14 research outputs found

    Glycosylation of hyperthermostable designer cellulosome components yields enhanced stability and cellulose hydrolysis

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    Biomass deconstruction remains integral for enabling second‐generation biofuel production at scale. However, several steps necessary to achieve significant solubilization of biomass, notably harsh pretreatment conditions, impose economic barriers to commercialization. By employing hyperthermostable cellulase machinery, biomass deconstruction can be made more efficient, leading to milder pretreatment conditions and ultimately lower production costs. The hyperthermophilic bacterium Caldicellulosiruptor bescii produces extremely active hyperthermostable cellulases, including the hyperactive multifunctional cellulase CbCel9A/Cel48A. Recombinant CbCel9A/Cel48A components have been previously produced in Escherichia coli and integrated into synthetic hyperthermophilic designer cellulosome complexes. Since then, glycosylation has been shown to be vital for the high activity and stability of CbCel9A/Cel48A. Here, we studied the impact of glycosylation on a hyperthermostable designer cellulosome system in which two of the cellulosomal components, the scaffoldin and the GH9 domain of CbCel9A/Cel48A, were glycosylated as a consequence of employing Ca. bescii as an expression host. Inclusion of the glycosylated components yielded an active cellulosome system that exhibited long‐term stability at 75 °C. The resulting glycosylated designer cellulosomes showed significantly greater synergistic activity compared to the enzymatic components alone, as well as higher thermostability than the analogous nonglycosylated designer cellulosomes. These results indicate that glycosylation can be used as an essential engineering tool to improve the properties of designer cellulosomes. Additionally, Ca. bescii was shown to be an attractive candidate for production of glycosylated designer cellulosome components, which may further promote the viability of this bacterium both as a cellulase expression host and as a potential consolidated bioprocessing platform organism

    Glycosylation of hyperthermostable designer cellulosome components yields enhanced stability and cellulose hydrolysis

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    Biomass deconstruction remains integral for enabling second‐generation biofuel production at scale. However, several steps necessary to achieve significant solubilization of biomass, notably harsh pretreatment conditions, impose economic barriers to commercialization. By employing hyperthermostable cellulase machinery, biomass deconstruction can be made more efficient, leading to milder pretreatment conditions and ultimately lower production costs. The hyperthermophilic bacterium Caldicellulosiruptor bescii produces extremely active hyperthermostable cellulases, including the hyperactive multifunctional cellulase CbCel9A/Cel48A. Recombinant CbCel9A/Cel48A components have been previously produced in Escherichia coli and integrated into synthetic hyperthermophilic designer cellulosome complexes. Since then, glycosylation has been shown to be vital for the high activity and stability of CbCel9A/Cel48A. Here, we studied the impact of glycosylation on a hyperthermostable designer cellulosome system in which two of the cellulosomal components, the scaffoldin and the GH9 domain of CbCel9A/Cel48A, were glycosylated as a consequence of employing Ca. bescii as an expression host. Inclusion of the glycosylated components yielded an active cellulosome system that exhibited long‐term stability at 75 °C. The resulting glycosylated designer cellulosomes showed significantly greater synergistic activity compared to the enzymatic components alone, as well as higher thermostability than the analogous nonglycosylated designer cellulosomes. These results indicate that glycosylation can be used as an essential engineering tool to improve the properties of designer cellulosomes. Additionally, Ca. bescii was shown to be an attractive candidate for production of glycosylated designer cellulosome components, which may further promote the viability of this bacterium both as a cellulase expression host and as a potential consolidated bioprocessing platform organism

    Enhancement of cellulosome-mediated deconstruction of cellulose by improving enzyme thermostability

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    Background: The concerted action of three complementary cellulases from Clostridium thermocellum, engineered to be stable at elevated temperatures, was examined on a cellulosic substrate and compared to that of the wild-type enzymes. Exoglucanase Cel48S and endoglucanase Cel8A, both key elements of the natural cellulosome from this bacterium, were engineered previously for increased thermostability, either by SCHEMA, a structure-guided, site-directed protein recombination method, or by consensus-guided mutagenesis combined with random mutagenesis using error-prone PCR, respectively. A thermostable β-glucosidase BglA mutant was also selected from a library generated by error-prone PCR that will assist the two cellulases in their methodic deconstruction of crystalline cellulose. The effects of a thermostable scaffoldin versus those of a largely mesophilic scaffoldin were also examined. By improving the stability of the enzyme subunits and the structural component, we aimed to improve cellulosome-mediated deconstruction of cellulosic substrates. Results: The results demonstrate that the combination of thermostable enzymes as free enzymes and a thermostable scaffoldin was more active on the cellulosic substrate than the wild-type enzymes. Significantly, “thermostable” designer cellulosomes exhibited a 1.7-fold enhancement in cellulose degradation compared to the action of conventional designer cellulosomes that contain the respective wild-type enzymes. For designer cellulosome formats, the use of the thermostabilized scaffoldin proved critical for enhanced enzymatic performance under conditions of high temperatures. Conclusions: Simple improvement in the activity of a given enzyme does not guarantee its suitability for use in an enzyme cocktail or as a designer cellulosome component. The true merit of improvement resides in its ultimate contribution to synergistic action, which can only be determined experimentally. The relevance of the mutated thermostable enzymes employed in this study as components in multienzyme systems has thus been confirmed using designer cellulosome technology. Enzyme integration via a thermostable scaffoldin is critical to the ultimate stability of the complex at higher temperatures. Engineering of thermostable cellulases and additional lignocellulosic enzymes may prove a determinant parameter for development of state-of-the-art designer cellulosomes for their employment in the conversion of cellulosic biomass to soluble sugars

    Enhancement of cellulosome-mediated deconstruction of cellulose by improving enzyme thermostability

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    Background: The concerted action of three complementary cellulases from Clostridium thermocellum, engineered to be stable at elevated temperatures, was examined on a cellulosic substrate and compared to that of the wild-type enzymes. Exoglucanase Cel48S and endoglucanase Cel8A, both key elements of the natural cellulosome from this bacterium, were engineered previously for increased thermostability, either by SCHEMA, a structure-guided, site-directed protein recombination method, or by consensus-guided mutagenesis combined with random mutagenesis using error-prone PCR, respectively. A thermostable β-glucosidase BglA mutant was also selected from a library generated by error-prone PCR that will assist the two cellulases in their methodic deconstruction of crystalline cellulose. The effects of a thermostable scaffoldin versus those of a largely mesophilic scaffoldin were also examined. By improving the stability of the enzyme subunits and the structural component, we aimed to improve cellulosome-mediated deconstruction of cellulosic substrates. Results: The results demonstrate that the combination of thermostable enzymes as free enzymes and a thermostable scaffoldin was more active on the cellulosic substrate than the wild-type enzymes. Significantly, “thermostable” designer cellulosomes exhibited a 1.7-fold enhancement in cellulose degradation compared to the action of conventional designer cellulosomes that contain the respective wild-type enzymes. For designer cellulosome formats, the use of the thermostabilized scaffoldin proved critical for enhanced enzymatic performance under conditions of high temperatures. Conclusions: Simple improvement in the activity of a given enzyme does not guarantee its suitability for use in an enzyme cocktail or as a designer cellulosome component. The true merit of improvement resides in its ultimate contribution to synergistic action, which can only be determined experimentally. The relevance of the mutated thermostable enzymes employed in this study as components in multienzyme systems has thus been confirmed using designer cellulosome technology. Enzyme integration via a thermostable scaffoldin is critical to the ultimate stability of the complex at higher temperatures. Engineering of thermostable cellulases and additional lignocellulosic enzymes may prove a determinant parameter for development of state-of-the-art designer cellulosomes for their employment in the conversion of cellulosic biomass to soluble sugars

    Creation of a functional hyperthermostable designer cellulosome

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    Background: Renewable energy has become a field of high interest over the past decade, and production of biofuels from cellulosic substrates has a particularly high potential as an alternative source of energy. Industrial deconstruction of biomass, however, is an onerous, exothermic process, the cost of which could be decreased significantly by use of hyperthermophilic enzymes. An efficient way of breaking down cellulosic substrates can also be achieved by highly efficient enzymatic complexes called cellulosomes. The modular architecture of these multi-enzyme complexes results in substrate targeting and proximity-based synergy among the resident enzymes. However, cellulosomes have not been observed in hyperthermophilic bacteria. Results: Here, we report the design and function of a novel hyperthermostable “designer cellulosome” system, which is stable and active at 75 °C. Enzymes from Caldicellulosiruptor bescii, a highly cellulolytic hyperthermophilic anaerobic bacterium, were selected and successfully converted to the cellulosomal mode by grafting onto them divergent dockerin modules that can be inserted in a precise manner into a thermostable chimaeric scaffoldin by virtue of their matching cohesins. Three pairs of cohesins and dockerins, selected from thermophilic microbes, were examined for their stability at extreme temperatures and were determined stable at 75 °C for at least 72 h. The resultant hyperthermostable cellulosome complex exhibited the highest levels of enzymatic activity on microcrystalline cellulose at 75 °C, compared to those of previously reported designer cellulosome systems and the native cellulosome from Clostridium thermocellum. Conclusion: The functional hyperthermophilic platform fulfills the appropriate physico-chemical properties required for exothermic processes. This system can thus be adapted for other types of thermostable enzyme systems and could serve as a basis for a variety of cellulolytic and non-cellulolytic industrial objectives at high temperatures

    Significance of Relative Position of Cellulases in Designer Cellulosomes for Optimized Cellulolysis

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    <div><p>Degradation of cellulose is of major interest in the quest for alternative sources of renewable energy, for its positive effects on environment and ecology, and for use in advanced biotechnological applications. Due to its microcrystalline organization, celluose is extremely difficult to degrade, although numerous microbes have evolved that produce the appropriate enzymes. The most efficient known natural cellulolytic system is produced by anaerobic bacteria, such as <i>C</i>. <i>thermocellum</i>, that possess a multi-enzymatic complex termed the cellulosome. Our laboratory has devised and developed the designer cellulosome concept, which consists of chimaeric scaffoldins for controlled incorporation of recombinant polysaccharide-degrading enzymes. Recently, we reported the creation of a combinatorial library of four cellulosomal modules comprising a basic chimaeric scaffoldin, i.e., a CBM and 3 divergent cohesin modules. Here, we employed selected members of this library to determine whether the position of defined cellulolytic enzymes is important for optimized degradation of a microcrystalline cellulosic substrate. For this purpose, 10 chimaeric scaffoldins were used for incorporation of three recombinant <i>Thermobifida fusca</i> enzymes: the processive endoglucanase Cel9A, endoglucanase Cel5A and exoglucanase Cel48A. In addition, we examined whether the characteristic properties of the <i>T</i>. <i>fusca</i> enzymes as designer cellulosome components are unique to this bacterium by replacing them with parallel enzymes from <i>Clostridium thermocellum</i>. The results support the contention that for a given set of cellulosomal enzymes, their relative position within a scaffoldin can be critical for optimal degradation of microcrystaline cellulosic substrates.</p></div

    Comparative Avicel degradation by recombinant enzymes from <i>C</i>. <i>thermocellum</i>, either (i) in the free state, (ii) bound to respective monovalent scaffoldins (CBM-restored) or (iii) bound to different chimaeric scaffoldins.

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    <p>Enzymatic activity is defined as mM total reducing sugars following a 24-h reaction period at 50°C with each enzyme and scaffoldin concentration fixed at 0.4 μM. Stars indicate a statistically significant difference (lower than) with the two most efficient scaffoldins Scaf 20 and Scaf 22.</p

    Analysis of complex formation.

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    <p>All chimaeric enzymes and scaffoldins were first assayed individually for binding to a cellulosic substrate. Relevant enzymes and scaffoldin were then mixed together at equimolar ratios and subsequently introduced to a cellulosic substrate (Avicel). The cellulose-binding ability of both individual proteins and the resultant complex was determined by examining the cellulose-bound (lanes 7–11) and unbound (lanes 2–6) fractions by SDS-PAGE. Samples include: lane 1 and 12, molecular weight markers. Lane 2 to lane 6, unbound fractions with the following details: lane 2, <i>a</i>-9A; lane 3, <i>b</i>-48A; lane 4, 5A-<i>t</i>; lane 5, Scaf20; lane 6, Complex of <i>a</i>-9A, <i>b</i>-48A, 5A-<i>t</i> and Scaf20. Lane 7 to lane 11 are bound fractions: lane 7, <i>a</i>-9A; lane 8, <i>b</i>-48A; lane 9, 5A-<i>t</i>; lane 10, Scaf 20; lane 11, Complex of <i>a</i>-9A, <i>b</i>-48A, 5A-<i>t</i> and Scaf20. In the presence of the chimaeric scaffoldin, the enzymatic components were associated with the cellulose-bound fraction; whereas in its absence, they remained in the unbound fraction.</p

    Combinatorial assembly and optimisation of designer cellulosomes : a galactomannan case study

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    Background Designer cellulosomes are self-assembled chimeric enzyme complexes that can be used to improve lignocellulosic biomass degradation. They are composed of a synthetic multimodular backbone protein, termed the scaffoldin, and a range of different chimeric docking enzymes that degrade polysaccharides. Over the years, several functional designer cellulosomes have been constructed. Since many parameters influence the efficiency of these multi-enzyme complexes, there is a need to optimise designer cellulosome architecture by testing combinatorial arrangements of docking enzyme and scaffoldin variants. However, the modular cloning procedures are tedious and cumbersome. Results VersaTile is a combinatorial DNA assembly method, allowing the rapid construction and thus comparison of a range of modular proteins. Here, we present the extension of the VersaTile platform to facilitate the construction of designer cellulosomes. We have constructed a tile repository, composed of dockerins, cohesins, linkers, tags and enzymatically active modules. The developed toolbox allows us to efficiently create and optimise designer cellulosomes at an unprecedented speed. As a proof of concept, a trivalent designer cellulosome able to degrade the specific hemicellulose substrate, galactomannan, was constructed and optimised. The main factors influencing cellulosome efficiency were found to be the selected dockerins and linkers and the docking enzyme ratio on the scaffoldin. The optimised designer cellulosome was able to hydrolyse the galactomannan polysaccharide and release mannose and galactose monomers. Conclusion We have eliminated one of the main technical hurdles in the designer cellulosome field and anticipate the VersaTile platform to be a starting point in the development of more elaborate multi-enzyme complexes