im Vorkommen von Termiten und Ameisen. So bewiesen bei Termiten beispielsweise die PilzzĂŒchter die grĂ¶ĂŸte AnpassungsfĂ€higkeit an die unterschiedlichen Bewirtschaftungspraktiken. Die grĂ¶ĂŸten Unterschiede zwischen den LebensrĂ€umen wurden bei den boden- und den grasfressenden Termiten beobachtet. In stark vom Menschen beeinflussten LebensrĂ€umen fehlten ganze funktionelle Gruppen, beispielsweise kamen in der degradierten FlĂ€che der Sub-Sahelregion weder Bodenfresser noch Grasfresser oder Holzfresser vor. Mehrere Umweltparameter wurden identifiziert, welche einen großen Teil der VerĂ€nderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Arthropoden-Gemeinschaften entlang der Gradienten signifikant erklĂ€rten; sie lassen auf eine große Bedeutung der strukturellen Habitat-KomplexitĂ€t (Vegetationsstruktur) und den damit verbundenen mikroklimatischen Schwankungen (Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeit), der NahrungsverfĂŒgbarkeit und der Bodenstruktur schließen. Die Termitenvielfalt in der Sub-Sahelzone korrelierte stark mit dem Überschirmungsgrad, dem Sandgehalt im Oberboden und der VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Streu. Ihre Vielfalt in der Nord-Sudanregion korrelierte stark mit der kumulierten Gehölzpflanzen-GrundflĂ€che, dem Tongehalt und dem organischen Material im Oberboden. Die identifizierten Parameter fĂŒr die Ameisen-Gemeinschaften im ZaĂŻ-System waren die Höhe der BĂ€ume, der Sandgehalt im Oberboden und die Luftfeuchte. Ihre Vielfalt in der Nord-Sudanregion korrelierte stark mit dem Überschirmungsgrad, dem Trockengewicht der verfĂŒgbaren Streu und der Baumhöhe. Um die relative Bedeutung von Termiten und Ameisen fĂŒr die BodenumwĂ€lzung beurteilen zu können, erfasste ich im zweiten Teil der Arbeit zunĂ€chst die natĂŒrlichen Schwankungen im Trockengewicht der in jedem Untersuchungsgebiet oberirdisch vorhandenen biogenen Strukturen. Die Ergebnisse veranschaulichen eindrucksvoll, dass: 1. Termiten in allen Untersuchungsgebieten die HauptumwĂ€lzer, Ameisenstrukturen dagegen von untergeordneter Bedeutung fĂŒr die Bioturbation waren; 2. RegenwĂŒrmer und grasfressende Termiten in der regenreicheren Nord-Sudanregion wesentlich zur BodenumwĂ€lzung beitrugen; 3. die Gesamtmasse der umgewĂ€lzten Erde von Jahr zu Jahr schwankte, die relative Bedeutung beider Taxa fĂŒr die Bioturbation jedoch ziemlich konstant war; 4. in der Sub-Sahelzone die wichtige Funktion der BodenumwĂ€lzung vollstĂ€ndig von pilzzĂŒchtenden Macrotermes- und Odontotermes-Arten ĂŒbernommen wird, die zusammen große Mengen von feinkörnigem Bodenmaterial an die OberflĂ€che transportieren. Dadurch sank mit zunehmender Habitat-Rehabilitation der Gehalt an grobkörnigem Bodenmaterial in den oberen Bodenschichten und reicherte sich zunehmend in den tieferen Horizonten an. Im anwendungsbezogen Teil der Arbeit konzentrierte ich mich daher auf die Bioturbationsleistung pilzzĂŒchtender Termiten in den vier Hauptstadien des ZaĂŻ-Systems: der degradierten FlĂ€che (Ausgangsstadium der vier Sukzessionsstadien), dem Hirsefeld, dem jungen und dem alten ZaĂŻ-Wald. In jedem dieser vier Sukzessionsstadien wurde die FuragiertĂ€tigkeit von pilzzĂŒchtenden Termiten folgendermaßen angeregt: Es wurden neun Versuchsblöcke installiert, mit je vier Unterquadraten mit einer FlĂ€che von 1 m2. Drei der Unterquadrate wurde mit unterschiedlichen, lokal verfĂŒgbaren organischen Materialien bedeckt (mit Aristida kerstingii Stroh, Bombax costatum Holz, Kompost), eines blieb als Kontrolle ohne organisches Material. Das vierwöchige Experiment wurde zweimal durchgefĂŒhrt (Regenzeit 2005, Trockenzeit 2006). Dabei wurden die UntersuchungsflĂ€chen regelmĂ€ĂŸig auf TermitenaktivitĂ€t ĂŒberprĂŒft und die Zunahme der “soil-sheetings“ kartiert. Nach vier Wochen wurde: i. Die gesamte Termitenerde gesammelt, luftgetrocknet und fĂŒr jede Gattung getrennt gewogen; ii. die Furagierlöcher gezĂ€hlt und ihr Durchmesser vermessen; iii. in ausgewĂ€hlten FlĂ€chen die Wasserinfiltrationsrate gemessen; iv. die physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften der Sheeting-Erde analysiert. Sobald das Stroh in einem Unterquadrat abgetragen war, wurde nach den betreffenden Messungen (s. oben i. und ii.) neues aufgebracht. Der Vergleich der Ergebnisse beider DurchlĂ€ufe zeigte deutlich, dass Stroh der attraktivste Köder war. FĂŒr jedes Gramm abgetragenes Stroh wurden von Odontotermes etwa 12 g, von Macrotermes etwa 4 g Erde an die OberflĂ€che gebracht. Odontotermes war die einzige Gattung, die in der degradierten FlĂ€che von organischem Material angelockt wurde. Sie ist damit der entscheidende primĂ€re physikalische Ökosystem-Ingenieur im ZaĂŻ-System, der den Restaurierungsprozess anstĂ¶ĂŸt. Mit zunehmender Habitatsanierung nahm die Menge der umgewĂ€lzten Erde stark zu: In den 36 Unterquadraten der degradierten FlĂ€che bewegte Odontotermes insgesamt 31,8 Tonnen Erde pro Hektar und Monat Trockenzeit, in denen der Hirsefelder insgesamt 32,4 Tonnen. Beide Gattungen zusammen bewegten im jungen ZaĂŻ-Wald insgesamt 138,9 Tonnen, im alten Wald 215,5 Tonnen Erde pro Hektar und Monat Trockenzeit. In jedem Sukzessionsstadium waren sowohl die BodenumwĂ€lzung als auch die Anzahl der Furagierlöcher in den VersuchsflĂ€chen mit Stroh am grĂ¶ĂŸten, gefolgt von denen mit Kompost, dann denen mit Holz und zuletzt den KontrollflĂ€chen. Die FuragiertĂ€tigkeit der pilzzĂŒchtenden Termiten fĂŒhrte zu einer starken Zunahme der MakroporositĂ€t des Oberbodens. Nach einem Monat induzierter FraßaktivitĂ€t stieg im Mittel die Anzahl der Furagierlöcher pro Quadratmeter von 142 in der degradierten FlĂ€che auf 921 Löcher im alten ZaĂŻ Wald. Die bei der Nahrungssuche gegrabenen GĂ€nge und Löcher fĂŒhrten zu einem signifikanten Anstieg der Wasserinfiltrationsrate, im Mittel um den Faktor 2–4. Nur wenige vergleichbare Zahlen konnten in der Literatur gefunden werden. Bei den Untersuchungen von Mando and Miedema (1997) im Norden von Burkina Faso wĂ€lzten die beiden Gattungen nach Mulchen mit einem Holz-Stroh-Gemisch Sheetings mit einem Trockengewicht von insgesamt 20 Tonnen je Hektar und Monat Trockenzeit um. Im Senegal wurden in VersuchsflĂ€chen mit starker FuragieraktivitĂ€t rund 10 Tonnen Erde bewegt (Rouland et al. 2003). Laboranalysen ergaben, dass sich Sheeting-Erde stark sowohl von der entsprechenden Kont

    Termites and Ants in Burkina Faso (West Africa): Taxonomic and Functional Diversity along Land-Use Gradients; Ecosystem Services of Termites in the Traditional ZaĂŻ System

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    The consequences of habitat change for human well-being are assumed to be especially extreme in Burkina Faso. The country is located in a highly drought-sensitive zone of West Africa, and small‐scale subsistence farmers may be especially affected if losses of biodiversity lead to changes in ecosystem functioning; many depend on more or less degraded lands for agricultural production. The overall aim of the present thesis consequently was to characterize the functional traits of soil-organisms which are crucial for a productive and balanced soil environment in the study region – termites and ants. They are true ecosystem engineers whose activity alters the habitat. Through soil-turnover in the course of constructing biogenic structures of varying size and nature (mounds, nests, galleries, soil-sheetings, foraging-holes), they bioturbate huge amounts of soil masses and exert massive effects on soil structure, positively influencing the fertility, stability, aeration and water infiltration rate into soils; and they provide habitats for other species. In sub-Saharan Africa, ants and termites are the only active soil macrofauna during the long dry season; in the sub-Sahel zone of Burkina Faso, termites even represent the only active, quantitatively remarkable decomposers all year round. Since no information was available about the actual diversity of the focal arthropods, I divided the thesis in two main parts: In the first part, a baseline study, I assessed the local termite and ant fauna, and investigated their quantitative and qualitative response to changing habitat parameters resulting from increasing human impact (‘functional response traits’). In the second and applied part, I addressed the impact of the biogenic structures which are important for the restoration of degraded soils (‘functional effect traits’). Two traditional agricultural systems characteristic for the study region were selected. Each system represented a land-use intensification gradient comprising four distinct habitats now differing in the magnitude of human intervention but formerly having the same initial state. The first disturbance gradient, the temporal cross-section of a traditional soil water conservation technique to restore degraded heavily encrusted, barren soil named Zaï in Ouahigouya (Yatenga province, sub-Sahel zone); the second disturbance gradient, an agriculture type using crop rotation and fallow as nutrient management techniques near Fada N’Gourma (Gourma province, North-Sudanese zone). No standard protocol existed for the assessment of termite and ant diversity in semi-arid (agro-) ecosystems; two widely accepted standard protocols provided the basis for the newly revised and combined rapid assessment protocol ‘RAP’: the ALL protocol for leaf litter ants of Agosti and Alonso (2000), and the transect protocol for termites in tropical forests of Jones and Eggleton (2000). In each study site, three to four replicate transects were conducted during the rainy seasons (2004—2008). The RAP-protocol turned out to be very effective to characterize, compare and monitor the taxonomic and functional diversity of termites and ants; between 70% and 90% of the estimated total species richness were collected on all levels (transects, habitats, regions). Together in both regions, 65 ant species (25 genera) and 39 termite species (13 genera) were collected. These findings represent the first records for Burkina Faso. The data indicate a high sensitivity of termites and ants to land-use intensification. The diversity strongly decreased with increasing anthropogenic impact in the North-Sudan region. In total, 53 ant species (23 genera) and 31 termite species (12 genera) were found. Very promising results concerning the recovery potential of the soil-arthropods’ diversity were gathered in the Zaï system. The diversity of both taxa strongly increased with increasing habitat rehabilitation – in total, 41 ant species (16 genera) and 33 termite species (11 genera) were collected. For both taxa significant differences could be noted in the shape of the density variations along the gradient. For instance termites: Fungus-growers showed the greatest adaptability to different management practices. The greatest variations between the habitats were observed in soil and grass-feeding termites. Whole functional groups were missing in heavily impacted habitats, e.g. soil-, grass-, and wood-feeders were absent in the degraded site in the sub-Sahel zone. Several environmental parameters could be identified which significantly explained a great part of the variations in the composition of the arthropods’ communities; they indicate the importance of the habitats’ structural complexity (vegetation structure) and concomitant effects on diurnal temperature and moisture fluctuations, the availability of food sources, and the soil-structure. The diversity of termites in the sub-Sahel region was strongly correlated with the crown-cover percentages, the topsoils’ sand-content, and the availability of litter; in the North-Sudan region with the cumulated woody plant basal area, the topsoils’ clay- and organic matter-content. The parameters identified for ant communities in the Zaï system, were the height of trees, the topsoils’ clay-content and air humidity; in the North-Sudan region the habitats’ crown-cover percentages, the quantity of litter and again the height of trees. In the second part of the thesis, I first rapidly assessed the (natural) variations in the amount of epigeal soil-structures along the two disturbance gradients in order to judge the relative importance of termites and ants for soil-turnover. The results illustrated impressively that a) in all study sites, termites were the main bioturbators while ant structures were of minor importance for soil turn-over; b) earthworms and grass-feeding termites contributed significantly to soil turn-over in the more humid North-Sudan region; and c) the bioturbated soil mass varied between seasons and years, however, the relative importance of the different taxa seemed to be fairly constant. In the sub-Sahel zone, fungus-growing Odontotermes and Macrotermes species fully take over the important function of bioturbation, leading to the transport of huge amounts of fine-textured soil material to the surface; with increasing habitat restoration, coarse fragments decreased in the upper horizons and became concentrated deeper along the soil profile. Consequently, in the applied part, I concentrated on the bioturbation activity of fungus-growing termites in the four main stages of the Zaï system: crusted bare soil (initial stage), millet field, young and old forest. In each of the four Zaï sites nine experimental blocks (each comprising four plots of 1m2) were used to stimulate the foraging activity of fungus-growing termites with different, locally available organic materials (Aristida kerstingii hay, Bombax costatum wooden blocks, compost and a control without any organic amendment). The experiment was conducted twice for the duration of four weeks (rainy season 2005, dry season 2006). The plots were regularly checked and the increase of the area covered by sheetings chronologically followed. After four weeks a) all sheeting-soil was collected, air dried and separately weighed according to the different genera, and b) the foraging-holes were counted and their diameter measured. Additionally, c) ponded water infiltration was measured in selected plots, and d) the physicochemical properties of sheeting-soil were analyzed. In case of complete consumption of the offered hay during the experimental 4-weeks-duration, the same procedure (a, b) was followed before adding new hay to the respective plot. The comparison between the different plots, sites and seasons revealed clearly that hay was the most attractive bait; for each gram of hay removed, Odontotermes brought about 12 g soil to the surface, Macrotermes 4 g. Odontotermes was the only genus attracted by organic material to the degraded area, and was therefore the decisive primary physical ecosystem engineer in the Zaï system, initiating the restoration process. The mass of soil bioturbated in the course of foraging increased strongly from the degraded, barren towards the most rehabilitated reforested site. Combining all 36 experimental plots per Zaï stage, Odontotermes bioturbated 31.8 tons of soil per hectare and month dry season in the degraded area, and 32.4 tons ha-1 mon-1 in the millet fields; both genera moved 138.9 tons ha-1 mon-1 in the young and 215.5 tons ha-1 mon-1 in the old Zaï forest. Few comparable figures were found in the literature. In northern Burkina Faso, both genera constructed 20 tons of sheetings ha-1 mon-1 after mulching with a straw-wood mixture (Mando & Miedema 1997), and in Senegal, around 10 tons ha-1 mon-1 were moved in heavily foraged plots (Rouland et al. 2003). Within a site, soil turn-over and the number of foraging holes created was always highest in hay, followed by compost, then by wood and in the end control. The fungus-growers’ foraging-activity was leading to an enormous increase in surface pore space – after one month of induced foraging activity in hay-plots, the median number of foraging-holes increased from 142 m-2 in the degraded site up to 921 m-2 in the old Zaï forest. The creation of subterranean galleries and macropores significantly increased the water infiltration rate by a mean factor 2–4. Laboratory analyses revealed that sheeting-soil differed strongly from the respective control soil as well as between the seasons, the food-type covered, and the two genera. Odontotermes-sheetings differed in more parameters than Macrotermes-sheetings, and dry season sheetings differed in more parameters (and more strongly) than rainy season sheetings. In the present study, soil organic matter, carbon and nitrogen contents were significantly increased in all dry season sheetings; in the rainy season mainly in those built on compost. Texture analysis pointed out that both genera used topsoil and soil from deeper horizons in varying mixture ratios, thereby supporting findings of Jouquet et al. (2006). To summarize, the present thesis contributes to a better understanding of the functional response traits of termites and ants to changing environmental parameters resulting from increasing human impact. The RAP-protocol represents an easy-to-learn and very effective method to representatively characterize, compare and monitor the taxonomic and functional diversity of termites and ants. The experiment has provided conclusive evidence of the importance of the consideration of fungus-growing termites (particularly Odontotermes and Macrotermes species) when aiming to restore infertile, degraded and crusted soils and to maintain a sustainable agricultural production in the Sahel‐Sudanese zone of West Africa

    Effet du zaï amélioré sur la productivité du sorgho en zone sahélienne

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    La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a pour objectif de montrer qu’en combinant la gestion de l’eau et de la matiĂšre organique avec la technique de zaĂŻ de restauration des sols, on peut assurer une meilleure production des cultures sur les sols dĂ©gradĂ©s. Dans ce cadre, un dispositif expĂ©rimental en blocs de Fischer randomisĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour tester la capacitĂ© de germination, la croissance et le rendement du sorgho sur les sols dĂ©gradĂ©s en fonction de la taille des poquets et des amendements organiques. En se basant sur les diffĂ©rents niveaux de ces deux facteurs, ce dispositif est constituĂ© de 32 parcelles Ă©lĂ©mentaires reprĂ©sentant 8 traitements factoriels (2 x 4) et 4 rĂ©plications. Les rĂ©sultats montrent un effet significatif de la taille des poquets et du type d’amendement sur la germination, la croissance et le rendement du sorgho. Le rendement en grains varie entre 383,10 ± 32,13 kg/ha dans les grands poquets de zaĂŻ + compost et 5,77 ± 1,90 kg/ha dans les petits poquets de zaĂŻ sans amendement. Les grands poquets augmentent les rendements en grains surtout au niveau des traitements zaĂŻ + compost dont ils amĂ©liorent significativement les rendements de 25 % par rapport aux petits poquets. La technique du zaĂŻ avec les grands poquets associĂ©e Ă  l’amendement du compost peut donc permettre une production soutenue de la culture sur les terres dĂ©gradĂ©es en zone sahĂ©lienne.Impact of improved zaĂŻ on the yield of sorghum in sahelian zone. The present study aims to show that the effect of the organic matter and water management with zaĂŻ soil restoration technique, could improve agricultural productions on degraded soils. For this purpose, a random block experimental design of Fisher was used to test the germination capacity, the growth and the yield of sorghum on degraded land following zaĂŻ hole size and organic input. Base on different levels of these two factors, this design is formed by 32 plots accounting for 8 factorial treatments (2 x 4) and 4 replications. The results showed a significant effect of the size of the zai hole, the type of organic materiel input on the germination capacity, the growth and the yield of sorghum. The grain yield is ranged from 383, 10 ± 32, 13 kg/ha in zai big hole associated with compost input to 5, 77 ± 1, 90 kg/ha in small hole without organic input. The big holes increased grain yields especially in compost input treatment whose yields were 25 % higher than in small holes. The zai system with big hole associated with compost input could stand the agriculture productions on degraded land in sahelian zone

    Effet du zaï amélioré sur la productivité du sorgho en zone sahélienne

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    Impact of improved zaï on the yield of sorghum in sahelian zone. The present study aims to show that the effect of the organic matter and water management with zaï soil restoration technique, could improve agricultural productions on degraded soils. For this purpose, a random block experimental design of Fisher was used to test the germination capacity, the growth and the yield of sorghum on degraded land following zaï hole size and organic input. Base on different levels of these two factors, this design is formed by 32 plots accounting for 8 factorial treatments (2 x 4) and 4 replications. The results showed a significant effect of the size of the zai hole, the type of organic materiel input on the germination capacity, the growth and the yield of sorghum. The grain yield is ranged from 383, 10 ± 32, 13 kg/ha in zai big hole associated with compost input to 5, 77 ± 1, 90 kg/ha in small hole without organic input. The big holes increased grain yields especially in compost input treatment whose yields were 25 % higher than in small holes. The zai system with big hole associated with compost input could stand the agriculture productions on degraded land in sahelian zone

    Applying Records of Extant and Extinct Horseshoe Crab Abnormalities to Xiphosurid Conservation

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    Xiphosurids are marine chelicerates that have been subject to extensive biological and palaeontological scrutiny over the past two centuries. This research effort is fuelled by the unique anatomical and physiological characteristics of the group, a long fossil record with conserved morphology, and use as modern analogues for understanding extinct arthropod groups. Despite this extensive literature, abnormal xiphosurid specimens are somewhat understudied. Recent studies have documented malformed specimens, the majority of which are attributed to injuries and developmental complications. To augment this recent research, we present records of Limulus polyphemus and Tachypleus tridentatus with malformed with malformed appendages, cephalothoraces, thoracetrons, and telsons. Causes of abnormalities are discussed and attributed to moulting issues and injuries. Three new examples of abnormal fossil xiphosurids are also presented: Euproops danae and Mesolimulus walchi specimens with cephalothoracic injuries and one specimen of M. walchi displaying a curved telson. We conclude that documenting abnormalities within populations may aid identification of spawning areas that require conservation attention. These oddities represent a potential avenue to minimize the population threats currently facing these unique chelicerates

    Habitat and developmental constraints drove 330 million years of horseshoe crab evolution

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    Records of evolutionary stasis over time are central to uncovering large-scale evolutionary modes, whether by long-term gradual change or via enduring stability punctuated by rapid shifts. The key to this discussion is to identify and examine groups with long fossil records that, ideally, extend to the present day. One group often regarded as the quintessential example of stasis is Xiphosurida, the horseshoe crabs. However, when, how and, particularly, why stasis arose in xiphosurids remain fundamental, but complex, questions. Here, we explore the protracted history of fossil and living xiphosurids and demonstrate two levels of evolutionary stability: developmental stasis since at least the Pennsylvanian and shape stasis since the Late Jurassic. Furthermore, shape and diversity are punctuated by two high-disparity episodes during the Carboniferous and Triassic – transitions that coincide with forays into habitation of marginal environments. In an exception to these general patterns, body size increased gradually over this period and, thus, cannot be described under the same, often-touted, static models of evolution. Therefore, we demonstrate that evolutionary stasis can be modular and fixed within the same group at different periods and in different biological traits, while other traits experience altogether different evolutionary modes. This mosaic in the tempo and mode of evolution is not unique to Xiphosurida but likely reflects variable mechanisms acting on biological traits, for example transitions in life modes, niche occupation and major evolutionary radiations