939 research outputs found

    Non-encapsulated thermo-liquid crystals for digital particle tracking thermography/velocimetry in microfluidics

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    The ever accelerating state of technology has powered an increasing interest in heat transfer solutions and process engineering innovations in the microfluidics domain. In order to carry out such developments, reliable heat transfer diagnostic techniques are necessary. Thermo-liquid crystal (TLC) thermography, in combination with particle image velocimetry, has been a widely accepted and commonly used technique for the simultaneous measurement and characterization of temperature and velocity fields in macroscopic fluid flows for several decades. However, low seeding density, volume illumination, and low TLC particle image quality at high magnifications present unsurpassed challenges to its application to three-dimensional flows with microscopic dimensions. In this work, a measurement technique to evaluate the color response of individual non-encapsulated TLC particles is presented. A Shirasu porous glass membrane emulsification approach was used to produce the non-encapsulated TLC particles with a narrow size distribution and a multi-variable calibration procedure, making use of all three RGB and HSI color components, as well as the proper orthogonally decomposed RGB components, was used to achieve unprecedented low uncertainty levels in the temperature estimation of individual particles, opening the door to simultaneous temperature and velocity tracking using 3D velocimetry techniques. © 2012 The Author(s)

    Streaming flow by oscillating bubbles: Quantitative diagnostics via particle tracking velocimetry

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    Oscillating microbubbles can be used as microscopic agents. Using external acoustic fields they are able to set the surrounding fluid into motion, Erode surfaces and even to carry particles attached to their interfaces. Although the acoustic streaming flow that the bubble generates in its vicinity has been often observed, it has never been measured and quantitatively compared with the available theoretical models. The scarcity of quantitative data is partially due to the strong three-dimensional character of bubble-induced streaming flows, which demands advanced velocimetry techniques. In this work, we present quantitative measurements of the flow generated by single and pairs of acoustically excited sessile microbubbles using a three-dimensional particle tracking technique. Using this novel experimental approach we are able to obtain the bubble's resonant oscillating frequency, study the boundaries of the linear oscillation regime, give predictions on the flow strength and the shear in the surrounding surface and study the flow and the stability of a two-bubble system. Our results show that velocimetry techniques are a suitable tool to make diagnostics on the dynamics of acoustically excited microbubbles

    A synoptic view of solar transient evolution in the inner heliosphere using the Heliospheric Imagers on STEREO

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    By exploiting data from the STEREO/heliospheric imagers (HI) we extend a well-established technique developed for coronal analysis by producing time-elongation plots that reveal the nature of solar transient activity over a far more extensive region of the heliosphere than previously possible from coronagraph images. Despite the simplicity of these plots, their power in demonstrating how the plethora of ascending coronal features observed near the Sun evolve as they move antisunward is obvious. The time-elongation profile of a transient tracked by HI can, moreover, be used to establish its angle out of the plane-of-the-sky; an illustration of such analysis reveals coronal mass ejection material that can be clearly observed propagating out to distances beyond 1AU. This work confirms the value of the time-elongation format in identifying/characterising transient activity in the inner heliosphere, whilst also validating the ability of HI to continuously monitor solar ejecta out to and beyond 1A

    Does J/ψπ+πJ/\psi \rightarrow \pi^{+} \pi^{-} fix the Electromagnetic Form Factor Fπ(t)F_{\pi}(t) at t=MJ/ψ2t=M_{J/\psi}^2?

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    We show that the J/ψπ+πJ/\psi \rightarrow \pi^{+} \pi^{-} decay is a reliable source of information for the electromagnetic form factor of the pion at t=MJ/ψ2=9.6GeV2t=M_{J/\psi}^2=9.6 {\rm GeV}^2 by using general arguments to estimate, or rather, put upper bounds on, the background processes that could spoil this extraction. We briefly comment on the significance of the resulting Fπ(MJ/ψ2)F_{\pi}(M_{J/\psi}^2).Comment: 10 pages revtex manuscript, one figure--not included, U. of MD PP #94-00

    Penguins leaving the pole: bound-state effects in B decaying to K* + photon

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    Applying perturbative QCD methods recently seen to give a good description of the two body hadronic decays of the B meson, we address the question of bound-state effects on the decay B into K* + gamma. Consistent with most analyses, we demonstrate that gluonic penguins, with photonic bremsstrahlung off a quark, change the decay rate by only a few percent. However, explicit off-shell b-quark effects normally discarded are found to be large in amplitude, although in the standard model accidents of phase minimize the effect on the rate. Using an asymptotic distribution amplitude for the K* and just the standard model, we can obtain a branching ratio of a few times 10^{-5}, consistent with the observed rate.Comment: 12 pages. U. of MD PP \#94-129; DOE/ER/40762-033; WM-94-104. LaTeX, One figure, available by fax or pos

    Contact Discontinuities in Models of Contact Binaries Undergoing Thermal Relaxation Oscillations

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    In this paper we pursue the suggestion by Shu, Lubow & Anderson (1979) and Wang (1995) that contact discontinuity (DSC) may exist in the secondary in the expansion TRO (thermal relaxation oscillation) state. It is demonstrated that there is a mass exchange instability in some range of mass ratio for the two components. We show that the assumption of {\it constant} volume of the secondary should be relaxed in DSC model. For {\it all} mass ratio the secondary alway satisfies the condition that no mass flow returns to the primary through the inner Lagrangian point. The secondary will expand in order to equilibrate the interaction between the common convective envelope and the secondary. The contact discontinuity in contact binary undergoing thermal relaxation does not violate the second law of thermodynamics. The maintaining condition of contact discontinuity is derived in the time-dependent model. It is desired to improve the TRO model with the advanced contact discontinuity layer in future detailed calculations.Comment: 5 pages in emulateapj, 1 figur

    Can Streamer Blobs prevent the Buildup of the Interplanetetary Magnetic Field?

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    Coronal Mass Ejections continuously drag closed magnetic field lines away from the Sun, adding new flux to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). We propose that the outward-moving blobs that have been observed in helmet streamers are evidence of ongoing, small-scale reconnection in streamer current sheets, which may play an important role in the prevention of an indefinite buildup of the IMF. Reconnection between two open field lines from both sides of a streamer current sheet creates a new closed field line, which becomes part of the helmet, and a disconnected field line, which moves outward. The blobs are formed by plasma from the streamer that is swept up in the trough of the outward moving field line. We show that this mechanism is supported by observations from SOHO/LASCO. Additionally, we propose a thorough statistical study to quantify the contribution of blob formation to the reduction of the IMF, and indicate how this mechanism may be verified by observations with SOHO/UVCS and the proposed NASA STEREO and ESA Polar Orbiter missions.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; accepted by The Astrophysical Journal Letters; uses AASTe

    Double Penguins and the Contribution of Vector Meson--like States to the Decays BKγ,BργB \to K^* \gamma, \, B \to \rho \gamma

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    Using perturbative QCD, the contribution at the leading twist, leading αs\alpha_s level, of charm and up quark loops to the decays BKγB \rightarrow K^* \gamma and BργB \rightarrow \rho \gamma is presented. In the case of BργB \rightarrow \rho \gamma, the relative importance of these contributions depend upon the unknown CKM matrix elements VbuV_{bu} and VtdV_{td}. Assuming that the ratio r=VbcVcd/VbtVtdr = V_{bc}V^*_{cd}/V_{bt}V^*_{td} is bounded between 2.25r.5-2.25 \le r \le -.5 as is suggested by the Particle Data Group, the error in extracting Vtd/Vts |V_{td}/V_{ts}| by these decays is estimated.Comment: 4 double column pages, revtex, 3 figures attached, 2 figures added indicating less optimism concerning the accuracy at which Vtd/Vts|V_{td}/V_{ts}| can be extracted: to appear in PR