104 research outputs found

    Rechenfehler oder IrrefĂŒhrung? Eine kurze Replik auf Ernst Rösner

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    Der Autor gibt eine kurze, kritische Feststellung zum Kommentar von Ernst Rösner auf seinen (Kai S. Cortina) Aufsatz zum Schulartwechsel in der Sekundarstufe I. (DIPF/jk.

    Optimizing teaching and learning from an empirical perspective

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    Angesichts des Übergewichts der kritischen Auseinandersetzungen mit Optimierungsdiskursen und -praktiken in diesem Thementeil versucht der Autor in seinem Beitrag, eine Lanze fĂŒr das Optimierungsparadigma zu brechen. Zumindest fĂŒr eine quantitativ ausgerichtete Bildungsforschung sei die Orientierung auf eine Verbesserung des Lernens und Lehrens eine triviale SelbstverstĂ€ndlichkeit. Die zentrale These lautet: "Nicht das Optimierungsparadigma selbst ist pĂ€dagogisch kontrovers, sondern die VerstĂ€ndigung darĂŒber, welche Ziele im Schulwesen mit welcher PrioritĂ€t auf welcher Ebene verfolgt werden". Die FĂ€higkeit zum tĂ€glichen Austarieren konkurrierender und mitunter konfligierender Ziele sei eine Kernkompetenz pĂ€dagogischer Akteurinnen und Akteure, die sich selbst aber in keinem Kompetenzmodell objektivieren lĂ€sst. (DIPF/Orig.

    School Belonging in Different Cultures: The Effects of Individualism and Power Distance

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    Limited evidence exists on how the larger cultural framework affects psychological processes related to schooling. We investigated how the cultural dimensions of indi- vidualism/collectivism and power distance in uence the sense of school belongingness using 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment survey data on 15-year-old students from 31 countries. Hierarchical linear modeling analysis indicated that power distance (i.e., hierarchical nature of social relationships) is a better predictor of school belongingness on the cultural level than individualism/collectivism. Accordingly, students living in cultures with high degree of power distance (particularly East Asian countries in these data sets) report lower school belongingness than students living in cultures with more lateral power relationships (Western countries). Positive teacher student relations and preference for cooperative learning environment predict higher school belonging- ness across cultures.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147229/1/Cortina, Arel, Smith-Darden 2017.pdfDescription of Cortina, Arel, Smith-Darden 2017.pdf : main articl

    Noticing and weighing alternatives in the reflection of regular classroom teaching: Evidence of expertise using mobile eye-tracking

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    Instructional videos are widely used to study teachers’ professional vision. A new technological development in video research is mobile eye-tracking (MET). It has the potential to provide fine-grained insights into teachers’ professional vision in action, but has yet been scarcely employed. We addressed this research gap by using MET video feedback to examine how expert and novice teachers differed in their noticing and weighing of alternative teaching strategies. Expert and novice teachers’ lessons were recorded with MET devices. Then, they commented on what they observe while watching their own teaching videos. Using a mixed methods approach, we found that expert and novice teachers did not differ in the number of classroom events they noticed and alternative teaching strategies they mentioned. However, novice teachers were more critical of their own teaching than expert teachers, particularly when they considered alternative teaching strategies. Practical implications for the field of teacher education are discussed

    Noticing and weighing alternatives in the reflection of regular classroom teaching: Evidence of expertise using mobile eye-tracking

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    Instructional videos are widely used to study teachers’ professional vision. A new technological development in video research is mobile eye-tracking (MET). It has the potential to provide fine-grained insights into teachers’ professional vision in action, but has yet been scarcely employed. We addressed this research gap by using MET video feedback to examine how expert and novice teachers differed in their noticing and weighing of alternative teaching strategies. Expert and novice teachers’ lessons were recorded with MET devices. Then, they commented on what they observe while watching their own teaching videos. Using a mixed methods approach, we found that expert and novice teachers did not differ in the number of classroom events they noticed and alternative teaching strategies they mentioned. However, novice teachers were more critical of their own teaching than expert teachers, particularly when they considered alternative teaching strategies. Practical implications for the field of teacher education are discussed. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Wandering eyes: Eye movements during mind wandering in video lectures

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154300/1/acp3632_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154300/2/acp3632.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154300/3/acp3632-sup-0001-Suppinfo.pd

    No Second Chance to Make a First Impression: The “Thin‐Slice” Effect on Instructor Ratings and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134071/1/jedm12116_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134071/2/jedm12116.pd

    Ignored differences, illegitimate disparities. The disparity discourse in educational research and its trend towards routine-blindedness

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    Die Dokumentation von LeistungsdisparitĂ€ten ist ein zentrales Element des Bildungsmonitoring, wobei auf einen begrenzten Kanon von Differenzkategorien Bezug genommen wird, mit deren Hilfe Bildungs(un)gerechtigkeit sichtbar wird. Diese Auswahl ‚\u27berichtsrelevanter\u27 Kategorien offenbart ein implizit normatives VerstĂ€ndnis von Bildungsgerechtigkeit, das andere relevante Ungerechtigkeitsursachen ausblendet. Am Beispiel sozialer Herkunftseffekte wird argumentiert, dass eine pĂ€dagogische Betrachtung von Bildungsprozessen zu einem nuancierteren VerstĂ€ndnis von Bildungserfolg fĂŒhrt als eine bildungssoziologische Betrachtung. Basierend auf der Unterscheidung zwischen \u27legitimen\u27 und \u27illegitimen\u27 HeterogenitĂ€tsursachen wird gezeigt, dass BildungsdisparitĂ€ten in der Regel auf komplexe Kausalprozesse verweisen und Bildungsdifferenzen mit Blick auf autonomes Handeln legitim sein können, auch ohne meritokratisch legitimierbar zu sein. (DIPF/Orig.)Documenting disparities in academic achievement is a key element in educational system monitoring but it is limited to a set of demographic categories to document injustice prevalent in the system. The selection of categories reveals a normative understanding of educational justice that ignores other causes of injustice. Using the example of effect of social background it is argued that a pedagogical perspective on educational processes leads to a more nuanced understanding of educational success than a sociological point of view. Introducing the distinction of legitimate and illegitimate causes of heterogeneity the authors demonstrate that causal mechanisms are complex and differences can be legitimately if they are based on autonomous decisions even if they do not follow meritocratic principles. (DIPF/Orig.
