49 research outputs found

    “Keep Calm, it's just Vapour”: A Mixed Methods Investigation of Online E-Cigarette Discourse and User Perspectives in Western Australia

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    The aim of this research was to understand how electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are promoted, accessed, and used within a tightly regulated environment, by exploring the Australian online e-cigarette discourse, and the perspectives of e-cigarette users residing within the Greater Capital City Statistical Area of Perth, Western Australia. To achieve this aim three substudies were undertaken: a) scoping review, b) Twitter inquiry and c) qualitative inquiry

    The messages presented in online electronic cigarette promotions and discussions: a scoping review protocol

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    Introduction: Electronic cigarettes have become increasingly popular over the last 10 years. These devices represent a new paradigm for tobacco control offering smokers an opportunity to inhale nicotine without inhaling tobacco smoke. To date there are no definite conclusions regarding the safety and long-term health effects of electronic cigarettes; however, there is evidence that they are being marketed online as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes. This scoping review aims to identify and describe the breadth of messages (eg, health, smoking-cessation and price related claims) presented in online electronic cigarette promotions and discussions. Methods and analysis: A scoping review will be undertaken adhering to the methodology outlined in The Joanna Briggs Institute Manual for Scoping Reviews. Six key electronic databases will be searched to identify eligible studies. Studies must be published in English between 2007 and 2017, examine and/or analyse content captured from online electronic cigarette promotions or discussions and report results for electronic cigarettes separately to other forms of tobacco delivery. Studies will be screened initially by title and abstract, followed by full-text review. Results of the search strategy will be reported in a PRISMA flow diagram and presented in tabular form with accompanying narrative summary. Ethics and dissemination: The methodology consists of reviewing and collecting data from publicly available studies, and therefore does not require ethics approval. Results will be published in a peer reviewed journal and be presented at national/international conferences. Additionally, findings will be disseminated via social media and online platforms. Advocacy will be key to informing policy makers of regulatory and health issues that need to be addressed. Registration details: The review was registered prospectively with The Joanna Briggs Institute Systematic Reviews database

    L'émergence d'une conception politique de la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise : Une perspective généalogique

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    Même si la conception politique de la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise (RSE) et le nouveau rôle qu'elle confère aux entreprises ont été soulignés par les travaux récents dans le domaine de recherche Business and Society, ces derniers ne permettent pas d'étudier les conditions d'émergence de cette nouvelle conception de la RSE et les effets de pouvoir qu'elle induit sur les parties prenantes de l'entreprise. Pour dépasser ces limites, cette communication se propose de montrer l'apport d'une approche historique celle du cadre de la gouvernementalité développé par Michel Foucault. Après avoir présenté la conception politique de la RSE et le rôle politique qu'elle accorde aux entreprises transnationales dans une société globalisée, nous passerons en revue les quatre cadres d'analyse qui ont contribué à sa formalisation théorique. Les limites théoriques et pratiques de ces cadres d'analyse seront ensuite soulignées. L'intérêt du cadre de la gouvernementalité pour l'étude de la politisation de l'entreprise comme un nouveau régime de gouvernementalité de l'interface entreprise-société et ses effets de pouvoir en termes de développement de nouvelles techniques et formes de gouvernement sera enfin discuté.conception politique la RSE, cadre de la gouvernementalité de Michel Foucault, méthode d'analyse généalogique, lien pouvoir-savoir.

    The Messages Presented in Electronic Cigarette-Related Social Media Promotions and Discussion: Scoping Review.

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    BACKGROUND: There has been a rapid rise in the popularity of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) over the last decade, with growth predicted to continue. The uptake of these devices has escalated despite inconclusive evidence of their efficacy as a smoking cessation device and unknown long-term health consequences. As smoking rates continue to drop or plateau in many well-developed countries, transnational tobacco companies have transitioned into the vaping industry and are now using social media to promote their products. Evidence indicates e-cigarettes are being marketed on social media as a harm reduction alternative, with retailers and manufacturers utilizing marketing techniques historically used by the tobacco industry. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify and describe the messages presented in e-cigarette-related social media (Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest) promotions and discussions and identify future directions for research, surveillance, and regulation. METHODS: Data sources included MEDLINE, Scopus, ProQuest, Informit, the Journal of Medical Internet Research, and Google Scholar. Included studies were published in English between 2007 and 2017, analyzed content captured from e-cigarette-related social media promotions or discussions, and reported results for e-cigarettes separately from other forms of tobacco and nicotine delivery. Database search ceased in October 2017. Initial searches identified 536 studies. Two reviewers screened studies by title and abstract. One reviewer examined 71 full-text articles to determine eligibility and identified 25 studies for inclusion. This process was undertaken with the assistance of the Web-based screening and data extraction tool-Covidence. The review was registered with the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Systematic Reviews database and followed the methodology for JBI Scoping Reviews. RESULTS: Several key messages are being used to promote e-cigarettes including as a safer alternative to cigarettes, efficacy as a smoking cessation aid, and for use where smoking is prohibited. Other major marketing efforts aimed at capturing a larger market involve promotion of innovative flavoring and highlighting the public performance of vaping. Discussion and promotion of these devices appear to be predominantly occurring among the general public and those with vested interests such as retailers and manufacturers. There is a noticeable silence from the public health and government sector in these discussions on social media. CONCLUSIONS: The social media landscape is dominated by pro-vaping messages disseminated by the vaping industry and vaping proponents. The uncertainty surrounding e-cigarette regulation expressed within the public health field appears not to be reflected in ongoing social media dialogues and highlights the need for public health professionals to interact with the public to actively influence social media conversations and create a more balanced discussion. With the vaping industry changing so rapidly, real-time monitoring and surveillance of how these devices are discussed, promoted, and used on social media is necessary in conjunction with evidence published in academic journals

    Identifying Gaps in Teaching Intersectionality in Higher Education: A Literature Review

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    This literature review aims to examine the available literature and teaching methods regarding the use of intersectionality as an educational and professional tool within undergraduate social work education. Depicted within is an exploration of the historical use of Diversity in Social Work Educational Standards, the origin of intersectionality as a theory, as well as frameworks by which intersectionality acts as an educational and professional enhancement. Critical thought, safe discussion, and community engagement are investigated as methods of increasing intersectional usage. Intersectionality is approached in a qualitative manner where experiences precede statistics to explain impact, highlighting the individual experience within the larger group or system.Ope

    “Is it banned? Is it illegal?”: Navigating Western Australia's regulatory environment for e-cigarettes

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    Background: In Australia, there is no Federal legislation that directly applies to e-cigarettes, instead, several existing laws relating to poisons, therapeutic goods and tobacco control apply. Across all Australian States and Territories, it is illegal to sell nicotine-containing e-cigarettes, however, users can legally import nicotine-containing vaporisers through the Personal Importation Scheme. Western Australia differs from other Australian States and Territories in that products which resemble tobacco products are banned, effectively prohibiting the use of e-cigarettes. This study aimed to understand how e-cigarette users navigate Western Australia's regulatory environment to access vaping products and the health and safety issues encountered. Methods: Working from a constructionist epistemology and a symbolic interaction framework, in-depth interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 37 current (89%) and former (11%) adult vapers (70% male, mean age of 32.5). Data was analysed via thematic analysis. Results: Vape retailers were said to be circumventing Western Australia's e-cigarette restrictions by selling the components of ‘open system’ devices that do not resemble a tobacco product when sold individually. Participants were unsure of the legality of importing, accessing and using nicotine and e-cigarettes, however, the majority continued to use nicotine-containing vaporisers and implemented strategies in an attempt to avoid detection and safeguard their health. The internet facilitated access to desired products, information on health and safety, and discussions of personal experiences. Conclusions: The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration has recently (21 December 2020) confirmed that from 1 October 2021 smokers who have tried quitting with other approved cessation pharmacotherapies will be required to obtain a prescription for nicotine-containing vaporiser products from a registered medical practitioner. The results of this study suggest further consideration of regulatory measures are however required to support the different characteristics of vapers and to mitigate the health and safety concerns experienced by e-cigarette users

    Perceptions of social media harms and potential management strategies: Vaping case study

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    Background The social media landscape is now ubiquitous in people’s everyday lives. It is a space where culture, politics, economics and sociological and public health discourses occur. There is mounting evidence that e-cigarette products are being promoted and advertised on social media, a media platform particularly popular with young people. Our research aimed to understand industry professionals’ perceptions of social media harms and potential management strategies using vaping as a case study. Methods A critical realist perspective guided reflexive thematic analysis of the qualitative in depth, semi structured interviews. Data collection occurred in January and February 2023 with 13 participants working in the areas of public health, digital media, law, governance, tobacco control and advocacy. Results Two superordinate themes emerged from the data: (1) Fathoming a complex system (social media) that contained the subordinate themes of Traversing Boundaries (crossing borders, crossing sectors) and Ungovernable (global and local landscapes, vested interests, self-regulation and opacity). (2) Addressing complexity (social media)– that contained the subordinate themes of Strengthening Institutions (global to local, policy and legislation, individuals and organisations); Defanging Industry (responsibility and transparency, moderation and algorithms, complaints); and Engaging Citizens (raising awareness, framing messaging). Conclusions There was consensus among participants that e-cigarette related social media content can be harmful and government action is urgently needed. There was an identified need for the development of government led national-level regulatory frameworks, with government led appropriate legislation; identification of an organisation or organisations with suitable levels of regulatory power and resources to monitor, enforce and penalise noncompliant social media companies; accompanied by increased community awareness raising of harmful social media content and improved digital literacy

    A research and evaluation capacity building model in Western Australia

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    Evaluation of public health programs, services and policies is increasingly required to demonstrate effectiveness. Funding constraints necessitate that existing programs, services and policies be evaluated and their findings disseminated. Evidence-informed practice and policy is also desirable to maximise investments in public health. Partnerships between public health researchers, service providers and policymakers can help address evaluation knowledge and skills gaps. The Western Australian Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Applied Research and Evaluation Network (SiREN) aims to build research and evaluation capacity in the sexual health and blood-borne virus sector in Western Australia (WA). Partners’ perspectives of the SiREN model after 2 years were explored. Qualitative written responses from service providers, policymakers and researchers about the SiREN model were analysed thematically. Service providers reported that participation in SiREN prompted them to consider evaluation earlier in the planning process and increased their appreciation of the value of evaluation. Policymakers noted benefits of the model in generating local evidence and highlighting local issues of importance for consideration at a national level. Researchers identified challenges communicating the services available through SiREN and the time investment needed to develop effective collaborative partnerships. Stronger engagement between public health researchers, service providers and policymakers through collaborative partnerships has the potential to improve evidence generation and evidence translation. These outcomes require long-term funding and commitment from all partners to develop and maintain partnerships. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation can ensure the partnership remains responsive to the needs of key stakeholders. The findings are applicable to many sectors

    Prevalencia de vermes gastrointestinales en finca de producción bovina en los municipios de León, Malpaisillo y Nagarote del departamento de León, marzo – julio 2016

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    El presente estudio se realizó con los objetivos de identificar las principales especies de vermes gastrointestinales afectando sistemas de producción ganadera, presentes en los municipios de León, Nagarote y Malpaisillo; estimar la prevalencia de estos parásitos y su carga parasitaria, además de elaborar un plan sanitario estratégico para el control de vermes gastrointestinales. Las muestras recolectadas fueron sometidas a análisis coprológicos por medio de la técnica de flotación de Willis con el fin de identificar los nematodos presentes, obteniendo como resultado la identificación de 7 géneros de nematodos gastrointestinales del tipo: Trichostrongylus spp; Cooperia spp; Ostertagia spp: Oesophagostomum spp; Haemonchus spp; Bunostomum spp. y Strongyloides spp. Con una prevalencia de 25%, 24%, 16%, 13%, 12%, 7% y 3%, respectivamente. Se evaluó la carga parasitaria mediante la técnica cuantitativa de McMaster, encontrando un incremento paulatino en el conteo de huevos por gramo de heces fecales, en los municipios de León, Malpaisillo y Nagarote. Obteniendo como resultado que el mes de Julio presentó las mayores cantidades, donde la media de carga parasitaria fue de 288.08 hpg. Concluyendo que en las zonas tropicales, la humedad es un factor importante que influye en las nematodosis, debido a que favorece la diseminación del estiércol, el desplazamiento de las larvas y la ascensión de las L1 al pasto. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos se elaboró un plan estratégico para un óptimo control de parásitos, en el que se les recomienda a los productores efectuar cambios en el manejo sanitario, nutricional y reproductivo; enfatizando en técnicas de manejos para el control de vermes gastrointestinales. Como la utilización del efecto aspiradora, double drenching, pastoreo diferido y descarga parasitaria, que son sencillos y de bajo costo