2 research outputs found

    Migracijos kaip demografinio pokyčio elemento Europos Sąjungos kontekste analizė

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    According to the demographic tendencies of the last decade the growth of population in the EU is mostly influenced by migration processes. Recently some publications have appeared dealing with the problems of the migration process and deviation from the demographic balance emphasizing some demographic development contravention. Considering that today's developed countries face with a new demographic problem - ageing of society as well as a higher living standard which determined unexplained phenomenon - decreasing birth rate, migration phenomenon can be analysed as the inevitable element of demographic changes because from the demographic aspect birth rate only increases population number whereas death rate only decreases it, consequently, migration will increase or will decrease population number in a particular place depending on the factors influencing it

    Emigracijos prielaidų įtaka žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtrai Lietuvoje

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    Free movement of work force, although somewhat limited during transitional periods, provided freedom to choose both a place for work and living not only in the home country but also in the whole of the European Union. Increasing work force demand due to economic growth and aging of the local labour force in Western European countries promotes labour mobility. With regards to a considerably lower employment level, differences in income, career opportunities and migration, this context of technological and global market growth is characterized by a clear growth of labour force movement, as the main manufacturing and service factor. Soon after integration large numbers of Lithuanian citizens in their turn used these opportunities