14 research outputs found

    Unterstützung und stärkeorientierte Schulentwicklung durch das Programm "Ideen für mehr! Ganztägig lernen."

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    Noch vor wenigen Jahren spaltete allein das Wort „Ganztagsschule“ die Geister. Große Kontroversen über das Für und Wider und über die beste Ganztagsschule prägten das Bild. Mit den Erfahrungen der ersten Jahre und mit dem Konzept, dialogisch mit allen Partnern bedarfsspezifische Lösungen und länderadäquate Formen zu entwickeln, in jedem Falle aber von den Bedürfnissen des Kindes aus Schule zu denken, hat sich eine sachbezogene Diskussion entwickelt, die Heterogenität nicht nur aushält, sondern sie zu einem handlungs- und praxisorientierten Potenzial für gute Lösungen macht. Sachfragen und Qualitätsdebatten, die sich an Themen orientieren, haben Oberhand gewonnen. Das Programm „Ideen für mehr! Ganztägig lernen.“ ist hierfür beredtes Zeugnis. Als das zurzeit einzige Schulentwicklungsprogramm Deutschlands, an dem sich alle Länder und der Bund beteiligen, sind Instrumente entwickelt worden, durch die Schulentwicklung „nah dran“ genauso möglich ist wie länderübergreifende Reflexionsprozesse. Im Zentrum des Programms, das zwischen 2004 bis 2009 als Begleitprogramm zum nun ausgelaufenen Investitionsprogramm „Zukunft, Bildung und Betreuung“ (IZBB) angelegt war, stehen die in jedem Land eingerichteten Serviceagenturen, die Schulen sowie Entscheider (Bildungsministerien, Schulaufsicht, Qualitäts- und Lehrerbildungsinstitute) bei der qualitativen Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen begleiten. (DIPF/Orig.

    Mid-crustal storage and crystallization of Eyjafjallajokull ankaramites, South Iceland

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    Our understanding of the long-term intrusive and eruptive behaviour of volcanic systems is hampered by a relatively short period of direct observation. To probe the conditions of crustal magma storage below South Iceland, we have analysed compositions of minerals, mineral zoning patterns, and melt inclusions from two Eyjafjallajokull ankaramites located at Brattaskjol and Hvammsmuli. These two units are rich in compositionally diverse macrocrysts, including the most magnesian olivine (Fo(88)(-)(90)) and clinopyroxene (Mg#(cpx)( )89.8) known from Eyjafjallajokull. Olivine-hosted spinel inclusions have high Cr# (spl )(52-80) and TiO2 (1-3 wt%) and low Al2O3 (8-22 wt%) compared to typical Icelandic chromian spinel. The spinel-olivine oxybarometer implies a moderate oxygen fugacity of Delta logFMQ 0-0.5 at the time of crystallization, and clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometry crystallization at mid-crustal pressures (1.7-4.2 kbar, 3.0+1.4 kbar on average) at 1120-1195 degrees C. Liquid-only thermometry for melt inclusions with Mg#(melt) 56.1-68.5 and olivine-liquid thermometry for olivine macrocrysts with Fo(80.7-88.9) yield crystallization temperatures of 1155-1222 degrees C and 1136-1213 degrees C, respectively. Diffusion modelling of compositional zonations in the Brattaskjol olivine grains imply that the Brattaskjol macrocusts were mobilized and transported to the surface from their mid-crustal storage within a few weeks (at most in 9-37 days). Trends in clinopyroxene macrocryst compositions and the scarcity of plagioclase indicate that the mid-crustal cotectic assemblage was olivine and clinopyroxene, with plagioclase joining the fractionating mineral assemblage later. In all, the crystal cargoes in the Brattaskjol and Hvammsmtili ankaramites are composed of agitated wehrlitic or plagioclase wehrlitic crystal mushes that crystallized over a large temperature interval at mid-crustal depths.Peer reviewe

    CHARGE syndrome and related disorders:A mechanistic link

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    CHARGE syndrome is an autosomal dominant malformation disorder caused by pathogenic variants in the chromatin remodeler CHD7. Affected are craniofacial structures, cranial nerves and multiple organ systems. Depending on the combination of malformations present, its distinction from other congenital disorders can be challenging. To gain a better insight into the regulatory disturbances in CHARGE syndrome, we performed RNA-Seq analysis on blood samples of 19 children with CHARGE syndrome and a confirmed disease-causing CHD7 variant in comparison to healthy control children. Our analysis revealed a distinct CHARGE syndrome pattern with downregulation of genes that are linked to disorders described to mimic the CHARGE phenotype, i.e. KMT2D and KDM6A (Kabuki syndrome), EP300 and CREBBP (Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome) and ARID1A and ARID1B (Coffin-Siris syndrome). Furthermore, by performing protein-protein interaction studies using co-immunoprecipitation, direct yeast-two hybrid and in situ proximity ligation assays, we could demonstrate an interplay between CHD7, KMT2D, KDM6A and EP300. In summary, our data demonstrate a mechanistic and regulatory link between the developmental disorders CHARGE-, Kabuki- and Rubinstein Taybi-syndrome providing an explanation for the overlapping phenotypes

    Timescales of magma mixing and magma recharge

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    Die Vorgänge in komplexen magmatsichen plumbing\it plumbing Systemen zu verstehen, ist eine der wesentlichen Aufgaben der modernen Vulkanologie. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Methode entwickelt und getestet, die es ermöglicht chemische Zonierungen in magmatischen Mineralen (Olivin) zu benutzen, um die Aufstiegspfade und die Interaktionen chemisch unterschiedlich zusammengesetzter Magmen innerhalb sub-vulkanischer plumbing\it plumbing Systeme räumlich und zeitlich zu rekonstruieren. Die erhaltenen Informationen über sequentielle Magmenmischungsprozesse werden anschließend mit Zeitinformationen diverser geophysikalischer und geochemischer monitoring\it monitoring Methoden korreliert. Die Resultate dieser Arbeit tragen dazu bei, die Dynamik komplexer magmatischer plumbing\it plumbing Systeme zu verstehen und magmatische Prozesse in der Tiefe spezifischen Oberflächen monitoring\it monitoring Signalen zu ordnen zu können. Das entwickelte Konzept wurde an Lavaproben verschiedener Eruptionsphasen (1991 - 2008) des Ätna (Sizilien) getestet.Unraveling and understanding the processes within complex magmatic plumbing systems is a major task of modern volcanology. In this study an approach was developed and tested that enables the use of compositional zoning in igneous minerals (olivine) to track the pathways and to reconstruct the spatial and temporal interactions of compositionally distinct batches of magma within sub-volcanic plumbing systems. The information about sequential magma mixing processes that is obtained can be related to time-series information from diverse geophysical and geochemical monitoring tools. The results of this study contribute to the overall understanding of the dynamics within complex magmatic plumbing systems and allow magmatic processes at depth to be related to specific surface monitoring signals. This approach was tested for distinct lava samples from different eruption phases (1991 - 2008) of Mt. Etna (Sicily)

    The lead-up to Mount Etna’s most destructive historic eruption (1669). Cryptic recharge recorded in clinopyroxene

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    An understanding of destructive historic eruptions has important implications for the assessment of active plumbing systems and the processes that might precede future hazardous eruptions. At Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy), magma production and eruption frequency have increased dramatically since 1970, however, the recent eruptions are considerably less voluminous than those of the 17th century, which occurred at greater intervals. Seventeenth century activity culminated in the 1669 flank eruption, the most voluminous and destructive in Etna’s recorded history, marking the beginning of a new eruptive period. In this study, we examine trace element zoning patterns recorded in clinopyroxene (lava hosted microcrysts: 0 5–1 mm, lava hosted macrocrysts: 1–5 mm and scoria hosted megacrysts: >5 mm) to reconstruct magma dynamics leading up to the 1669 eruption. The clinopyroxene data are considered alongside previous studies of olivine and plagioclase to present an updated conceptual model for the plumbing system, providing a better understanding of magmatic processes in the lead up to hazardous volcanism. Petrological observations in combination with laser ablation ICP-MS mapping reveal sharp compositional zoning of clinopyroxene, not seen in major element transects. Trace element data, including Cr, Zr, Ni and rare earth elements, show that core, mantle and rim regions originated in distinct magmatic environments. Chromium-rich cores (up to 1080 ppm Cr) are in disequilibrium with the glassy-microcrystalline host groundmass and indicate crystal inheritance from a primitive magma source. Oscillatory zoning in the mantle of the crystals suggests a sustained period of magma replenishment and crystallization. Finally, ubiquitous Cr-rich (170–220 ppm) rims host many large melt inclusions, suggesting a final recharge event inducing relatively rapid crystal growth and eruption. Temperatures of 1120–1160 6 27 C and pressures of 300–600 6 200 MPa calculated for the three magmatic environments based on clinopyroxene composition at 2 wt % H2O place most of the clinopyroxene crystallization at more than 10 km depth. Measuring the consistent thickness of crystal rims (219 6 33 mm) and assuming growth at a low degree of undercooling (10 8 cm/s), we calculate that the eruption triggering magma recharge invaded the plumbing system less than a month before eruption onset, in agreement with historical accounts of pre-eruptive seismicity. Notably, Cr enrichment in the recharge magma was not coupled with increases in MgO content. We therefore propose that a cryptic recharge with similar composition to the resident melt may have tipped the system to erupt, and that the volume of recharge rather than composition or temperature acted as the primary trigger. Finally, LA-ICP-MS maps of clinopyroxene from the previous eruption of Mount Etna (1651–53) revealed strikingly similar compositional zonation to that of 1669, supporting the notion that magmatic storage environments, associated with voluminous 17th century activity, were long-lived

    Constraints on the Nature and Evolution of the Magma Plumbing System of Mt. Etna Volcano (1991–2008) from a Combined Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modelling of the Compositional Record of Minerals

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    Read the articlePublished2025–20682V. Struttura e sistema di alimentazione dei vulcani3V. Proprietà chimico-fisiche dei magmi e dei prodotti vulcanici4V. Processi pre-eruttivi5V. Processi eruttivi e post-eruttivi2IT. Laboratori analitici e sperimentaliJCR Journa

    A branched magma feeder system during the 1669 eruption of Mt Etna: evidence from a time-integrated study of zoned olivine phenocryst populations

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    The 1669 eruption of Mt Etna was one of the most voluminous and devastating of its flank eruptions in historical times. Despite a large body of relevant research, knowledge of the timing and duration of magma transfer and magma recharge through the internal plumbing system preceding and during the eruption is still limited. To address that lack of knowledge, we apply a three-way integrated method, linking systems analysis of crystals, a time-integrated study of zoned olivine populations, and a forward-modelling approach using thermodynamic calculations. Analysis of 202 olivine crystals erupted during the initial (pre-March 20, i.e. SET1) and the final (post-March 20; i.e. SET2 and MtRs) stages of the eruption reveals the existence of three magmatic environments (MEs) in which the majority of the olivine cores [M (=Fo)] and rims [i.e. M (=Fo) and M (=Fo)] formed. Application of the rhyolite-MELTS software allowed us to constrain the key intensive variables associated with these MEs. We find that temperature, water content and oxidation state vary between these MEs. Application of diffusion modelling to the zoned olivine crystals allowed us to reconstruct the timing and chronology of melt and crystal transfer prior to and during the 1669 flank eruption. We find that, following the formation of the olivine cores [M (=Fo)], the reservoir M was intruded by batches of more evolved, degassed and possibly aphyric M-type magma, commencing 1·5 years prior to eruptive activity. This is the origin of the SET1 olivine rims (i.e. Fo). In the months prior to eruption, timescale data show that recharge activity along the newly established pathway M-M increased notably. Starting in November 1668, only a few weeks after the first intrusive episode into the M reservoir, a second pulse of magma injections (M-type magma) occurred and a new pathway M-M opened; this is how the SET2 olivine rims (i.e. Fo) formed. For several weeks a bifurcated transport system with two dominant magma pathways developed along M-M and M-M dyke injections. Accompanied by vigorous seismicity, in the days immediately before eruption the local magma transfer dynamics changed and the M-M recharge activity slowed down, as shown by a relative lack of crystals recording shorter timescales. M-M recharge, however, remained high and persisted following the eruption onset on March 11, during which the SET1 lavas were drained. We propose that the change of the local magma transfer dynamics might be linked to changes in the local stress field brought on during eruption. This may potentially have been due to repeated dyke injections into Etna's shallow plumbing system disrupting the early M-M pathway and at the same time stabilizing the M-M route as a dominant feeder. This transfer of system feeding would reproduce the observed syneruptive recharge and mixing in the weeks following eruption onset, culminating in the eruption of the later SET2 lavas