32 research outputs found

    Respon Adaptif Kumbang Lembing Pemakan D Aun Henospilachna Vigintioctopunctata (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Epilachninae) Dan Tumbuhaninangnya Terhadap Musim Kemarau Didaerah Beriklim Tropis Kering Pasuruan Dan Malang - Jawatimur [Adaptive Res

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    Adaptive responses of an herbivorous ladybird beetle Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (Epilachninae) and the host plants to dry season were studied in Pasuruan and Malang, East Java. Nineteen species of host plants of the beetle have been recorded in Java, however only fiveteen species are found as preferred host plants of the beetles in Pasuruan and Malang. During the season beetles tend to prefer the plants of Datura metel, Brugmansia spp., Solanum melongena, S. torvum, S. pseudocapsicum, and 5. nigrum as their hosts and this might course strong damage to the plants.It is obvious that the beetles tend to move to the humid places to find more suitable food. It is also found that during the days of drought, the beetles feed on eggplant fruits by tunnelling into the flash of the fruits.Some of the beetles ovaries would not develop in the drought and a part of them might enter the diapause stage.Other responses of the beetles to drought will be discussed in the paper

    Penyerbukan Pada Pinang Yaki (Areca Vestiaria) Di Kebun Raya Bogor

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    N. UTAMI & SIH KAHONO. 1988. Pollination on the pinang yaki (Areca vestiaria Giseke) in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Berita Biologi 3(9): 470 -472.Morphology,flowering biology of the pinang yaki was observed at the Bogor Botanical Gardens.This plant i&imonocious and self pollinated. However,insect visitors appear to play an importantrole of fruit setting.It was showed that the number of fruits setting in isolated inflorescence were smaller than in unisolated inflorescence.During anthesis,the inflorescence were visited by ten species of insects,and Trigona iridipennis was suspected as the palm pollinator

    Peranan Tumbuhan Liar Dalam Konservasi Serangga Penyerbuk Ordo Hymenoptera

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    The role of the wild plants in relation to the conservation of the Indonesian insectpollinators was studied at several areas of Java. Three of direct observationmethods were applied: study of biodiversity and observation on the wild flowersand the insect pollinators as well, and the behaviour of the insects. The flowersof wild plants were relatively smaller and paler in colour, however they were moreattractive to insect pollinators than cultivated plants. Flowering time of the wildplants was mostly during wet seasons, contrary to that of the cultivated plantswhich was mostly during dry seasons. Our observation indicated that these wildplants are the food resources of insect pollinators during wet seasons. Observationdata support the importance of wild plants to supply food to insect pollinatorsduring wet seasons. Management of wild and cultivated plant environments isnecessary to conserve insect pollinators

    Keanekaragaman Dan Kelimpahan Belalang Dan Kerabatnya (Orthoptera) Pada Dua Ekosistem Pegunungan Di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-Salak

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    A study on diversity and abundance of grasshopper and its relatives (Orthoptera) was conducted at two mountainous rainforest ecosystems (Mounts Kendeng and Botol) of Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park. A hundred meters of a line transect was used to sample and set up several insect traps (yellow pan, malaise, pit fall, bait pit fall, sweep net, and light traps), and insect sweepings as well. The light traps were set up at about fifty meters distance from the end of the sampling sites. A total individual collected by traps was combined on every comparable sampling site. Total individuals of the Orthoptera captured were 414; consisted of 25 species of 9 families. Both species diversity and number of families were higher at Mount Kendeng rather than Mount Botol. Number of species of each family usually similar except on family of Grillidae was much higher at Mount Kendeng. Species belong to Phasmidae was not recorded at Mount Kendeng, while species belong to both families of Gryllotalpidae and Tettigonidae were not captured at Mount Botol as well. Overal there was a difference in the species richness at each between. Shannon Diversity Index (H\u27) and evenness (E) were higher at Mount Kendeng (2.44 and 0.81) rather than Mount Botol (1.80 and 0.66). Similarity Index of Jaccard (Cj) and Sorenson (Cn) of both localities were similar (0.40 and 0.32). Herbivores were most dominant at both localities (Phasmidae, Tetrigidae, Acrididae, Gryllidae, dan Gryllotalpidae), followed by omnivores (Blattidae), scavenger (Gryllacrididae), and predator (Mantidae)

    A key to the genera and subgenera of stingless bees in Indonesia (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

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    Indonesia harbors the greatest diversity of social bees in all of Asia, particularly of the stingless bees (Apidae: Apinae: Meliponini). Presently, 46 species of stingless bees are known across Indonesia although records are not comprehensive and additional diversity is likely present across the region.  All of the known Asiatic genera of Meliponini occur in Indonesia, making this region a critical center of modern stingless bee biodiversity in Asia. Presented here is an illustrated key to the genera and subgenera of Indonesian stingless bees, as an aid to the general identification, study, and conservation of these critical pollinators

    Fluktuasi Curah Hujan Dan Komunitas Serangga Di Hutan Tropis Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun*[fluctuation of Rainfall and Insect Community in a Tropical Forest, Gunung Halimun National Park]

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    Study on fluctuation of rainfall and insect community was conducted in a tropical forest, Gunung Halimun National Park. Ten years rainfall data was available to discuss their fluctuations. Rainfall was relatively non-seasonal with high number of almost entire monthly rainfalls.Although fluctuation of rainfall in GHNP did not show clear seasonal trend, however appearance of less rainfall showed from June to September. There were several slight fluctuations in the number of rainfalls from a month to another and some time showed major and minor peaks. Monthly dry months had never reached 0 mm. In ordinary years, only one-month drought occurred in July 1991 (90 mm) and December 2000 (8 mm). Strong drought occurred only during El Nino of 1994 and 1997, which have 3 to 4 dry months. Fluctuation of insect community was studied from March 2000 up to February 2001. Two insect collection methods were applied by setting up light traps and pitfall traps. Total individual of each order of insect counted monthly and to be compared one to another. Changing the number of monthly individual of each order was interpreted to the number of monthly rainfall in order to analyze the relation of changing of the number of rainfall and the individual of each order of the insect collected. Fluctuation of the number of monthly rainfall was synchronous to the number of insect community collected by light traps (night flying insect) but tend to opposite to the number of insect collected by pitfall traps (ground insect)

    Studi pendahuluan lebah madu di beberapa daerah di Kecamatan Wamena dan sekitarnya, Jayawijaya, Irian Jaya

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    Kata kunci: lebah madu, Apis cerana, Koloni, Produksi, Lingaka

    Komunitas Serangga Pada Bunga Rafflesia Patma Blume (Rafflesiaceae) Di Luar Habitat Aslinya Kebun Raya Bogor Kota Bogor Provinsi Jawa Barat Indonesia

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    Insects Community on the Flower of Rafflesia patma Blume (Rafflesiaceae) in its Non NativeHabitat of Bogor Botanical Gardens, Bogor City, Province of West Java, Indonesia. The studywas conducted at the Bogor Botanical Gardens, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia using a bloomingfemale flower of R. patma. The insects were directly counted in the morning, noon, and afternoonon both fresh blooming and rotten R. patma . Twenty three insect species were collectedduring the study belonging to the order Coleoptera (2 families, 2 species, 5 individuals),Diptera (9 families, 18 species, 1176 individuals), and Hymenoptera (2 family, 4 species, 13individuals). Number of individuals of each insect species captured were frequently less than1.35% from total captured. There were specialization of flies visiting fresh opening flower andthe rotten one. Six species, Leiomyza laevigata (Asteiidae), Chrysomya megacephala, andHemipyrellia tagaliana (Calliphoridae), Stegana coleoptrata (Drosophilidae), Heteromyzaoculata and Tephrochlamys rufiventris (Heleomyzidae) were predicted as important pollinatorsof R. patma