643 research outputs found

    Play Matters

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    Play is a natural life enhancing daily occurrence

    The Role of Women in Occupational Health and Safety Management: A Gender Perspective

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    This article reviews and analyses literature on the role of women in occupational health and safety (OHS) management and proposes strategies for involving women in safety and health management at work. This is based on the fact that ensuring a safe and secure workplace for all, regardless of gender or any form of discrimination is an important part of OHS management. This is due to the many reported incidents of discrimination and bias against women at work places. Based on the view of that safety for women is paramount in the production of goods and services in work places, I argue that the safety and health of women in work places is a critical enabling factor for not only inclusivity but also wholesome production of good and services. Therefore, ensuring safety and health of women in work places requires a holistic approach that encompasses a thorough grounding in knowledge about the basics of safety and health in general. Based on these arguments, I make the point that providing training and education opportunities for women in health and safety management can help to build their skills and knowledge and increase their confidence and competence in the field. More so, creating a culture of diversity and inclusion can help to promote equal opportunities for women in health and safety management, as well as eliminate bias and discrimination

    Les parias des houillères du Chikuhō : assimilation ou surdiscrimination ?

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    La région du Chikuhō (Kyūshū) reste fortement associée à l’histoire du charbon. Les liens entre communautés de parias (burakumin) et l’industrie de la houille y sont moins connus, l’historiographie d’après-guerre ayant peu abordé cette question. Les communautés buraku sont pourtant bien présentes dans le Chikuhō, le plus souvent à proximité des anciennes mines. Nous montrons ainsi qu’il existe un lien organique, entre la présence buraku dans le Chikuhō et l’industrie du charbon, procédant de facteurs historiques et sociaux. L’industrialisation des houillères à la fin du xixe siècle aurait pu conduire à l’intégration de ces burakumin au sein de la classe ouvrière émergente. Mais la discrimination a pourtant perduré au sein du prolétariat minier et fit même partie des stratégies de certains groupes industriels pour la gestion des populations ouvrières. Cette question de la spécificité buraku s’est aussi posée au mouvement ouvrier, au sein des syndicats et dans les stratégies du Parti communiste japonais. La nature et l’évolution du rapport des groupes de défense des burakumin aux autres syndicats de mineurs ont ainsi évolué, selon les impératifs du moment et les rapports de force, entre solidarité, alliance et subordination.The region of Chikuhō (Kyūshū) remains strongly associated with a long history of coal mining. The links between outcast communities (burakumin) and the coal industry are less well known, as post-war historiography has hardly broached the subject. However, buraku communities are well represented in Chikuhō, most often in the vicinity of former mines. We show that there is an organic link, between the buraku presence in Chikuhō and the coal industry, stemming from historical and social factors. The industrialization of the coal mines at the end of the 19th century could have led to the integration of these burakumin into the emerging working class. But discrimination persisted within the mining proletariat and was even part of the strategies of some industrial groups for the management of the working-class populations. This question of buraku specificity has also been raised within the workers’ movement, the labor unions and in the strategies of the Japanese Communist Party. The nature and evolution of the relationship between burakumin defense groups and other miners’ unions has thus evolved, in accordance with punctual imperatives and the balance of power, between solidarity, alliance and subordination

    Everyone benefits when children play

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    Early Childhood Australia (ECA), advocates for the rights of all young children during the critical early years (from birth to the age of eight), to thrive and learn through play at home, in the community, within early learning and care settings and through the early years of school

    The Coal-mining Pariahs of ChikuhĹŤ. Assimilation or Over-Discrimination?

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    The Chikuhō region of northern Kyūshū remains strongly associated with coal-mining history. Much less well known, however, is the link between coal mining and the outcast burakumin communities, as post-war historical research has been relatively silent on the issue. And yet, Chikuhō has a particularly high concentration of buraku communities, often living in close vicinity to disused mines. This paper will show a direct link between the buraku presence in Chikuhō and the coal-mining industry, essentially resulting from historical and social factors. The industrialisation of the mines at the end of the nineteenth century could have led to the integration of burakumin into the nascent working class. Instead, discrimination persisted within the mining proletariat and was even leveraged by certain industrial groups as a means of managing working-class populations. The issue of buraku specificity was also addressed within the labour movement, by the unions and in the strategies of the Japanese Communist Party. Relations between burakumin defence groups and the other mining unions thus fluctuated according to the shifting balance of power, ranging from solidarity and alliance to subordination.La région du Chikuhō (Kyūshū) reste fortement associée à l’histoire du charbon. Les liens entre communautés de parias (burakumin) et l’industrie de la houille y sont moins connus, l’historiographie d’après-guerre ayant peu abordé cette question. Les communautés buraku sont pourtant bien présentes dans le Chikuhō, le plus souvent à proximité des anciennes mines. Nous montrons ainsi qu’il existe un lien organique, entre la présence buraku dans le Chikuhō et l’industrie du charbon, procédant de facteurs historiques et sociaux. L’industrialisation des houillères à la fin du xixe siècle aurait pu conduire à l’intégration de ces burakumin au sein de la classe ouvrière émergente. Mais la discrimination a pourtant perduré au sein du prolétariat minier et fit même partie des stratégies de certains groupes industriels pour la gestion des populations ouvrières. Cette question de la spécificité buraku s’est aussi posée au mouvement ouvrier, au sein des syndicats et dans les stratégies du Parti communiste japonais. La nature et l’évolution du rapport des groupes de défense des burakumin aux autres syndicats de mineurs ont ainsi évolué, selon les impératifs du moment et les rapports de force, entre solidarité, alliance et subordination

    Management of School-Community Conflicts in Selected Primary Schools of Livingstone District of Zambia

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse school-community conflict management strategies in selected primary schools of Livingstone district. The objectives of the study were to find out if conflicts existed between the school and the community, to establish the types of conflicts that existed and to find out the strategies which management used in resolving these conflicts between school and community in selected primary schools of Livingstone district. The study embraced a qualitative descriptive design and homogenous purposive sampling was used to select a total number of 102 participants. Twenty four teachers were subjected to semi structured interviews while 18 members of the parent teacher committee (PTC) and 60 pupils were subjected to focus group discussions. Data was analyzed qualitatively using thematic analysis. The findings of the study showed that there were conflicts between schools and communities. The common types of school-community conflicts were government policy related, land boundaries, partisan political inclination, school fees , social life, matters of faith, pride, immorality, academic failure, unruliness, technological, material and property acquisition. The conflict management strategies included; home visitations for conflict mediation and arbitration, annual general meetings, admission of guilty on both sides, intervention of government authorities, disciplinary measures and involving civic, traditional and church leaders. This study recommended that there was need for the schools and the communities to understand the types of conflicts which existed between them. The government should set up periodic training in conflict management strategies tailored specifically to the school management and PTC. Parents and teachers should have more regular meetings to resolve the conflicts

    WA Play Charter

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    The WA Play Charter, drafted by the Play Matters Collective, is a declaration of the importance of play in children’s lives. By endorsing the WA Play Charter you are signalling your shared belief in the fundamental value of play to children’s health, happiness and development, and putting up your hand to support a more playful world for the children in your care and in your community

    Efficient Algorithms for Graphs with Few P-4’s

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    We show that a large variety of NP-complete problems can be solved efficiently for graphs with \u27few\u27 P4\u27s. We consider domination problems (domination, total domination, independent domination. connected domination and dominating clique), the Steiner tree problem, the vertex ranking problem, the pathwidth problem, the path cover number problem, the hamiltonian circuit problem, the list coloring problem and the precoloring extension problem. We show that all these problems can be solved in linear time for the class of (q,q - 4)-graphs, for every fixed q. These are graphs for which no set of at most q. vertices induces more than q - 4 different P4\u27s. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    La auditoría de cumplimiento y su influencia en la ejecución de obras por contrato en la municipalidad distrital de Quiquijana – Quispicanchi Cusco, período 2021

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    La auditoría de cumplimiento es una herramienta de fiscalización y control de calidad en la gestión de las entidades públicas. Demuestra el efecto en los resultados obtenidos, respecto a la captación, uso y destino de los recursos del Estado y promueve la eficiencia, eficacia, economía y transparencia en el manejo de los recursos, que coadyuve el cumplimiento de las metas y objetivos institucionales. Al identificar los principales factores que afectan la eficiencia de los procesos de licitación pública de proyectos de construcción y hacer propuestas para reducir su frecuencia, se evitan pérdidas económicas significativas. En este sentido, de acuerdo con el problema descrito, es importante establecer como medidas de control la aplicación de nuevos enfoques para la auditoría de cumplimiento a fin de hacer que el control de la legalidad sea más efectivo en las entidades sujetas al ámbito del Sistema Nacional de Control, que ayuda a garantizar el uso y la asignación adecuada de los recursos y activos de la Municipalidad Distrital de Quiquijana, Provincia de Quispicanchi y departamento del Cusco. En razón a ello el trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar si la Auditoría de Cumplimiento influye en la ejecución de obras por contrato en la Municipalidad Distrital de Quiquijana-Quispicanchi-Cusco, período 2021. Adicionalmente, se busca conocer más a fondo las actividades que realizan las dependencias del Estado peruano para combatir este mal, en particular con la actuación de la Contraloría General de la República
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